I the only one?


New Member
Me too. I feel like unless you stake out a spot hours before you don't get to see the whole show. There are so many trees and other view obstructions that make it next to impossible to be able to view the whole lake and countries. At least with Wishes and Fantasmic is is possible to get a spot just before the show and not miss a thing. DH and I have played the waiting game a few times, but now we just tend to skip it. DS has been 3 times and has yet to see it. We are going to play it by ear this summer if we do it or not.

You can get a spot in Fantasmic just before the show? Don't you mean 60-90 minutes before? Wishes is a shoulder to shoulder sea of humanity. I've never staked a spot more than 30 minutes before Illuminations, including last week.


Hey y'all. New here! Probably not the best first post, but what can ya do. :)

Anyhow, I've gotta agree with the OP. RoE, compared to the original IllumiNations or IllumiNations 25, or even Wishes for that matter, just doesn't do it for me. My two big problems with it are:

  • It's called IllumiNATIONS, right?: Every World Showcase pavilion is wired for amazing lighting, and was used extensively in older shows. In those older shows, each country was highlighted individually using that pavilion's lighting. RoE takes advantage of practically none of that greataspect of IllumiNations past. RoE, while having a "worldly" message, to me seems better suited to something in DAK than for World Showcase.
  • Classic IllumiNations = tech + pyro, RoE, not so much: The original IllumiNations was groundbreaking in that it was mesmorizing fireworks synched presicely to music with amazing lighting and laser effects. To me, RoE feels like the focus is on watching a really bad television. It's nearly impossible to discern what is being shown on the LED globe in the lagoon, and it seemed like over 50% of the show is dedicated water fountains and video on the globe. Where's the big music, bright fireworks, all working together with the rest of the tech stuff to make this thing incredible?
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be something completely different than IllumiNations that is created for Epcot (and RoE fits that mold, as did Surprise in the Skies). But if you're calling it IllumiNations, then give me IllumiNations.


New Member
It's fun to see how different everyone feels about the nighttime shows. I'm a fan of Illuminations but I agree that it was better in the 90s. My favorite right now is Fantasmic but that's probably because I've seen it only twice, during the off season, and didn't have to wait for hours. If I did, not sure it'd be worth it.

As for Wishes... for some reason, I can't stand it. The dialog makes me roll my eyes which is amazing since I'm usually a big fan of warm fuzzies. To each his/her own:)


Well-Known Member
You aren't the only one. The music and theme of the current show are great, but the entire package doesn't compare to the original Illuminations show that ran before. For me, I like ROE better than Wishes (especially after seeing Remember Dreams Come True), but not as much as Fantasmic.

Personally, I can't wait until we get a new Illuminations show that takes it to the next level.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I can't wait until we get a new Illuminations show that takes it to the next level.

Ditto. But only because I love Illuminations so much. :cool:

Epcot is supposed to change; as long as those changes are positive (toward future technology, not away from it), I'm excited to see them come.


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all. New here! Probably not the best first post, but what can ya do. :)

Anyhow, I've gotta agree with the OP. RoE, compared to the original IllumiNations or IllumiNations 25, or even Wishes for that matter, just doesn't do it for me. My two big problems with it are:

  • It's called IllumiNATIONS, right?: Every World Showcase pavilion is wired for amazing lighting, and was used extensively in older shows. In those older shows, each country was highlighted individually using that pavilion's lighting. RoE takes advantage of practically none of that greataspect of IllumiNations past. RoE, while having a "worldly" message, to me seems better suited to something in DAK than for World Showcase.
Not all have lighting. Some never had it installed ($$$$$)

  • Classic IllumiNations = tech + pyro, RoE, not so much: The original IllumiNations was groundbreaking in that it was mesmorizing fireworks synched presicely to music with amazing lighting and laser effects. To me, RoE feels like the focus is on watching a really bad television. It's nearly impossible to discern what is being shown on the LED globe in the lagoon, and it seemed like over 50% of the show is dedicated water fountains and video on the globe. Where's the big music, bright fireworks, all working together with the rest of the tech stuff to make this thing incredible?
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be something completely different than IllumiNations that is created for Epcot (and RoE fits that mold, as did Surprise in the Skies). But if you're calling it IllumiNations, then give me IllumiNations.

I never understood this. I wear glasses when I drive (or shoot, or watch movies) but I rarely wear them when walking around - this includes WDW. I can see whats on the globe just fine. However it seems a LOT of people cannot make out the images. I always wonder why that is, perhaps sensitivity to the colors (lots of blues and browns) or the lighting used.



New Member
NO you are not. Illuminations was AWESOME in the early nineties but when they changed it, especially dropped all the classic music, it lost most of its spirit. The new music is BOOOOOOOOORING. The fireworks are less impressive too. To me Illuminations is definitely not a "must-see" as it was in 1991.

