Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.


It's been two years since my family and I visited WDW. Two long years. Thankfully, my son Sterg and I got a three day Disney fix last summer at Disneyland.

Curiously, this trip report is being written at a time when a lot of negative Disney vibe is emanating from other regions of WDWMagic - as it was two years ago. The Doom & Gloom is running free and wild. I'm just thankful I stayed clear of most of it before our trip because I may have cancelled what turned out to be an amazing time. It is also fortunate that we got this trip in because from the sound of things there may not be a WDW to go to in a few years.

To be truthful, some things that Disney has done has me scratching my head; but this is neither the time nor place to discuss it. Putting that aside - let's get on with the trip report!

We left on Sunday July 21st. Maybe the longest day of my life. The night before, my oldest daughter Alex went to see Taylor Swift in Philadelphia ( about 50 miles away ) and due to a long rain delay she didn't make it home until 2 am. This meant that she would not go to sleep since we were being picked up at 3 am for the drive to Philly airport for our 6 am flight. At least we were supposed to be picked up at 3am.

Here is my Mom ( Yia-Yia )and my youngest daughter Antonia ( Toni ) up and ready at 3 in the morning waiting for our ride. Yia-Yia ( grandmother in Greek ) is 77 years old and joining us for the first time on a Disney adventure. Toni is now almost 12 and the little Yorki-poo in the front is Prince. Prince is short for Prince Charming ( named by Toni ).


When the driver didn't show up by 3:15 I started to worry. I called the limo company at the same time he called me to tell me he was lost. I reeled him in and we were on our way by 3:30. The drive down was nerve wracking as I kept watching the clock and praying for no delays. That is until our driver eased my tension by telling us his son works for Disney and he goes down to the World 4 or 5 times a year. The resulting Disney conversation lasted until we hit the airport around 4:30.

More tension as we went through security. My carry on was stopped in the machine and I was pulled aside. I had put a container of Vitamin C powder in my bag that garnered some attention. Of course, my Mom came over as I was being held and my bag inspected.

"Why didn't you put that in your suitcase, Christo?" she said to me in her Greek accented voice.

"Mom, please go wait over there" I responded.

"No, I want to see what they are doing" Then she followed with this one for the TSA officer.

"It's not drugs, my son doesn't do cocaine!"

OK, I thought. I'm definitely going to be held in some prison cell for the next week.

After the chemical test proved my Mother correct, I was allowed to go on my way. We had time to grab coffee and some food and make it on the Southwest plane to Orlando. A plane full of smiling happy faces! Including these;

This is my wife Val ( not the biggest of Disney fans ), with Yia-Yia in the middle and Alex by the window.


On the other side was yours truly sporting a Hawaiian shirt ( since we were staying at the Poly ), Toni and Sterg.


Before we knew it we were up in the clouds...

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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thanks donaldtoo! A few more shots. As this was my first time at the Poly all I can say is it was not hard to get a good view of the GF and the DVC building.



I was obviously reading the trip report and not focusing on the background of the photo's. GF is a tad too close to the Poly for my liking now. You kinda loose some of tropical feel looking at the GF from the Poly Pool.

But look, I spy, one, two, three, four lifeguards at this end of the pool. Just look at the size of those packs on those two strolling lifeguards. Wooba.

So much to take in looking at these photos.


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I think we all order either the sampler or the fried chicken. The meal was good for "comfort food".


I was still relieved that "Star Wars sucks" guy never saw my shirt ( or maybe he did? ).

Look, Val and I matched the ketchup bottle.


Our waitress was nice. Actually too nice. It was later in the evening and I got the feeling that she was tired and on "cruise control". Her service was not lacking, but she was not doing the "schtick" we got last time with Uncle Tim. Again I was somewhat disappointed. She did a fine job opening the wine bottle.


Everyone else was having fun. I was expecting complaints but didn't hear any.
Sterg loved his sundae!


this was Toni's dessert and it tasted better than it looked.


Val and Yia-Yia...


Alex and I... See, all smiles. Maybe it was just me that evening.


Until next time 50's PT.



Darkness had fallen on Hollywood Studios by the time our meal was through.


Yia-Yia and Val were tired ( and a bit buzzed from splitting a bottle of wine ) so they went back to the Poly.


The kids and I went to check on our reservations at the Tower Hotel.



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Looks like our rooms were ready.


