It's the end of the world!!!


New Member
Originally posted by isnet396
The proposed attraction is supposed to open in five years. There's a little time inbetween now and then...

Oh Great, and here I thought it was the end of the world... I guess I had better go and return all those items I looted from the stores last night. :( Bye Bye Plasma TV. Five years... I need to be more careful. :lol:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! If this is at all true and other people here about it eisner will be taken down. There is not a singsle way that it will happen. I wish Walt was still around so we can knew that the parks were magical. Anothier thing is that this ride is rite in the middle of the main walkway and when the are taking this down the mess would be horendous. Imagin not being to disney in 30 years and you dont hear this news and you hs to find out by not seeing it. that would be horrible:mad:


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall

You must be very stupid to believe any information from Intercot. :lol: :D

Im not saying that your stupid grizzlyhall, you just picked the wrong place for information.:)


New Member
Mickeyman get some help, its a ride and a boring one at that, don't think I don't like it, when I was like 6 or 7 it was my favorite ride at Epcot, but times and technology change and it needs to get a face lift. I'm also pretty sure that Disney isn't stupid enough to remove the outer shell, just the inside will change. Then again nothing can happen so don't get your panties in a twist :animwink:

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Re: Re: It's the end of the world!!!

Originally posted by Disney4648
You must be very stupid to believe any information from Intercot. :lol: :D

Im not saying that your stupid grizzlyhall, you just picked the wrong place for information.:)

This news was rooted from WESH, News Channel 2 of Orlando, Florida. The 6:00 News mentioned that the new attraction would be a destroy the original ride structure (gutting) and they will remodel the inside with TDS technology. They also said something about using movie screens.

I am not saying that this is confirmed, of course not. But there was a rumor that JII would change. And Horizons...and Country Bear Playhouse...and Mr. Toad... But we will just have to wait and see.

In response to several messages directed towards me...

"Whatever is, is right."

This Enlightenment phrase sums up the views of several Disney happy with what comes. However, does that mean we will enjoy every thing that comes? It is all right? No, of course not. We are humans, and we make mistakes.

The only reason I am nervous about this attraction is because of the results of the other Future World refurbishments. WDWFreak and PBERK - I agree with you about maintaining a freshness in Future World.


Take Test Track, for example. The pavilion housed here before was a family attraction, one that Walt Disney strived for in telling a fundamental story through various means of entertainment (AAs, Songs, Beautiful sets - all missing) where families could enjoy it and get something out of it. Now, the elderly, folks with health problems, and young kids cannot experience the World of Motion pavilion. That's a MAJOR part of future world, now taken off.

However, did I say that World of Motion should stay the same??

World of Motion could have had a more high-paced attraction for thrill fans. But the fact remains that the fundamental essence of knowledge gained - the inspiration of the future achieved through the discovery of our past - in all means of transportation has been pretty much condensed to not much. Teenagers and Adults can leave Test Track happy with a thrill. But families could leave the World of Motion inspired to create a better tomorrow. Test Track may encompass a few of these factors, I guess, and yes, I guess there needs to be a thrill ride.

But the family-friendly, foundational essence was lost to create less. Same goes with JII. The original show was destroyed and the new attraction...was lame. Food Rocks is a show with 2-D animatronics. This is not much compared to the Kitchen Kabaret.

EPCOT has lost a lot; foundationally and in attraction quality level. This is why I am nervous about SE being changed.


New Member
All this talk about replacing SSE with an "improved" attraction is potential BS, and most of you know it. Why? Four words--Journey Into Your Imagination. Wasn't that supposed to be an "improved" attraction with "updated" special effects? To this day, most of us continue to ask--why didn't they just maintain the original JII and just renovate what's already there with some improved AA's and special effects?

Disney head honchos have their heads up their collective derriers if they think a new ride inside SSE will be better. Why?

Let's look at their recent track record. Slashed budgets for "go" projects. Lowest common denominator easy fixes by adding Disney themed carnival rides to parks. And the whole fiasco that is DCA and partially AK.

And what I mean by "fiasco" is that someone within Disney (probably Eisner's) obviously hates Audio-anamatronic dark rides. Dinosaur kind of counts. And Superstar Limo (rest in peace) was beyond lame and very unimpressive. But what beyond Pooh Bear, Indiana Jones, Ellen DeGeneres, and a few new Pirates has even remotely been considered impressive AA's (and I'm being kind to the Pooh attraction)?

