Just A Little Discouraged


New Member
Original Poster
Hi Everyone,

I think I just need a place to vent for a moment. I am a CM (I shall leave my area of business a mystery) and am becoming increasingly worried about the level of courtesy and caring of the average park guest.

I don't want to sound like i'm complaining about working at the most magical place on earth because that is where my heart lives and nothing in this world makes me happier than to be a part of making dreams come true for our guests every day. It's just that the guests don't seem to get it anymore.

My fellow cast members may agree (or disagree) which is fine, and I may just have turned stupid, it's just, what happened to the understanding that my actions may adversely affect a lot of people. Maybe i'll just make a list of a few things that have been bothering me for a while and you guys can tell me I'm just being ridiculous and need to get over it

1. Why is it ok for 4 members of your group to duck under the railing of the attraction at the very last minute of the 45 minute wait, and when I question what you are doing your response is "But they're with us they just came from the bathroom" If you can't wait 45 minutes without using the restroom, we have fastpass available and if that doesn't suit your needs, a Guest Relations cast member may be better able to address your needs.

2. Why do you enter a queue line when your (husband, wife, son, daughter) is still in the bathroom, or getting something to eat/drink? Do you really think it's ok for the rest of your party to go around all the people that got into that line after you based on the amount of people they saw waiting when they entered. Shouldn't there really be NO LINE CUTTING. Isn't that what you'd want me to enforce if someone steps in front of YOU in line?

3. Why do you get angry with me when I politely ask you to step to the side and finish your food and drink before going into the attraction and your response is always "I just bought this and I'M NOT throwing it away" Who said you had to experience the attraction RIGHT NOW. You're on vacation remember? Go sit down and relax for just a minute.

4. When you chain your stroller to a hand rail, and I call security to cut the chain, How am I an A**Hole?

5. Why can't you understand that Disney attractions don't "Break Down." 99% of the time it's because you took a few seconds too long to get in or out. If you can't attentively follow the process, Disney parks may not be the best place for you. Pay attention and move quickly please! (By no means would I ever direct this to a guest with a disablility. We are priveliged to accomodate your needs and are happy to do so)

6. How could you possibly throw a peice of trash on the ground? This might be a product of my parents actually raising me when I was young, but I mentally can NOT drop trash anywhere but a trash can.

I think all that I'm really trying to say is take time to relax and enjoy your vacation, but when I give you instructions, please follow them. I really do WANT the best for you and your family. If you are not ok with following my simple instructions, Walt Disney World may not be the right place for you to visit. Don't get me wrong, these are petty things, but really do add up after a long day. Having said ALL that. I should mention one more time that I'm proud to have the greatest job in the world. And to all the great appreciative guests who get teary eyed and genuinely happy when you walk through the gates and into our world of fantasy, I'm here for YOU. The really sad part is.....these days, you're a minority:cry:


New Member
I absolutely agree with you on the lack of courtesy and rudeness. We encountered this last year when we were at WDW.I am unfortunately handicapped due to a neurological disorder and have to use an ecv. I bring my own, I cannot believe the amount of times I was cursed at or given dirty looks because of this. I do not understand this reaction and at one point while in a washroom people started to complain because of the chair, which I have to use was in their way, or so they thought. It was not like this in 1990 when we were in disneyworld so something has changed in our society. I think a lot of people (not all) have forgotten what the words polite and compassion mean. I know that some people use the ecv,s as a way to jump the lines ,but they are a minority. some of use really have to use them. I try my best to help out anyone I can and be polite so I expect the same in retourn. Is this asking too much. To wrap this up I have to say the all of the CM,s I have encountered were wonderful people who really like their jobs and want to help people. I think they all deserve medals for the courtesy and patience that they show to others. I am coming to WDW again in Sept 08 at the CBR and will go out of my way this time to tell the CMs that they are very much appreciated.


:sohappy::wave::) not :mad::fork::(


Well-Known Member
I was there in January and saw at least all of your examples happen at least once. At Kiliminjaro, 3 people walked through the line and past my girlfriend and I and I spoke up, and got an extremely dirty look, and an "our family is right there" to which I replied, "yes, but you weren't". Needless to say, I was not happy and expressed my displeasure to the CM when we got to the front. I think some people feel entitled.....probably as simple as that. But bravo, keep up the good work, and don't let a few bad apples get you down.

In short.....:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Lots of people today feel that the world owes them something, and thus the rules don't apply to them. Unfortunately, they also go to WDW for vacation. Add the cost of the trip to the equation, and the feeling of entitlement and superiority magnifies.

