Captain Hank

Well-Known Member

So the facial recognition will put your face on that future-self video. The blank stares of the characters give it away.
I think you might be on to something. Sorta like what JibJab has been doing with their videos recently. If it can get working, and working well, it would be the kind of thing that guests will be talking about all day.


Well-Known Member
PeopleMooverTTA said:
I like the descent, and I think that once what merf mentioned about incorporating the face recognition technology is in it will be even cooler. Will I miss the fiber optics around SSE and the city? Sure, but it's a new direction, and as STR8FAN2005 mentioned, it fits the new storyline.

Allegedly, there are two other places where they take your picture in the ride; however, I was too in awe to pay attention for it...also, those locations may not have been running.

Oh, and thanks for "getting it".

Jose Eber

New Member
Original Poster
Even the HD video does NOT even come close to the real thing.

Its like judging baseball by only watching it on t.v. Sooooo very different. Even if you got a 65" flat panel and it coming in HD.

I didn't notice the smell being any more stronger. I noticed the steam effect working in the printing press scene.

There are boring sections -- the roof of SSE -- meh, I don't know what is going on there.

2x you'll notice the ride slowed down -- we had 2 specials come on - so it dragged a bit there.

Dame Judy does a nice job -- the tone of the ride has changed, its definitely focused on computers and the web now, more than communication itself. But hey, look what we are all doing, using the web etc.

They should have a little couch and spot lights for any wdwmagic'er to sit in the descent area and use high speed internet to chat on forum boards etc.

"Look, these people are ACTUALLY communicating!"

har har


I don't like the Judi Drench narration and I hope they replace her soon and add a new script like they did with Vic Perrin! The role reversal of the male and female voice actors just didn't work. A female should be sending us off and welcoming us back while a guy should be our narrator.

Also, COREY BURTON should be the touch screens narrator. I still don't think putting a project tomorrow interactive survey as the grand finale to this ride it smart. It seems cheap and I'd feel ripped off if I came on expecting a ride and got a flash mini-game forced on me for four and a half minutes.

The actual classic stuff looks absolutely amazing! This ride could have been great if they took Mansions example and just added elaborate scenes for the unelaborated ones (Computer room, garage scene) and upgraded everything else. I just can't figure out how they could butcher the ending and think it was a good idea (like taking out the graveyard scene in Mansion and replacing it with a touchscreen whack-a-mole game with ghosts popping up from behind gravestones)!

To bad the ride can't end after the planetarium :(



Well-Known Member
I don't like the Judi Drench narration and I hope they replace her soon and add a new script like they did with Vic Perrin! The role reversal of the male and female voice actors just didn't work. A female should be sending us off and welcoming us back while a guy should be our narrator.

Also, COREY BURTON should be the touch screens narrator. I still don't think putting a project tomorrow interactive survey as the grand finale to this ride it smart. It seems cheap and I'd feel ripped off if I came on expecting a ride and got a flash mini-game forced on me for four and a half minutes.


First off, slightly sexist? Dench is a wonderful narrator.

The new touchscreen finale is probably anything but cheap...remember, it's not complete and videos don't do the attraction justice.


Well-Known Member
I think the video integration as a finale to a grand AA show is a perfect way for these 2 forms of entertainment to be presented in EPCOT. I always thought the ride portion of SSE after the planetarium was underwhelming. The videos are AT WORST are just as good as the old ending. The videos are AT BEST something that people, especially kids, will love. The whole interactive thing is the wave of the future.

I'll also reserve judgement on the narration and music until I hear it in person.

Jose Eber

New Member
Original Poster
I think Dame Judy is hot.

She is really good as 'M' in the Bond series. A real hard .

Its Disney, they are all about role reversal, PC etc. anyway.

I mean, look at the gheyface on the male character and the butch/pixie cut on the girl. We could 'go there!' too.

But who cares -- its Disney, we can't expect much in that department.


New Member
Also, COREY BURTON should be the touch screens narrator. I still don't think putting a project tomorrow interactive survey as the grand finale to this ride it smart. It seems cheap and I'd feel ripped off if I came on expecting a ride and got a flash mini-game forced on me for four and a half minutes.

