i don't like it. therefore i'm not obligated to agree to it being there. again, i deal with the fact it's staying.
i just don't like how you inferred in your post that just because we were aware that it's not going anywhere it meant that we weren't allowed to not like it. and it obstructs the view of the theater, for one thing, along with the fact it neither adds anything to the park nor does it even go with the park's theme. it's just there, taking up space that could be used for something better just for the sake of having a more Disney-fied icon. it's one of many things MGM has wrong going on.
it looks cute, but that's all it is. it sure shouldn't be what represents a park made to draw you into the movies. it's a market ploy to spread the mouse ears, when that tactic is obviously not necessary when the castle and the golf ball became iconic long before they ever went through their periods of mouse-ification.