Well-Known Member
speck76 said:Unfortunately, it is you that just does not get it.
I live and breath Orlando tourism, market data, and market trends on a daily basis. This audiance just does not exist to the point you think it does.
As I said above Speck, you and I just disagree. I was wondering when you were going to drag out your "I know better because I'm an expert" crown. Sorry, doesn't impress me terribly that you can spout a bunch of figures anyone could go find on google. Your opinion is just as valuable as anyone elses, but I don't find your statistical arguments terribly relevant.
I think you are too close to the situation. You are blinded by statistics and preconcieved notions. Perhaps you "live and breathe" it too much to understand the world that exists outside of the current Orlando paradigm "bubble".
I'm just offering a different perspective.
speck76 said:Yes, Disney should always try to broaded their horizons.....but what does that mean?
Will are darker, more intense theme mean anything to the average guest...probably not.
Will more "thrilling" attractions mean anything to the average guest....only in the terms that they can ride it, or they cant due to physical conditions.
That's the point that we disagree on. I believe that the "average" guest would change if more options were available at WDW that appeal past the "toddler and elderly" crowd. And again, it's not just about physical thrills, but a darker tone in general - not everything having to be appropriate for toddler consumption.
speck76 said:Disney needs to continue to create new attractions to market, but it is the message itself, not the product behind the message, that brings people to Orlando.
EXACTLY MY POINT! The message right now out there is that Disney is for kiddies. People looking for more thrilling rides may love RnR, ToT, M:S - but they don't come to Orlando to try because of the "message" they recieve about everything being appropriate for toddlers.
A new park, if and when one is constructed, is a HUGE message to those people. Those people you don't believe exist - that I just disagree with.
I know many families who's older children stay home when they go to WDW. Teenagers and such who don't feel like there is anything specificly for them. And, the audience for darker fare is definately out there not just among the youngsters. Again, we disagree on this.
speck76 said:As for your famous restaurant example.....yeah, they can offer chicken, or fish, or a veggie dish, but will one offering of chicken bring in enough people to make chicken a profitable entree, or will half of the chicken be tossed each night because not enough people want it? Also, Chicken is always cheaper than steak, so, does the restaurant even want chicken-eaters in the first place? If steak eaters bring along two kiddie menu eaters with them, but chicken eaters only bring along a single veggie eater, which is the more valuable guest?
LOL it's famous? Wow, thanks. I just thought you ignored it.
You again are making assumptions that go around the concept I'm trying to convey. The point I was making is that IF WDW wishes to increase attendance by building a fifth gate (something we all agree isn't terribly likely any time soon) I believe they will be better served by going after a different audience than they do now.
It's really that simple, Speck. You believe that tourism in Orlando is stagnant and that there isn't a market out there of people who would visit WDW if only they were offered the "message" that their needs would be met there.
If you offer more variety, chances are you will increase your sales as your product appeals to a wider range of people. The people that want "toddler and elderly friendly" already have four parks aimed at them (well, as long as Disney doesn't start taking down MORE family rides to put up "thrill" rides). Adding a fifth park when the time is right with a different audience in mind is much smarter than putting back...more of the same which will just cannibalize the attendance of other parks just as DAK did.
BTW, congratulations - you made it through a whole post without talking about IOA.
