Preach brother! My ex and I felt the same way, but as Disney started to fall apart (in our eyes) since the late 00s, our marriage did too. I blame it on Iger.

We actually get along much better now than we did towards the end there.
I remember going back 6 or 7 years being one of the few to complain about the state of the parks, and failing decisions. Those of us who did where accused of being trolls and haters. We weren't. We loved WDW as much as anyone, but were honest with ourselves and others about how they weren't perfect and making bad decisions.
I get accused occasionally of cutting to the bone (just yesterday in fact) by friends, but most of them like that about me. They know if they need a real opinion on something, I'll give it 'em. I don't just say "you're super short haircut looks beautiful, honey." I'm the guy that says "what the [fudge] did you do to your hair???"

That gets me in trouble sometimes.
Isn't "crisis shops" a more apt description?