Wow, you guys been hitting the “hater-ade” hard on this one!
Really that upset with Mariah? There are FAR WORSE choices!
Brittany – NO WAY
Christina – NO WAY
And actually I’m not all that impressed with Jennifer as the DREAM’s GM. Way too full of herself! All we see these days are her weight loss commercials. Big Deal!!!
Least they didn’t chose Whitney! Or have her slated for the GM then would have had to scramble to replace her in lieu of her passing. Can't say I'm at all surprised at that outcome. <snip>
I’m sure Disney was faced with a dilemma as to WHOM to choose. Stars fall in and out of rehab and grace all the time. I’da rather had Miley…to be honest. She’s been a Disney girl for a long time now.
That said, Mariah is not all that bad. I’ve seen the WDW Christmas Parade Special for a few years now and Nick C. and Mariah have been on it and IMO have done a great job representing. Plus they have 2 kids and they seem to be able to stay above board. GOOD LUCK TO HER!
BUT why can’t we have a God-Father?!!?!? Neil Patrick Harris would have been my choice. Why not! He’s talented, and what the heck…he is popular and a both a Broadway and movie star.
BTW, I was not the least put out that only feeds were Face Page and Twitter. I’ve got neither of those accounts/services and my day/life was not affected in the least with ME being LEFT out of this monumental even.
REALLY! This has been enjoyable with my first cup of Joe this AM.
Anyway, enjoy the day fellow DCL folks! Try not to be too upset...