What did I do for WDW... I'm not that selfish... there are more things than WDW only...
What I did... tipping a poece of the vale...
Disney Seas... 5 projects...
DCA... only 1 project
Disneyland Honkong 4 projects...
So what did I do??? Enough!!!
So please don't talk to me about things like that... and certainly not at that tone...
But for that he's only the CEO... what does that mean... The man with the voice... Every CEO was an is narrow minded... Michael Eisner was hired to tune up communications, which he did... Robert is hired to tune up, and expanding the overseas... which he probably will, only time will tell...
He's not hired for the glory of WDW, or for the visitors... It's about MONEY... which has nothing to do with fun... It all has to do with profits and shareholders... and nothing to do with WDW...
So don't talk to me as if you know me or knowing the company...
Thanks! :wave: