Is attendance really down at WDW this or…


Well-Known Member
Speaking from a Japan visit experience, not Hollywood, Mario Kart dissapointed me a bit. It had some great tricks a few times and a few good gags that would give repeat rides even worthwhile.

Yoshi, I was more disappointed in as a family ride that my toddler could ride with us. Seats cramped and uncomfortable(that may have changed with Us designs) but the dissapointment was in the actual ride. I think Sky in the High Suess Trolley Ride actually offers more indoor and outdoor kinetic fun than Yoshi did. The interactive element attempt was kind of uneventful. Of cours very short. It felt like something that Legoland would have built, but they would have done it longer.

There was so much I loved about USJ, but Mario was not my cup of tea.

I am hoping iteration three fixes some of the quirks of things.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Said it before, saying it again. Straw poll I know. Another friend just came back. They had not visited since pre covid. Magic Kingdom has “lost the magic”. Prices, queues, upsells. Won’t be going back anytime soon.

If I know a dozen foreign “tourists” saying the same thing how many more are there?

Straw poll I know. And yes, bookings are down.
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Well-Known Member
Said it before, saying it again. Straw poll
I know. Another friend just came back. They had not visited since pre covid. Magic Kingdom has “lost the magic”. Prices, queues, upsells. Won’t be going back anytime soon.

If I know a dozen foreign “tourists” saying the same thing how many more are there?

Straw poll I know. And yes, bookings are down.

I felt the same way.

It wasn't a vacation. It was damn hard work. I couldn't enjoy it.

Those little things you used to see around Disney (eg a random street performer nteracting with you around the park) are all gone.


Well-Known Member
I just got back from my first WDW vacation in 10 years (last trip was NYE 2013/2014)

Based on everything I had been hearing on these forums the last several years about how WDW is in decline, I was expecting to be less impressed than I had been on my last few trips a decade ago. Doubly so after I went to UOR first and was greeted with bad customer service from TMs and truly terrible new attractions like Fast & Furious, Villian Con, Jimmy Fallon etc.

But to my surprise, I had a great time at WDW. Service was excellent and was the "Disney quality" that I remember when I was a kid. Show quality and maintenance were also better than I was expecting. Lots of rides where I didn't notice anything malfunctioning and if it did it was usually something minor that no average guest would notice. Even had a near perfect RotR ridethrough as far as I could tell (just cannons not working). Overall MK was the roughest park in terms of upkeep.

The biggest negatives: the price, WDW is indeed an outrageously expensive vacation now and you can tell people are getting priced out. It's mostly upper-middle class families now + lots of wealthy families paying for VIP guides etc. Also the reliance on phones and complicated Genie/LL rules is a major drag but this is something that can be fixed and arguably they are already taking steps to address this with this week's changes to park reservations etc. Also am really not a fan of the changes to the Disney Look. I get it was mostly a labor decision, but a lot was lost with that imo.

Overall I was much more impressed than I thought I would be, and despite negative changes I'm happy that WDW is more or less as good of a vacation destination as I remember.


Well-Known Member
I just got back from my first WDW vacation in 10 years (last trip was NYE 2013/2014)

Based on everything I had been hearing on these forums the last several years about how WDW is in decline, I was expecting to be less impressed than I had been on my last few trips a decade ago. Doubly so after I went to UOR first and was greeted with bad customer service from TMs and truly terrible new attractions like Fast & Furious, Villian Con, Jimmy Fallon etc.

But to my surprise, I had a great time at WDW. Service was excellent and was the "Disney quality" that I remember when I was a kid. Show quality and maintenance were also better than I was expecting. Lots of rides where I didn't notice anything malfunctioning and if it did it was usually something minor that no average guest would notice. Even had a near perfect RotR ridethrough as far as I could tell (just cannons not working). Overall MK was the roughest park in terms of upkeep.

The biggest negatives: the price, WDW is indeed an outrageously expensive vacation now and you can tell people are getting priced out. It's mostly upper-middle class families now + lots of wealthy families paying for VIP guides etc. Also the reliance on phones and complicated Genie/LL rules is a major drag but this is something that can be fixed and arguably they are already taking steps to address this with this week's changes to park reservations etc. Also am really not a fan of the changes to the Disney Look. I get it was mostly a labor decision, but a lot was lost with that imo.

