Is Fantasmic worth it?


New Member
OK, here's my dilemma. I'm up in the air about whether or not my family of 6 should do Fantasmic and specifically, if we do decide we're going to stay for Fantasmic, should we do the Fantasmic Dinner Package at Hollywood and Vine? We have three children (two of whom will probably be exhausted after a full day at MGM) and I'm worried whether they can last an entire day at MGM and then sit still through Fantasmic. Here's my thought process on this: Head to MGM around lunchtime (even though you're always supposed to go in the AM) and then stick around while the masses leave and then ride our favorites. We're going in Sept, so I'm hoping the crowds won't be too horrific, but you never know. We didn't see Fantasmic when we went two years ago and this is our last time going for probably the next five years, so what should I do? I don't want to screw up our whole day at MGM just so my DD and DS can make it until Fantasmic. What to do?:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
I completely agree. I don't see why people think it is so wonderful. I suspect that some people just absolutely love it, and so others want to fit in, so they say they love it, and so on and so forth.

I seriously didn't get it. I was expecting so much more from all the hype I had read before.

Projecting cartoons on water is pretty neat, but as was said, it got old rather quickly.
All got me. I'm in the bandwagon :cry:

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New Member
I'll help out the folks that think that Fantasmic! isn't all that and a big of chips. It's highly overrated, juvenile and lacks the sort of spectacle that's present in the best of the night time shows. least, in Florida. Disneyland's Fantasmic! feels more organic and integrated into its surrounding, so it's all the more impressive, I think. Florida's show has this giant ampitheater that, it seems, hypes the show all by itself.

Go see Illuminations and perhaps you and your kids will be inspired to do something, someday to make everyone on this planet a little closer to one another. Or, y'know, see Fantasmic! and then... I don't know... sleep?

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Active Member
I didn't take the time to read all the posts on this one, but I'm really surprised at the last few. I think Fantasmic is a spectacular show. Characters, wonderful music, a nice story, some neats effects. Not every show has to be fireworks or we wouldn't need to go to the different parks to see the same thing each night. True, it does open the park to ride the big two attractions, but hundreds of Disney fans every night can't be wrong!
I even went twice last year!
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I started to read some of the posts about Fantasmic and I had to play out my tape of my vacation. I taped the preshow and I still roll watching the two bellhops from the Hotel, Moe and Gelman. These two were so great. They switched role of straight man and comic between each other so many times. Walking down the stairs on his hands, "putting down the ladder", lights on his legs when he does a handstand so planes don't fly into him while he handstands on stack of folding chair, the low ceiling inside the theater and the "realistic moon" they have there and so many other things. I wonder if those two are still doing the the preshow. I have taken a line from the show and use when when someone has a good idea, "Now you're stinking."

I hope they're there when I go back because I'll go just to see them. The show itself is good.
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Well-Known Member
Obviously different people have different opinions of this show. I happen to like it as well as Illuminations. I usually DONT do the dinner package but with kids to avoid any lines that there may be, it isnt a bad idea at all!!!!
I love MGM and make it a point to always go and catch Mulch, Sweat & Shears ( A rock & roll act disguised as landscapers!), Tower of Terror, Rock & Roller Coaster, Star Tours etc. If you go at noonish and let the kids sleep in, ave a leisurely breakfast, hang by the pool a bit, I Am sure they will be fine for Fantasmic! Getting up at the break of dawn and hitting the parks every day till closing is not a good idea with little ones. They do need some down time and that may just be enough!
There are some loud booms during the show so you may want to sit back a little further in the theatre so as not to freak out the kids. Also if you sign up for a premium pass on this site, we have a great video of the show on here as well which may help to show your kids what is coming so they can be better prepared for it!!! Hope this helps!!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
Many of the shows at MGM stop running hours before Fantasmic begins, so make sure you do those in the afternoon, and save for early evening the relatively few attractions (e.g. MuppetVision) that will still be open then.
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