As a CM I can only imagine the frustration you must feel when you encounter such boorish behavior. Please know that the majority of guests, like my family, are polite, respectful of CM's and WDW's rules, and truly appreciate the work you do to help make our vacation magical.

Hang in there! And thanks for all your hard work.

(and if all else fails, give the a-holes a mental one-finger salute as you're wishing them a magical day!)


Well-Known Member
Keep your chin up. We all experience some bad days at work and feel this way. Tomorrow you may experience the most generous of guests. I really do appreciate the hard work of a CM. It can't be easy to put up with peoples s*^t...people who think theirs don't stink. Come on these boards more often and you will see how much we care.:)


New Member

I like what you said about the line cutting. It seems like everytime I go there is a group (for some reason it seems to members of a Brazilian soccer team) who thinks they are better than everybody else and can cut in front of the line to the rest of their group.

When I get there in a week I promise to behave for you


Active Member
Bravo for doing your job and not taking the easy path. We had half of a Brazilian tour group (literally about 30 people) cut in front of us at KS to join their party, several CM's saw it happening but nothing was done. :( I was pretty pi$$ed. I wish all the CM's would step in when they see these kinds of things going on for the rest of us considerate people who follow the rules.

Thanks for doing your part, hang in there, you are appreciated.



There are some folks who believe that since they paid admission to the park, they have a absolute right or entitlement to use whatever excuse to barge ahead of a crowd. Some people are boorish, uneducated to what is polite and the right thing to do. Patience is a virtue, how you CM's manage to put up with this behavior is amazing. There is a special place in heaven for you with your "perpetual fast pass"!!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I agree with the OP 100%. I am glad to hear there is a CM who is at least trying to get the line cutters to understand that they are playing against the rules of the park and the rules of common courtesy. I can't tell you how many times we have experienced people holding spots for a family of 5 or more and at the last second they all magically appear and jump in front of us. I have spoken up and almost came to blows with one such family years ago, it is not worth it to upset my family anymore, so we just "take" it and move on. I really wish more CM's would take up the cause and crack down on this but I am grateful to hear of at least one who is willing to follow the rules.


New Member
It's a "me first" world we live in. CONSIDERATION for the other person has disappeared. Don't get me wrong. There are still people who hold the door for other people, will step aside and let someone else go ahead and catchup to their family but for the most part people are out for themselves, rules don't apply and they'll "get in your face" if you question them about what they're doing!


Well-Known Member
I'll go 50/50 with you. Line Cutting and Littering are unquestionably rude, entitled behavior.

Chaining a stroller to a hand rail? Understandable. There are people who have had their strollers stolen and are uncomfortable leaving them unlocked. We always took our second string worn strollers to WDW when the kids were little, but that is not the case for everyone. Cut these folks a little slack. They're probably pretty high strung to begin with, and seeing their chain cut by Security could easily set them off.

You argue that people should not be allowed to eat in line because "You're on vacation remember? Go sit down and relax for just a minute." You then say that 99% of the time a ride is down is because people were dawdling for a few seconds and that they should "Pay attention and move quickly please!". While your statements appear contradictory, they're quite similar in their level of bossiness.

I find nothing wrong with drinking while waiting in line. As long as there is no littering involved when the drink is finished, I don't see the problem. If the rules at WDW state that you're not allowed to drink in line, be aware that many people will think this rule is stupid and will not appreciate you enforcing it.

While people that dawdle and don't realize they're blocking the way drive me crazy, I have come to terms with the fact that I am hyper and move faster than most people. If they're being malicious, that's one thing, but most of these folks just seem to take life at a slower pace. Encourage them to move along, but do so politely.


Premium Member
4. When you chain your stroller to a hand rail, and I call security to cut the chain, How am I an A**Hole?

I could understand both sides of this argument. Strollers have been taken/stolen before and I don't know if there are any signs posting that you cannot chain them anywhere.

5. Why can't you understand that Disney attractions don't "Break Down." 99% of the time it's because you took a few seconds too long to get in or out. If you can't attentively follow the process, Disney parks may not be the best place for you. Pay attention and move quickly please! (By no means would I ever direct this to a guest with a disablility. We are priveliged to accomodate your needs and are happy to do so)

I'm not sure what you mean by this one

6. How could you possibly throw a peice of trash on the ground? This might be a product of my parents actually raising me when I was young, but I mentally can NOT drop trash anywhere but a trash can.

