IT'S OFFICIAL - December Meet 12/4-12/5


New Member
Static-X said:
Where exactly will you be? I'm driving up there early tomorrow morning and after dinner and the Osborne Lights, I'll be heading to MK. Never been in MK at night for a long period of time. See ya tomorrow. :wave:

For tonight? Rope girl is at the end of the Spectro parade, for tomorrow night, Shaker is in frontierland :)


Well-Known Member
Well...i shocled the world and showed up almost completly unexpectidly...but couldnt stay for too long due to my life being completly hectic (i seriously had a total of 12 different sets of friends in orlando whom all wanted to see me). It was nice meeting you guys..and special thanks for rob for all his help :)

The Mom

Premium Member
jaylenofan86 said:
Hey guys! The meet was awesome! PI was even better with all of the members that came! Thanks for the fun and memories!

And one member in particular contributed to YOUR fun. :animwink:

The Mom

Premium Member
NowInc said:
Well...i shocled the world and showed up almost completly unexpectidly...but couldnt stay for too long due to my life being completly hectic (i seriously had a total of 12 different sets of friends in orlando whom all wanted to see me). It was nice meeting you guys..and special thanks for rob for all his help :)

Well, I was certainly shocked!!! :lol: It was ALMOST a complete surprise. :lol: The only problem was, I looked around, and you were gone! I felt like I hardly got to see you. :( (But I did get a good hug and peck on the cheek in. :kiss: )


New Member
The Mom said:
And one member in particular contributed to YOUR fun. :animwink:
:lol: :lol: Oh ya mom. :animwink: It was funny when the maid asked what's your name. "I'm The Mom." "Oh, is that really your name?" "Yes, and these are my kids." *points to the 12 of the other members at the club* :p

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I made it home safe and sound. I just want to say that I truly enjoyed meeting you all. And MKT,TheMom,Angelique,WannabeBelle and Mitzer it was great seeing you all again.


The Mom

Premium Member
I must admit that the meets are just getting better and better! Maybe it's because I'm getting reacquainted with people I've met, and also meeting new people.

I also have to admit that meeting NowInc, after all of these years, was extra special. :kiss:

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