Overall I was much more impressed than I thought I would be, and despite negative changes I'm happy that WDW is more or less as good of a vacation destination as I remember.

Just goes to show you, don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Next time I take the family down (don't know when, probably early 2025), I am planning on buying hoppers and not G+ unless things change drastically. Instead of planning days at parks and a rough touring plan I'm going to play "park-bingo" for lack of a better term. The family is going to select a laundry list of must-dos at each park and throughout the week we're going to check them off the master list.

Each evening we pick a park to go to and what things we want to tick off the list. Take a mid day break and do the same for the afternoon. Whether it's one park or all four, that what we'll do. No more being lead around the parks by Genie+.

My issue with G+, and I've said this before, is that it hangs an anchor around your neck. You pay a ton of money (for my family of 5) and you feel the need to get the most out of it. I hate knowing I have something to do in 1.5 hours and having to keep that time rather than just enjoy the day. I hate schedules and G+ times feel like meetings which I deal with in my professional life every day.

FP+ at least was a perk you go for free and if you didn't maximize it, it didn't matter. There is more pressure with G+ and it puts you in tight spots sometimes. For example you can book Dumbo in for 1.5 hours from now or you can book Pirates for 4 hours from now. Dumbo allows you to rebook your next LL 30m earlier, but Pirates may not be there. The later in the day the later the return time and the more limiting the options.

FP+ at least let you get on a ride multiple times if you refreshed enough. Options were always there.

Anyway, my point I hate how Disney is more of a live project management job where each decision costs you money. Yes it is my fault, but Disney created this monster.

I have to admit, my last day on property we went to EPCOT and just wandered the world showcase, barely did rides and took in the food and entertainment. Was a much better day than anything else (with exception of the Christmas Party which was fantastic).


Well-Known Member
Said it before, saying it again. Straw poll I know. Another friend just came back. They had not visited since pre covid. Magic Kingdom has “lost the magic”. Prices, queues, upsells. Won’t be going back anytime soon.

If I know a dozen foreign “tourists” saying the same thing how many more are there?

Straw poll I know. And yes, bookings are down.
Sad to say, I cannot see us going back. After 29 trips from 8/1996 - 11/2018 (got engaged, honeymooned, took both kids from the time they were 7 months old), unreal price increases and getting less for it made us to decide to stop going. I know someone else will replace us and spend the $$, but I also no longer recommend it to friends/acquaintances, etc. I used to help people plan trips to WDW, but I cannot in good conscience do that anymore. Now I spend the $$$ I used to spend on 2-3 trips per year on trips to other cities in the US as well as islands in the Caribbean.


Well-Known Member
I’m an English teacher who grew up with Harry Potter and reads it yearly and I still haven’t done Universal since I was a kid in the 90s. I’ve wanted to see HP world don’t get me wrong, but raising my stepdaughter who is now 20 and raising my own young girls, I’ve always assumed it wouldn’t fit our family until my littles are teens, which isn’t soon. But my 5 year old asking when she can go to Mario World is going to do me in.. for the first time ever we’ve discussed doing Universal once it opens. That land I think has the potential to compete with the magic Disney monopolizes with little kids. For some reason, Mario has been able to engage them at ages 2 and 5 just as much as princesses or other interests. For me, Mario was more middle school because of the gaming. But now it’s a true brand. My daughter got 3 different Mario board games aimed at young kids for Christmas. I think it will finally make those parks young kid friendly. And I assume families with little kids have long been Disney’s bread and butter.
I totally get waiting; only you know your family. That being said, we took my daughter originally when she was younger. She LOVED it; didn't even know much about HP then. The land was so much fun for her though. Her favorite thing was getting a wand (shared with her brother) and doing all of the magic windows. We spend a half day just doing that between the two parks. She loved the train ride too. So definitely don't need to be a teen to have fun there.

Nintendo World though, man that was special. I thought the mini games would be stupid, but they were a lot of fun, along with the boxes and hidden details.

James Alucobond

Well-Known Member
Since we have confirmation that wait times are inflated, and confirmation from the forums most trusted insider that bookings are down, are we finally going to put this foolish narrative to rest that parks are busier than ever ?
The people with actual data have said that wait times are simply often inaccurate, meaning they're sometimes overestimated, sometimes underestimated, and sometimes fairly on the money. If a more definitive pattern of deception surfaces down the road, I'm sure you'll see it brought to light by litigious guests.


