Intresting Universal Trip Report


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Original Poster
So my parents are down in Orlando now for just a few days (my dad had to travel for business) and they decided to take advantage of the free ticket that we recieved during Universal's Super Bowl campaign and make a rare visit. Being such a Disney family, they probably never would have gone if not for the free ticket, but there were a few things that my dad reported back to me that set them far behind Disney World in his eyes. Some of these things included:

-"Sloppy employees": Apparently it's not uncommon to see wrinkled uniforms and un-tucked shirts that make the staff at Universal look not so hot. In fact he said as they got to the end of one of lines there stood a female employee leaning against a guardrail, on her cell, texting.

-"Attractions": Although I never rode it myself, I was told "The Simpsons Ride" is nothing to write home about. Basically a motion simulator, that comes with a warning not to ride if you're claustrophobic. Also, my dad made a good point that although both Disney and Universal have their attractions based on old and sometimes very old movies, the Disney ones are in place because they are timeless classics. Terminator? The Hulk? Twister? Sure they were exciting when these movies were a part of pop culture 10, 20 years ago...but now they seem so dated - and thus LAME.

-"Mardi Gras": I'm told that around this time of year the park features a Mardi Gras themed parade. Apparently the floats are pretty low budget, and even more intresting to me - some or all of the floats are pulled by pick-up trucks. The trucks aren't even themed but simply feature the logo of the local car dealer that sponsors/provides the vehicles.

-"Alcohol": Saved the best for last here... Not only is alcohol served throughout Universal Studios, but as my parents were waiting for the afternoon parade, girls were walking up and down the street selling Jello shots. Can you imagine THAT on Main Street USA?!

Just found some of this stuff intresting. Can anyone else add to any big differences they've seen or experiened themselves?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Terminator and Twister are definitely not my top choices for timeless characters but the Hulk has been around since the 60s and just a year ago had a massively big hit movie so I think the Hulk kinda qualifies. Twister on the other hand, wasn't even all that great a movie and I SPIT at it for replaces Ghostbusters. the one timeless classic Universal had and they replaced it with frickin' TWISTER!!!! :hurl:
I did notice that Universal's parades have much to be desired. I've yet to actually GO to Universal but I have seen footage and saw one of a Marvel parade that pretty much consisted of Spider-Man, Captain America and some X-Men on ATVs. LAME!! (I'd like to add that I think Wolverine was on a pink ATV even :hammer:)
WOLVERINE: IT'S SALMON!!! *slices me*
Oh, and have you seen the Dudly Doright ride? Not only is it pretty much a Splash Mountain clone, but it's not even a very GOOD Splash Mountain clone. On top of that, I think they even rip off Mr. Toad's train scene
But anyway, there's a reason why Universal can brag that their ticket system is cheaper than Disney's :lookaroun


Active Member
Being such a Disney family, they probably never would have gone if not for the free ticket, but there were a few things that my dad reported back to me that set them far behind Disney World in his eyes. Some of these things included:
And so it begins. When you enter a park looking to be disappointed, you will be.

-"Sloppy employees": Apparently it's not uncommon to see wrinkled uniforms and un-tucked shirts that make the staff at Universal look not so hot. In fact he said as they got to the end of one of lines there stood a female employee leaning against a guardrail, on her cell, texting.
I've seen the same thing in Disney World, especially considering a good percentage of CMs are TMs at Uni. I bet your family wasn't lucky enough to see the Jack Nicholson clone walking around? I saw him at MIB one time, and my life has never been the same.

-"Attractions": Although I never rode it myself, I was told "The Simpsons Ride" is nothing to write home about. Basically a motion simulator, that comes with a warning not to ride if you're claustrophobic. Also, my dad made a good point that although both Disney and Universal have their attractions based on old and sometimes very old movies, the Disney ones are in place because they are timeless classics. Terminator? The Hulk? Twister? Sure they were exciting when these movies were a part of pop culture 10, 20 years ago...but now they seem so dated - and thus LAME.
The Simpsons ride is a simulator, and doesn't pretend to be anything else. It is absolutely hilarious and ten times better than Star Tours which is also now dated. Terminator is not outdated, especially considering the new show on Fox that I believe is really well done. Plus, when you get a good Kimberly Duncan, your experience will be, well, SUPER!

