Last year we stayed at POP and my niece (she was about 14 months old)got her foot brushed by the room door that had a sharp edge on it which cut her foot and required stiches. It happned on our first day there so the Dr said no swimming pools and Disney gave the money back for the water parks in the form of room credit to everyone in the party that had paid for water parks. After getting home, and almost a year later my SIL said that Disney wanted to offer her about $300 for her "trouble". My niece has a scar on her foot with some noted thicker scar tissue. My SIL simply told Disney all she wants is another vacation. She is not suing, nor going for a large sum of money but, she thinks it's fair that Disney at least give them some sort of vacation. She was even willing to let Disney pick the week for them. Now keep in mind the Dr who did the stiches stated this is not the first time or the last time they have seen this exact injury from Disney room doors. You would think Disney would have fixed this problem with the doors so that no more children get hurt. My question is, has anyone else had any injuries on property and how did you deal with it and how did Disney resolve it?