Just got back and it was a DISASTER!!!

GRRRRR!!!!! I never thought those words would come out of my mouth, but our 4 day trip earlier this week was a complete disaster...not because of anything Disney did, but because of our guests...

We had a friend of mine, her husband, her 2.5 yr old son and her 6 mos old son come to visit us. I have a 2.5 yr old daughter so I was excited for her little buddy to come play with her. Plus that, my friend has been one of my closest friends for some time now. We took them with us to WDW last Oct and that was a mess, but we thought this might be better (we were delusional)...this trip was 100 times worse...

They came to town Sat night and stayed at our place that night. We left for Disney Sunday morning and stayed til Wed evening, driving back to our place that night. They left town Thurs morn and it COULD NOT HAVE COME SOON ENOUGH...here's a brief list of the "highlights" of the trip...

* Her 2.5 yr old son BIT me on the first night on my forearm. I was reaching across from him to get something from his mom (he was sitting between us on a bench) and I felt a pain on my arm. I looked down and he was clamped onto me. I had a red teeth marks in a full mouth shape on my arm for 24 hours. She didn't even do anything about it, I actually heard her laughing with the mom who was next to her about how both thier sons bite. If my daughter bit my friend or anyone, I would be MORTIFIED...

* Her 2.5 yr old is a terror. He pushes and pulls on my daughter and makes her cry and be scared of him constantly. They roll their eyes and no doubt think my DD is a big baby cause she can't handle the "rough housing", or so they call it.

* We went to the MNSSHP Monday night...what a disaster. 3 hours into it, my friend and her husband got into a HUGE fight, were screaming in each others faces, calling names and she was bawling that she wanted to leave. How awkward for me and my DH to stand there while this was going on! I didn't want to leave, I paid $50+ for our tickets to be there! Eventually, they made up and we stayed, but we lost about 45 minutes.

* We went to HS Tuesday. My friend didn't want to go on any big rides even though she had been saying for months leading up to the trip that she was so excited to ride all the rides she couldn't go on last year due to being pregnant then. Add that to not being able to go to shows because her kids are ridiculous and can't sit through anything that long, and we ended up not having much to do. We ended up having to just sit around for about an hour waiting for our dinner ressie at 50's cafe. They couldn't sit, they had to keep walking because the kids would have flipped out, even though her husband complained the whole time about walking too much.

* Dinner at the 50's was absolutely ridiculous. I'm surprised we weren't asked to leave. Her 2.5 yr old would not sit in a high chair, but thats no surprise cause he didn't last yr either and never does, so they have to sit on a bench seat and trap him betweem them. She was holding the baby, the 2.5 yr old was between them. Standing up, the whole time. My DD was sitting peacefully in her high chair coloring. Occasionally she'd look up at their son and kinda ________ her head a little and look at him like she couldn't figure out what the heck he was! He had to rattle silverware around in empty glasses, pour liquids from one glass to another and back again, and they let him play with knives....yes, I said KNIVES...he had 3 butter knives (sharp enough that I used one to cut my steak) and he was standing there on the seat jumping up and down with them. I was so afraid he was going to throw them and me and my DD were right across the table. He was trying to stand them up and them he'd yell when they fell over. The waitress actually came over and in a panic said "Oh my goodness, he's got a knife!"...they relplied with, "Yeah, we know" and continued letting him play with them. When dinner came, he threw a fit and didn't want to eat his mac and cheese. His father grabbed him, put him on his lap, grabbed his forehead, pulling his head backwards and as the kid screamed and cried, the father shoved a forkfull of mac n cheese into his mouth. I'm surprised he didn't choke on it. He screamed and let the noodles fall out of his mouth. The father got mad and threw the fallen noodles across the table, to which they landed in front of me, almost into my lap.

* My friend was actually visably irritated because my DD was getting more attention from the photopass photographers at meet n greets then her son and was taking better pics. I can't help it if my DD likes the characters and interacts with them and her son is afraid of them. Sorry.