There is a deeply embedded psychological issue with this in addition to a social one. Some people just aren't as civilized as we'd prefer...On top of that is the theory that once other trash is on the ground, other people are more likely to leave their trash on the ground. There is a psychological theory behind that called the broken window theory.

I do think that, these days with so many parks to visit and so many crowds, people at WDW are becoming less patient overall about things and get a mob mentality in a number of ways.


Well-Known Member
Aww don't be too discouraged. For every rude/ignorant guest there are a hundred more who appreciate what you do (like me)! :wave:


Active Member
I find nothing wrong with drinking while waiting in line. As long as there is no littering involved when the drink is finished, I don't see the problem. If the rules at WDW state that you're not allowed to drink in line, be aware that many people will think this rule is stupid and will not appreciate you enforcing it.

I'm pretty sure the OP was talking about taking food/drink into or on the actual attraction....not the line.

I saw a poor CM at the HM get cussed at and yelled at by a group of young adults because she told them they needed to finish their drinks before going into the stretching room.
She was a tiny little thing and seemed like a very shy girl...I felt so sorry for her....she looked like she was about to cry.
Not only did they take their drinks in with them, they yelled and screamed (including ALOT of words I really did not want my five year old to hear) during the entire stretching room scene.:hammer:


Well-Known Member
I have to give kudos to the CMs who put their heart into what they do. They care because they believe. Not all CMs that I've come into contact with fit this category but the majority do. I love them. I do. They make all the difference in the world to me and my family not just because they make our vacation a little brighter, they restore faith in what's good in this world. Ya know?

As for the strollers, never dealt with that issue. We didn't take our boys when they were that little. I know a lot of strollers get ripped off which is truly a shame. I know I'd be paranoid, too.

Line cutting, I think that depends. I've got 2 kids and I recall all too well what it was like when they were little guys. You take them to the bathroom before getting into a long line but still at some point one of them will start doing 'the dance'. When we're in line at WDW if a parent with a smaller child needs to catch up to their party I totally understand. I was once the parent of that kid, too. Plus, I feel like I can wait a minute longer to board a ride if it means a child will get to enjoy it, too. I like to see the kids having fun. It really adds to the magic for me. But when it's 2 teens holding a spot for half a dozen more, well no, that's not too understandable. Bigger folks can manage their urges better than the little 'uns. Ya know?

Littering, I don't get this one either. There's trash cans everywhere at WDW. How hard is it to deposit your garbage where it should be? Yeah, sometimes if you're hands are full or you're fumbling with a bunch of things you may occasionally drop some trash without realizing it. I guess that comes down to upbringing and people with some sort of awareness and feeling of contributing to the magic that's around them. Some people just don't get it. :shrug:

Eating or drinking in line...some of those lines are loooong. Sometimes having a little munchie while waiting helps pass the time and take care of a dwindling energy level all in one fail swoop. I'm real big on killing two birds with one stone. Most every attraction has a garbage can close to the attraction itself. This is generally our point of "have it finished, put it away, or toss it". I wouldn't dream of holding up a line or expecting special treatment because I didn't plan correctly. Again, consideration isn't all that common anymore. Sad but true.

To our OP, hang in there. This board is chock-full of people who care about WDW, "get" the magic, and appreciate the CMs who create and maintain this special world we love. The jerks who don't get it and act like jacka$$es should only define how special the individuals are who do get it and want only to create more magic. We're here for ya. Vent away. Hopefully when I'm there in a couple weeks my smiling face will make you forget, if only for a moment, what a pain some of those ungrateful people are. Hugs to ya! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

I think I just need a place to vent for a moment. I am a CM (I shall leave my area of business a mystery) and am becoming increasingly worried about the level of courtesy and caring of the average park guest.

I don't want to sound like i'm complaining about working at the most magical place on earth because that is where my heart lives and nothing in this world makes me happier than to be a part of making dreams come true for our guests every day. It's just that the guests don't seem to get it anymore.

My fellow cast members may agree (or disagree) which is fine, and I may just have turned stupid, it's just, what happened to the understanding that my actions may adversely affect a lot of people. Maybe i'll just make a list of a few things that have been bothering me for a while and you guys can tell me I'm just being ridiculous and need to get over it

1. Why is it ok for 4 members of your group to duck under the railing of the attraction at the very last minute of the 45 minute wait, and when I question what you are doing your response is "But they're with us they just came from the bathroom" If you can't wait 45 minutes without using the restroom, we have fastpass available and if that doesn't suit your needs, a Guest Relations cast member may be better able to address your needs.