ToT is my favorite attraction - and is at its best at night.

Is it me or did I capture some kind of green "spirit" dancing below the ceiling?


At this point, Toni was starting to freak out. Sterg teasing her didn't help, plus the night crowd was a bit more "rough and loud" than when we rode Tot during the morning hours. It really helped increase the tension as we boarded our elevator.




Here we are - back row. I'm in the corner trying unsuccessfully to get a picture of the park when the door opened. All I was thinking was how cool that shot would be in my trip report, Lol! Didn't even come close to it. Maybe next time. :D The kids roar when they see this picture. "Dad, you are such a dork! Holding a camera in TOT with your StarWars shirt on" As I look at the photo, it's hard to argue.



Active Member
Here we are - back row. I'm in the corner trying unsuccessfully to get a picture of the park when the door opened. All I was thinking was how cool that shot would be in my trip report, Lol! Didn't even come close to it. Maybe next time. :D The kids roar when they see this picture. "Dad, you are such a dork! Holding a camera in TOT with your StarWars shirt on" As I look at the photo, it's hard to argue.

Ha, is the "Freedom Day" t-shirt guy asleep or texting? Also, the kid in the front with the blue t-shirt on looks a bit bored. You've gotta love ride photos.


Well-Known Member
Our waitress was nice. Actually too nice. It was later in the evening and I got the feeling that she was tired and on "cruise control". Her service was not lacking, but she was not doing the "schtick" we got last time with Uncle Tim. Again I was somewhat disappointed.

Uncle Tim...Best 50s server ever!!


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Next up was RRRC! This entire corner of DHS has a much different vibe at night.


While ToT is just spookier, RRRC transforms into a "nightclub type atmosphere".



Thanks to Fantasmic!, the lines were short.


After about 20 minutes we were ready to ride.


We then went back and rode it again. I could not get enough Aerosmith through loops on this trip!


As much as I enjoyed getting up early and hitting the parks with Toni, I loved more so being with the three of them together. Even with all the arguing and bickering. Alex is now a college student and Sterg is a senior in high school but they still wanted to hang out with Toni and I. Not once did they ask to go off on their own. I'm not sure how much longer that will last, so I soaked up every moment that evening.

It was also the evening I missed the Extra Magic Hours the most. We were used to spending at least one or two nights of our trip roaming a park until 1 or 2 am. The latest EMH went to was midnight at MK one time and the crowds never really dwindled. That night at DHS, I was wishing for another hour or two with my kids.


Since the park was closing and Fantasmic! was soon to let out we decided to beat the mad rush to the buses and head out.

I made an effort to photograph some signs and lighting in the limited amount of time before the hoard descended.





We definitely beat the crowd.



and had an enjoyable bus ride back - neck strain and all.

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Well-Known Member
OK, so I probably missed it in this TR somewhere, but what camera and lens are you shooting with? Would you mind sharing some of the settings? Is there a setup that automatically gives you such vivid colors or are you tweaking the shots in post production?
Still loving the TR.


Well-Known Member
Loving your trip report!!!! The photos are just beautiful!!
I loved reading about your time out on the boat. This is on our to do list for the next trip!
Your relationship with your children is wonderful! They still enjoy vacationing with their parents and a lot is to be said for that!
Thank you for sharing!!!


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hej Fractal :) Still in love with your report and the quality of your pics :) Can't wait to read and see more!!

Thanks Flagg!

Tuvalu!! This is the building we were in. First floor, 2nd room in on the left. LOVED the view. We could see the top of the castle and I'm sure had we been on the 3rd floor we would have seen most of it. The only thing I didn't like was how far of a walk it was to ge to GCH and the pool. You havd to walk all the way around the marina. I shouldn't complain though cause many of the other resorts would be a further walk from the room to the main area (PORS, All Stars if you're WAY in the back)

I'm sure you had a great view! Our view from our patio was of the monorail.

haha, the Fractal shirt is awesome! I must say, I did not even see that cabana you guys were in! And we spent most of the afternoon by the pool. I did see one kind of by the pool bar. I wonder if that was the larger one? I do agree with you that the pool as a whole leave a little to be desired. And how does the Poly NOT have a hot tub?! I thought all deluxes have them but apparently the Poly is the only one that does not. I feel they need to rectify this ASAP! The waterslide is pretty cool though. I went down it a few times myself.

