I went to an event in Orlando last year and was a little gobsmacked by the absence of several repeat vendors -- far more than might be expected to skip a year for the occasional reason here or there. This wasn't post-pandemic dropoff. The show the year before last was bustling, but last year... not so much. Someone I spoke with mentioned that, essentially, the recession had arrived. The direct costs of participation, whatever they may have been in each case, had cut into several vendors' involvement.
The economy is not really rooted in the stock market, particularly considering how easily stock prices might be manipulated through things like buybacks. As affordability worsens, spending slows. We've belabored this a lot, but really, we have a quiet recession going on now, even if it doesn't show on Wall Street yet. How soon until it does (at least, to the extent that it gets taken seriously for what it is) remains to be seen.