Is Animal Kingdom Worth It?


New Member
We are going on a short(3 night)WDW trip in June. It is our 4th time so we have been to all the parks except Animal Kingdom. We are only doing 2 days of theme parks,the first being the Magic Kingdom. Should we go to AK for day 2, since we have never been? For some reason it just dosen't sound as up to par as the others,what do you think?


Re: Re: Is Animal Kingdom Worth It?

Originally posted by CAPTAIN HOOK
AK is a great park - however, if you compare it (or try to) with MK, MGM or EPCOT, then you will be VERY disappointed. If you take AK on its own (forget it is a Disney park) and visit it with an open mind, then you will enjoy it.
It is, however, only a half day park at best

I agree 100%. Funny, considering it is the biggest theme park, but no doubt - Only takes half a day to see the must see stuff.
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Clarify My Situation

We are 2 adults in our upper 40"s and 13 year old son.We will not be purchasing a park hopper type ticket. Our current plan is very late arrival night one,MK the whole next day,some pool time and Downtown Disney day 2 and perhaps a little time at Disneys Boardwalk the next day before driving home. We are only two and a half hours away,but don't want to get home very late. If we decide to go for 1 more theme park day instead of relaxing on day 2 we will be purchasing single day tickets(this is still cheaper then length of stay and we know we will arrive late 1st night and don't want to go to parks on last day).So,back to question of is AK worth it,since it is the only one we haven't been to before?
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MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by CBCit
We are going on a short(3 night)WDW trip in June. It is our 4th time so we have been to all the parks except Animal Kingdom. We are only doing 2 days of theme parks,the first being the Magic Kingdom. Should we go to AK for day 2, since we have never been? For some reason it just dosen't sound as up to par as the others,what do you think?

Since you are young with a teen, I recommend you skip AK, and plan to go after Expedition Everest opens. However, Dinosaur was rated by my teenagers and almost-teens as better than any one ride at MK. There is a steep drop off after Dinosaur, IMO, and I strongly agree it is a 1/2 day park even on crowded days.
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Active Member
My family and I can do Animal Kingdom and MGM (no shows or parades) in the same day.

dinosaur, primal wirl, kali river, safari, bugs life

tower of terror, rockin rollercoaster,little mermaid, backlot tour, startours, muppets, sounds dangerous
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New Member
my dd and I love AK. it is one of our faves. if you have never been, you definitely have to see it once - it closes earlier than the other parks so you can definitely do 2 parks in one day but surely not to be missed.
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New Member
Depends what you want from your stay. If you are the mind that the only way to judge a theme park is by how many rides and roller coaters it has then don't bother and head to a Six Flags.

On my last visit I spent more time in AK than any of the other parks. I love the themeing, the animals and the attractions. Those of a mind set that it's only the rides that count don't like AK as many of the attractions are shows, a film, the best parade in the Disney and the animals themselves.

You will have to make up your mind for yourself - if you have not done it, don't knock it.
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Disney Hog

New Member
we will be purchasing single day tickets(this is still cheaper then length of stay and we know we will arrive late 1st night and don't want to go to parks on last day).So,back to question of is AK worth it,since it is the only one we haven't been to before?

If you are buying a single-day ticket, I would not go to AK. I don't think you would get your moneys worth right now. AK is still in development and does not have everything that would fill a day in the park. Unless your 13 year-old is a animal nut and plans to be a zoologists someday, I don't think that he would enjoy himself.

We have been to Disney World many times over the years and have never spent more than half a day there. I hate it, my wife likes it and our kids really don't care for it. We've decided that when we return we are going to skip it.

I would wait. If you were buying park hoppers, I would go, but a single-day pass is not worth it.

On another note: Since you live only 2.5 hours away, why not buy a multi-day hopper pass and come back some other time and use your other days? Just a thought.
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Well-Known Member
I agree with the general consensus here that DAK is still "in development" more or less - we went like 3 weeks after the park initially opened and then once more after the opening of Kali River Rapids, and in the 4-5 trips after that, we haven't made it back - still deciding if I'll make it out there this May. I'm glad I checked it out, it's not a *bad* park or anything...but until there is a little more to draw me there I can't justify spending the time (which in WDW ultimately equals money) on DAK. Given that the question is whether or not it's worth a single-day ticket, I'd have to go with no, especially if you only have a couple of days.
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New Member
I still maintain that because person A says AK is "boring" and person B says "It's great" means you have to go yourself to make your own mind up.

There is however one big downside to AK if you can not park hop - it closes early. When I am over and I have watched the gorillas put to bed (almost worth the entrance alone) I then head off to one of the other thee parks to enjoy the rest of the evening and watch the night time show.
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I guess I don't understand the thinking that AK is a half day park or that you can do the whole thing in 4 hours.

First of all, there is no way you can do the "whole thing" in 4 hours. You can do the major attractions in 4 hours, but you could probably say that about every Disney park. You can just as well say you go to MK and do SM, HM, Space M, and BTM and call it a day.

I guess I don't go to Disney to get through it as fast as I can. The magic of Disney is in the details. If I just wanted big rides, I'd trek on over to Cedar Point -- it's a lot closer and cheaper. I run through life too often -- when I am at Disney, I want to take my time and enjoy the magic.

