It's official: Wand is GONE !!!!


New Member
Good news. Hopefully the trend will continue and EPCOT will get the TLC it needs to get back to it's glory days. Some new country pavilions? A new WOL? A new Horizons? A restored Journey Into Imagination? I'll keep dreaming.


Well-Known Member
The "hat' at MGM will be the next cool thing to incessantly whine about. :rolleyes: :lol:

That I can understand. They plopped that thing right down in front of a ride/landmark that the park was built around. I don't give a rats patoot about TGMR, but it does screw up traffic flow and it feels like it was shoehorned into that space. It doesn't really add anything to the park. If they added "the wand" in the middle of the entrance walkway or blocked partial views of SSE while entering the park, then it would have been useless.

But I never truly understood all the wand haters. I can see how they didn't like it, but the vehemence towards that thing was unreal. Heck I grew up on the prior wand-less Epcot and still enjoyed "the wand". It didn't block anything, thought it was well done and classy looking. It photographed nicely.

To me, SSE will lose a little "pomp & circumstance" in my eyes until I get readjusted.

Well-Known Member
I cannot believe this! The heavens have opened and choirs are singing! This is a day I will tell my grandchildren about...if I have any...well, maybe I'm exaggerating. But I am so glad this is not a hoax! And I believed all of the people who were serious about the wand coming down this fall! Seems to be sooner than we thought! I wonder if Orlando Sentinel staff haunt these forums, too--or rather, Disney fans who happen to work for the Sentinel.


Well-Known Member
Page 9 before suggesting a new Horizons...

That took longer than I thought...Where are youi Horizon people? You used to be more rabid than this...

I kid...


Well-Known Member
I cannot believe this! The heavens have opened and choirs are singing! This is a day I will tell my grandchildren about...if I have any...well, maybe I'm exaggerating.

God I hope you are. Kentucky gets a bad rap from the civilized world as it is. It doesn't need anymore crazy people.



Well-Known Member
One word for this... Merfalicious. :D


Someone did make a good point. We've seen permits on every little bit of work being done lately, and nothing yet that would point directly at removal of the wand.

And a guy on here works for the company WDW rents cranes from, and I think just as recently as a couple weeks ago, he mentioned there were no rentals scheduled for Disney that would facilitate the removal.

In fact, the only marginal indicator that we've really seen is a ton of bulbs burned out and not being replaced.

It's just weird.

Obviously it looks legit from a few different standpoints, but still. It's just weird that we're not seeing more obvious indicators.

My guess is that maybe the Slantinel has even MORE information incorrect, and that the wand really won't start coming down Monday... More that it's just going to happen at some point before SSE reopens. That would make more sense... Time to file permits, rent proper equipment, probably publicise a monorail route change (if required), etc...


I am very interested to see how people react to seeing the wand down for the first time.

I called my husband all excited (I am psyched:sohappy:), but he was a little weirded out because he never seen SSE without the wand.

We'll just have to see his reaction in November...


Account Suspended
First off: tirian i always beleived in you

Second: Whoo hoo! No wand!

Third: Saw Jim MacPhee in Epcot on the 4th. He was talking to CMs and managers. He was looking over various vuildings, noting stuff, yadda yadda. Not sitting there just smiling and waving to guests - but the second i recognized him and looked his way he smiled and asked how i was today.

The dude doesn't suck :) He actually gives a bleep about Epcot. My new hero :)


Park History nut
Premium Member
If we can dream it, then we can do it.

`nuff said.

Thank you Jim.

No... that`s too timid a response.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
One word for this... Merfalicious. :D


Someone did make a good point. We've seen permits on every little bit of work being done lately, and nothing yet that would point directly at removal of the wand.

And a guy on here works for the company WDW rents cranes from, and I think just as recently as a couple weeks ago, he mentioned there were no rentals scheduled for Disney that would facilitate the removal.

In fact, the only marginal indicator that we've really seen is a ton of bulbs burned out and not being replaced.

It's just weird.

Obviously it looks legit from a few different standpoints, but still. It's just weird that we're not seeing more obvious indicators.

