I love this ride but I hate taking my friends on it because I feel like they're going to be bored out of their minds. Does anyone else feel like this show should now be titled "Carousel of
lack of Progress"? When I was a kid riding this for the first time in '94 I remember seeing the last scene and thinking to myself "wow, all this stuff is really cool, but most of it will never happen". Now of course I look back and laugh at myself but the ride remains unchanged... or in other words "no progress". I can see where some people might want them to incorporate things like iPods, or like Microsoft's Natal, but I'd rather see them turn the last scene into what it used to be... a look at the future. Right now it's more of a look at the present/past. And while updating it to newer technology would certainly get it closer to what it should be, it would still be present day technology. I want to be "wowed" again by the future scene like I was as a kid. This stuff may sound silly but it's stuff that I'd like to see... keep in mind a lot of the stuff that's in that final scene may have sounded silly back before it was built.
Some sort of hologram, whether it be a family member who is visiting for Christmas via hologram or maybe a hologram Christmas tree?
LCD or LED walls that change color or put a landscape or background up. Have John say something like "Who changed the walls to this dark blue? We need a lighter mood for Christmas." Then have him change the walls to a lighter blue using an app on his iPad all the while explaining that we no longer have to worry about wallpaper or painting walls with this new LED technology. Then have him change it to like a snowy scene with mountains in the background on the walls or something like that.
Have them mention how amazing it is that Grandpa has recovered so quickly from his replacement heart surgery. Then talk about how they can't believe they were able to regrow a completely new heart for him in less than a week's time. And then have Grandpa say something like "Yea and now I'm fit as a fiddle!"
They should also have some sort of robot butler and John should be able to ask it questions and have it answer him, like a robot "Google". Like "When did Avatar come out in theatres?" and then it responds "December 18th, 2009". Stuff like that.
Oh... and a Roomba.
The "Carousel of Progress" is a great idea and I think instead of keeping this one as is for Walt's sake, I think he would want the future scene to always be updated and looking forward. Sorry for the long winded post. :wave: