Is Fantasmic worth it?


New Member
OK, here's my dilemma. I'm up in the air about whether or not my family of 6 should do Fantasmic and specifically, if we do decide we're going to stay for Fantasmic, should we do the Fantasmic Dinner Package at Hollywood and Vine? We have three children (two of whom will probably be exhausted after a full day at MGM) and I'm worried whether they can last an entire day at MGM and then sit still through Fantasmic. Here's my thought process on this: Head to MGM around lunchtime (even though you're always supposed to go in the AM) and then stick around while the masses leave and then ride our favorites. We're going in Sept, so I'm hoping the crowds won't be too horrific, but you never know. We didn't see Fantasmic when we went two years ago and this is our last time going for probably the next five years, so what should I do? I don't want to screw up our whole day at MGM just so my DD and DS can make it until Fantasmic. What to do?:veryconfu


New Member
Worth it

Definitely see Fantasmic. We have never done the dinner package and have always found good seats without getting there any more than 20-30 minutes before the show. Especially if we were there in Sept - no need to wait an hour with kids. You don't need to be that close because a huge part ofthe show is the projections onto the water screens, and you can see those from anywhere. And you don't need to be close to see facial expressions of characters whose faces don't move!

One other thig to keep in mind about your plan is if you have little kids who would be interested in the Playhouse Disney and Little Mermaid shows you might want to try to get to those early. In slower times (Sept) they don't usually run the Playhouse Disney show very late in the day.
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New Member
The last time I went my girls were 3 and 9. We did MGM in the morning and then went back to the room for a small break. We went back to MGM early and got something to eat and took it into Fantasmic and got our seats and enjoyed our food.
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New Member
We (family of 4) always do MGM in the morning at opening, leave when it gets insane (around noon) and relax at the hotel, then return to eat at Hollywood and Vine (one of the best buffets) and later see Fantasmic. Nobody get's burned out with the break and relaxing dinner. I wouldn't go to the park at lunch, now that's exausting!

Great show by the way.
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New Member
If you want to have a nice sit down meal anyway the meal plan is a good way to skip a lot of the waiting.

I would also suggest hitting MGM in the morning. You can knock out most of the park pretty quickly. Then head back out to the hotel for a light lunch and a little nap. Once everybody is recharged head back out, eat dinner and watch a great show.
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On our last time at WDW, a lady came up to me when we were queuing a bus and asked us if she should see Fantasmic or Wishes coz she only had time for one. Aaaaaaaaaaagh! I just didn't know what to say!
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On our last time at WDW, a lady came up to me when we were queuing a bus and asked us if she should see Fantasmic or Wishes coz she only had time for one. Aaaaaaaaaaagh! I just didn't know what to say!

Wishes is a great show, but I think Fantasmic! is a bit better (especially if they've never seen it before). :D
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Well-Known Member
fanatasmic is the most wonderful thing i have ever seen! if you have a problem with the kids what you can do is go back to the hotel for a couple of hours then go back for fantasmic at least an hour early. :wave:
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New Member
It's hard for me to embrace Fantasmic at MGM, because the original at DLR is SOOOO much better. DLR has a Peter Pan section where MGM has Pocohantas. Then at the end with Steam Boat Willie, I giggle uncontrollably at MGM when that tiny little boat comes out of the back. DLR uses the Mark Twain as Steam Boat Willie's boat. But yes, it's a must see if you're there.
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Well-Known Member
:lookaroun Looks around for flying projectiles :lookaroun

Fantasmic is not my favorite nighttime show. :eek: Yes, I said it. It is ok, good even, but not something I have to do on every trip. And if I do decide to see it, I make sure I have the dinner plan. I'd rather spend more time in the park enjoying the attractions than I would waiting in line for 2 hours.

You aren't going to know until you sit your family down in front of the show and experience it for yourselves. Shoot, the Disney MGM Studios itself elicit such a wide variety of opinions.

These are my opinions; your mileage may vary.
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New Member
:lookaroun Looks around for flying projectiles :lookaroun

Fantasmic is not my favorite nighttime show. :eek: Yes, I said it. It is ok, good even, but not something I have to do on every trip. And if I do decide to see it, I make sure I have the dinner plan. I'd rather spend more time in the park enjoying the attractions than I would waiting in line for 2 hours.

You aren't going to know until you sit your family down in front of the show and experience it for yourselves. Shoot, the Disney MGM Studios itself elicit such a wide variety of opinions.

These are my opinions; your mileage may vary.

In line for 2 hours???????????? 2 hours????????

I have no issue with you not liking it, to each their own..........but why would anyone wait in line for 2 hours??????

I see it every time we go and I usually buy a snack and head in about 45 minutes early. After waiting in long lines standing up all day, sitting for 45 minutes is a breeze! And even 45 minutes isn't always necessary. i have friends who never amble in until 15 minutes prior to the show. Sure they are not always in the best seats but they've never been turned away.......
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Well-Known Member
Back in Sept 01. I got to the show 5 minutes before it started and had a spot right in the middle. Now I get there betwenn 30-45 minutes and usually sit on the end. Not a big deal i dont mind the side view.
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New Member
There are no bad seats at Fantasmic. You can sit all the way over on the left, or on the right, or in the center and still see the whole show very well. So there's no need to get there way ahead of time. Good luck. :cool:
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New Member
So, any suggestions for an almost 4 yr-old who does NOT like fireworks 'cause the 'scare her ears'. (Her description.) At the last fireworks we were went to, we tried ear plugs w/o much success - it was still too loud for her. Also, she's afraid of various types of villians......<sigh> :(

Also, can you use the dining plan w/the package?? We're signed up for the dinner package for Fantasmic when we go.

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Active Member
Don't skip Fantasmic, it is an awesome show! The dinner package is overrated in my opinion, the seats are to the far right of the stadium, better off just entering an hour or so early. We usually carry our counter service into the show with us.
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I will say that some of the scenes in it might be scary for little kids. I know my nephew is 7 and he would freak out at some of the tense scenes but over all I love the show and think its 2nd on my list after Wishes for fireworks shows and as far as over all nighttime entertainment its 3rd after spectro(1st) and Wishes(2nd).
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Well-Known Member
Is Fantasmic worth the hour and a half you'll spend in line/drudging through the crowd/sitting in an uncomfortable seat...absolutely not.

I wish I wish I wish I could get that time back.

I seriously don't understand why all the fuss. It was completely full, standing room only, an hour before the show. I don't see what the big deal was.

In my opinion, and this is only my opinion, either spend the time you would have spent seeing other attractions, or head back to the hotel to get sleep for the next day.

I feel the same way about Illuminations by the way. I saw both of them for the first time last week, and wasn't impressed by either.
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Well-Known Member
We love fantasmic & do it every trip. We have four kids & the last two times we went to fantasmic it seems to be the coldest days. One time it was actually 30 degrees out, we just wrapped up in blankets & snuggled together. We never do the dining thing, we have never been able to get a reservation for that. But we have no problem getting seats 30 minutes or so before hand. The kids even like that waiting time, because they can kind of walk around, it's not very crowded & get ready to sit for the show. ( we go in February by the way). Now our youngest just would fall asleep during the show, one of us would hold her so it was not scary for her. But I have a five year old who is very scared of loud noises, basically everything at the world is scary to her. But I just have her sit next to me & she snuggles in and closes her eyes at any part that she finds scary. She really loves sorcerer mickey & I think that that for her makes up for the scariness. So I would say go, don't do the dinner package & snuggle them if they are scared- they will probably love the end!:)
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