I just can't figure out how they could butcher the ending and think it was a good idea (like taking out the graveyard scene in Mansion and replacing it with a touchscreen whack-a-mole game with ghosts popping up from behind gravestones)!

I'm withholding judgment until they get the descent finalized. This is one reason why soft openings aren't a good thing---the attraction gets judged before it's complete. Of course, it also lets the disappointment sink in slower: we get to hope that there are more improvements ahead.

But they probably did the interactive stuff at the end because WDI thinks younger generations want to participate and want something that isn't predictable (witness Monsters Inc and Turtle Talk for other examples of this phenomenon).

But considering they originally wanted to gut SSE and put in a thrill ride, I think we should cut our losses and be happy they retained (and improved!) the AA scenes before the descent.


Thanks so much, Jose! I will reserve final judgment until SSE "officially" opens, but I will say:

Score is beautiful, but hardly noticeable throughout much of the is nice, though, that SSE has a new discernible "theme", and where it is audible it's terrific (queue arrangement is especially exciting). I won't say much more because I realize it is just a video and it's hard to hear everything the way I would in real life.

I miss Jeremy Irons, but am happy with Dame Judi, who was already one of my favorite actresses. Her tone is appropriate for the new ride--more along the lines of Cronkite, which is fine--and I'm starting to like the way comparisons are drawn to the present day in the historical scenes. Like the score, I couldn't really keep track of a lot of what she said on this video so I'll reserve judgment. Could probably have been more dramatic at the reveal of Planet Earth and at the end, though (same could be said of the score at those moments).

The ride itself blew me away up through 180 top. I wish they could have gotten rid of the ascent screens altogether, but at least they gave them a nice update and kept them at the beginning of the tunnel rather than up into it. That "portal" thing is awesome--very retro EPCOT, very Horizons--and does a good job of distracting from the flashing camera ahead of it. All of the old scenes are beyond fantastic--the new AAs are really, really stunning. Good money was definitely spent on those. I will miss some old characters for sentimental reasons (the Greek actors, the "Berries and Creme" guy), but I do not lament their loss. The computer room is's so heartening to see WDI using another long-lost EPCOT space to its fullest after years of being given the standard "false-ceiling-black-curtain" treatment. Yeah, garage scene is a little terrifying, but whatever. Matrix looks nice. I guess the space station didn't return to 180 top, but at least it didn't change for the worse.

And now the part where I'll really try and wait to reserve final judgment...sometime after your vehicle rotates, it becomes pretty obvious where they ran out of money (at least at this stage in the rehab). The animation on the screen is nicely done and quite pretty,'s just not awe-inspiring. At. All. Keep in mind, the last time I rode SSE (this past February), it was the descent that had me most worried--it was so dated, all the "seams" were showing, and it was obvious that it needed a fix badly. I got excited about the touch screens when I heard about them, and assumed that they would be the focus for the first part of descent--when you answer questions--and then you'd see your future outside of your car. Instead, they keep us locked on the screen the entire time? Nuh-uh, not impressed.

For almost 10 minutes we get a grand tour of human evolution--I'd say the grandest, most elaborate it's ever been in SSE's 25-year history--and then they squeeze the entire remainder of our experience onto a confining little screen? That doesn't broaden my horizons...that doesn't make me dream of a brighter future. That makes me think "where did the rest of the ride go?" This is an exciting concept (whose many options make for a great shelf life) that could have inspired real "oohs" and "aahs" had they done something like projected parts of your future in the ride around could see your future self coexisting with the future versions of your fellow riders. Now there's no sense of building a better community. Instead, the ride has become totally disjointed...the very presentational, very earnest view of the past that we see for the first 10 minutes gives way to a Flash-style animation that feels almost tongue-in-cheek the way it visually recalls the animated shorts of the 1950s and 60s. Pardon me for sounding heavy-handed, but the term "Spaceship Earth" isn't about a future of convenience and leisure. It's about a future of cooperation and understanding, themes that fit perfectly even into Siemens' new theme of "inventing the future"...themes that really should have been thought about more seriously when designing the descent.

The previous endings of SSE stimulated the brain and tugged at the heartstrings. Now, I'm just left to wonder--those 30,000 years of mind-boggling breakthroughs all happened so I could ride a rocket bike and order food from my wrist?

