Is Fantasmic worth it?


New Member
OK, here's my dilemma. I'm up in the air about whether or not my family of 6 should do Fantasmic and specifically, if we do decide we're going to stay for Fantasmic, should we do the Fantasmic Dinner Package at Hollywood and Vine? We have three children (two of whom will probably be exhausted after a full day at MGM) and I'm worried whether they can last an entire day at MGM and then sit still through Fantasmic. Here's my thought process on this: Head to MGM around lunchtime (even though you're always supposed to go in the AM) and then stick around while the masses leave and then ride our favorites. We're going in Sept, so I'm hoping the crowds won't be too horrific, but you never know. We didn't see Fantasmic when we went two years ago and this is our last time going for probably the next five years, so what should I do? I don't want to screw up our whole day at MGM just so my DD and DS can make it until Fantasmic. What to do?:veryconfu


Active Member
We enjoy fantasmic and try to see it once each trip but sometimes we're too tired or other priorities arise. We missed it last year so its a def. for this dec.
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Well-Known Member
How early to get there is very unpredictable. Last year over Thanksgiving we couldn't get to the stadium until 15 minutes before the show and got in just fine with great seats. The park was crowded too, but there were two shows scheduled. (we were at the earlier one). On other days it's standing room only with 30 minutes to go. If you ask any CM they will always tell you an hour before, but that's not really true on most nights. We, by the way, have never done the dinner package. We take in counter service with us or get snacks inside (Although the lines are baddddddddd inside the stadium area). We did wait 90 minutes a few years ago on July 4th. That was tough, but everyone still enjoyed the show. It was kind of a big party atmosphere. Go on days where they don't have early or late extra magic hours, and 45 minutes early will be just fine on most nights. All seats are fine. Sit in the middle (Not too close or too far) of any section with an unobstructed view of the mountain. There are three huge water screens and you can enjoy the show from anywhere. Get into the energy of the crowd. Listen to the music. Betcha it's the highlight of your Disney trip. I have the music playing in my head for days. I agree the DL show is better, but it's like choosing between two wonderful meals. Both have their moments and WDW is sooooooooooooooooo much easier to see because of the seating. It's hard to believe that they can stage this thing every night. And it's Free with admission! Gooooooooooooooooo to Fantasmic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
This June, we walked in 5 minutes before showtime, we were in the Standing Room Only section to the right of the theater as you walk in, and we were one of the first ones out after the show was over. For me, that's a great way to see Fantasmic. However if it is your first time, I'm sure you would like to have a seat a be a little closer.
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New Member
Definitely see Fantasmic -- but if you're worried about the kids being tired, take them back to the hotel mid-day for some down time. Even if they don't nap, a couple of hours away from all the stimulation of the parks can really help re-engergize them for the night ahead. We usually take a mid-day pool break when we've got a late night ahead of us with EMH or a show. Works wonders doing away with the crabbiness. (I just skimmed the thread so pardon me if any of this has already been suggested.)

One time we were running very late from dinner at the hotel. We got off the bus at MGM 5 minutes before Fantasmic's show time and literally ran all the way to the stadium. Still found 4 seats and, even though we were way over on the side and in the back, it was still a very good view. Course, that was in February. Any other time of year, we've have been standing for sure -- but it was nice to get out of the stadium before nearly eveyone else.
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Well-Known Member
OK, here's my dilemma. I'm up in the air about whether or not my family of 6 should do Fantasmic and specifically, if we do decide we're going to stay for Fantasmic, should we do the Fantasmic Dinner Package at Hollywood and Vine? We have three children (two of whom will probably be exhausted after a full day at MGM) and I'm worried whether they can last an entire day at MGM and then sit still through Fantasmic. Here's my thought process on this: Head to MGM around lunchtime (even though you're always supposed to go in the AM) and then stick around while the masses leave and then ride our favorites. We're going in Sept, so I'm hoping the crowds won't be too horrific, but you never know. We didn't see Fantasmic when we went two years ago and this is our last time going for probably the next five years, so what should I do? I don't want to screw up our whole day at MGM just so my DD and DS can make it until Fantasmic. What to do?:veryconfu

Go to dinner at one of the mgm restaurants that give out the pass to get into Fantasmic. They have two or three to choose from.
Then you will not have to wait an hour in line to get a seat (sometimes you dont)
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Well-Known Member
Okay okay.. I got it!

Listen.. while you MUST SEE Fantasmic, spending the whole day there just to do so in my opinion is a huge mistake. MGM sort of fizzles out after a few hours.. and you dont want your vacation ever to drag.

