John & Kate plus 8 plus WDW!


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Just thought I'd pass the word to all interested that next Monday (Dec 10 I believe), on the TV show "John and Kate plus 8", the family is going to WDW.

Now, I don't know if this episode will focus on the road trip and save the actual WDW part for the next episode, or if they are going to even provide much footage of the WDW resort, but I guess the only way to find out is to watch.

My wife likes to watch that show, and now that they are going to WDW, it has peaked my interest as well. :D


New Member
I have seen it before and it does show some of WDW but not really alot. They show the kids interacting with Jo Jo And Goliath I believe and one of the kids freak out. They show them in the pool too but other than that not really much of actual WDW.


Well-Known Member
I LOVE this show..

Kate AMAZES me...
I know she can be a little demanding and obsessive but she is taking care of 8 kids under 7...and Jon is AWESOME!..:)

He just deals with all Kate does and says and just does what needs to be done..LOVE him!

I have been wanting to see this episode...:)


New Member
Mickey Fan....not sure how you could have seen doesn't air until Dec. 10. Anyhow, I bet it show's a lot of WDW as at the end of last night's show, which previewed next weeks episode, it said it was sponsered by WDW and The Year of A Million Dreams. I can't imagine Disney would sponser something that didn't really show them to their best advantage.


New Member
Ugh, I hate Kate =\
She's so... *cant think of word to describe her*
I'll be watching, only for the Disney part, though.
*If I can stand Kate's complaining...*


New Member
Mickey Fan....not sure how you could have seen doesn't air until Dec. 10. Anyhow, I bet it show's a lot of WDW as at the end of last night's show, which previewed next weeks episode, it said it was sponsered by WDW and The Year of A Million Dreams. I can't imagine Disney would sponser something that didn't really show them to their best advantage.

Because I watch the show and have seen one where they went. They air repeats all the time and just went I would say within the past year or so. It is possible that they went again and it is a different episode but I was just stating that I have seen the or an espisode before when they went. Plus I didn't say it showed anything negative about Disney just that is really didn't show alot. It is only a 30 min show.


Well-Known Member
Count me in as a "Non-Kate" fan. It seems like she assumes having 8 kids givers her enough reason to be a real bee-atch.

Now, I think it would be cool to have an Episode of, "Little People, Disney World" or how about a Dirty Jobs with mike Rowe cleaning up puke throughout the park. . .


Well-Known Member
They just went this summer and it has never aired before.

Kate can be a real but she still does a great job raising those kids...


Well-Known Member
Count me in as a "Non-Kate" fan. It seems like she assumes having 8 kids givers her enough reason to be a real bee-atch.

Now, I think it would be cool to have an Episode of, "Little People, Disney World" or how about a Dirty Jobs with mike Rowe cleaning up puke throughout the park. . .

I LOVE Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs, he's hysterical.

Side note: what time will the episode air?


Well-Known Member
I just set my Tivo. I watch this show all the time. It amazes me how people with large families get things done. I laugh at Kate'd ocd issues and I love that Jon's just like "whatever." I think one of these days he's going to snap though.


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They live about three miles from me. What a joke!

What do you mean by that?

I don't care much for Kate, either, from what I've seen of her. On last night's episode, she was whining because she had a hard time finding someone to clean house for her, yet she fired the person who she finally picked just because she failed to dust up to Kate's expectations. Sorry, but if she fires everyone who isn't perfect, she's not gonna have anyone to work for her. I didn't see why she didn't just clarify to the cleaning woman what she expects and let the woman learn for next time around. That's part of having a job, and I'm glad I don't get fired everytime I fail to do a job perfectly. Really, not pulling things out and dusting isn't, IMO, a terminable least not on the first offense as this seemed to be. I can understand if this is a recurring problem. Just point out the error and she'll know for the future. So if she's that to work for, I really have no sympathy for her. At all.


i agree kate can be a little whiney and dramatic, but can you imagine what it must really be like to have 8 kids who are all extremely dependant on her? any one of us would probably be acting just the same if not worse than she can act at times, but aside from that, i like john and kate, i like their opening song too lol ...but they should definitly make this whole disney trip into 2 episodes


New Member
Because I watch the show and have seen one where they went. They air repeats all the time and just went I would say within the past year or so. It is possible that they went again and it is a different episode but I was just stating that I have seen the or an espisode before when they went. Plus I didn't say it showed anything negative about Disney just that is really didn't show alot. It is only a 30 min show.

With all due respect, that episode HAS NOT aired in the past. They went to Dutch Wonderland, which is in Pennsylvania, and in no way resembles WDW. This was their first visit to WDW.


New Member
I can't wait to see the show. I do watch the show, but have to admit, Kate is a little hard to deal with sometimes.
Jon is her husband, not one of the children. The only way to make a family work, regardless if you have 1 child or 8, is to share the responsibilities with your mate and to make things work "together". I don't know how he puts up with the way she speaks to him and how she repremands him, expecially in public!!! The husband is the head of the household and I think she needs to step back, realize that, and treat him with the respect that he deserves.

Enough of that......we have to start another thread after the show aires!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I can't wait to see the show. I do watch the show, but have to admit, Kate is a little hard to deal with sometimes.
Jon is her husband, not one of the children. The only way to make a family work, regardless if you have 1 child or 8, is to share the responsibilities with your mate and to make things work "together". I don't know how he puts up with the way she speaks to him and how she repremands him, expecially in public!!! The husband is the head of the household and I think she needs to step back, realize that, and treat him with the respect that he deserves.

Amen to that! Now, if I give you my phone number, can you just call my wife and tell her that, too? :lol:


Active Member
I can't wait to see the show. I do watch the show, but have to admit, Kate is a little hard to deal with sometimes.
Jon is her husband, not one of the children. The only way to make a family work, regardless if you have 1 child or 8, is to share the responsibilities with your mate and to make things work "together". I don't know how he puts up with the way she speaks to him and how she repremands him, expecially in public!!! The husband is the head of the household and I think she needs to step back, realize that, and treat him with the respect that he deserves.

Enough of that......we have to start another thread after the show aires!!

I hope you didn't mean that they way I took it.... :fork:

Anyway. I think Kate is OCD and Jon isn't which is why she talks to him the way she does and he just takes it. I think I would get tired of it after a while, but it seems to work for them so live and let live.

I think the show is pretty entertaining and will be watching when this airs.

Thanks for the tip! :wave:


New Member
wow, my mom and i have been waiting all season! we actually SAW them when we were there back in late july/early august at AK's pizzafari. =] maybe i'll be in a little bit of the episode because we sat in the same room as them and i told kate that i just loved the show! haha

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