Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.


It's been two years since my family and I visited WDW. Two long years. Thankfully, my son Sterg and I got a three day Disney fix last summer at Disneyland.

Curiously, this trip report is being written at a time when a lot of negative Disney vibe is emanating from other regions of WDWMagic - as it was two years ago. The Doom & Gloom is running free and wild. I'm just thankful I stayed clear of most of it before our trip because I may have cancelled what turned out to be an amazing time. It is also fortunate that we got this trip in because from the sound of things there may not be a WDW to go to in a few years.

To be truthful, some things that Disney has done has me scratching my head; but this is neither the time nor place to discuss it. Putting that aside - let's get on with the trip report!

We left on Sunday July 21st. Maybe the longest day of my life. The night before, my oldest daughter Alex went to see Taylor Swift in Philadelphia ( about 50 miles away ) and due to a long rain delay she didn't make it home until 2 am. This meant that she would not go to sleep since we were being picked up at 3 am for the drive to Philly airport for our 6 am flight. At least we were supposed to be picked up at 3am.

Here is my Mom ( Yia-Yia )and my youngest daughter Antonia ( Toni ) up and ready at 3 in the morning waiting for our ride. Yia-Yia ( grandmother in Greek ) is 77 years old and joining us for the first time on a Disney adventure. Toni is now almost 12 and the little Yorki-poo in the front is Prince. Prince is short for Prince Charming ( named by Toni ).


When the driver didn't show up by 3:15 I started to worry. I called the limo company at the same time he called me to tell me he was lost. I reeled him in and we were on our way by 3:30. The drive down was nerve wracking as I kept watching the clock and praying for no delays. That is until our driver eased my tension by telling us his son works for Disney and he goes down to the World 4 or 5 times a year. The resulting Disney conversation lasted until we hit the airport around 4:30.

More tension as we went through security. My carry on was stopped in the machine and I was pulled aside. I had put a container of Vitamin C powder in my bag that garnered some attention. Of course, my Mom came over as I was being held and my bag inspected.

"Why didn't you put that in your suitcase, Christo?" she said to me in her Greek accented voice.

"Mom, please go wait over there" I responded.

"No, I want to see what they are doing" Then she followed with this one for the TSA officer.

"It's not drugs, my son doesn't do cocaine!"

OK, I thought. I'm definitely going to be held in some prison cell for the next week.

After the chemical test proved my Mother correct, I was allowed to go on my way. We had time to grab coffee and some food and make it on the Southwest plane to Orlando. A plane full of smiling happy faces! Including these;

This is my wife Val ( not the biggest of Disney fans ), with Yia-Yia in the middle and Alex by the window.


On the other side was yours truly sporting a Hawaiian shirt ( since we were staying at the Poly ), Toni and Sterg.


Before we knew it we were up in the clouds...

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Toni got a kick out of the car in front of Sci Fi. Although she ate there a few trips back, she had no real recollection.



We could not, however, avoid some Imperial entanglements.


Have you seen a pair of droids?


We did.


Ready to go!


Toni kept hoping to either be the spy or me. No such luck. So what to do next? Well ride ST again and again. Was it 3 times or 4? I'm not sure, but with the change of adventure each time, it didn't get boring. It's a great attraction.

Love the blaster marks. "Sandpeople are not this precise."




Let's go again!


After our Rock Concert, trips to numerous planets, and dodging death at every turn, we started to get hungry. Hey - I wonder what time Sci-Fi opens?
That would be 11am. Not too early for us. We got there at 10 of and put our name on the list.



Toni for some reason was fascinated with this pay phone. Something foreign to her generation.



Don't know if this number works...


After a small wait, we were seated. It was a bit weird however, with us sitting in the same car as another group.



We loved taking in the ambiance and the old time cheesy movies. Toni was confused why I was laughing at first. She thought the movies were supposed to be scary. When I explained to her what "cheesy" meant, she started making fun of the clips with me. :D
I remember the food being OK. Didn't have any complaints and neither did Toni - but since I don't remember what I had I guess that proves that the food isn't memorable. o_O


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Well-Known Member
Catching up...finally! So much to say that I'm going to forget it all. I'll jump on the bandwagon o' love for your pics. So gorgeous. So much good stuff. Can't wait to dig into my pics that are waiting for me.... if I can just get all the laundry and bank books caught up... SOON!