Well-Known Member
Since we have confirmation that wait times are inflated, and confirmation from the forums most trusted insider that bookings are down, are we finally going to put this foolish narrative to rest that parks are busier than ever ?
Who is saying they are busier than ever?


Well-Known Member
Tell me you didn’t read the thread in 8 words or less.

Cool then you can quote link to where people are claiming that. That vast majority of this thread has has been a catchall to discuss crowds or lack of them in general. Do we not remember the great heat debate last year?

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
Who is saying they are busier than ever?



Well-Known Member
I totally get waiting; only you know your family. That being said, we took my daughter originally when she was younger. She LOVED it; didn't even know much about HP then. The land was so much fun for her though. Her favorite thing was getting a wand (shared with her brother) and doing all of the magic windows. We spend a half day just doing that between the two parks. She loved the train ride too. So definitely don't need to be a teen to have fun there.

Nintendo World though, man that was special. I thought the mini games would be stupid, but they were a lot of fun, along with the boxes and hidden details.
The English teacher in me struggles with experiencing the land before my kids experience the books. Like the whole read the book before the movie thing. I also worry about size friendly. There’s so many sensational articles from when it opened that most people can’t fit on rides there even though I’m guessing we’re fine. I have serious calves from basketball. Never had a problem with any Disney ride, but it’s still one of my reservations with jumping head first into Universal.


Well-Known Member
The English teacher in me struggles with experiencing the land before my kids experience the books. Like the whole read the book before the movie thing. I also worry about size friendly. There’s so many sensational articles from when it opened that most people can’t fit on rides there even though I’m guessing we’re fine. I have serious calves from basketball. Never had a problem with any Disney ride, but it’s still one of my reservations with jumping head first into Universal.
They did helpfully have test fitters in front of most of the rides. My son never really liked reading the books, so I had to give up on that idea. I had to hog tie him to read the first two. Weird Kid LOL. He loved the area though, and the movies. Settled for a movie marathon for them instead.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
It will be interesting to see what attendance looks like this year. I got a PIN offer for 35% off deluxe already which was good through Dec 25th. I was actually able to get a 1 bedroom at Copper Creek for 35% off during December (which I feel like is extremely hard to come by for discounts).

If they’ve already started targeted promotions for the Christmas season it will be interesting to see general offers later this year, IMO.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see what attendance looks like this year. I got a PIN offer for 35% off deluxe already which was good through Dec 25th. I was actually able to get a 1 bedroom at Copper Creek for 35% off during December (which I feel like is extremely hard to come by for discounts).

If they’ve already started targeted promotions for the Christmas season it will be interesting to see general offers later this year, IMO.

Assuming you are referring to December 2024, that really does seem like a substantial discount on deluxes and quite early, even for a targeted PIN.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Assuming you are referring to December 2024, that really does seem like a substantial discount on deluxes and quite early, even for a targeted PIN.

Yes it's for December 2024. I actually got the email on December 18, 2023 but couldn't book until Mid-January as the DVC rooms hadn't been released to the general public as it has to be 11 months out. The PIN was valid for the following dates:


Of course it's for up to 35% off but I did not expect that the 35% off would take at Copper Creek for a 1 bedroom in December, but it did and was available so we went ahead and put a deposit down on that. Not even sure we are going to actually go this year but it was worth the $200 to hold that room just in case.


Well-Known Member
Yes it's for December 2024. I actually got the email on December 18, 2023 but couldn't book until Mid-January as the DVC rooms hadn't been released to the general public as it has to be 11 months out. The PIN was valid for the following dates:


Of course it's for up to 35% off but I did not expect that the 35% off would take at Copper Creek for a 1 bedroom in December, but it did and was available so we went ahead and put a deposit down on that. Not even sure we are going to actually go this year but it was worth the $200 to hold that room just in case.

Those dates, overall, are pretty permissive. College spring breaks are included, as is July. Most k-12 spring breaks, fall breaks, early summer and Thanksgiving are excluded, but that's par for the course, really. The inclusion of late December is surprising to me. If my family was still in a WDW-going mood, I couldn't blame you for at least putting down the deposit.

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