Keep in mind, I'm still grateful for most the rehab. It was unacceptable that the technology in EPCOT's landmark attraction was allowed to stagnate for so long, and it's obvious that real money and effort was put into the stunning first part of the ride. But, like many shows and movies, this new Spaceship Earth has "second act trouble". I'm more disappointed with the descent than I expected. I hope they keep plussing that, because right now it's a pretty underwhelming after such a triumphant refurbishment of the first part.


Well-Known Member
Going strictly off of the video (Thanks Jose), I must say that I'm very impressed with the AA's, the new computer scenes, and the matrix tunnel (my favorite change). I think the nattration is good also, but as I expected, not quite as good at the Irons version (hard shoes to fill). And I hope they aren't done the descent as well. Something, ANYTHING, else going on would be nice. The touchscreen stuff is ok, but it does seem kind of bland. And I think the score is pretty good too, but just like the narration, not quite as good as what they did in 94 and AGAIN those were some pretty big shoes to fill.

Overall, I still can't wait to see the finished product this summer. I am glad that I did get to see the descent online beforehand so now I won't be disappointed when I ride the first time. I'm sure it's better in person and will be better once it is 100% complete, but I did have higher hopes for that part. It seems most of the budget went into the first half the ride and that really is the most important thing.


New Member
Hope you're reading this disney...

it looks like we aren't going to be satisfied with just little touch screens to look at the last 4 minutes of the ride. Please immerse us. I do want to say, form what I've see of the video (and I know it's not the same) the animatronics are amazing and all the scenes up until the descent look incredible. While I'm going to miss the old soundtrack, the new one does sound very nice and I don't mind the new narration either. Just add some more wow to the ending Disney and we'll love you a little more.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I don't like the Judi Drench narration and I hope they replace her soon and add a new script like they did with Vic Perrin! The role reversal of the male and female voice actors just didn't work. A female should be sending us off and welcoming us back while a guy should be our narrator.

Also, COREY BURTON should be the touch screens narrator. I still don't think putting a project tomorrow interactive survey as the grand finale to this ride it smart. It seems cheap and I'd feel ripped off if I came on expecting a ride and got a flash mini-game forced on me for four and a half minutes.

The actual classic stuff looks absolutely amazing! This ride could have been great if they took Mansions example and just added elaborate scenes for the unelaborated ones (Computer room, garage scene) and upgraded everything else. I just can't figure out how they could butcher the ending and think it was a good idea (like taking out the graveyard scene in Mansion and replacing it with a touchscreen whack-a-mole game with ghosts popping up from behind gravestones)!

To bad the ride can't end after the planetarium :(


Not to be rude but that was very sexist.What's so bad about a women narrating?I'll miss Irons but I'll welcome Judi.

Thanks so much, Jose! I will reserve final judgment until SSE "officially" opens, but I will say:

Score is beautiful, but hardly noticeable throughout much of the is nice, though, that SSE has a new discernible "theme", and where it is audible it's terrific (queue arrangement is especially exciting). I won't say much more because I realize it is just a video and it's hard to hear everything the way I would in real life.

I miss Jeremy Irons, but am happy with Dame Judi, who was already one of my favorite actresses. Her tone is appropriate for the new ride--more along the lines of Cronkite, which is fine--and I'm starting to like the way comparisons are drawn to the present day in the historical scenes. Like the score, I couldn't really keep track of a lot of what she said on this video so I'll reserve judgment. Could probably have been more dramatic at the reveal of Planet Earth and at the end, though (same could be said of the score at those moments).

The ride itself blew me away up through 180 top. I wish they could have gotten rid of the ascent screens altogether, but at least they gave them a nice update and kept them at the beginning of the tunnel rather than up into it. That "portal" thing is awesome--very retro EPCOT, very Horizons--and does a good job of distracting from the flashing camera ahead of it. All of the old scenes are beyond fantastic--the new AAs are really, really stunning. Good money was definitely spent on those. I will miss some old characters for sentimental reasons (the Greek actors, the "Berries and Creme" guy), but I do not lament their loss. The computer room is's so heartening to see WDI using another long-lost EPCOT space to its fullest after years of being given the standard "false-ceiling-black-curtain" treatment. Yeah, garage scene is a little terrifying, but whatever. Matrix looks nice. I guess the space station didn't return to 180 top, but at least it didn't change for the worse.