However, Twister is the park's "special effect" show, so take it as you will. USH has the same thing, except it's Backdraft instead of Twister.

Now, let's talk about the other attractions just in the Studios your parents didn't mention. The Mummy, which mixes a great story, fluid AAs, and a well done coaster almost to perfection. Disaster, which I now prefer with Walken, as he adds a whole new dimention of laughs, not to mention the amazing effects on that part of the attraction. Jaws, which is essentially Jungle Cruise on steriods. And finally, MIB, which is the best shooter attraction I have ever been on.

-"Mardi Gras": I'm told that around this time of year the park features a Mardi Gras themed parade. Apparently the floats are pretty low budget, and even more intresting to me - some or all of the floats are pulled by pick-up trucks. The trucks aren't even themed but simply feature the logo of the local car dealer that sponsors/provides the vehicles.

I believe the floats are very well done, and the truck thing is a nice way to pick up a few more marketing dollars.

-"Alcohol": Saved the best for last here... Not only is alcohol served throughout Universal Studios, but as my parents were waiting for the afternoon parade, girls were walking up and down the street selling Jello shots. Can you imagine THAT on Main Street USA?!
First, Uni doesn't have a parade normally, so this would have been in the evening. Second of all, this is only something that happens at Marti Gras and HHN. (However in 2008 they were themed as blood bags.) Since you are in a special event after a certain time at the park, the alcohol flows a litle more freely. And this is from someone who will never be able to drink in their lives and has no desire to.

Twister on the other hand, wasn't even all that great a movie and I SPIT at it for replaces Ghostbusters. the one timeless classic Universal had and they replaced it with frickin' TWISTER!!!! :hurl:

Not even Uni diehards like Twister.

I did notice that Universal's parades have much to be desired. I've yet to actually GO to Universal but I have seen footage and saw one of a Marvel parade that pretty much consisted of Spider-Man, Captain America and some X-Men on ATVs. LAME!! (I'd like to add that I think Wolverine was on a pink ATV even :hammer:)

As I stated above, Uni doesn't normally do parades. This is more of a short little processional, usually preceding or concludiong with a photo-op. Nothing more, nothing less.

Oh, and have you seen the Dudly Doright ride? Not only is it pretty much a Splash Mountain clone, but it's not even a very GOOD Splash Mountain clone. On top of that, I think they even rip off Mr. Toad's train scene

Dudley Do-Right is a themed log flume ride with story elements. Just because Disney did it first doesn't mean they own the rights to it. It is suppossed to feel like you are watching and being sucked into a comic strip of Dudley's most daring adventure yet. I believe it does that very well.

I also see how you refrain to mention Popeye's water attraction, which is one thousand tims better than Kali River Rapids will ever be.

I would like to mention that even though Universal suffers from a smaller amount of attractions than Disney, almost every one of them is top-notch and is worth at least two more re-rides.


I've seen the same thing in Disney World, especially considering a good percentage of CMs are TMs at Uni. I bet your family wasn't lucky enough to see the Jack Nicholson clone walking around? I saw him at MIB one time, and my life has never been the same.

Completely agree. You can see this at Disney too.

The Simpsons ride is a simulator, and doesn't pretend to be anything else. It is absolutely hilarious and ten times better than Star Tours which is also now dated.

Can't even come close to agreeing with you on this one. Simpsons is by one of my favorite TV shows of all time, and I was incredibly let down by the ride. I found the queue to be funny, but the preshow and ride were a snore.

Now, let's talk about the other attractions just in the Studios your parents didn't mention. The Mummy, which mixes a great story, fluid AAs, and a well done coaster almost to perfection.

Fluid AAs? Really? I love ROTM, but one thing it does not have are fluid AAs. As a matter of fact, Uni's AAs are pretty terrible IMO.

EDIT: Also...Mummy's story is trash. Are you on a cursed set? Are you actually in Egypt? They can't seem to make-up their mind, and the ending is terrible.