So.. the answer is this:

Do Fantasmic on the day that you do Epcot! So for example, the day should look something like this:

Head to Epcot for 9am opening.
Hit Soarin first.
Do some more of Epcots fun rides like Test Track, Mission Space, etc.
Grab a quick snack and sit down at the Fountainview Cafe
Enjoy the scenery, the fountain, etc while eating your snack.
Head to the countries after your rested and have fun in them!
Browse, shop, ride El Rio Del Tiempo etc! Do American Adventure!
Sit down and eat a late lunch at a country.. germany is fun :)
After that walk out the side exit of Epcot which leads to the Boardwalk
Browse the boardwalk..
Take the boat to MGM STUDIOS! FUN BOAT RIDE!
Arrive at MGM.. head to fantasmic
Watch F A N T A S M I C :) !!!
Take time leaving.. hit some shops.. bus back to resort
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Well-Known Member
Fantasmic and Cirque du Soleil were the two "shows" that totally blew my wife and I away when we went a few years ago. I'd never seen anything like it and would definitely recommend that you see it. How long you have to wait to get a seat will probably vary depending if you go in a busy season and which showing you go to (if there's more than one). If you go to the first showing during a busy time, you may have to get there earlier than if you go to a late showing. Since tired little ones are a concern, I'm guessing you probably don't want to do the Standing Room Only section with them. Personally, I think we're going to do the Dinner Package when we go back next spring - especially since you can use the Dining Plan with it...
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Prof Ecks

Active Member
I have a question related to this thread:

If you have the dinner package do you have to use the seats in the area they provide or can you move into another area? If so, what is the proper way to do so?
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Tracy Savage

New Member
We had the dinner and show package but decided to eat dinner earlier and just try general seating for the show. I'm glad we did. We had better seats than the package people did! Just lucky I guess! It's a definate DON"T MISS show!
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Well-Known Member
My family thinks Fantasmic is completely overrated, and we even left before the show was over (about 5 mins left) to head to Tower. Let me explain. Everyone speaks how wonderful and special and unique it is, people line up for hours in advance, and lots of shows reach capacity. Must be good!!

BUT, we went to see it and were actually bored. They rely too heavily on the uniqueness and wow-ness of projecting images on a screen of water. Neat for the first clip, but dragged on way too long to be anything remotely stimulating or engaging. The music is great, but the show very lackluster. Something we always skip is Fantasmic, just not worth it. And for a night time show, there really isn't a lot of fireworks or fire, something the other night time spectacles all posess.

And when Fantasmic is showing, it sucks the masses into the theatre so the rest of the park is half empty!! My opinion.
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Well-Known Member
My family thinks Fantasmic is completely overrated, and we even left before the show was over (about 5 mins left) to head to Tower. Let me explain. Everyone speaks how wonderful and special and unique it is, people line up for hours in advance, and lots of shows reach capacity. Must be good!!

BUT, we went to see it and were actually bored. They rely too heavily on the uniqueness and wow-ness of projecting images on a screen of water. Neat for the first clip, but dragged on way too long to be anything remotely stimulating or engaging. The music is great, but the show very lackluster. Something we always skip is Fantasmic, just not worth it. And for a night time show, there really isn't a lot of fireworks or fire, something the other night time spectacles all posess.

And when Fantasmic is showing, it sucks the masses into the theatre so the rest of the park is half empty!! My opinion.
I agree perhaps the water gimmick is used a lot. But...that is not why I love Fantasmic. Sure, it's cool, but I'm there every trip because of the music, because it's a fun show for me...and because I love villains (especially Maleficent). It's obviously not going to be at the top of everyone's must-see list, but that's no big deal. The catch-22 in arriving early and sitting in the front is having to wait a while to exit :hammer: Oh well...I'll still go :D
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Well-Known Member
My family thinks Fantasmic is completely overrated, and we even left before the show was over (about 5 mins left) to head to Tower. Let me explain. Everyone speaks how wonderful and special and unique it is, people line up for hours in advance, and lots of shows reach capacity. Must be good!!

BUT, we went to see it and were actually bored. They rely too heavily on the uniqueness and wow-ness of projecting images on a screen of water. Neat for the first clip, but dragged on way too long to be anything remotely stimulating or engaging. The music is great, but the show very lackluster. Something we always skip is Fantasmic, just not worth it. And for a night time show, there really isn't a lot of fireworks or fire, something the other night time spectacles all posess.

And when Fantasmic is showing, it sucks the masses into the theatre so the rest of the park is half empty!! My opinion.

I completely agree. I don't see why people think it is so wonderful. I suspect that some people just absolutely love it, and so others want to fit in, so they say they love it, and so on and so forth.

I seriously didn't get it. I was expecting so much more from all the hype I had read before.

Projecting cartoons on water is pretty neat, but as was said, it got old rather quickly.
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