And now the part where I'll really try and wait to reserve final judgment...sometime after your vehicle rotates, it becomes pretty obvious where they ran out of money (at least at this stage in the rehab). The animation on the screen is nicely done and quite pretty,'s just not awe-inspiring. At. All. Keep in mind, the last time I rode SSE (this past February), it was the descent that had me most worried--it was so dated, all the "seams" were showing, and it was obvious that it needed a fix badly. I got excited about the touch screens when I heard about them, and assumed that they would be the focus for the first part of descent--when you answer questions--and then you'd see your future outside of your car. Instead, they keep us locked on the screen the entire time? Nuh-uh, not impressed.

For almost 10 minutes we get a grand tour of human evolution--I'd say the grandest, most elaborate it's ever been in SSE's 25-year history--and then they squeeze the entire remainder of our experience onto a confining little screen? That doesn't broaden my horizons...that doesn't make me dream of a brighter future. That makes me think "where did the rest of the ride go?" This is an exciting concept (whose many options make for a great shelf life) that could have inspired real "oohs" and "aahs" had they done something like projected parts of your future in the ride around could see your future self coexisting with the future versions of your fellow riders. Now there's no sense of building a better community. Instead, the ride has become totally disjointed...the very presentational, very earnest view of the past that we see for the first 10 minutes gives way to a Flash-style animation that feels almost tongue-in-cheek the way it visually recalls the animated shorts of the 1950s and 60s. Pardon me for sounding heavy-handed, but the term "Spaceship Earth" isn't about a future of convenience and leisure. It's about a future of cooperation and understanding, themes that fit perfectly even into Siemens' new theme of "inventing the future"...themes that really should have been thought about more seriously when designing the descent.

The previous endings of SSE stimulated the brain and tugged at the heartstrings. Now, I'm just left to wonder--those 30,000 years of mind-boggling breakthroughs all happened so I could ride a rocket bike and order food from my wrist?

Keep in mind, I'm still grateful for most the rehab. It was unacceptable that the technology in EPCOT's landmark attraction was allowed to stagnate for so long, and it's obvious that real money and effort was put into the stunning first part of the ride. But, like many shows and movies, this new Spaceship Earth has "second act trouble". I'm more disappointed with the descent than I expected. I hope they keep plussing that, because right now it's a pretty underwhelming after such a triumphant refurbishment of the first part.

I'm so happy that the original scenes have been given a royal treatment.I just hope/wish that we will see more effects added to the decent.I love how the touch screens are so personal but I kinda would like to see a future for everyone,ya know?That's why I liked the "glitter city" ending.You saw everyone talking happily(cornily too LOL)and starting out discover "grand SpaceShip Earth.I'll miss that.Hopefully the decent will get some love in the next few weeks.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
That's why I liked the "glitter city" ending.You saw everyone talking happily(cornily too LOL)and starting out discover "grand SpaceShip Earth.I'll miss that.Hopefully the decent will get some love in the next few weeks.:rolleyes:

Maybe they are getting reaction about the ending to see if most people think it is "enough". I wonder if this preview is mainly to test the descent and then it will close soon and have more work done on it until the official opening in February? I certainly hope so, but even if it isn't I think this rehab has been great.


First off, slightly sexist? Dench is a wonderful narrator.

The new touchscreen finale is probably anything but cheap...remember, it's not complete and videos don't do the attraction justice.
Your right, the touch screens suddenly become incredibly appeasing there in person. Videos don't do them justice and having a touch screen computer at home makes this ending all the more special (sarcasm)!

The new ride is incredible all the way up to the planetarium, then no:brick:

Also, you have no right to accuse me of being sexist because of my vocal preferences!



The descent in the old version always moved me, from after the video chat scene and onwards it relied less on history and more on the future and the emotions we had for it. Now from what I've seen a little flash game is kinda disappointing. BUT, it is not yet complete so we can't make an absolute judgment.

On the subject of narration, I think a man's voice does give it a certain umph! to it but I am excited to hear the new narration.
The new AA's are very awesome, I'm geeking out about it, I just hope the ending doesn't kill the rest.

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