* We went to Tusker House for breakfast Wed at AK and as we waited outside for our table, they let their son run wild around and climb on walls and because I chose to let my DD sit in her stroller til our table was ready, the husband told the son that she couldn't come out and play cause she was "trapped like a rat"...

* Once inside the restaurant, their son grabbed empty glasses off the table and the silverware and started clanging them around again. My DD saw this and, monkey see-monkey do, tried doing it as well. My DH put a stop to that immediately and took it away from her. My friend rolled her eyes and shook her head, though did not see that I noticed her doing this. Sorry if I'm raising my DD to not be disruptive and destructive in public places.

* The whole day at AK was a disaster. We didn't get any photopass pics taken and my friend complained cause we split the disk pre-pay so we wanted as many pics as we could get and she felt that her family didn't get thier moneys worth. Whah.

* They went on EE. She came off of it CRYING and trying to catch her breath. She said she thought she was going to die. Her husband said it gave him a bigger headache then he already had. It was time to go.

* Come to find out, her hubby did not want to be there. He's happier at home and doesn't like vacations. He hated following me around, both driving there from our home and walking around the parks cause he had no clue where we were going. He felt like if he "spoke up" that he would appear to be a jerk. They are both EXTREMELY OCD with so many issues that they need therapy. Them going away together for 5 days was too much "together time" for them, she said. We talked about how my family loves vacations and we can't wait to go on a 2 week cruise someday and that a 7 day isn't long enough. She actually said if she went on a 7 day vacation, she would hang herself. If I went on a 7 day vacation with her and her fam ever again, I'd hang myself too.

* The next morning, while they were packing to head to the airport, all my friend kept saying was that she couldn't wait to get home. Now, if I were a houseguest in someones home, I would think it would be rude of me to constantly remind my host of how badly I want to go home. In addition to that, they actually made fun of my DD...She was scared of their son cause he kept pushing her around so she would come running to me, crying "pick me up! pick me up!". I actually heard her husband across the room, in a mocking voice say "pick me up! pick me up!"...then, my friend said to my DD this, and I quote, "Brooklyn, is your mommy going to home school you? Cause when you go to school, you're going to come everyday in panic attacks cause kids are not nice."! I couldn't believe she said that. She then asked me if my DD does the "pick me up!" thing all day long cause that would drive her nuts. I told her no, only around her son because she's scared of him ever since we visited them in Aug and he sat on her back, hurting her. She then said that my DD would never last in her family because her family is like WWE...nice, huh? I saw her husband pinching and smacking their son in the side of the head many times, so I guess we know where he gets it from. The 2.5 yr old even hurts the 6 mos old baby. I saw him pinch the babies nose 3 times at the hotel so hard the baby screamed and his little nose turned red. Did the kid get punished? No.

I could go on and on and write an entire book, and I apologize for the length of this already. To anyone who takes the time to read my pain, thank you :cry: :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a script for the next Chevy Chase Vacation movie.

Sorry for you bad experience - and sorry for laughing at your expense.


Well-Known Member
WOW...and sorry is all I can say!!! Your story reaffirms why I would never choose to go with friends. I have a buddy who actually got me into WDW big time and he used to talk about how it would be cool if our families all went down together. He's my best friend and all, have grown up together since we were kids, and we are like brothers (heck, even our wives were first cousins), but he likes to plan every last detail of his WDW trips; where he is eating each day and what park they are going to go to each day and so on. My family is more the "wake up and see what the day has in store for us" type. He likes to fly down, we like the freedom of driving down and having our own vehicle while down there. He likes the dining plan, we find it too restricting (although we have never used it to be honest) and like to eat at the resort most days. We never did make it down with him and his family before their divorce and I think it was all for the best. I think there are too many variables that come into play when vacationing with friends that could end up putting a strain on even the best friendships.

Now family has been a different story for us. We have went with my mother-in-law and brother and both were fantastic to travel with. Heck, we even had a 22 hour van ride down and back to contend with, with 6 of us total in the van and had NO problems or conflicts whatsoever for the whole 10+ days we were gone.


