The drive is always part of the experience for us. It's over 3000 miles to get there. We will be leaving Friday and will arrive in Orlando on Sunday. Last night we finished the last of the family t-shirts, tonight will be the printing of the maps and getting all the paperwork together, tomorrow is deciding on the movies to take on the trip, Wednesday is the final laundry and packing and Thursday is load the vehicles and go to bed early. Friday at 5:00 AM - it's up and on the road by 7:00. By Saturday morning, we should be in Nashville for a few hours of siteseeing and Saturday night we'll stop in Georgia. Sunday the gang will be hyped up to get there and get to bed so they can be up early to have breakfast with the Pooh Gang. All the way, will be Disney music, movies and coloring books. And sights that a large part of the group have never seen. ONLY 4 MORE SLEEPS !!!!!!!