It's the Tourists...


New Member
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What raised my eyebrow in the article was the comment about the closing of rides without replacements, and uses "keelboats, canoes, 20,000 Leagues, skyway" as examples.

PAH-LEEZE! These rides hardly did anything to help absorb the crowds (with possibly a small exception to 20,000 Leagues).

A very inaccurate and extremely biased article.

They absorbed more people when they were open then they do now. And the actual point is something new should have come out to replace them and did not.

By your logic we should close every ride that doesn't handle more than a 1000 guests per hour...


Active Member
Who do you think makes pin collecting and dining plan such a big sucess.

Everyone has a budget whether AP or Visitor and they're frugal folks in both, the real point is DL is raking in the cash off the APer's just fine, so FL could do the same with a ramp up in plussing and expansion. ...and fill rooms with more visitors too.

You're trying to create a problem where a problem doesn't exist.

Most of your recent posts are in a tone that sounds like WDW is in some kind of danger of going bankrupt or something.

WDW is thriving and continues to rake in plenty of cash for the Disney company.

The Walt Disney World resort as a whole is just one big cash cow for Disney.

WDW's 2007 attendance has grown and increased this past year.

The only stuff I've read on DLR's 2007 attendance is that it has either declined or stayed flat.

Your posts are continuing to slide in a very DLR biased manner.

This entire thread was really just created to become another DLR VS. WDW thread.

BTW: Nobody is saying that DLR is not profitable.


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That's how DL AP holders are as well. The only thing I will buy is a churro or some sort of snack. I'm never there long enough to have to buy an expensive meal.

It's impossible to get a seat at the resturant's unless you book way in advance, so they can't all be cheap...


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I don't think so...

The Floridians I talk to don't like WDW *Especially Magic Kingdom* because of the lack of thrill rides the park has to offer.

If WDW wants the AP as well as the tourists, they need to convince the locals that Disney is truly a magical place, not just a tourist trap...

You make my case for me. Floridians would go mor eif there was more than 1 or 2 new things compared to what was there three years ago when they last went.


New Member

I concur with the thought that DL and WDW attract 2 different types of demographics. I've considered visiting DL but only for a day trip whereas all of my WDW trips are at least 5 days long.
Obviously with a park thats really only a 1 day adventure, you need to rely on AP's to keep the property filled. WDW could probably been seen in 4 days, but even w/ a week parkhopping I still feel like I dont get to see it all.
I believe his article boils down to an east-coast/west-coast grudge and to be honest, i think the world is doing a lot of great things to increase crowds year -round, pirate/princess party, star wars weekends, food n wine fest.

This is a great post. I personally understand that MK for example will never have as many rides as shouldn't. There are FOUR parks at WDW and each of them needs to have adequate rides. I don't entirely agree that WDW is getting left out either: with the new Nemo ride, the Three Caballeros ride, the new Nemo show at AK, Expedition Everest, Lights Motors Action at DS, The Laugh floor and (even though it was aweful) the Stich attraction at MK, all in the last three or four years, and the upcoming redux of both Haunted Mansion and Spaceship Earth, significant investment has been put into the property.

Is there drastic room to improve? Of course, especially at the Studios. But to get as down on WDW as some do is crazy. Comparisons between any one park (or two if you include CA) and MK for example are unbased: it is a different experience. I for one would take WDW every day of the week and twice on Sunday over DL.


New Member

They absorbed more people when they were open then they do now. And the actual point is something new should have come out to replace them and did not.

By your logic we should close every ride that doesn't handle more than a 1000 guests per hour...

I bet if we look at when those rides closed we would find there were other rides opened in the timeline vicinity: including buzz, stitch, and now laugh floor.


Active Member
You make my case for me. Floridians would go mor eif there was more than 1 or 2 new things compared to what was there three years ago when they last went.

It would depend on what things were added.

If all Magic Kingdom got was a bunch of DL upgrades, then no, the average Floridian couldn't be bothered.

But if Magic Kingdom got let's say, a new roller coaster like Fire Mountain in Fantasyland, then yea, the average Floridian may become interested.

In my case, DLR has nothing to do with the equation.

DLR was just added into the mix to get a rise out of people or to start another DLR Vs. WDW debate.

BTW: As I said before, you're creating a problem where a problem doesn't exist.

WDW doesn't need locals at all like DLR does.

WDW makes butt loads of cash with out them and has done so for over 30 years.

So what's really the point of this thread?


New Member
Original Poster
You're trying to create a problem where a problem doesn't exist.

Most of your recent posts are in a tone that sounds like WDW is in some kind of danger of going bankrupt or something.

WDW is thriving and continues to rake in plenty of cash for the Disney company.

The Walt Disney World resort as a whole is just one big cash cow for Disney.