Well-Known Member
Wow! So sorry your trip turned out this way. I can say that I got really angry reading the report. If their son is this much of a terror at 2.5- just imagine how out of control he's going to be down the road. :eek: The comment to your daughter about home schooling b/c kids are mean would have meant the end of that friendship for me. I probably would have ripped her a new one at that point for daring to speak to my child that way. I don't know if her child is in pre-school, but kids who behave and bite like that are usually kicked out of preschools here. i.e. her kid would be deemed the "not nice" one and be booted for harmful behavior. And while I can relate to a kid not wanting to say in a high chair (younger DD will be 2 in about three wks and has refused the restaurant high chair since about 18 mos), but there are other - more effective ways of handling this...like introducing the booster seat and using things like coloring to teach them to stay in their seat. Either way- the rudeness on the whole just seems fully unacceptable all around. OK- I'm stepping off of my soap box :lol: and wish you better trips to WDW in the future. And hey- at least it sounds like you probably got some good pics of your DD. :)


Active Member
Original Poster
Sounds like a script for the next Chevy Chase Vacation movie.

Sorry for you bad experience - and sorry for laughing at your expense.
:lol: I want royalties!!! And don't worry, I expected the laughs at my expense! I would laugh at me too! :rolleyes:
Now family has been a different story for us. We have went with my mother-in-law and brother and both were fantastic to travel with. Heck, we even had a 22 hour van ride down and back to contend with, with 6 of us total in the van and had NO problems or conflicts whatsoever for the whole 10+ days we were gone.
I agree. We've gone with family lots of times and had no problems. I enjoy going with just my DH, DD and myself, but I'm a "family get-together" kind of person and really enjoy it when some of our family joins us. We went with my brother and his gf a few weeks back for 4 days and had a blast.
Jean-Paul Sartre: "Hell is other people."

At least you found out, in only four short days, never to do this with them again.
Yes, I should have learned my lesson last year when we did it with them for the first time. My DH swore we'd never do it again but I talked him into it thinking it would be better. Last year was for 8 days, this year was only going to be for 4. I thought there was no way it could be worse...I was wrong and learned the hard way...
Wow! So sorry your trip turned out this way. I can say that I got really angry reading the report. If their son is this much of a terror at 2.5- just imagine how out of control he's going to be down the road. :eek: The comment to your daughter about home schooling b/c kids are mean would have meant the end of that friendship for me. I probably would have ripped her a new one at that point for daring to speak to my child that way. I don't know if her child is in pre-school, but kids who behave and bite like that are usually kicked out of preschools here. i.e. her kid would be deemed the "not nice" one and be booted for harmful behavior. And while I can relate to a kid not wanting to say in a high chair (younger DD will be 2 in about three wks and has refused the restaurant high chair since about 18 mos), but there are other - more effective ways of handling this...like introducing the booster seat and using things like coloring to teach them to stay in their seat. Either way- the rudeness on the whole just seems fully unacceptable all around. OK- I'm stepping off of my soap box :lol: and wish you better trips to WDW in the future. And hey- at least it sounds like you probably got some good pics of your DD. :)
It's funny because everyone I tell the story to says it makes them angry too! I can only imagine what that kid is going to be like down the road...:fork:...I agree about the high chair thing too. Sometimes kids don't want to sit in them, thats fine, but like you said, teach them to sit in a booster, or at the very least SIT...all he does is stand on the seat/bench. And yes, the biting thing is ridiculous. He does it all the time. I saw them yelling at him for biting the 6 mos old baby a couple times. He bit his mom at least once that I saw. I think he bit my daughter, but no one saw it happen so we weren't sure what he did to her. Trust me, I tried to keep her away from him as much as I could or at the very least watch him when he was close enough to her to hurt her. And I was probably a little too shocked at her comment about the home schooling to say anything. They were getting ready to leave and at that point I just wanted them to go. I didn't think about telling her where to stick it, but I know now that I really should have. That was completely uncalled for. At least my kid isn't going to end up in the principals office everyday. And yes, at least I did get some really cute pics of my DD :D As for the pics of them, I'm not so sure they are going to make it into this vacations scrapbook...:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Oh, you poor thing. I feel so bad that you had such a horrible experience. I would send them a bill for your vacation so that you and your family can have a "do over" trip to Disney. :D

