Is amateur filming allowed in the parks?

Frank Stallone

New Member
Original Poster
Hey everyone, just wondering if any of you have tried to do any amateur filmmaking in the parks, and if there are any restrictions.

I've been making films throughout the central Florida area for years, but never realized until recently how many great shooting locations there are at Disney.

My concerns are that, with it being a private property, there may be restrictions to filming. I would be respectful to other guests in the park, but still understand if Disney doesn't want any filming going on on their property.

What I want to film is a short 3-5 minute film in the Japanese pavilion at Epcot. I have an authentic Godzilla outfit, which was worn in multiple Godzilla films decades ago. I would like to do kind of a "Godzilla invades the Japanese Pavilion at Epcot" type of angle.

Thanks for any input.


Filming on park grounds is no problem. But walking into a park wearing a Godzilla outfit will probably get you stopped at the front gate.
Not that I've ever tried or can speak from personal experience.


Though I have to admit, this whole "can I dress up as Godzilla and film myself invading the Japan pavillion at Epcot" could possibly label this thread as the greatest question ever asked on the boards. Ever.

Frank Stallone

New Member
Original Poster
Oh goodness gracious, I didn't consider that. Even though I've seen some pretty elaborate costumes in the parks, are they only allowed in Magic Kingdom for the halloween party?

I'm not sure switching the filming location to Frontierland would have the same cultural effect.


Oh goodness gracious, I didn't consider that. Even though I've seen some pretty elaborate costumes in the parks, are they only allowed in Magic Kingdom for the halloween party?

I'm not sure switching the filming location to Frontierland would have the same cultural effect.
I don't think they allow costumes on adults. Could confuse guests with real "characters" on park. One of my good friends plays a very realistic-looking Capt. Jack Sparrow. He & his wife wanted to go to WDW, and I told him NOT to go as Capt. Jack, as 1).Disney owns the rights and 2).He'd probably get stopped at the gate. He listened. :)

Halloween may be different, as I've never been during that time. (Yes, sad, I know). :(

Frank Stallone

New Member
Original Poster
Hmmm....there are multiple dates for the Halloween Party. Could I possibly go to Epcot on one of the party dates and tell them I'm going to MK later in the day?

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Hmmm....there are multiple dates for the Halloween Party. Could I possibly go to Epcot on one of the party dates and tell them I'm going to MK later in the day?

Don't think that will work. Although I would love for you to film guest reactions when you walk up to the gate wearing the Godzilla costume....that itself would be worth cost of admission to your movie.


I remember when I asked about costumes the cast member said they were strict about NO costumes with faces being fully covered. They have to be able to see you.....:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I seem to remember a big thread a few years back (with pictures) of some guy getting arrested for putting a costume on in the MK to 'entertain his son' :shrug:. Pretty sure it made the media and got messy though I'm sure someone else will remember all the glorious details.


I seem to remember a big thread a few years back (with pictures) of some guy getting arrested for putting a costume on in the MK to 'entertain his son' :shrug:. Pretty sure it made the media and got messy though I'm sure someone else will remember all the glorious details.
Getting kicked-out of the park makes sense, but getting arrested seems a little steep. :(

I still think the idea of someone dressing up as Godzilla & running amok in Epcot's Japan pavillion is worth crowning this the greatest OP question in the board's history. Just saying.


During Mickey's not so scary adults can wear costumes, Rules are its must be family friendly and not cover your face.

You see tons of families dressed together most popular The Incredibles, My favorite was a family of like 10 dressed as every character of Peter Pan.


Well-Known Member
You won't be allowed into EPCOT with a costume. They'll turn you away at the gates. Same goes for all the parks, MK included except for MNSSHP. For the party you can have a mask but it must be one that you can easily see you of (and the CM can tell you can easy see out of).

As far as filming, I've never seen someone do it and they may tell you you're not allowed if it's distracting to the overall ambiance of the park. But I don't have a concrete answer for you on that one.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Apart from CMs `christmas tapes` I`ve never known of anything like this to be shot in the parks.

I wonder how the gate staff would react.

The Mom

Premium Member
Apart from CMs `christmas tapes` I`ve never known of anything like this to be shot in the parks.

I wonder how the gate staff would react.

Haven't there been posts by people who have been questioned by security because their photo equipment appeared too "professional?"

But thanks, OP, for the great visual image. :lol:


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Haven't there been posts by people who have been questioned by security because their photo equipment appeared too "professional?"

But thanks, OP, for the great visual image. :lol:

Yes, cameras (no matter what type) on tripods always seems to garner the attention of Disney Security.....

To the OP- you may want to contact WDW directly, tell them what you're thinking, and see if they could accommodate you somehow. Seeing how the World Showcase opens later, perhaps they would be willing to allow your shoot before the people filter over from Future World?

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Though I have to admit, this whole "can I dress up as Godzilla and film myself invading the Japan pavillion at Epcot" could possibly label this thread as the greatest question ever asked on the boards. Ever.

So perfect. :lol:

I don't know about filming rules, but best of luck to the OP. Hope you get to make your little film!

I am now wondering if the better movie than a three minute amateur Godzilla wouldn't be a docudrama about a guy trying to invade an experimental prototype community to destroy its Japan section in a Godzilla suit. I'd pay to see the faces of guests and management.

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