Jaws, which is essentially Jungle Cruise on steriods. And finally, MIB, which is the best shooter attraction I have ever been on. Sorry. Jaws is pretty cool, but their guides can't come close to touching Jungle Cruise skippers.

Not even Uni diehards like Twister.

Gotta agree with this one. One of the only things I never do.

I also see how you refrain to mention Popeye's water attraction, which is one thousand tims better than Kali River Rapids will ever be.

So true. Pop-eye's is by far the best raft attraction I've ever been on.

To the OP, did you ride Spider-man? It's by far the best ride in Central Florida. Also...since when is the Hulk dated? Superheroes are bigger than ever.


Well-Known Member
I thought the Terminator was really well done, Spiderman was also very well done, the Hulk definitely got my attention and if they still have the Blues Brother (in the street show), that was one of my favorites.

Trade it for Disney, never; a different type of entertainment, worthy of my dollar..............................yes.


New Member
How can the Hulk be dated? He's been around since 1962, has inspired a TV series and two movies, both of which were reasonably successful.

Dudley Do-Right is a gas. The drop blows Splash Mountain (and the T.N.T. shack) out of the water.

And as others mentioned, Popeye is the best raft ride I've ever been on. Some of the drops on that thing are kind of frightening, and its fast, wet and funny.

The AAs on Mummy do kinda suck though.


Active Member
When we went a couple of years ago thought the same thing, that it's upkeep wasn't near Disney and the employees were not the same, not issue with doing job, but not the same friendliness that they have at Disney.

The only ride that I think was better than Disney is the Spiderman ride at IOA.


Premium Member
Question 1: Why is this in the WDW section? There is a separate board on here for Universal posts.

Question 2: Why is it that many Disney fans can only find negative things when they visit a Universal park?

I love Disney but also know quality attractions and themed experiences. Universal has many top quality attractions, restaurants and experiences you can't find anywhere else.

I can't name the number of times I've seen fellow CM's pull out their cell phones (Which they're not supposed to have on-stage) and are using them for texting or games or whatever. That is hardly a Universal only phenomenon.

There's good and bad at both parks, but if you're looking for only bad things, you'll find them, no matter where you are. :rolleyes:

I could start a 10 page long post about all things that are wrong with the WDW parks, but I try to enjoy myself instead.


Question 1: Why is this in the WDW section? There is a separate board on here for Universal posts.

Question 2: Why is it that many Disney fans can only find negative things when they visit a Universal park?

I love Disney but also know quality attractions and themed experiences. Universal has many top quality attractions, restaurants and experiences you can't find anywhere else.

I can't name the number of times I've seen fellow CM's pull out their cell phones (Which they're not supposed to have on-stage) and are using them for texting or games or whatever. That is hardly a Universal only phenomenon.

There's good and bad at both parks, but if you're looking for only bad things, you'll find them, no matter where you are. :rolleyes:

I could start a 10 page long post about all things that are wrong with the WDW parks, but I try to enjoy myself instead.

Unfortunately most people think they can only like one or the other. I love both resorts, and have a season pass to Universal.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Even wabbitt finds fan boys boring

I like the Simpsons but I thought the new Simpsons ride just stunk. I prefer Star Tours anyday over it.

I prefer Disney, but im not going to sit here and say universal has nothing to offer and their parks stink. They have some great attractions....


Active Member
Can't even come close to agreeing with you on this one. Simpsons is by one of my favorite TV shows of all time, and I was incredibly let down by the ride. I found the queue to be funny, but the preshow and ride were a snore.

I really enjoyed it, but mostly because it was poking fun at rides that I know and love. For a normal guest it may not be the best. However, it definitely does not come close to beating out the amazingness that BTTF The Ride was.

Fluid AAs? Really? I love ROTM, but one thing it does not have are fluid AAs. As a matter of fact, Uni's AAs are pretty terrible IMO.

I thought they did a good job with the two they had. They were fluid enough for me, but they aren't as good as the new ones Disney has now. They're more of the generation before this.

EDIT: Also...Mummy's story is trash. Are you on a cursed set? Are you actually in Egypt? They can't seem to make-up their mind, and the ending is terrible.