You have just confirmed my decision to not go on SGE in November when we take my cousin. It's her first trip so she might want to ride it, but I'm going to tell her it's the worst ride ever and hopefully she will go with it. Telling her that wouldn't exactly be a lie though, right? ;)

Thanks Darolyn! Yes, the one by the bar is the big cabana. There is so much potential for that pool - I believe they are going to redo it, which if they are adding DVC's villas they almost have to. I remember going down that waterslide the first time and thinking, whoa - this is pretty intense!
Oh man is SGE bad. It's actually embarrassing! Bring back Alien Encounter with a height limit to keep out the little kiddies.

Fractal - Awesome trip report and better pics (I'll admit that I 'stole' a SSE shot for my iPad).

Thanks dinodak! Enjoy the picture!

Yeah, the size of motors they put on those pontoons don't really help you change directions quickly. Did you get to see any of River Country?

Lol! I almost started to panic. I was gunning it and it kept floating backwards. o_O I did not see River Country. I didn't even think to do so. Wish I had.

Chris, I'm loving your trip report. Finally got all caught up today. From the cabana to the SeaRacers to the pontoon boat to afternoons at the pool - all things I would love to do if I could tear away from the parks long enough.

Your report is hilarious! I love your interaction with your kids. I always said that I couldn't get married unless I found someone who could take a joke like my old man. Good thing I found him, too! I love the time that you and Toni have in the parks in the morning, too. That's one thing that my mom and I always do when we go to WDW - get to the parks early. I loved those times of just the two of us, and I'm sure they mean so much to Toni!

Seeing your review of Kouzzina's really makes me want to go and try it. The trio Yia-Yia ordered looks so good.

You're photos are fantastic! They look so good. I have Photoshop CS5, but I've never bothered to learn how to use it. I have considered getting Lightroom though.

I'm looking forward to reading more!

Thanks so much! I promised Val that we would do other things beside the parks - and since I almost fainted the first day at MK in the afternoon heat, I figured that was the time of day I would least want to be in a park. Great compliment for your dad and husband!

Toni and I had so much fun in the mornings. Once in a while I'll wake her up in the morning and ask her what park she wants to go to.:)
If you enjoy Greek food, Kouzzina is well worth it! Thanks for the compliment. I started out with PS elements and really did like it. It wasn't very user friendly ( at least for me ). LR is so much better. It didn't take me long to get the hang of it - although it is a learning process and a bunch of trial and error. I'll look back at some of the very first shots I edited and cringe.

I'm catching up!!
Cracking up that you felt self-conscious with your tripod out. I always feel the same!
Love the fisheye pics of Spaceship Earth! Totally worth that awkward feeling! :)
The picture of the wheat the car on Expedition Everest while you're on it? That may seriously be one of my favorite pics from Everest I've ever seen. Great capture!
The waitress, Sterg and the water - hilarious.
I love your Cabana!
Loving the fisheye pictures in general! :)

Thanks Tammy! That picture on EE is also one of my favorites. It required a bit of luck - I wanted to get more of the train but when you are bouncing around it's hard to aim. The "wheat stalks" was really be accident but I'll take it!
Yes - we had fun at WC. Actually more so than 50's PT. Cabana was worth it! I thought I took too many fisheyes at the time - now I wish I had taken more. WDW is such a fun place for photographers. I could see myself taking a trip just for that.


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Original Poster
Still enjoying your TR! It's really disappointing when you're really looking forward to something, and it doesn't live up to your expectations. Sorry you got put in the corner. I did like the guy photobombing through the kitchen window though!

Thanks Pineapple Princess! It's just that we had so much fun last time - once again; "expectations". Yes - I noticed that too. :D

I am really enjoying your TR...I bet your kids will love them when they are older!

Thanks! I hope so - I know I enjoy looking back at my older ones.:)

I was obviously reading the trip report and not focusing on the background of the photo's. GF is a tad too close to the Poly for my liking now. You kinda loose some of tropical feel looking at the GF from the Poly Pool.

But look, I spy, one, two, three, four lifeguards at this end of the pool. Just look at the size of those packs on those two strolling lifeguards. Wooba.

So much to take in looking at these photos.

No doubt. The lifeguard coverage was impressive - especially for a 2 - 4ft pool.

Well I'd rather be holding a camera than that guy in the white "Freedom Day" t-shirt! Can't tell if he's scared or what!

Lol! Who knows - also the other guy in the back row with the dead pan look. ????o_O:confused:

Ha, is the "Freedom Day" t-shirt guy asleep or texting? Also, the kid in the front with the blue t-shirt on looks a bit bored. You've gotta love ride photos.

There are some funny sights in that photo! Thanks for following along!

Uncle Tim...Best 50s server ever!!


OK, so I probably missed it in this TR somewhere, but what camera and lens are you shooting with? Would you mind sharing some of the settings? Is there a setup that automatically gives you such vivid colors or are you tweaking the shots in post production?
Still loving the TR.

Most of the pics are from my Sony NEX-7. Big sensor ( 1.5 crop ), little body. Easy to carry around. Love it. I also brought my NEX-3 as a back up. That was the camera that got me back into photography a few years back. I used a 50mm 1.8, a 18-200 zoom, Rokinon 8mm Fisheye, and had 2 Sigmas; a 19mm 2.8 and 30mm 2.8. I was most pleased with the 50mm - although the focal distance was sometimes awkward, it made me think about the shot more. Most of the shots in the first half of the trip I shot in RAW and did some PP in Lightroom. At some point I switched to shooting JPG ( kinda wish I didn't ) and did some minimal tweaking on those.

Thanks for following along - am enjoying your report!

Loving your trip report!!!! The photos are just beautiful!!
I loved reading about your time out on the boat. This is on our to do list for the next trip!
Your relationship with your children is wonderful! They still enjoy vacationing with their parents and a lot is to be said for that!
Thank you for sharing!!!

Thank you! The boat was worthwhile. A Disney vacation to me is all about spending time being a kid with my kids ( well, as much as I can ). Thanks for reading!

Love the shots on RnRC. For the record, at least in my experience, when you go off to college you actually get closer to your family - especially siblings. I know I value time with my dad anytime I get it now, since it's much further between.

Thanks! I think Alex feels the same. :)
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Darolyn! Yes, the one by the bar is the big cabana. There is so much potential for that pool - I believe they are going to redo it, which if they are adding DVC's villas they almost have to. I remember going down that waterslide the first time and thinking, whoa - this is pretty intense!
Oh man is SGE bad. It's actually embarrassing! Bring back Alien Encounter with a height limit to keep out the little kiddies.

THIS! AE was GREAT!! Every time I went on that, it legit scared me! lol


New Member
You have been blessed with an amazing family, I can only hope that my kids will be the same when they are that age. :)

Also in my previous post I accidentally deleted the quotes for your picture, sorry about that I think I was so excited to see our table I got carried away.:oops: I tried to fix it but apparently I am not very computer literate.:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You have been blessed with an amazing family, I can only hope that my kids will be the same when they are that age. :)

Also in my previous post I accidentally deleted the quotes for your picture, sorry about that I think I was so excited to see our table I got carried away.:oops: I tried to fix it but apparently I am not very computer literate.:facepalm:

Thanks mklively! I definitely lucked out. How old are yours?

No sweat - didn't really need them. :)


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Good morning Walt Disney World! Our last full day of our trip began like many of the other ones. Toni and I up early, Yia-Yia on the balcony reading her book and refusing our offer to join us in the parks. Val and the teenagers sleeping in.

I was geared up and ready to go. My lens of choice that morning was the 50mm 1.8. and the 19mm 2.8.


Our routine was the same - Capt Cook's for a quick breakfast and off to the buses. Toni must have been dreaming of Rock and Roll Rollercoaster all night because she insisted we head back to DHS.

The morning sun sneaking into the Great Ceremonial House...


It was a warm but beautiful morning. Mostly blue skies.




Our first order of business was to pick up Fastpasses for Toy Story Midway Mania. This would be our first time since 2009.



Next, we headed down Sunset Blvd for some thrills.


Toni had one thing on her mind - a fast trip to a Rock concert.


This was at least the 6th time of the week. We went the single rider route and it was literally a walk on. The standby line however was not.
Yeah, nothing like waiting 45 minutes in line on a beautiful Disney morning...not.



Another fun ride with Tyler in our supercharged limo. The launch is still breathtaking after half a dozen times.
Another thrill ride was next. On to Star Tours. I remember that I again kept thinking "what a great way to start your morning!". We did take some time to enjoy the sights on the way. I took a few shots of this guy.



The few clouds that greeted us earlier were now all gone. Hello Moon.

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