At AK, you can do KS, KRR, ITTBaB, and Dinosaur in no time and move on. Or you can also do the Maharaji Trail (?), which in its way is better than KS. Or stop and see the gorilla's on the exploration trail or watch the monkeys by KRR. And the Legend of the Lion King is, imho, one of the best, if not the best shows that Disney has. And people rant about the Tarzan Rocks show and it really is pretty good. It's awesome when Tarzan is swinging around the stage holding on to the cloth -- which you miss if you leave after the first 3 minutes. And instead of rushing past the Tree of Life on the way to see ITTBaB, you can take your time and see the awesome "carvings" that make up the tree. And the parade is very cool, as are all Disney parades.

~sarcasm mode on~
Or you can try to fit all 4 parks in one day. Heck, add Blizzard Beach and Downtown Disney to that schedule too. You will certainly get to experience the magic of the transportation system. And it really doesn't matter to me as I will not be with you anyway. :hammer:
~sarcasm mode off~
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New Member
OK, I'm looking at the AK map; here is a run down of the things in this "boring half day park"

The Oasis - No rides, but great themeing and a selection of animals. Pot luck as to whether they are active

Pocahontas show - I'll be honest, this one is strictly for the little kids.

Festival of the Lion King - The best show in Disney.

The Tree of Life - Not a ride, but stunning, with lots of paths and active animals.

Tough to be a Bug - Cracking 3D movie inside the Tree of Life.

Kilimanjaro Safaris - A different ride every time.

Pangani Forest Expedition Trail - Animals, stars of the show here are the Gorillas. If you go at the end of the day, say about ten minutes before closing you will see the trainers sit three of the young bachelor gorillas at set points to allow the old boy to go to bed in peace.

Rafiki's Planet Watch - take a rickety train to a bog standard petting paddock, but there are also exhibits and presentations by keepers. You also see the night homes for the safari animals. The kids who are only interested in rides HATE this place, I guess it's the aversion to learning something. OK, it's not the best thing in the park and there is room for improvement but it's still interesting.

Flights of Wonder – A good little bird show. Quality varies depending on the presenter and actor playing Guano Joe. But it’s not you average here’s a budgie on a skateboard show.

Kali River Rapids – A standard water ride where you get soaked.

Maharaja Jungle Trek – another assortment of animals. The tigers here are stunning and often active.

The Boneyard – strictly for the kids, dig up replica dinosaur bones.

Tarzan Rocks – Some love it, some hate it. High-energy rock style concert with live band, stunt flying and the rollerblading monkeys.

Fossil Fun Games – less said the better. Bottom of the barrel carnival games. Walk on by, it will only encourage them to build more if dally here.

Primeval Whirl – a fun little coaster with spinning cars.

TriceraTop Spin – Dumbo by another name

Dinosaur – The big bumpy dark ride. One of the few things the half day crowd actually like.
Plus there are live bands, acrobats, Dee Vine (the tree lady) and the best parade currently on Disney Property “Mickey’s Jammin Jungle Parade” and a couple of counter service restaurants that put Magic Kingdom and The Studios to shame.

And of course they are building Expedition Everest.

My only gripe – it closes too soon. But at least that gives me a few hours in one of the other parks.
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New Member
Originally posted by barnum42

Rafiki's Planet Watch - take a rickety train to a bog standard petting paddock, but there are also exhibits and presentations by keepers. You also see the night homes for the safari animals. The kids who are only interested in rides HATE this place, I guess it's the aversion to learning something. OK, it's not the best thing in the park and there is room for improvement but it's still interesting.

The petting zoo is really weak here. However, I must say this area can be pretty interesting.

If you come at the right time, you can actually see the veterinarians "work" on animals. I find this really cool.

I also like the sounds of the rainforest thing--makes the spine tingle:)
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If you're only gonna be there 2 days I'd say skip it and wait till everest opens. Sure, it might be about more than the attractions it has to offer, but a 13 old depending might think it's lame. And, well, I guess you gotta really like animals.
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by barnum42
OK, I'm looking at the AK map; here is a run down of the things in this "boring half day park"

Yep.... its still a boring half day park, IMO, no matter how you spin it. :lol: :p

But hell... lots of people say that Epcot is a total snooze fest... and thats my fav park... and I can spend 2 days just hanging out there.


To each his own. :cool: :wave:

It ya want a real park and want to get your moneys worth... and have the time... Bush Gardens is 10X's better than AK... again... just my opinion, and you get your moneys worth there at least.
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New Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Yep.... its still a boring half day park, IMO, no matter how you spin it. :lol: :p
But, To each his own. :cool: :wave:
I actually took spin off the map by merging a number of the listed attractions. :lol: To each their own, yes and I happen to love AK and don't like the thought of people missing out on it. I guess it just as you would like people to visit Epcot to make their own mind up about it rather than read "It's got two rides and the rest is boring".

By the way I really like Epcot as well. :wave:
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New Member
When I go to WDW, I very rarely ever spend one entire day at a one park.

I usually go to one park in the morning, then go back to the hotel to swim for an hour. Then, i hit another park for the evening.

I just don't like to spend too much time in one place!:cool:
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