Right now we're constantly being given all the trappings of the so-called "Disney Magic" because from the outside all attractions at DCA, DL's "New" Tomorrowland, and AK all look wonderful and very elaborately detailed. But there's nothing on the inside of all these wonderful-looking buildings. Even Dinosaur (with about the most advanced ride technology that Disney has created) leaves some people cold. It certainly isn't one of WDW's top-tier attractions despite the ride technology used.

SSE should remain relatively intact with renovation in the form of updated AA and projection technology. And yes, the latter third of the ride (our "future") needs to be updated to the next communication frontiers--stuff that we might have in the next century. But to scrap the whole thing is ridiculous and infuriating.

Same logic some of us have when it comes to WoM and Test Track. Epcot and WDW have always had plenty of room for expansion. Why couldn't they have both attractions (WoM and TT) side-by-side as part of one big pavilion?

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for new rides and attractions. I'm even into replacing things that just don't draw patrons or seem way too out of date--like Living Seas. But why pull out SSE in the entirety? Look at what most of the complaints on these boards have been about SSE--noisy ride system, mediocre audio, uncomfortable omnimover vehicles, out-of-date scenes. I think in a matter of months Imagineers could solve all those problems and create a vastly updated ride.

PotC (for all its PC alterations) has constantly added new animatronics and details over the years. CBJ puts in a whole new show, depending on the season. Why Disney doesn't add to or update some attractions is beyond me. Certainly Haunted Mansion could use a new scene or two as well as some updated technology, but that doesn't mean you scrap or significantly alter the ride.

But again I ask--why change SSE when FW West and WS need so much help. Talk about stagnant and out of date attractions!


New Member
This Actually Could Be Good, People

The fact is that Spaceship Earth will probably end up being changed to Time Racers by the 25th anniversery of Epcot. I asked The Fabulous Disney Babe for confirmation on the message board of , and she indeed confirmed this for me. The fact is, however, that this is not the end of the world as people are saying it is. Spaceship Earth is an incredibly dated attraction, and those who disagree are just letting their sense of nostalgia take over. No, I'm not saying that everything must be a thrill ride, and it doesn't sound like this attraction will be one (which is a good thing). She said that the story would be about how knowledge doubled every thousand years, then every five hundred years with the start of the printing press (which is already portrayed in Spaceship Earth), and on and on to where now knowledge is said to double every seven years. This idea is very much in the spirit of the original Spaceship Earth's goal, to entertain as well as teach, and shouldn't be necessarily bashed into the ground because it will replace a dated omnimover attraction with dated, limited movement animatronics, a squeaky ride system, and poor audio.


Well-Known Member
It's like a cake. A cake that HAD a lot of frosting. Recently, that frosting has been wiped away and replaced with sprinkles. Almost all of the cake is now sprinkles. Now,- and this is a part of human nature- there is a tendency to COMPLETELY remove ALL the frosting and add all the sprinkles. If you're going to do a job, do it all the way. Don't do it halfway and half-@$$. Disney has all but obliterated, or re-formatted, all of the original "future" themes of "Future" World. Why stop there? Spaceship Earth is no longer a prologue to the rest of Future World. Innoventions is a corporate ardertisement. Spaceship Earth is like the black sheep among all the other white ones. It just doesn't fit in with what Epcot has become - a commercial.:fork:

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Here are the things I would be happy with:

(A) A major emphasis on Communication
(B) The use of inspiration of the future and the past
(C) Music and Song
(D) Totally-family friendly
(E) Even an improvement of sets...not video screens and not black space.
(F) Audio-Animatronics Figures
(G) A story that contributes to an equally-fundamental theme

The ride system may be dated, but the story of Spaceship Earth is timeless.

The project Gemini, I've heard, has been created just to think of ways to get more people to get to the park, to put in a new emphasis. The only problem is, I forsee the new emphasis will be created by creating less fundamental stories, lacking the songs, the sets, the animatronics, and the proper themes/output, and slapping on of Disney Characters. What do the HM, POTC, CBJ, COP, Tiki Birds, IASW, Hall of Presidents, Figment, Dreamfinder, JII, WOM, Horizons, American Adventure, World of Motion, Cranium Command, Jungle Cruise, Timekeeper, Alien Encounter, Dreamflight all have in common? Originality! These are the main classics of the theme parks; and we seem to be losing it. Yeah, it's neat to meet characters, but the best attractions, in my opinion, were created by these wonderful Imagineers. I don't know if it's true (about putting Monsters Inc in UoE or Toy Story in WOL or Little Mermaid in the Living Seas)...


