A little visualization here:
You are in line for a ride but you can't get on because the loading CM is engaged with an argument with a guest who won't shut up or stand down and therefor can't load. Would this bother you? Or am I to understand you are paying to be in Disneyworld not only to "shut the ride down" if need be, but also to deal with other guests who feel like "shutting the ride down" for their own reasons? Am I to understand you'd rather pay a CM to argue with you than to help you load onto a ride?
Did you consider that you may anger people other than the CM by "shutting the ride down"? Cuz to be honest, the CM most likely doesn't give a crap, but the guests... the other guests who paid to be there? Yeah, they will be pretty ticked at you. And this in addition to your behavior will the CM will get you at least escorted out of the queue.
But thank you for demonstrating a crucial point in this thread: People these days really don't see beyond themselves. Add that to a sense of entitlement and yes, they are difficult to deal with. All you can do is forget about these people and hope they someday see past their 13 year old mentalities.