Jim McPhee promoted - now oversees the 4 park VPs


Well-Known Member
You guys act like the 4 parks are the only aspect of WDW. Have you forgotten just how much goes into WDW. Meg is over all of it including the 4 parks, the two water parks, DTD, and the large amount of hotels. This kind of structure makes sense. There should be one person responsible for the theme parks/water parks, one person over hotels, and one person maybe over DTD and retail who all report to Meg.

Meg is a figure-head. That's the reality and she does a great job in that position (seriously).

Erin runs WDW on a daily basis and, unless something else has happened, will continue to do so.

Jim's position has more to do with technology and how it will shape the WDW experience across all four parks. :xmas:


Active Member
Wouldn't you think that being VP of WDW's signature park (Magic Kingdom) would make you the next candidate for a position like Jim McPhee got? I am happy that TDO saw that Phil Holmes is definitely not ready or deserving of a promotion like that, now of they can only see he is not the right man for the position he's in now!


Active Member
Congratulations Jim! This is VERY good news folks. I remember watching how Jim McPhee was interacting and just hanging out with guests during the 25th anniversary of EPCOT, very casual, friendly, and (most importantly) non-executive.:sohappy:


Active Member
attractions are a mess show quality wise.:xmas:

Besides EE's problems, what other problems are there? I can only count Hopper not appearing sometimes and some minor Dinosaur effects.

And why on Earth would he not want to visit? The man spent decades working on the park and you think he would just abandon it? :brick::rolleyes:


Besides EE's problems, what other problems are there? I can only count Hopper not appearing sometimes and some minor Dinosaur effects.

I really wouldn't call the plethora of effects that have been lost on Dinosaur minor.

And why on Earth would he not want to visit? The man spent decades working on the park and you think he would just abandon it? :brick::rolleyes:

He'd be embarrassed, if I can venture a guess. I spoke to him briefly on DAK's 10th anniversary, and the love he has for that place is immense. I really think he'd be embarrassed to see some of the rides.


Active Member
I really wouldn't call the plethora of effects that have been lost on Dinosaur minor.

That's quite an exaggeration. Nothing major has been lost and the ride was in great shape imo when I rode in Oct.

He'd be embarrassed, if I can venture a guess. I spoke to him briefly on DAK's 10th anniversary, and the love he has for that place is immense. I really think he'd be embarrassed to see some of the rides.

If he really is passionate about his work of art, then he would try and fix it and make it shine like it did before.


Well-Known Member
He'd be embarrassed, if I can venture a guess. I spoke to him briefly on DAK's 10th anniversary, and the love he has for that place is immense. I really think he'd be embarrassed to see some of the rides.

Far from it.

I'd gamble he's more like me. Do I get furious and have the urge to kill over effects not working? Yes. But even that is no threat for me to keep me from enjoying the amazing attractions, excellent stories, spiritual environment and meaningful theme that's an intrinsic part of Animal Kingdom.


That's quite an exaggeration. Nothing major has been lost and the ride was in great shape imo when I rode in Oct.

Really? Let's list the broken effects in the ride.

-Time doors to the past
-fog in the time transport
-Pterodactyl(Something I would without a doubt consider major)
-Jumping compies
-Comet effect
-All the laser "nets" and effects in the ride

Sorry, but a laundry list of broken effects=major downgrade from opening day.

If he really is passionate about his work of art, then he would try and fix it and make it shine like it did before.

He doesn't have the power to allocate budgets to fix said things.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
He's basically in charge of what goes into DAK. :cool: We're in good hands.

He just needs to GET OUT OF HAWAII!

You guys act like the 4 parks are the only aspect of WDW. Have you forgotten just how much goes into WDW. Meg is over all of it including the 4 parks, the two water parks, DTD, and the large amount of hotels. This kind of structure makes sense. There should be one person responsible for the theme parks/water parks, one person over hotels, and one person maybe over DTD and retail who all report to Meg.
That is very true, but this is a big step for the PARKS. Hopefully, with him at the healm, they take center stage instead of the DVC Kingdom they have, now.:lol:

Um ... yeah, this was part of what I was alluding to. But the timing has taken me by surprise as I heard it wasn't going to be announced before the new year.

I wish I had more time to research what's out on this, but as I understand things while it is a good move for Jim (and hopefully for WDW) it isn't him being in charge of all the parks or the VPs' boss.

Erin Wallace is still the head of WDW Ops on a daily basis, Meg Crofton is still the figurehead pretty face prez (the Palin of WDW, if you will), and Al Weiss pulls strings in a nebulous role that may well be changed when Staggs and Rasulo swap jobs.

Jim will be working on integrating the new technolgies into the WDW parks, with most of the focus on MK to start (obviously the F-land project). As such, he'll have power in ALL the parks.

But he won't be running them or have veto power over those who do, although that all may change once Staggs comes in and decides how he wants the operational management chart to look.

But congrats to Jim.

Oh, and as I stated elsewhere, there will be more (any?, some?) holiday decor at EPCOT next year and some next generation light display (LoW aren't returning in current form ever) either next year or 2011.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread!:xmas:
The stuff I bolded....think it'll happen? Is Staggs the kind of person to shake things up like that?
And everyone was worried!

Well, almost everyone. :)
Give it time....Let's see if it plays out.

However, I agree, this looks awesome.


Far from it.

I'd gamble he's more like me. Do I get furious and have the urge to kill over effects not working? Yes. But even that is no threat for me to keep me from enjoying the amazing attractions, excellent stories, spiritual environment and meaningful theme that's an intrinsic part of Animal Kingdom.

Possibly, but if he's anything like me, he'd be incredibly unhappy about what's happened to his creations.

I like our incredible hypothetical conversation here.:lol:


Quick note-Those two are working again.

Wait, really? The fixed the doors into the past?

Wow, it had been years since I'd seen them working!

And yea, I saw "fog" last time I was there, but I really feel like there was A LOT more in the past than the last time I saw it.


Well-Known Member
I'm very happy to read about Jim's new role.

I had the pleasure of speaking to him recently and he's a great guy and has seen a lot in his 30+ WDW career.


Active Member

Thank goodness Jim will have some kind of important job that will I think mean something in the long run. (He will get us a replacement (like Hong Kongs LoW) here for next year. Goodbye perhaps to the old one but if we get something like it and better Yea!

... Maybe we can trade Erin, Meg and Al for some surplus Yeti parts and put Jim in charge of Everything!

(Toss in Iger and Russulo for FREE!!)


New Member
I wish I had more time to research what's out on this, but as I understand things while it is a good move for Jim (and hopefully for WDW) it isn't him being in charge of all the parks or the VPs' boss.

Jim will be working on integrating the new technolgies into the WDW parks, with most of the focus on MK to start (obviously the F-land project). As such, he'll have power in ALL the parks.

But he won't be running them or have veto power over those who do, although that all may change once Staggs comes in and decides how he wants the operational management chart to look.

So how is his new position different from his current one, then? What you're describing sounds like the position he has already been in for the past several months.


Well-Known Member

Thank goodness Jim will have some kind of important job that will I think mean something in the long run. (He will get us a replacement (like Hong Kongs LoW) here for next year. Goodbye perhaps to the old one but if we get something like it and better Yea!

... Maybe we can trade Erin, Meg and Al for some surplus Yeti parts and put Jim in charge of Everything!

(Toss in Iger and Russulo for FREE!!)

What is HK's LoW? Any links?

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