We took a large group of my husbands family with us in 2004 and that was the last time we tried that. Hubby refuses to travel with anyone now mainly because of that experience. As Master Yoda said, now you have a point of reference and the next time they ask to come to Disney with you, you can politely explain to them that you prefer your Disney vacations to be full of pixie dust, not uneccessary drama.


oh my! :eek: At least as DVC members you know that you have many more trips in your future. Crossing my fingers and toes that our trip in 42 days doesn't go that way! We've have 7 members of my family coming. My DH has already told me if he gets annoyed he'll be at the ESPN club! Next years trip is planned for just the two of us, love being DVC members!


Well-Known Member
Sorry you had such a bad experience.We had one bad trip with "friends of the family" and we swore never again. However, we go every February with a different set of friends/family and always have a blast with them. I think it all depends on your parenting styles to begin with, your own flexibility, and how much "together time" you schedule.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Your "friends" are complete idiots...and to be honest...not mean but honest...you are an idiot too if you ever invite them to your house or in fact even talk to them again.

They disrespected your family the whole time...those people are not your friends.


Well-Known Member
Your "friends" are complete idiots...and to be honest...not mean but honest...you are an idiot too if you ever invite them to your house or in fact even talk to them again.

They disrespected your family the whole time...those people are not your friends.

I agree completely. You kept using the word, "friend". They're NOT your friends.


Active Member
I am so sorry that your "friends" ruined your vacation, I have been in your shoes so I completely understand.
In Jan 2008 we went down with DD best friends family and it was HORRIBLE!!! They complained about every single thing, the rooms, the food court, the walking, the lines, the rides etc. Their 10 year old DD sat in a stroller the entire time because she didn't feel like walking. yes, I said stroller and no, she is not special needs unless you consider a spoiled rotten little brat "special needs"! Oh, and don't even get me started on the whining and temper tantrums that the 10 year old had. The kids complained about everything and they had never been to Disney or any other vacation. The father had the nerve to say that Disney s*cked and six flags was better:eek:. After a couple of days my DD didn't even want to hang out with her BFF because of the way she and her family were acting. The parents fought constantly and I heard the father say multiple times that he didn't want to come to Disney it was all her idea but, he wasn't very nice about it (throw in a few curse words to really get his point across that he was unhappy). My Dh and I argue but these two were ready to kill each other and a few times they were so loud that people were stopping to see "the show".
I have to say that those people actually taught me a very valuable (and expensive if you count the cost of the ruined vacation) lesson. They taught me to appreciate my relationship with my DH even though he drives me crazy sometimes(and i drive him crazy too). They also taught me to appreciate how well behaved my kids are on vacation, even when they have a bad moment or two. I have learned to never vacation with anyone but family.


Well-Known Member
Your "friends" are complete idiots...and to be honest...not mean but honest...you are an idiot too if you ever invite them to your house or in fact even talk to them again.

They disrespected your family the whole time...those people are not your friends.

I agree 100%. I think I would be done with these people because they sound like idiots. I hate that happened to you though, especially at Disney.


I would have ditched them so fast!! My vacation time is way to important to me and my family to put up with that. You're a better woman than I :animwink:


Active Member
Original Poster
Your "friends" are complete idiots...and to be honest...not mean but honest...you are an idiot too if you ever invite them to your house or in fact even talk to them again.

