speck76 said:
I too have an AP...
Ask Patrick how often he spends the entire day in the park, and eats 3 meals on property...probably not too often.
Also, parents drive....WDW does not get that $8 parking charge from you.
No...but Disney still gets the $8 for parking, so why does it matter to them WHO it comes from. The Teens are the ones who are going to the park, so why does it matter to Disney WHO is paying for the trip, the whole trip is because of the teens!
And...I live locally, am a teen, and go to Disney a Minimum of 4 times a year with friends, eat 2-3 meals in the parks, and spend most of the other money I have on Gifts, Snacks, etc. I also go into the parks alone probally 10+ times a year, and eat 3 meals per day in the parks, get gifts for friends, etc.
Disney makes thier money on Passholders, if they didn't, they would not offer the pass...even to teens.
Also...Disney Magic Music Days attracts many teens to stay in the parks due to the free admission. It is a great experance, and because teens get an extra day after they preform for free...they are going to spend thier money on food, souvineers, etc.
And Grad Nites! Some Schools coming in from out of town stay on property due to grad nites, and as a result, spend extra days in the DISNEY parks because they are on property.