My guess is that maybe the Slantinel has even MORE information incorrect, and that the wand really won't start coming down Monday... More that it's just going to happen at some point before SSE reopens. That would make more sense... Time to file permits, rent proper equipment, probably publicise a monorail route change (if required), etc...
I tend to agree with the Sentinel getting a few facts wrong however the paper work end of it might already be partially complete. It was my understanding that the wand was never meant to be a permanent structure and would come down at some point. So it is conceivable that a demolition plan may already exists and will be filed with OC in the next day or two. In regards to the crane their might not be that much lead time in getting it. I know with the hiring of the cranes I deal with, which are considerably smaller then one that would be used in this project, can be arranged quite quickly. The same might be might be true for the crane that would be needed for this project.


Account Suspended
Filed paperwork actually takes a few days to process. We could see a permit that was filed July 1st not appear until July 10th.


Well-Known Member
Just a few comments (Obviously, I'm glad the wand is coming down).

For those that have not seen it without the wand, it will look naked for awhile. The castle looked naked for awhile after the gold came down and even the pink cake came down. But, SSE was always very striking in its simplicity. I will say the lights at night were pretty, but it just looks better during the day without it.

The biggest thing I'm excited about is the possibility of some cool lighting effects on the sphere. I would love to see some of the new lighting packages from the various castles and hats make its way to a very sophisticated SSE.

If we get an actual package that makes SSE look like it's rotating at night, I can forgive several other things done. :lol:


New Member
Just got this email not too long ago:

From: WDW Magic Kingdom Communication
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 1:06 PM
Subject: News from Epcot Versa-Tell: Mickey Mouse gloved hand and wand to be removed from Spaceship Earth

Mickey Mouse gloved hand and wand to be removed from Spaceship Earth

As we did with Cinderella Castle for our 50th anniversary celebration, from time to time, we add special treatments to our icons to enhance or “dress them up” for our celebrations and then restore them back to their original state. As a result, beginning July 9, the Mickey Mouse gloved hand and wand treatment that was installed on Spaceship Earth at Epcot as part of the Millennium Celebration and then updated for the 100 years of Magic celebration will be removed. The timing was ideal to restore Spaceship Earth to its original, classic look, since the venue was already scheduled for enhancement work through November. We anticipate the restoration effort will be complete by mid-September.

Many people have asked if the structure will be donated to a local museum or park, but since it is going to take nearly three months to remove, it is doubtful that it will be maintained in one piece. In addition, the size of Mickey’s gloved hand, the wand and the “Epcot” logo weigh nearly 50 tons and each letter in the logo is 36 feet tall. Those letters are also covered with more than 250,000 reflective eye-catchers.

Action Requested from Magic Kingdom Leaders
Please share this information with your Cast and Guests.

Impact: Cast and Guest
Release: July 5, 2007


Account Suspended
Just got this email not too long ago:

From: WDW Magic Kingdom Communication
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 1:06 PM
Subject: News from Epcot Versa-Tell: Mickey Mouse gloved hand and wand to be removed from Spaceship Earth

Mickey Mouse gloved hand and wand to be removed from Spaceship Earth

As we did with Cinderella Castle for our 50th anniversary celebration, from time to time, we add special treatments to our icons to enhance or “dress them up” for our celebrations and then restore them back to their original state. As a result, beginning July 9, the Mickey Mouse gloved hand and wand treatment that was installed on Spaceship Earth at Epcot as part of the Millennium Celebration and then updated for the 100 years of Magic celebration will be removed. The timing was ideal to restore Spaceship Earth to its original, classic look, since the venue was already scheduled for enhancement work through November. We anticipate the restoration effort will be complete by mid-September.

Many people have asked if the structure will be donated to a local museum or park, but since it is going to take nearly three months to remove, it is doubtful that it will be maintained in one piece. In addition, the size of Mickey’s gloved hand, the wand and the “Epcot” logo weigh nearly 50 tons and each letter in the logo is 36 feet tall. Those letters are also covered with more than 250,000 reflective eye-catchers.

Action Requested from Magic Kingdom Leaders
Please share this information with your Cast and Guests.

Impact: Cast and Guest
Release: July 5, 2007

popkid, can you post that on the WandWatch 2007 "everything about the wand coming down" thread too?


First off oh happy day!

My question is does anyone think this will be completed by the last week of September? We will be there then and would LOVE some photo's the way they should be.

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