WDW's 2007 attendance has grown and increased this past year.

The only stuff I've read on DLR's 2007 attendance is that it has either declined or stayed flat.

Your posts are continuing to slide in a very DLR biased manner.

This entire thread was really just created to become another DLR VS. WDW thread.

BTW: Nobody is saying that DLR is not profitable.

I never said anything about bankruptcy. But, a point comes to mind... The weak dollar has caused a gigantic surge in overseas visitors, who many of which are 1-timers, so of all the parks, WDW is most at risk for a decline in attendance.

I never said anything about declining attendance. Regardless, My point is simple, expansion helped DL significantly, so why you think MK and WDW shouldn't follow that simple formula is beyond me.

Also, if it's such a cash cow, then it deserves a little reinvestment to bolster it's position and increase that revenue stream into the future.


Well-Known Member
If this is true, why is DL so profitable and getting all the funding to expand? A loyal customer who buys regularly is far more valuable than a 1-timer visitor or once in multiple years.

Also, I'm not saying not to attract those, but growth would bring in both types of customers...
Because DL doesn't have 2 water parks, 3 other theme parks, many hotels, and DTD to put their money into like WDW does.

So what's really the point of this thread?
LOL. Right before I read that, I asked myself the same question. :lol:


New Member
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MK is in a very complicated spot. They can't make the park too attractive with new rides or it will become a for sure 2 day park for most guests. If it is already maximum guest hold, putting in more attractive attractions (haha) may actually hurt their goal. It would cause even more and more of a crowd in the already crowded park. Guests may also cut out one of the other parks on their trip.

This is where the real problems begin. MK has even a large margin of attendence over the other parks than it does now. THEY DO NOT WANT THIS.

WDW management would do best to build the other parks up and leave MK alone. Yes you can say that it needs attention too, but it really really doesn't. Attention to MK could do much more harm than good.

This post shocks me the most. There is no way Disney doesn't want greather attendance at the MK. They have even found ways to add days to the year with P&P, MNSSHP and MVMCP events where they get to spin the turnstiles a second time each of those days. If your logic were true, they would cancel these events as people have to leave and more have to come in...

Also, adding a new land (for example) adds to the capacity of the park also, so it's easy for Disney to increase park capacity if it needs to.


Active Member
I never said anything about bankruptcy. But, a point comes to mind... The weak dollar has caused a gigantic surge in overseas visitors, who many of which are 1-timers, so of all the parks, WDW is most at risk for a decline in attendance.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record...

You're creating a problem where a problem doesn't exist.

Sure WDW would have the most to lose IF tourism went under.

But is it? No, more people are visiting WDW than ever.

WDW is the most visited place on Earth. There's no way that tourism would decrease severely enough to make WDW unprofitable.

WDW doesn't need AP in order to survive like DLR does, and it probably never will.

And what is this DLR expansion you continue to talk about?

As people before me have already posted, WDW has also expanded in the last decade significantly.

I agree that WDW deserves a lot of attention.

The only people who think that WDW is not getting the attention it deserves are the online Disney theme park fan geeks. Not the average tourist.

Tourists will continue to come back to WDW just because it is WDW. A new ride or theme park would just be considered a plus to their vacation.


Well-Known Member
And what is this DLR expansion you continue to talk about?
DCA expansion/ beautification, 3 possible new hotels, DTD expansion, 2 new E-tickets for DL... :shrug:

I accidentally cut out this part, but I agree about normal visitors not knowing about the condition rides are in. It's new and fun to them.

Why does it matter which park gets more money, visitors, or tourists? Both parks have their pros and cons, both are unique and fun. As long as we enjoy the parks, why does this argument matter?


New Member
Original Poster
At the risk of sounding like a broken record...

You're creating a problem where a problem doesn't exist.

Sure WDW would have the most to lose IF tourism went under.

But is it? No, more people are visiting WDW than ever.

WDW is the most visited place on Earth. There's no way that tourism would decrease severely enough to make WDW unprofitable.

WDW doesn't need AP in order to survive like DLR does, and it probably never will.

And what is this DLR expansion you continue to talk about?

As people before me have already posted, WDW has also expanded in the last decade significantly.

I agree that WDW deserves a lot of attention.

The only people who think that WDW is not getting the attention it deserves are the online Disney theme park fan geeks. Not the average tourist.

Tourists will continue to come back to WDW just because it is WDW. A new ride or theme park would just be considered a plus to their vacation.

There are plenty of times when tourism has weakened, 9-11, the gas crisis back in the 70s and others. Each of those times WDW turned to locals.