I'm 180 degrees opposite on this one. I've seen every earlier incarnation of the show via video, and saw the 1996 version live, but none have really "grabbed" me like Reflections of Earth. In fact, I really didn't like it in 1996. It was the only thing at EPCOT Center I didn't like during that trip. I love classical music and I listen to it on my Ipod many times a day at work, but something about the show just didn't work for me. Now, however, I have to see Reflections of Earth at least 3 times a visit (and I find I like Epcot much less). I find the music powerful and inspiring, the choreography amazing, and the story beautiful. I'll hate to see it go, someday. It truly represents the spirit of EPCOT Center.
Meanwhile, you don't even want to get me started on how much I dislike WDW's version of Fantasmic! Ugh. I'm glad I can check out the incredible original in California any time I want.


New Member
I'm not too impressed with it either. Though, I have to say, I haven't seen it in its entirety since 2004. I gave it a try again in May of 2007. DH and I watched for about five minutes, then left to ride some rides. :shrug:


New Member
i feel the same way as the op. it's a great show, but i much prefer wishes. it always seems hard to find a good spot too unless you claim it hours before hand. it is a nice way to end the day at epcot tho. to each his own i guess!


Not all have lighting. Some never had it installed ($$$$$)

I didn't know that...which pavilions are missing it?

I never understood this. I wear glasses when I drive (or shoot, or watch movies) but I rarely wear them when walking around - this includes WDW. I can see whats on the globe just fine. However it seems a LOT of people cannot make out the images. I always wonder why that is, perhaps sensitivity to the colors (lots of blues and browns) or the lighting used.

I'm not sure either - I wear contacts and stare at LCD screens all day, and I think maybe I saw a tiger in the video and that was about it. I think it may just partly be based on the age of the globe (which is why it's under consideration for replacement).

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
...who's not all that impressed with it?

I dunno, granted - the last time I saw it was in 2004 but it's just 'meh' for me. Fantasmic, Wishes, & Spectro are WAYYYY better IMHO. I'm going to be checking it out again in December because I'm going with a Disney-Virgin but...:shrug:

Discuss. Flame away :lookaroun

You sir,have not a heart.


I LOVE ROE.It's a emotional rousing show with lights,lasers,Screens Fire effects AMAZING MUSIC,and just a amazing message and story.It's really hard NOT to get into it.

Yikes...But at least you didn't HATE it like my "too cool for Disney Band trip friends"

Diff strokes I guess...


I'm definitely with the OP- and I thought I was the only one!! My roommates made me go see it and I was bored the whole time... the pyro was cool, but I'd take Wishes over it any day. Actually I'd take Remember, Dreams Come True, and then DL's Fant, and then Wishes, and then WDW's Fant over it... hahaha

The thing about it for me, at least, is that the message in it is more "mature". The whole wishes thing and Fantasmic thing are - well, to invite some flaming myself - kind of hokey. The "power of dreams" and "what you wish for" just seems, well, sort of childish to me. I know, Disney is for the child in all of us.

hahahaha that's great- I think that's why I like Wishes and Fant so much better, the "wishes" and "power of dreams" stuff is what gets me- DAWM makes me cry every time!! (even if I'm just listening to the soundtrack in my car!!!!). I guess that all hits home for me- it was a dream of mine to work where I do in Disney since I was 6 or 7- and now here I am- so the whole power of dreams is quite a real thing for me

Off Topic: Have you ever seen the seasonal Mickey stage show at the MK? They go through great lengths to never say "Christmas"; the characters say Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, etc., but never "Christmas." I'm not easily offended, but the fact that this show only plays during MVMCP makes the whole "we don't want to offend anybody" thing look just plain dumb. The characters are singing Christmas carols and they're wearing red and green. Everybody knows they're not celebrating Valentine's Day. Sometimes Disney Entertainment takes the PC thing way too far.

agreed completely, this PC stuff is out of hand. BUT have you ever seen Mickey's Twas The Night Before Christmas over in Tomorrowland? In my opinion, it's an overall better show (though I might be just a bit biased! ;)), and it doesn't skimp on the Christmas- Santa-Goofy, Reindeer, Christmas music, everything.....Granted, that could be why it is thrown over in the Galaxy Theatre while Celebrate The Season gets the castle stage... :fork:

I never understood this. I wear glasses when I drive (or shoot, or watch movies) but I rarely wear them when walking around - this includes WDW. I can see whats on the globe just fine. However it seems a LOT of people cannot make out the images. I always wonder why that is, perhaps sensitivity to the colors (lots of blues and browns) or the lighting used.


That's interesting. I have perfect vision (and am the only one in my family who doesn't have contacts!), yet I have a hard time seeing the images on the globe. In fact, that could be part of why I don't really care for it- I felt like I was just staring at a globe, doing who knows what, for WAY too long. I think at one point there were animals running across a savannah or something... that's all I got though....:shrug:

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Hey y'all. New here! Probably not the best first post, but what can ya do. :)

Anyhow, I've gotta agree with the OP. RoE, compared to the original IllumiNations or IllumiNations 25, or even Wishes for that matter, just doesn't do it for me. My two big problems with it are:

