Yep it happens...can happen I feel safer? Yes some at WDW, but I don't relax my standards of what I do to deter things from happening...I keep my money at a minimum and not accessible to a snatcher....I keep two eyes on my children, and we don't enter or exit a bathroom or secluded area alone. I booked at trip to WDW right after 9/11....felt a bit squrimish but was so glad I did that. It helped overcome my fears.....not letting them dictate your life. When I read that Orlando had perhaps the largest percentage of convicted pedophiles it really didn't surprise me...just reminded me to keep up my guard when at home or on vacation in my favorite place. I figure 98% of park visitors have paid $$$ to be there for the right reasons....the other 2% I rationalize are not probable to be there and in action on the few days I am there....
Goodness I most likely have more to be wary of driving my eldest to college and negotiating those parking lots....
. Defensive driving 101.