Walt Disney1955
Well-Known Member
its unlikely in the US but possible
That scares the bejeebies out of me. Why flirt with that for a nanosecond?
and we’ve gotten a lot of “it’s not political” comments in the last day...but the polling says vaccine hesitation is a THIRTY point - 30 - swing along party lines.
which means this isn’t about drugs, HIPAA, or personal Liberty at all. Not one bit.
Maybe there are some people, like myself, who were part of a Facebook group that got shut down that had over 125,000 people that was dedicated to people telling their stories of their loved ones who had horrible reactions after they took the vaccine. Even as far as death.
It is hardly crazy to understand why these people decide that they are healthy and do not need to take the risk of an experimental vaccine. What is the big deal? There are literally thousands of people at WDW and sporting events in America not vaccinated and the sky hasn't fallen.