  • It's called IllumiNATIONS, right?: Every World Showcase pavilion is wired for amazing lighting, and was used extensively in older shows. In those older shows, each country was highlighted individually using that pavilion's lighting. RoE takes advantage of practically none of that greataspect of IllumiNations past. RoE, while having a "worldly" message, to me seems better suited to something in DAK than for World Showcase.
  • Classic IllumiNations = tech + pyro, RoE, not so much: The original IllumiNations was groundbreaking in that it was mesmorizing fireworks synched presicely to music with amazing lighting and laser effects. To me, RoE feels like the focus is on watching a really bad television. It's nearly impossible to discern what is being shown on the LED globe in the lagoon, and it seemed like over 50% of the show is dedicated water fountains and video on the globe. Where's the big music, bright fireworks, all working together with the rest of the tech stuff to make this thing incredible?
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be something completely different than IllumiNations that is created for Epcot (and RoE fits that mold, as did Surprise in the Skies). But if you're calling it IllumiNations, then give me IllumiNations.

In regards to the title name of IllumiNations, I believe that the show's official title is actually just Reflections of Earth. I think the only reason the IllumiNations part is there is to tie this version in witht the last versions of Epcot's nightly fireworks shows. Its kind of like a branding thing.

Now, as far as the NATIONS part goes, you have to understand that this show was created specifically for the Millenium Celebration at Epcot in 2000. The purpose of the show IS NOT to highlight the countries individually; it is to show the country are not seperate entities, but instead part of one earth, and one WORLD. Remember that the slogan for the Millenium was "With a voice from every country, and a face from every land, we'll celebrate the future, hand in hand." The show serves to emphasize UNITY. It symbolizes that we should not see seperate countries, but instead, one harmonious WORLD (which fits perfectly in an area known as WORLD Showcase IMHO).

Now, are the lighting effects of the countries used to their greatest possible extent? Probably not, but just understand that this show diliberately does not highlight the countries individually, but rather together as one, so the opputunity to use those lighting effects isn't there so much.

As far as the pyro is concerned, this version actually uses more pyro than any other version of IllumiNations, about 30% more. Personally, I believe the pyro in this show blows the previous versions of IllumiNations out of the water. The different kind used to the timing of the fireworks to the music is far superior (IMHO) than the previous incarnations of IllumiNations. Also, if I remember correctly, quite a bit of the previous version had little or no pyro in some areas, focusing on the fountains, music, and lasers instead. While RoE has about 5 mins of no pyro, I'd say the previous version was right around that as well.

Having said all this, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion. Also, I do have to say that I woudn't mind seeing the countries highlighted individually again in the next version. (Personally, I would like to see color changing LEDs replace the current rope lighting on the pavilions, and mayne a few more lasers, too.) But for what RoE tries to accomplish (as far as symbolism and entertainment go), I beleive this is the best nighttime show Disney has going, and one of the best they have ever created.


New Member
I love it! It is a great way to end the day at Epcot. It even makes me cry.

Robot Presidents makes me cry. Robot Bird Room makes me cry. Giant Ball Ride makes me cry.

IllumiNations makes me self-congratulatory of my own ability to be sensitive to other cultures.


Well-Known Member
agreed completely, this PC stuff is out of hand. BUT have you ever seen Mickey's Twas The Night Before Christmas over in Tomorrowland? In my opinion, it's an overall better show (though I might be just a bit biased! ;)), and it doesn't skimp on the Christmas- Santa-Goofy, Reindeer, Christmas music, everything.....Granted, that could be why it is thrown over in the Galaxy Theatre while Celebrate The Season gets the castle stage... :fork:
The show in the Galaxy Theater is MUCH better. I can't imagine why you'd be biased...:lol:. Actually, none of the other Christmas celebrations—from the Osborne Lights to Epcot's offerings—seem to ignore the actual name so much as Celebrate the Season. "Let's sing our favorite holiday carols!" (and they sing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"); "I love this holiday cheer!" (while referring to a Christmas tree); "It's my favorite holiday story!" ("'Twas the Night Before Christmas"). Then they unroll a banner that reads, "Happy Holidays."

This show isn't trying to be inclusive; it's obviously just about Christmas. A Jewish friend of mine commented, "They might as well say 'Christmas.' I'm not stupid; I know what they're talking about."

That's interesting. I have perfect vision (and am the only one in my family who doesn't have contacts!), yet I have a hard time seeing the images on the globe. In fact, that could be part of why I don't really care for it- I felt like I was just staring at a globe, doing who knows what, for WAY too long. I think at one point there were animals running across a savannah or something... that's all I got though....:shrug:

I have perfect vision too, and I can't make out everything on the screens. But I love RoE anyway.


Well-Known Member
IllumiNations makes me self-congratulatory of my own ability to be sensitive to other cultures.

Woo hoo, let's revert to 1990's political correctness! :rolleyes: Pat yourself on the shoulder for being sensitive! You're so wonderful! You're so thoughtful! Everybody else ought to care as much as you do! :lol:

(I'm not making fun of you, just the PC climate.)


Active Member
IllumiNations is more sophisticated, sharp and classy than Wishes, carrying with it less emotion, but a greater sense of awe and appreciation.

Wishes is for my heart. IllumiNations is for my brain.

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