So funny that your kids had no clue about Figment/Imagination. My boys were confused for a while why I'd go thru the attraction scowling at everything. When I found Martin's tribute video I showed it to them. I spent some time pausing the video, backing it up, pointing things out, explaining what it was like for me as a little kid being there - how the different parts of the attraction & Imageworks made me feel. Changed them forever. Chandler was actually mad. "Why did they take that away??? Disney jipped us, Mom!" Agreed. ;) I'm glad they understand now. I'm not just a cranky old bag. :hilarious:

That cabana looked niiiiiiice. Definitely has similarities to the Castaway Cay cabanas. It's not necessary to have to enjoy the locale but it sure takes the awesome-factor up a notch.

I LOVE the Fractal shirt! I seriously need to get myself a tshirt made up with my screen name, too! I'll bet this was an Etsy find. Guess where I'm off to???? Spend more money! :greedy::joyfull: Your kids have no idea just how "cool" they make you when they're trying to poke fun! If only they knew... What would they saaaaaay???? Probably something along the lines of: "OMG. There's more like you?" Eye rolling would ensue, I'm sure. :hilarious:

Again, thanks a bazillion times over for all the tips and the inspiration to buy my own NEX3. I have yet to dig into the raw files but it was super light, totally convenient, and very easy to use. I wasn't carrying a brick around my neck at all. What I've seen of my images I'm in for a real treat. This camera has been a Godsend. I'm able to use automatic settings so I can snap pics quickly on the move but still have raw files to tweek later to get what I was looking for. I really tried to play with composition, too. I'm crossing my fingers for something closer to my mind's eye than what my old P&S could give me. Again, can't thank you enough for showing me a route to what I've been looking for!

OH! And the rental pontoon! That's so funny that Alex took the helm! I just bought Brian a new tshirt from the Fantasy that has Mickey on it and "Captain". Alex needs the "Captain" tee! We rented a pontoon from DtD years ago. 2006, I think. It was before the tree houses had been refurbed. They still had trees fallen on a few of them and some looked a bit rough. I have pics tucked away somewhere. Those pontoons are fun to drive. I drove a little, not much. I'm waaaaay more nervous driving Tracey's boat but then it's way more powerful and any mess-ups could cost us big. Boats don't stop on a dime, do they???

Very much enjoyed catching up with you and your fun little family! Y'all are so cute and I love that you keep it real with the kiddo/teen tribulations. They're so fun. :bored: Sometimes. :rolleyes: My mom would say "They ROCK! With a real rock." ;)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm catching up!!
Cracking up that you felt self-conscious with your tripod out. I always feel the same!
Love the fisheye pics of Spaceship Earth! Totally worth that awkward feeling! :)
The picture of the wheat the car on Expedition Everest while you're on it? That may seriously be one of my favorite pics from Everest I've ever seen. Great capture!
The waitress, Sterg and the water - hilarious.
I love your Cabana!
Loving the fisheye pictures in general! :)

Hmmm. I wish I knew which one this was.


Well-Known Member
Our routine was the same - Capt Cook's for a quick breakfast and off to the buses. Toni must have been dreaming of Rock and Roll Rollercoaster all night because she insisted we head back to DHS.

I could never figure out your abbreviation of RRRC for Rock 'N' Roller I know :joyfull:


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Wow, you got some great photos from that pontoon boat ride! I also loved the night shots at DHS. Glad you got some quality time with the kiddos there.


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After lunch, Toni wanted to go through One Man's Dream. Who am I to argue? I was just impressed that she didn't want to go on Star Tours again. She also asked for the camera, which I agree to as long as the strap was over her neck.
What follows is Toni's photographic journey through One Man's Dream (with a bit of help on the cropping by me).














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more from OMD...













It made me feel good in a way that Toni was so interested in Walt's story. In today's world, it's easy to pick a worse example of somebody to look up to. I'm happy to say that all three of my children have a healthy appreciation of Walt Disney's story, accomplishments and philosophies. Just the other day Alex texted me one of his quotes.

Keep moving forward...


Active Member
I am loving this trip report! Just read through it all there in one go;)
Your photography skills are amazing, wish I had a camera like that lol ....And your family is hilarious of course:hilarious:Reading this has made me so excited to go (85 days to go!)


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Original Poster
The photos continue to impress. Really like the pic of the DHS hat. I like the hat and have never understood all the hat hate. Call me weird, but I liked the big pink castle cake and Epcot wand as well.

Thanks! I like the hat as well, just don't like where they put it.

Catching up...finally! So much to say that I'm going to forget it all. I'll jump on the bandwagon o' love for your pics. So gorgeous. So much good stuff. Can't wait to dig into my pics that are waiting for me.... if I can just get all the laundry and bank books caught up... SOON!