...but knowing what's been done in the past makes me think...they can do this. And based on the latest attractions I've seen at EPCOT, I have no trust. They have to slow down, reconsider, and strive for its purpose more than the cash. Very good points, nutcase...



New Member
Let me put in my two cents, there has been rumored that AT&T is ending there sponsorship and that SE could pick-up Microsoft as a new sponsor. Maybe if thats true then Microsoft would want an attraction that is on the cutting edge of todays technology and that would make this rumor make more sence to me if it happens.


Well-Known Member
Re: This Actually Could Be Good, People

Originally posted by zarathustra
The fact is that Spaceship Earth will probably end up being changed to Time Racers by the 25th anniversery of Epcot. I asked The Fabulous Disney Babe for confirmation on the message board of , and she indeed confirmed this for me. The fact is, however, that this is not the end of the world as people are saying it is. Spaceship Earth is an incredibly dated attraction, and those who disagree are just letting their sense of nostalgia take over. No, I'm not saying that everything must be a thrill ride, and it doesn't sound like this attraction will be one (which is a good thing). She said that the story would be about how knowledge doubled every thousand years, then every five hundred years with the start of the printing press (which is already portrayed in Spaceship Earth), and on and on to where now knowledge is said to double every seven years. This idea is very much in the spirit of the original Spaceship Earth's goal, to entertain as well as teach, and shouldn't be necessarily bashed into the ground because it will replace a dated omnimover attraction with dated, limited movement animatronics, a squeaky ride system, and poor audio.

Sure, updating is good. But, again, I wanna know why Disney can't follow what they established themselves and need to copy others. Disneynutcase asked the same question I did: why can't they create a NEW concept or attraction using the old ways? I'd really like to see new AAs, an Omnimover dark ride. Half a dozen dinosaurs and a couple of purple dragons just don't cut it. The way you say it, we might as well gut Pirates of the Caribbean and install a brand new, Spider-Man-like 3D motion simulator starring Johnny Depp from the future motion picture. Makes sense?
I know it may seem like nostalgia is taking over, but think about this: take a look at how long Horizons and World of Motion had been around, and how long the Great Movie Ride and Pirates and the Carrousel of Progress and SE have been around, and see how many people remember them. I suppose they're considered classics, as I'm sure people have already placed the Tower of Terror and even Pooh right along with them. Do you really think Test Track is considered a Disney classic by anyone? I'm not saying it's a bad ride, it isn't, but just like Rock n' Roller Coaster, that's what it is, a ride. And as a CM, that's one of the first things they told me: Disney doesn't have rides, it has attractions. Maybe Mission: Space will be a true Disney attraction, and will become a classic, a true memory to Horizons. And maybe, if the rumors are true, the same will happen to SE. We gotta wait and see. But I sure hope there's still someone around Disney Park management that remember the basics that made WDW what it is today.


New Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic

First of all, I think everyone has to understand that the ride isn't the most popular because of how fun it is but rather because of its location.It is the first thing people see and the first thing people ride.

Another thing that people should know, disney fans might have a ball on it but the general public thinks it is boring, outdated, and not impressive at all. I know you guys hate to admit it but the sphere is what everyone loves, NOT the ride. I worked in Spaceship Earth when I was down there for the college program and very rarely would people come off the ride looking happy. The ride is squeeky and bumpy, the animitronics are old, the soundtrack is HORRIBLE, the seats are as hard as stone, and the theme is a snore fest.

Grizzly you have it wrong. Walt wouldn't have a heart attack at the thought of a new technologically advanced ride! He would have a heart attack once he saw how boring and dated a park devoted to the future had become!

Welcome Andy!!

I'm so glad you're here with a voice of reason. So many others are agreeing, but you said it so well.

Let's bring FutureWorld out of the past and not let it rot all mired in the sentiments of a few melancholy Disneyians.

General Grizz

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Original Poster
Spaceship Earth, and ANY Disney attraction with fundamental meaning, inspired by Walt, and has been a long-time, well-known-around the world attraction, is a classic.

You made a very good point with thrill rides. They are rides. But attractions such as COP, IASW, WOM, Horizons, Spaceship Earth, and the Journey into Imagination - these are not only attractions with great stories, songs, sets, and animatronics - but they have substance! This is why Walt Disney built the theme park - the bonds of family and the display of progress and peace. The replacements for WOM and JII come no where close to any kind of substance achieved by the original. Sure, they have/had a story. But the thematical...and foundation...upon the Walt Disney attraction has been lost, really.

