It's a Small War Veterans Association


Well-Known Member
*peeks head in to this thread knowing that it will probably grow at an exponential rate*

Hi fellow vets :wave:

*lights saber*

Anyone wanna clash for old times sake?

(Is this where we trade war stories? :lol: )


New Member
Original Poster
*Begin Serious tone and dramatic music*

The past 10 months I have undergone months of solitude... training in the art of WDWME... changed my name to wdwspider... and paid a substantial amount of debt off.

I may have thought the journey was over when the war ended... but I was wrong.

I have returned a Jedi Master.

*End Serious tone and music*

Hey Freak... remember the time those dolls were singing and we started... *conversation fades into distance*


Trophy Husband

You'd been MIA so long, I was sure those ________ ing ________ dolls had got ya.


*desperate whisper* What's that noise?

*Brandishing machine gun*

It's them! *wild eyed, unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed* They're everywhere! They're coming out of the shadows! We're surrounded!

*firing wildly in all directions*


Oooops, sorry, my bad, must have just been a squirrel or something.



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Ah.... good times... I would just like to send shout outs to my whole Resistance Crew. :wave:

Remember that time where I borrowed Freaks Saber, and I skewered like 5 dolls with that thing... and it looked like a Doll Shish-ka-bob. :lol: :drevil:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MerHearted
Remember the time Jer split his pants while fighting and everyone stopped to laugh? :lol:

yeah and his saber :lookaroun fell out :lol:

And Jer...remember the time you borrowed my saber to stir your coffee...

Spidey! Remember when you went covertlike and had the spidersense...and then jaylenofan was really a spy all along and Darrel handed full reign of his army over to him :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
yeah and his saber :lookaroun fell out :lol:

And Jer...remember the time you borrowed my saber to stir your coffee...

Yeah... that was the best darn tootin coffee stirrer I ever had... *sigh*



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MerHearted
Remember the time my sister died and you all blamed the other side and I cried? Ah, good times. :lookaroun

Ummmmm Yeah :lookaroun ... speaking of which... since the Dolls killed your sis.... Why do you adore those god awful creatures so much now? :confused: :veryconfu

*Tosses a doll head in the air, turns on saber, jumps up and does a backflip, and slices doll head in half, in mid air*

Ahh.... I still got it! :lol: :sohappy: :king:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by MerHearted
Remember the time Jer split his pants while fighting and everyone stopped to laugh? :lol:

Remember that one time I had to really bad... so I did just that in your Grotto... and everyone stopped and thought your grotto was just a huge urinal... and did the same thing as me? :lol:

:animwink: ;) j/k


New Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Ummmmm Yeah :lookaroun ... speaking of which... since the Dolls killed your sis.... Why do you adore those god awful creatures so much now? :confused: :veryconfu

*Tosses a doll head in the air, turns on saber, jumps up and does a backflip, and slices doll head in half, in mid air*

Ahh.... I still got it! :lol: :sohappy: :king:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
*Dumps a load of Camel doo doo in Jers pants* :lol:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by darthdarrel
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
*Dumps a load of Camel doo doo in Jers pants* :lol:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Errr ok... Hmmmm Not as clever as this though.

*Drives the RoE Globe into the IASW River* :lookaroun

*runs away laughing like a mad man :lol: * :lookaroun

*hits a remote control button and ignites the pyro sequence on the globe, burning dozens of dolls to a crisp* :slurp:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by figmentmom
Hmmm...I'll bet this escalates, and just in time for a holiday truce!

Eh, Your Probally right figmentmom :lol: Just as things get heated between the good (resistance) and evil (doll lovers)... it will be turkey time! :slurp: :D

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