Is amateur filming allowed in the parks?


Park History nut
Premium Member
Haven't there been posts by people who have been questioned by security because their photo equipment appeared too "professional?"

But thanks, OP, for the great visual image. :lol:
Indeed. Prosumer gear now gets a look at. Tripods may be questioned. Someone took a amateur stedicam-type rig to a park and got the third degree, rightly or wrongly.

Gone are the days when expensive kit meant you wanted to capture the best quality you could. Now since most guests have camcorders, flip cams, even cellphone with video, someone who spends a bit more money for their hobby is often singled out. Not happened to me. Yet.

I`ve got an image of Godzilla rampaging around looking for "Meet the World"... :D

Bill McKim

New Member
I've actually run into this exact problem, strangely. I once attempted to recreate some scenes from Thunder in Paradise dressed as Hulk Hogan, bandana and all. I rented one of the water mouse boats for the action shots. Security was questioning why I was wearing a wig and calling everyone brother.


Well-Known Member
If there was a way you could some how sneak that costume into the park and then change into while in a bathroom in or close to the Japan pavilion then just walk out as Godzilla I think that'd be awesome.

I'd love to see Godzilla walk out of the bathroom at the Japan pavilion and then run a muck for a few minutes.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Shall we make this an internet movement? Similar to 'Celebrate EPCOT's 25th'?

I've had such a laugh over all the mental images already. The guy deserves to make his five minute movie.

Go on Disney, make this guy's dream come true and let him film! I'll be there cheering! :lol:

I'd pay everything I've got to see him fight Figzilla too....:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Yes, cameras (no matter what type) on tripods always seems to garner the attention of Disney Security.....

To the OP- you may want to contact WDW directly, tell them what you're thinking, and see if they could accommodate you somehow. Seeing how the World Showcase opens later, perhaps they would be willing to allow your shoot before the people filter over from Future World?

World Showcase is still being cleaned and horticulture are working out there during those hours. Utility vehicles are everywhere. I think it's more or a safety issue than anything else...but $$ talks. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
I'm picturing myself crammed on a resort bus shoved alongside a guy in a Godzilla costume now.

Even if you aren't let in, please do this dance with Spaceship Earth in the background and put it on Youtube:

[flash=]width=500 height=350[/flash]


If there was a way you could some how sneak that costume into the park
If someone is ever able to sneak an authentic Godzilla rubber suit past security & into a park, then bravo to them! :eek: They deserve a handshake for that.

I'd love to see Godzilla walk out of the bathroom at the Japan pavilion and then run a muck for a few minutes.
At all costs, I would be at Epcot that matter what!

It would be great if whoever is planning this could get the Japanese CM's involved; hamming it up a bit for the shoot. Have Godzilla appear out of a restroom, start running around waving his arms. Meanwhile, the CM's of the pavillion begin running, pointing, & screaming: "Aaaaaah, Godzilla!!! It Godzilla!!!"
Godzilla chases a few CM's around for a couple minutes, then disappears back into the restroom. The CM's go back to work as if nothing happened. Do this during the most busy time of day for World Showcase.

Oh yes, people will be talking for months thereafter. :)

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Apart from CMs `christmas tapes` I`ve never known of anything like this to be shot in the parks.

Tell me you know where some of these are hosted. I saw one on youtube where pooh met his maker, but I have not been able to find it in like two years. I won't tell anyone. I just wanna see a few more to get me in the Christmas spirit. :xmas:

Back on topic, as slim as the chances are, I think your best bet is to find the right person to contact inside the company to get permission to get into World Showcase before opening. Not very likely, but easier than getting a giant Godzilla costume into the park surreptitiously.


Well-Known Member
As others have suggested...I would simply write them and ask... assuming you are not going to sell this movie then I would think the folks over at Disney and most especially at the Japan Pavillion would get a real kick out it. Perhaps promise to send some dvd-r copies to both WDW and also to the Japan permission for copies to be made....would be a good gesture since as others have posted this would be something very unique!!

Good Luck to you and PLEASE post us the results!!! Plus the movie if you should make it!!!

Also isnt there an abandoned China theme park in the Orlando area? Granted that its not Japan, but they have some similarities......

I've actually run into this exact problem, strangely. I once attempted to recreate some scenes from Thunder in Paradise dressed as Hulk Hogan, bandana and all. I rented one of the water mouse boats for the action shots. Security was questioning why I was wearing a wig and calling everyone brother.

Hahaha that is awesome!!!!!! Whatya gonna do when Hulkamania comes down on you!


Well-Known Member
I've actually run into this exact problem, strangely. I once attempted to recreate some scenes from Thunder in Paradise dressed as Hulk Hogan, bandana and all. I rented one of the water mouse boats for the action shots. Security was questioning why I was wearing a wig and calling everyone brother.
Ha ha! Lol


New Member
I say just do it. I think there are enough of us here who would help you pull it off...Ocean's 11 meets a flash mob - type thing. Ask forgiveness, not permission!

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I was filming for WDW Virtual Visit about a month and a half ago, and not only did Disney security stop and question me, they had a ACTUAL police officer there to question me, too. They took my ID, made a call over the radio to check me out, and also checked out the website to make sure it was legit.

I was a little offended, honestly...I guess embarrassed is more the word, being that I was being questioned in the middle of Future World. That being said, I wasn't about to make a big deal out of it. I had just bought my Premier Pass an hour earlier, and I figured being polite would get me released to continue filming a lot sooner than being difficult.

Frank Stallone

New Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone for the great feedback. I feel as though I have a real nice support group here trying to get me to film this movie! Maybe I should have you all sign a petition.

Over the weekend I went to where I got my Godzilla costume (I have a friend in the area that has worked in prop shops over the years, and has gathered some pretty swell costumes/props).

Here is another idea I have, in case the Godzilla film is attainable. I also have access to a couple of knight outfits that were worn in the film "A Knight's Tale". I haven't seen the movie, but from what I understand, it features jousting. I'm not sure what the jousting weapons are called, but I have two of them. I'm wondering if security would allow me to stage a couple battles in the United Kingdom pavilion. Obviously I wouldn't bring horses in the park, that's just silly, but would the jousting weapons be allowed in epcot, along with my knight armor?


Well-Known Member
Getting kicked-out of the park makes sense, but getting arrested seems a little steep. :(

I still think the idea of someone dressing up as Godzilla & running amok in Epcot's Japan pavillion is worth crowning this the greatest OP question in the board's history. Just saying.

I am so with you here. Still laughing out loudly.


Well-Known Member
If someone is ever able to sneak an authentic Godzilla rubber suit past security & into a park, then bravo to them! :eek: They deserve a handshake for that.

At all costs, I would be at Epcot that matter what!

It would be great if whoever is planning this could get the Japanese CM's involved; hamming it up a bit for the shoot. Have Godzilla appear out of a restroom, start running around waving his arms. Meanwhile, the CM's of the pavillion begin running, pointing, & screaming: "Aaaaaah, Godzilla!!! It Godzilla!!!"
Godzilla chases a few CM's around for a couple minutes, then disappears back into the restroom. The CM's go back to work as if nothing happened. Do this during the most busy time of day for World Showcase.

Oh yes, people will be talking for months thereafter. :)

Japanese CMs would actually scream "Ahhh Gojira, Gojira", as "Godzilla" is not Japanese (you can't even write it down in Japanese) but the original name Gojira got changed by the distributors of the movies in the "western hemisphere", mostly US and Europe.


New Member
I would pay to see Godzilla shopping in the Japanese store or just eating some dinner at the restaurant. Or going up to Miyuki and have her make a candy Godzilla.

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