It's kinda like comparing an animated cartoon short to Mary Poppins.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
"Grizzly you have it wrong. Walt wouldn't have a heart attack at the thought of a new technologically advanced ride! He would have a heart attack once he saw how boring and dated a park devoted to the future had become!"

Because an attraction is technologically advanced means it is better?

Test Track is more technologically advanced than World of Motion. But I can place HIGH BETS that Walt Disney would not agree with the change. He didn't care for technology as much as he cared for the following:

(1) Family-Friendly

Just like Walt's films, Mr. Disney didn't want attractions for adults. Or for teens. Or for kids. This is why he disliked and closed "Midget Autopia" at Disneyland - families couldn't SHARE the experience together. Granted, a thrill ride needs to be in there for the purposes of pleasing various audiences, but this attraction replaced a family-friendly attraction. In fact, there was room to build around a family-friendly pavilion. Test Track takes up 1/3-1/2 the space of World of Motion, so it really is a shame.

(2) Essence

Walt Disney's attractions stood for something. Take It's a Small World, one of his dearest and favorites. The essence behind it's a Small World (not DOLLS, not ANIMALS, not a SONG) is about peace around the world...despite where you are - despite your culture. Or the Carousel of Progress. This attraction showed that if you put your mind and heart in what you do, anything can happen! Test Track does not have this essence that Walt Disney cared so much for.

(3) Quality

I'll use JIYI for this one. Test Track and Food Rocks work fine, though. Elements:
(1) SONG: “Walt Disney understood that a song is what people carry away with them. People can go to a Disney picture or park and be enchanted by it, but when they go home, the song is what they keep.” Robert Sherman - Disney Song Writer
I see this missing in lots of places. The latest attractions really haven't had much song. Not even the movies. I think this is self-explanitory.
(2) SETS AND ANIMATRONICS: I'm not going to even go into WOM vs. Test Track...just watch a video! It's really lacking, the quality.

I am not saying that World of Motion could have CHANGED to be more technologically advanced. I would love it! But it is going against original foundations. Also, don't judge until you are really sure what people mean...and try to stay kind in words. In being so into change, remember that progress is more important...and progress is caused by peace!

And to say it again: I am not against change. But I am against this kind of change that is against foundation. I agree to update Future World. But I don't agree to downgrade it.

Anyway, this shows how something can be more advanced, but not necessarily the best decision.


Active Member
I just wanna say I LOVE the music, and all versions of the narration on the ride, and I'm not just saying that, I know the Jeremy Irons script by heart.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Yup; I love the music as well.

MicBat - did you see the comic where they brought Walt Disney back to life? He goes up to the theme park to get in. Then he says, "I don't want to buy it! I just want in!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Nostalgia versus Technology

No matter what any one says (I'd be thrilled with change), there are some of us who want the old traditional and some who want change. You can't keep saying look at Imagination that's only one thing. Test Track is a nice ride, I don't love it and I do think that the parks should have mostly family rides with maybe one or two thrill rides mixed in. When you say "family" that also includes teenagers and young adults who love thrill rides You have to be fair to both. Do you know how hard it can be to get teens to come down to Disney with only attractions like Small World, Journey into Imagination, Universe of Energy, Peter Pan's flight? All great attractions but extremely boring to the young adult groups. WE NEED CHANGE!!!! Keep Small World, etc but you have to get rid of some in order to keep interest. I'm a Disney Nut but you would get bored year after year coming down if it was the same thing over and over. A new restaurant, a new hotel, new attractions all go hand in hand. Everything that is taken down will be someone's favorite. We have to look past that and be glad we have something fresh to see once in awhile..beleive me, a lot of my favorite's are gone. But I till love going to Disney and I always will!!!!!

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
I agree with you! But don't change the attractions to go against the foundations! See what I'm getting at? I mean, if they changed everything just to get interest and not to create attractions based on original theory and purpose, than why do they even exist? I didn't say don't put a thrill ride in, but if you're destroying a fundamentally crucial, family-friendly, full-of-essence, and QUALITY attraction with something that's short, for a more limited audience, fun for a quick thrill, and cut WAY back in quality, it's going against itself.

Create a NEW creation - that is even MORE family-friendly - that is even MORE full of essence - that is even MORE full of quality! Test Track could have been built around an attraction that would replace World of Motion for those who don't like family-style attractions or prefer this mode of story-telling. However, it seems that we're going back in time than progressing if change, instead of progress, is our motivation.

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