is project gemini dead


Let me understand this, Time Racers will just be at the end of the regular SE ride, with no changes to SE other then the scene rehabs that they have been working on for the last year? :veryconfu

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by mitros
Let me understand this, Time Racers will just be at the end of the regular SE ride, with no changes to SE other then the scene rehabs that they have been working on for the last year? :veryconfu


:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

(Let's hope "Tomorrow's Child" makes a comback in the new TR area. . . Yeah Right! :p )


Well-Known Member
While I have to admit that a part of me is happy to hear that SSE is not going under any radical changes, I hope that one day we may see Time Racers in another part of the park. Even this little tiny bit of information has my mind "racing".


Wow, Tomorrows child, wouldn't that be great! {lotsa luck!} I'm glad we purchased the tape with that song on it, as it will probably not be back ever again at WDW


Well-Known Member
These Time Racers are beginning to sound an awful lot like that Aladdin's Carpet simulator from a while back. First this whole attraction, and then it ended up being nothing more than a few videogames.

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by cloudboy
These Time Racers are beginning to sound an awful lot like that Aladdin's Carpet simulator from a while back. First this whole attraction, and then it ended up being nothing more than a few videogames.

I don't think it's virtual reality, but something more of the original Hercules Game from DisneyQuest...or motion? *shrug*

So long as they don't touch SE, I'm eternally grateful! :D


New Member
I have to say that I would have no problem in theory with a HP attraction, but I have a problem with it being in Epcot. Godzilla is different. Godzilla has been a part of Japanese culture (or at least as projected to america) for years and years. It would fit.

HP isn't that in any way shape or form. Personally, I think the most appropriate land for it would be Fantasyland. Or, if they ever made a land in AK for Fantastic creatures maybe there.

MGM wasn't supposed to be the park with all the non-Disney Tie-ins. It was supposed to be the park about movies.

And, I don't think all of it's rides fit so well there.
I think Temple of the forbidden eye at DL is a perfect fit for Adventureland, because the impetus behind the creation of AL and Indy is the same. They are brethren in theme. Similarly, I think Star Tours does okay in Tomorrowland although I would prefer better themeing.

Epcot was supposed to be a sort of permanent worlds fair. The switch via Gemini to something more mundane in theme (but with more geewiz rides) has always bothered me. Granted, the pricetag to keep a Worlds fair up to date was too much for THIS Disney to Stomach, but it is still what made me fall in love with the park.


Well-Known Member
Granted, the pricetag to keep a Worlds fair up to date was too much for THIS Disney to Stomach, but it is still what made me fall in love with the park.

How does the corporate sponsorship of the pavillions work? The worlds fairs, in the rare cases they were successful, were supported a great deal by the individual companies. GM seems to be getting a good deal out of their pavillion - I think that should be the model. Sure, it is a little commercial, but, how about this:

At least 75% of the pavillion must be a ride, movie, or other attraction - AND NOT AN AD!

You can show off your product in the other 25%, BUT a) No call to action, b) No comparrison, and c) No sales staff or anything.

The company get's some say in the design, but has to use Disney Imagineering to design it. And they pay a very large percentage of the costs.

If they got something out of it, I bet that more companies would be interested in sponsoring something.


New Member
The issue isn't (as I understand it) getting the money for the initial project. It's getting the money in five years when it MUST be updated.
Test Track is a nice ride, but it hardly illustrates cuttingedge technology or scientific thought. It is less futurelooking and thus more resiliant from the needs of constant updating, but as good a ride as it is, it doesn't really fit with the original concept of Futureworld. The problem of course is, you're trying to squeeze corps out of 100s of millions of dollars. That puts a dent in thier bottom line.

The best situation would be less fiscal requirements from sponsers and more sponsers.
To use the Pavilion example, One company might sponser each attraction to the tune of say 20 mil which garuntees say a 5 year run of that attraction. Obviously, the E-tickets need to last more then 5 years and they are going to cost money, but a more balanced mix of long term E-tickets and short term rotating rides would balance things well.

I don't think the premise of Futureworld or EPcot Center (as opposed to Epcot) failed. I think Disney failed Epcot Center. They were afraide to treat it right.


Well-Known Member
I used the Test Track example because it was a ride and it had something to give back to the sponsor (trans center or whatever it is called now), so that GM has been happy to put more money towards its upkeep. True, the ride strays a bit from the original goals, but in some ways it does still show off technology.

I aggree that there should be more sponsors, I think that there should even be trade groups, which may have a little more interest in public relations. In fact, I would like to see a few big rides, and then maybe a few either smaller pavilions or one pavilion with a couple of exhibits.

Companies spend fortunes at trade shows on exhibits for a week, why not spend that kind of money on an exhibit for 5 years?

And I like your comment about Disney failing to treat Epcot right - I think they had it going good at first and got too caught up in rides and not in the message.


New Member
Boy do I have egg on my face. I thought this thread was going to be about finding a third, permanent member for Gemini's Twin. One can dream can't he.

I think P&G should get into Epcot and re-theme stuff based on the consumer giant. TT could be changed to replica Nascar's with the Tide and Folgers themeing. There could be a ride like Dumbo except you ride on Pringles shaped cars that would actually have a scratch and sniff built into the ride. There could then be a pringles vending machine right outside the ride exit. Once you POP you can't stop.


The Land has Nestles. Isn't Imagination and Honey, I Shrunk the Audience still sponsored by KodaK? United Technologies was the last sponsor of Living Seas, but I can't recall if they still are or not.

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