2. Why do you enter a queue line when your (husband, wife, son, daughter) is still in the bathroom, or getting something to eat/drink? Do you really think it's ok for the rest of your party to go around all the people that got into that line after you based on the amount of people they saw waiting when they entered. Shouldn't there really be NO LINE CUTTING. Isn't that what you'd want me to enforce if someone steps in front of YOU in line?

3. Why do you get angry with me when I politely ask you to step to the side and finish your food and drink before going into the attraction and your response is always "I just bought this and I'M NOT throwing it away" Who said you had to experience the attraction RIGHT NOW. You're on vacation remember? Go sit down and relax for just a minute.

4. When you chain your stroller to a hand rail, and I call security to cut the chain, How am I an A**Hole?

5. Why can't you understand that Disney attractions don't "Break Down." 99% of the time it's because you took a few seconds too long to get in or out. If you can't attentively follow the process, Disney parks may not be the best place for you. Pay attention and move quickly please! (By no means would I ever direct this to a guest with a disablility. We are priveliged to accomodate your needs and are happy to do so)

6. How could you possibly throw a peice of trash on the ground? This might be a product of my parents actually raising me when I was young, but I mentally can NOT drop trash anywhere but a trash can.

I think all that I'm really trying to say is take time to relax and enjoy your vacation, but when I give you instructions, please follow them. I really do WANT the best for you and your family. If you are not ok with following my simple instructions, Walt Disney World may not be the right place for you to visit. Don't get me wrong, these are petty things, but really do add up after a long day. Having said ALL that. I should mention one more time that I'm proud to have the greatest job in the world. And to all the great appreciative guests who get teary eyed and genuinely happy when you walk through the gates and into our world of fantasy, I'm here for YOU. The really sad part is.....these days, you're a minority:cry:
i feel terrible...nobody should treat somebody like that. i mean you deserve alot of respect. i cant believe people who do that stuff. i am always respectful, follow rules, and will go out of my way to make a cm happier. i always say please, thank you,exc. I always give cms different stuff, like book marks i make that say a nice thanks and a little note. i also always write disney on the awesome cms . but seriously, cms deserve alot of respect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well I can safely say this is not a WDW thing.I have been in Retail Management for the last 20 years.I have worked for different companies in different states and I have dealt with the nicest of people and the worst sub Human forms that has ever walked this Earth.

I have gotten numb the nastyness of people.I take eveything with a grain of Salt.

I make sure when I go to WDW I am very polite to others and enjoy myself.


Active Member
I agree 100% with the OP. It is extremely difficult to enforce rules because people have the attitude, "I'm at Disney, so I should get whatever I want whenever I want it."

Another CM pet peeve: Parents who cuss at us because their kid is 1/4 inch too short to ride the ride. I just don't understand the mentality of someone wanting to put their child's safety at risk in order to ride an attraction. As a 19 year old college student with no parenting experience, I should not be the only one concerned for your kid's safety and well-being. I've always associated that concern with responsible parenting. I will admit that 99.9999% of the time, if your slightly too short child were to ride, they'd come off perfectly fine. But if that one-in-a-million event happens and your kid is hurt or killed, you're not going to be feeling the magic. And yet, parents will stand there and cuss at you or physically threaten you because you won't let their kid go on the ride. There are a million tricks people will try to get their kids past us and into the line. They'll try to sneak their kids in when you're not looking or hop the queue so you don't notice. I just don't get it.

I've said it before, working at Disney was an incredible lesson in how to deal with people. I learned more about human nature in my 7 months there than I did in the 19 years before or 2 years since.


New Member

I've done the railing thing. I've never gotten OUT of line... or had someone go in line while I did something and came back, but I've done it. Odd circumstances though.

My family charged into the queue for PotC, and my phobia kicked in so I reeled back and hightailed it to a bench to sit down and ponder my situation (i.e. panic). Girlfriend tried her best to calm me down but I just wasn't having it, so after some loving words and a big puppy-eyed plea she finally said "Look, they're almost at the big doors, are we going or not?" so I nodded and she grabbed me by the hand and hauled me over to where our party was.

Didn't notice if anyone glared or got upset, tho I didn't hear anything. Then again I was sort of in a mental coma.

Speaking of CM's, this last trip I took there was this one smarta** at PotC, big guy. I think he was grumpy cuz I overheard him complaining to some other lady about how his lunch was cut short, he said something along the lines of "Giant Hungry!". Couldn't get a word in edgewise without him joking about my ECV'd possee or my goatee. He was funny though.

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