You still keep missing a simple point (so I guess I'm sounding like the broken record now, but) WDW at large and the MK specifically, could benitit from the managment style at DL in regards to adding rides and attractions. There's no reason the MK couldn't expand to handle 25,000,000 per year with the same wait times for rides, but those rides would be of more variety and more quality. I don't remember Walt ever saying anything like "The Magic Kingdom is good enough", or "We don't want any more attendence at that park." He would have said, "Bring it on, let's really give them something new to sink their teeth into."


Active Member
DCA expansion/ beautification, 3 possible new hotels, DTD expansion, 2 new E-tickets for DL... :shrug:


That's great for DLR, but it also sounds like it's just playing catch up to WDW.

(WDW already has a larger DTD, more hotels, 2 more theme parks, yadda, yadda, yadda)

And all that stuff has yet to happen, so how can someone say that it has helped the resort significantly?

BTW: OP, If you're talking about what DLR received with the 50th celebration, then your point loses even less meaning.

DLR attendance did get bumped due to the celebration, but as did WDW's.

Once the Disneyland park cracks the 15 million visitor mark, then DLR's "expansion" will hold some real significant weight.


Active Member
Why does it matter which park gets more money, visitors, or tourists? Both parks have their pros and cons, both are unique and fun. As long as we enjoy the parks, why does this argument matter?

LOL, I try to tell myself that each time I stumble onto a thread like this.

But it seems like there's always one person that will turn the thread into a debate and I have to join in...

At the end of the day, they're both owned by Disney and Disney is enjoying all of the money and rewards each resort brings in.


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BTW: OP, If you're talking about what DLR received with the 50th celebration, then your point loses even less meaning.

DLR attendance did get bumped due to the celebration, but as did WDW's.

Once the Disneyland park cracks the 15 million visitor mark, then DLR's "expansion" will hold some real significant weight.

You make my point for me. Don't you think a strong shot of TLC and several new E-Tickets would give a bump to WDW's attendence? Plus DL did all of that on the backs of mostly APs.

Also, DL's attendence is lowered by several factors, It closes due to capacity far more often than MK, and it does not get as many Secondary admissions due to Hard Ticket Events. I'm curious to know the real numbers after these factors are accounted for.

Anyway, I'm sounding like a DL cheerleader, when I'm really championing for WDW to grow...


New Member
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LOL, I try to tell myself that each time I stumble onto a thread like this.

But it seems like there's always one person that will turn the thread into a debate and I have to join in...

At the end of the day, they're both owned by Disney and Disney is enjoying all of the money and rewards each resort brings in.

It's really all about how great it would be to see a growth surge at WDW, like DL has expereinced. It's not about the cash in Disney's pockets.

Think how you felt the first time you walked into AK or rode Splash Mountain. The folks are waiting 4 hours to ride the subs at DL right now. Imagine if Fire Mountain or Villian Mountain or a new 20,000 Leagues or any of your favorite rumors were to come to life at MK next week. How great that would feel!


Active Member
You make my point for me. Don't you think a strong shot of TLC and several new E-Tickets would give a bump to WDW's attendence?

Yea, I'm all for WDW's attendance growing. And it is growing.

But Magic Kingdom park can't honestly receive over 25 million guests per year.

The most visitors Tokyo Disneyland ever received in year was a little over 18 million I believe.

And Magic Kingdom is getting pretty close to that.

(You also have to consider that Magic Kingdom has 6 other theme parks to share its attendance with while Tokyo Disneyland only had itself. So it's very impressive of Magic Kingdom to receive as many visitors as it does)

And I would also like more E-Tickets to come to Magic Kingdom. But not boring "DL upgrades" that most everybody complains about Magic Kingdom park not having on this forum.

I see now that DL really has nothing to do with your overall purpose of this thread.

You might have had a much more productive thread on your hands if you would have left DL out of it...


New Member
Original Poster
I see now that DL really has nothing to do with your overall purpose of this thread.

You might have had a much more productive thread on your hands if you would have left DL out of it...

I was really trying to use DL as an exampe not a competative adversary. Tokyo might have been a better example of the quality=growth message I was proposing. They even get 4 hr lines for Pooh...

Pleasure debating with you, it does sharpen the mind...


Active Member
I was really trying to use DL as an exampe not a competative adversary. Tokyo might have been a better example of the quality=growth message I was proposing. They even get 4 hr lines for Pooh...

Pleasure debating with you, it does sharpen the mind...

No, comparing the TokyoDisneyland's quality was not the point of my statement.

That would just lead to another debate...

(TokyoDisneyland is exactly like DLR in that it is a mostly local-fed market aswell)

And I think the growth you're talking about with DL is taking place at WDW as well.

(Granted maybe not as large, but WDW also doesn't need as much help)

You also have to consider that WDW went through a MAJOR growth phase back in the 90's. It's just 2007, WDW doesn't have to have a major growth spurt every 3-5 years.

If it's 2020 and you're still having these complaints, then you might be on to something...

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