Originally Posted by Wdwprince
Lou Mongello makes park tour CDs and charges to give personal tours in Orlando.
Why is Disney ok with that if they weren't when JH did it?
Well you'd have to ask Disney that.
Well, you could ask, but they'll never answer because they feel they don't have to. It's pretty obvious that folks at Disney have an arrangement with Lou since the man NEVER, EVER apparently has a bad word to say about anything at WDW. I'm also sure he paid for his Dream cruise and his five days in Hawaii and etc etc ...quid pro quo.
Disney doesn't have a problem with the CDs because unless you say they are a Disney product or feature Disney copyrighted material, they really can't say anything.
Even here, Disney doesn't play by its own rules. It makes them up on a case by case basis, which likely would hurt them in court (if someone had a bigtime lawyer to fight them and if the judge wasn't in Disney's pocket).
Disney has put DVD sellers out of business, yet some are allowed to sell Disney copywrights/IP without anyone shutting him down.
As MasterYoda pointed out, the problem at Disneyland is that Hill made a spectacle of himself, some guests complained, and they threw him out of the park (I also think he got a 1-year ban? I can't remember).
Perhaps Lou doesn't make a big spectacle of himself. But like I said, you'd have to ask Disney.
I don't know the man. Never had the displeasure of meeting him. But since he is an ex-lawyer from NJ who owns an Italian restaurant in Naples, I don't want to anger him
... But I don't see anything different between Hill and Mongello except DL steadfastly doesn't allow tours that compete with its own product. WDW doesn't either (imagine a Spirited tour of everything wrong with the MK ... I'd even take a final ride on Snow White's ADventures with you for an extra $50), but seems to look the other way for certain individuals.
As to making a spectacle of himself, the first (and only time) I watched/listened to a podcast he more than did so. He hung around with a posse when MSUSA was closing ... went into the Cinema shop, put a CP CM on camera without her or Disney's permission (again, unless there's an arrangement), conducted an interview (putting her job on the line and making her VERY and obviously uncomfortable) and kept asking why they weren't selling a book of his (everyone seems to have one today). It left me feeling dirty watching. He acted like he owned the place. I've been told he did the same thing on the first real Dream cruise, which he also took (have no idea what if anything he paid for it), where he was going up to people (including Tales From the Laughing Place publisher Lee MacDonald) and shoving a mic in their faces.
He comes off like a total sleeze. He isn't selling Amway or insurance or his religion ... just some cult-like supposed love for Walt and, more importantly to TDO, all that is the Disney BRAND.
The point about the CD's is that it reenforces the fact that Jim Hill has never finished anything in his professional life - a series of articles, CD's he took pre-orders for, or had a successful track record of anything. He's all in it for what he can get, from all appearances.
Sounds about right.
But how does that make him different from any of the Disney Lifestyle folks out there? Everyone has a blog or a website or a podcast or a self-published 'book' and wants in on the Social Media Whorefest. I'm no fan of Jim's (although he has been right on a few things in his day), but the whole Disney Lifestyle deal has become a cottage industry and many of the players are simply lowlifes and opportunists looking to leech off the Mouse in any way they can.
And, sadly, Disney is filling the trough for them and ringing the dinner bell.