So funny that your kids had no clue about Figment/Imagination. My boys were confused for a while why I'd go thru the attraction scowling at everything. When I found Martin's tribute video I showed it to them. I spent some time pausing the video, backing it up, pointing things out, explaining what it was like for me as a little kid being there - how the different parts of the attraction & Imageworks made me feel. Changed them forever. Chandler was actually mad. "Why did they take that away??? Disney jipped us, Mom!" Agreed. ;) I'm glad they understand now. I'm not just a cranky old bag. :hilarious:

That cabana looked niiiiiiice. Definitely has similarities to the Castaway Cay cabanas. It's not necessary to have to enjoy the locale but it sure takes the awesome-factor up a notch.

I LOVE the Fractal shirt! I seriously need to get myself a tshirt made up with my screen name, too! I'll bet this was an Etsy find. Guess where I'm off to???? Spend more money! :greedy::joyfull: Your kids have no idea just how "cool" they make you when they're trying to poke fun! If only they knew... What would they saaaaaay???? Probably something along the lines of: "OMG. There's more like you?" Eye rolling would ensue, I'm sure. :hilarious:

Again, thanks a bazillion times over for all the tips and the inspiration to buy my own NEX3. I have yet to dig into the raw files but it was super light, totally convenient, and very easy to use. I wasn't carrying a brick around my neck at all. What I've seen of my images I'm in for a real treat. This camera has been a Godsend. I'm able to use automatic settings so I can snap pics quickly on the move but still have raw files to tweek later to get what I was looking for. I really tried to play with composition, too. I'm crossing my fingers for something closer to my mind's eye than what my old P&S could give me. Again, can't thank you enough for showing me a route to what I've been looking for!

OH! And the rental pontoon! That's so funny that Alex took the helm! I just bought Brian a new tshirt from the Fantasy that has Mickey on it and "Captain". Alex needs the "Captain" tee! We rented a pontoon from DtD years ago. 2006, I think. It was before the tree houses had been refurbed. They still had trees fallen on a few of them and some looked a bit rough. I have pics tucked away somewhere. Those pontoons are fun to drive. I drove a little, not much. I'm waaaaay more nervous driving Tracey's boat but then it's way more powerful and any mess-ups could cost us big. Boats don't stop on a dime, do they???

Very much enjoyed catching up with you and your fun little family! Y'all are so cute and I love that you keep it real with the kiddo/teen tribulations. They're so fun. :bored: Sometimes. :rolleyes: My mom would say "They ROCK! With a real rock." ;)

Hey Kelly, welcome back! Martin's videos are awesome. I show World of Motion to the kids before we left and got a similar reaction.

Yes - the cabana did seem similar to the one I saw in your trip report. We enjoyed it, especially Val.

I can see you sporting a sweetpee T-shirt! Make sure you get it in "Disney font".:)

I am so looking forward to seeing your pictures! I'm happy that you enjoyed it - and you are so right about how nice it is to carry around and use.

I will have to look for that Captain shirt for Alex. She was a fine skipper, and yes they do not stop on a dime. :jawdrop:

Thanks for following along and all the kind words!

So how did you get a good life jacket and the family got stuck with the hot rubber ones?\\

Easy - the x-large yellow one was a bit too snug and the 2xl only came in red. :rolleyes:

Wow, you got some great photos from that pontoon boat ride! I also loved the night shots at DHS. Glad you got some quality time with the kiddos there.

Thanks! having Alex drive left me with plenty of time to take pictures, and a few were from Toni. Thanks for reading along!

There hasn't been any mention of Val's dislike for WDW in a while. Are we too assume that she enjoyed this trip and that there were be future trips?

Well, some "issues" are coming up, but for the most part she enjoyed sleeping in, the pool, dinner and fireworks. I'm sure this is not our last trip. :)

Love this picture! Did you know the insignia image from the Flying Tigers, the winged tiger, was created by the Walt Disney Company??? It's true!

Did not know that. Thanks for the lesson - History and Disney are two of my favorite things. Pretty cool!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm loving this photo. The older two have a Daddy mouth going on.....then there is Toni, dang she is funny!


Lol! I know! What is up with that face Toni?

I am loving this trip report! Just read through it all there in one go;)
Your photography skills are amazing, wish I had a camera like that lol ....And your family is hilarious of course:hilarious:Reading this has made me so excited to go (85 days to go!)

Thanks Tigger19! I've come a long way in 3 years with my photography and I have a long way to go, thank you! These days you can get a very good camera for a few hundred dollars, which is how I started.
85 days, I hope it goes quick. I always wanted to go during the Holidays - I'm a bit envious! :D

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