The ending blow's USH's out of the water. Go on that one and realize how good we have it here. But it can be rather confusing. Sorry. Jaws is pretty cool, but their guides can't come close to touching Jungle Cruise skippers.

See the reason why I say this is because I had a boat to myself at HHN. Let the PG-13 fun begin. Best. Ride. Ever.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Its funny that you are bashing the poor service at Universal...

I am seeing an ever-increasing number of lazy, apathetic CMs at Disney and an increasing number of Universal TM's who do their job the way Disney CM's are supposed to. Nevermind that a good percentage of TM's are current or former CM's who are tired of being mistreated by Disney.
that it's upkeep wasn't near Disney and the employees were not the same
Really? These days its rare to ride ANY Disney ride and not notice something that is either blatantly not working or in obvious need of repair. Yes, things break at Universal too, but I find that less often is a major element not working.
Fluid AAs? Really? I love ROTM, but one thing it does not have are fluid AAs. As a matter of fact, Uni's AAs are pretty terrible IMO.
At least they still use them, instead of resorting to screens all the time, save for the Yeti, which doesn't work anyway and might be replaced by... another screen!
EDIT: Also...Mummy's story is trash. Are you on a cursed set? Are you actually in Egypt? They can't seem to make-up their mind, and the ending is terrible.
I will agree that The Mummy's story is confusing... but this is only because its rare that you actually wait in the area with the pre-show TV's long enough to catch what is going on. It would work much better with an actual pre-show room. (actually, most Universal attractions' stories would not be confusing if they used an actual pre-show.)

You are entering the set for the newest Mummy movie, where they are using actual ancient egyptian artifacts / a real archeological dig site for the set. Rumor is, the set is cursed/haunted. "Reggie", a production assistant, has been sent to get Brendan Frasier a cup of coffee, and keeps failing at this task, and ends up going missing - this is why the video clip at the end of the ride with Brendan frustrated about not getting a cup of coffee is there.

When you arrive on the set itself, the production workers are posessed by Imhotep, and working for him to obtain souls so he can gain power and rule for all eternity. You could say you have been tricked into boarding the mine train to be "extras" in the movie or to take a tour of the set. You then encounter Regie, who has been partially mummified, and warns you that the curse is real and to get out of there. The rest of the ride, you are trying to escape from Imhotep. When you think the ride is over, the ride breaks the "fourth wall" because the curse is SO real that now the actual ride you are on is cursed too, like a nightmare that won't end.

Yeah its a little weird and confusing, especially by breaking the fourth wall, but I think its creative. Sorry. Jaws is pretty cool, but their guides can't come close to touching Jungle Cruise skippers.
The Jaws guides are supposed to take the attraction seriously and can't really deviate much from the script.

The point is, like others have said already, if you go to Universal looking for things to complain about, you will find them. If you don't have a biased opinion towards Disney, especially if you go there enough, you will find plenty of things to complain about as well. There are many things I hate about the way WDW is run, but if I go there as a guest I try not to focus on it.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
girls were walking up and down the street selling Jello shots. Can you imagine THAT on Main Street USA?!quote said:
Was she half naked, and only trying to sell them to dudes over 40? That stuff works here cause that guy thinks to himself "Yes!!! If I buy this shot this girl is gonna want me, look how she is flirting with me and I havent even bought anything yet.":drevil:


Active Member
The only thing I like about universal is when ever something breaks, they fix it right away.I am tired of universal also.In 2006 we went for a week and there was nothing to do but the same things over and over again.Then on wednesday of that week my mom just went out and bought us some park hoppers because she was annoyed too.


Premium Member
Each to their own....

Fact: USFs attraction upkeep is miles ahead of any in WDW. Sad but true.

I would've slightly disagreed a while back, even though I'm a UO guy. But now? That = truth. And outside of the water rides, nothing goes down for long refurbishments. The amount of stuff not working on Splash Mountain a month after its yearly refurbishment was kinda ridiculous.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Nope that's opinion not fact
No, it`s fact. For almost a year attraction hosts have had to - and been encouraged - to report any 101s for 3rd shift to fix. And they do. I was fortunate to be shown the system in place myself during an interesting visit last summer.

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