They disrespected your family the whole time...those people are not your friends.
Yes....I know...trust me, my DH says that after they left, he doesn't want to ever see them again or even know they exist. He says if I ever go out to dinner with them, or over their house or anything, that I'm going alone...it won't be hard to avoid them though, we live in different states since we moved here to FL in January. I think we'll be distancing ourselves for sure from this family in the future...
I am so sorry that your "friends" ruined your vacation, I have been in your shoes so I completely understand.
In Jan 2008 we went down with DD best friends family and it was HORRIBLE!!! They complained about every single thing, the rooms, the food court, the walking, the lines, the rides etc. Their 10 year old DD sat in a stroller the entire time because she didn't feel like walking. yes, I said stroller and no, she is not special needs unless you consider a spoiled rotten little brat "special needs"! Oh, and don't even get me started on the whining and temper tantrums that the 10 year old had. The kids complained about everything and they had never been to Disney or any other vacation. The father had the nerve to say that Disney s*cked and six flags was better:eek:. After a couple of days my DD didn't even want to hang out with her BFF because of the way she and her family were acting. The parents fought constantly and I heard the father say multiple times that he didn't want to come to Disney it was all her idea but, he wasn't very nice about it (throw in a few curse words to really get his point across that he was unhappy). My Dh and I argue but these two were ready to kill each other and a few times they were so loud that people were stopping to see "the show".
I have to say that those people actually taught me a very valuable (and expensive if you count the cost of the ruined vacation) lesson. They taught me to appreciate my relationship with my DH even though he drives me crazy sometimes(and i drive him crazy too). They also taught me to appreciate how well behaved my kids are on vacation, even when they have a bad moment or two. I have learned to never vacation with anyone but family.
Wow, you went through almost EXACTLY what I did! It sounds like my trip almost to a tee! Except replace the 10 year old with the 2.5 yr old and a 6 mos old and we had the same experience! I TOTALLY agree about it making you appreciate your own family 100%. My DH and I argue occasionally too, but we get along so great and both love our vacation time, esp at WDW. And as if I didn't know before what an angel my DD is, I totally see how wonderful she behaves now compared to others. I appreciate them both SO much more now, it's crazy!
I would have ditched them so fast!! My vacation time is way to important to me and my family to put up with that. You're a better woman than I :animwink:
Thanks :animwink: but we couldn't have ditched them...they would've been stranded. They were staying in our DVC room and they were driving back to our house to fly home from our airport (not Orlando) after the WDW part of our trip. So, ditching them wasn't an option, no matter how badly we wanted to. Instead, all we could do was count the minutes til they were on their way out of town and it was over...

MSU Jafar

I am so sorry that your Disney Vacation was ruined...I know how much that all of us Disney people look forward to our Magical Vacations and to have it be like you described is an injustice. I would suggest your "friends" should invest in therapy as opposed to another vacation.

Again, I am so sorry for your misfortune, but thank you for sharing. It made my bad vacation experiences suddenly seem not so bad...

I hope that all your remaining trips are Magical!!!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Good because that is just awful. I had a really bad trip with someone I went with in 07 and it ruined our relationship. She was just a nightmare to be with...Some night when I am bored I will do a trip report on it. I've never been with someone so stupid in my life, it just sucks i had to realize it while we were in Disney World.


Well-Known Member
Damn! That is beyond awful.

I would just let these people fade into the distance and forget that they exsist. Not controlling their brat is one thing, but making fun of your daughter is totally crossing the line and way out of order.

Glad you survived it.

If you ever go to WDW with friends again, make sure they are Disney lovers like yourself AND have the same ideas of parenting as you do. The friends I go with are like-minded so we have no issues.

You need a trip do-over :wave:


What I meant by "ditch them" was to just excuse myself from them in the parks and go our separate ways and meet up later in the day. This way some of the "magic" could be salvaged. :wave:


Active Member
Original Poster
What I meant by "ditch them" was to just excuse myself from them in the parks and go our separate ways and meet up later in the day. This way some of the "magic" could be salvaged. :wave:
Gottcha! I guess you can see where my head was and what I was thinking about :rolleyes: ! I guess I could have tried, but I think they would've followed us! Apparently they can't spend too much time "alone together" because they just can't handle each other for too long, so she says. Yes, they are married and can't vacation alone together. She said they would have never went on this trip alone because one of them would've come home in a body bag...:eek: I know, I know...they are NUTS :hammer:!

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