Journey Into Imagination 2007

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Since1976 said:
I think it had to do with a contractual obligation with Kodak that said the ride *had* to be revised after a certain period of time.

It's a good thing favorites like The Haunted Mansion and Pirates weren't saddled with such restrictions, huh?
The way I remember this happening was slightly different.

The pavilion wasn't performing very good in pulling visitors, so as part of renewing their sponsorship, Kodak wanted it updated to try and pull in more guests.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the contract issue is correct, but only in a way. Kodak had an obligation to review the attraction. If I remember correctly, they exercised it and decided to keep the attraction the first time around. Then, when it came up again, Kodak opted to review the attraction and we got JIYI. The budget was very low, especially compared to the original (talk to a couple Imagineers that worked on the project, and it was shoestring at best). Then, when it opened, they scraped to get Figment back in due to the problems. Aparently some of the ideas they had originally for JIYI may have made it a lot more popular (although the no-figment issue would still have arisen), but the cuts kept that from happening. I also think that had the v2.0 and v3.0 budgets been combined, the attraction could have been quite good. But, in the long run, it was fundamnetally Kodak that changed the attraction, but certainly not on their own accord.

On a side note, Figment is technically a Kodak character. Therefore, it really was fully thier decision to get rid of him (without too much resistance, though).


Well-Known Member
Epcot82Guy said:
On a side note, Figment is technically a Kodak character. Therefore, it really was fully thier decision to get rid of him (without too much resistance, though).
Wrong, Figment's owned by Disney, Kodak owns Dreamfinder.


Well-Known Member
Tahu said:
Wrong, Figment's owned by Disney, Kodak owns Dreamfinder.

Really? I was pretty sure Figment was at least 1/2 owned by Kodak. But, I'm not 100% on that, so I can't say for sure. Regardless, Kodak still made the push for the pavilion to change and get away from the whimsical, classic dark ride. I do not mean to suggest that Disney did not agree, though. It was a very expensive attraction (actually the most expensive, I think), and the numbers were good, but not high e-ticket levels to justify this.


New Member
Oh good. Now maybe I'll have the chance to grab an oversized Figment. I wanted the large version since I was a kid, but didn't have the money. Now that I do have the money, it is gone. I only have the puppet, which is nice, but I want one the size of the $100 Mickey. Strange, but EPCOT is my favorite park, and he is the representation of EPCOT's promise for the future.


P.S. Can I special order a large Figment?


New Member
I'd hate to say it..but there's NOTHING floating around ANYWHERE at WDI concerning this update. Unless this is being spearheaded by another division (which I HIGHLY doubt), You can chalk this up to bogus internet rumor.


Well-Known Member
How do you know it isn't being considered by Imagineering? The rumors of a JII rehab has been going around for several months now, even before Jim Hill's article on the possible changes. Sure it's a rumor, but it might not be totally bogus. Granted that Lasseter wants to focus on Disneyland but who knows what will happen in the near future.


New Member
::sigh::: I'm close enough to it all for it to be accurate.

The basis for this entire thread was not ENTERTAINING the idea of is discussing concrete plans that seemingly are just not true. The theme park business and entertainment business as a whole is very dynamic...but from now....unless it's being headed up elsewhere like I said...The entire writeup is full of holes.



Well-Known Member
theEpiphany said:
::sigh::: I'm close enough to it all for it to be accurate.

The basis for this entire thread was not ENTERTAINING the idea of is discussing concrete plans that seemingly are just not true. The theme park business and entertainment business as a whole is very dynamic...but from now....unless it's being headed up elsewhere like I said...The entire writeup is full of holes.


Well if your "close enough" then why don't you ask questions and find out? If you're "in the know", then I'm sure you can dig around and find some answers. :D


New Member
horizons1983 said:
The Ride: Will be redone again. This time it will feature BOTH the Dreamfinder and Figment TOGETHER. There is a possibility that the new version will utilize old track segments and/or ride space that up until now has been unused (since the original ride was still in place).

The unused track is not still in place from what I heard when they redid it the first time.

Though I have heard some rumors that Dreamfinder is to return...that Disney is looking for a "known" voice to voice him.


I've been sitting back and reading how this tread was going to go - waiting to place my few bits into the ring.

As I sit here with my Figment (in yellow and red turtleneck from 1985), I have to say BRING THIS RUMOR TO LIGHT!! Greenlight this project. Is there validity to the thought of it coming true? Possibly. If anything I can at the least see EPCOT welcoming Dreamfinder back into the park. Think about it - why would Walt Disney Collector's Society have an new Figment and Dreamfinder collectable piece be made if there wasn't some reason behind it. Granted, it could be the society's way of saying "the fans love you", but when you place it with a breakfast and discussion - it makes me scratch my head and think "could there be plans for our friend's return?".

Take a look and see what I mean.

I will wait with baited breath - Lee, Cronnus any word?


New Member
sniggle74 said:
Think about it - why would Walt Disney Collector's Society have an new Figment and Dreamfinder collectable piece be made if there wasn't some reason behind it.

I will wait with baited breath - Lee, Cronnus any word?

The same reason why Disneyland Merch came out with the Hatbox Ghost Big Fig for the Haunted Mansion...and THAT character was never seen during normal operation by the general public. It's got marketable Cult following.

Nostalgic marketing is VERY popular right now. Just look at all of the Tiki and retro 50s stuff out and about, both within the company as well as outside.

Do they really need more of a reason than "profit" and marketable merchandise? In general, I think people are reading into things WAY too much, I'm not putting anyone or anything down its always fun to be optimistic. Lord knows optimism is needed when all anyone ever seems to want to do is Bash the company for EVERY decision made.

As far as I know there's no project to greenlight. First you need the project :)


Well-Known Member
People who haven't experienced the original JII are probably wondering how in the heck the removal of a single character -- DREAMFINDER -- could have made such a big difference. Well, I believe it has little to do with just that one character, and more to do with the way the old ride seemed to fit in so organically with Future World. In the minds of many, the original JII, along with HORIZONS, WORLD OF MOTION, and the still-existing SEE are so irreversibly connected to the core ideas of Epcot. Imagine getting rid of HAUNTED MANSION, PIRATES, it's a small world, and SPACE MOUNTAIN at MK, and you get the idea of how rough the loss of Epcot's core attractions was.

I wish none of these attractions would have had to have been gutted to make way for TEST TRACK and MISSION:SPACE. In a perfect world, we have all of them alongside each other. Alas, space is always an issue, as are the wishes of the corporate sponsors. I don't think that the traditional Dark Ride drought at Future World will last forever. It's only a matter of time before a really great Future World ride idea gets greenlit.


Well-Known Member
Since1976 said:
People who haven't experienced the original JII are probably wondering how in the heck the removal of a single character -- DREAMFINDER -- could have made such a big difference. Well, I believe it has little to do with just that one character, and more to do with the way the old ride seemed to fit in so organically with Future World. In the minds of many, the original JII, along with HORIZONS, WORLD OF MOTION, and the still-existing SEE are so irreversibly connected to the core ideas of Epcot. Imagine getting rid of HAUNTED MANSION, PIRATES, it's a small world, and SPACE MOUNTAIN at MK, and you get the idea of how rough the loss of Epcot's core attractions was.

I wish none of these attractions would have had to have been gutted to make way for TEST TRACK and MISSION:SPACE. In a perfect world, we have all of them alongside each other. Alas, space is always an issue, as are the wishes of the corporate sponsors. I don't think that the traditional Dark Ride drought at Future World will last forever. It's only a matter of time before a really great Future World ride idea gets greenlit.
I believe the wishes of the consumers will always be paramount for WDW and their sponsors. If an attraction is under-performing, something has to be done. I think it's high time for everyone to figure out that Disney is NOT in the business of making stupid decisions that hurt the business.

They take all the information available into consideration (more than we fans will ever see) and make the best decision for their guests and the continuation of the business. If that decision is not liked by a few, sorry, get over it. But the truth is, it was made to benefit the majority of guests, the company and the shareholders.

theEpiphany said:
In general, I think people are reading into things WAY too much, I'm not putting anyone or anything down its always fun to be optimistic. Lord knows optimism is needed when all anyone ever seems to want to do is Bash the company for EVERY decision made.

It does get old, doesn't it.


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
hmm... not seen these two items before... what's your source?

For SSE, a connection at the Construction company working on that project.

For the HISTA replacement film, a person that worked on the film.

Is that vague enough to answer your question, because I don't want any confusion (but I don't want to risk any of my sources' security either).

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
jedimaster1227 said:
If it is being pushed back, it is because Disney is waiting...Waiting for word of success with the rehabbed Living Seas with Nemo and Friends. Waiting for word of success from SSE's upcoming rehab. Waiting to see how "whatever" happens to WOL goes. Then, after all of this, we will see something (if anything is to happen).

And just to let you all know, the replacement film for HISTA has already been made. :animwink:

This is how I feel as well. Disney has bigger issues than imagination at the moment, WOL needs something bad and SSE needs a big refresh too. I would also put world showcase in front of Imagination, that needs new attractions the most. 2 small/short rides and some movies just dont cut it. As said they by others they need to finish nemo as well. I have always been a big fan of imagination and want to see a fantastic update, but I am a bigger fan of Epcot as a whole and think the other things will have a bigger/better impact on the park first. So changing Imagination is last on the list for me at the moment.


Well-Known Member
If they are able to return this ride to its original theme, I would be very happy indeed!! I'm not holding my breath, but one thing is for sure... the entire Imagination Pavillion really needs something.

I understand about WOL needing something too, but I guess I'd rather see Imagination done first because I always liked it (the old version) better than WOL anyway.

I am very curious to see specifically what they have in mind for a possible Imagination Rehab. I've always felt that the original Imagination ride was one of the greatest and most technologically advanced rides for its time at Epcot. I've always said that if they would use today's techology to create a ride in the same spirit and theme of the original, they would definitely have a hit.
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