Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.


It's been two years since my family and I visited WDW. Two long years. Thankfully, my son Sterg and I got a three day Disney fix last summer at Disneyland.

Curiously, this trip report is being written at a time when a lot of negative Disney vibe is emanating from other regions of WDWMagic - as it was two years ago. The Doom & Gloom is running free and wild. I'm just thankful I stayed clear of most of it before our trip because I may have cancelled what turned out to be an amazing time. It is also fortunate that we got this trip in because from the sound of things there may not be a WDW to go to in a few years.

To be truthful, some things that Disney has done has me scratching my head; but this is neither the time nor place to discuss it. Putting that aside - let's get on with the trip report!

We left on Sunday July 21st. Maybe the longest day of my life. The night before, my oldest daughter Alex went to see Taylor Swift in Philadelphia ( about 50 miles away ) and due to a long rain delay she didn't make it home until 2 am. This meant that she would not go to sleep since we were being picked up at 3 am for the drive to Philly airport for our 6 am flight. At least we were supposed to be picked up at 3am.

Here is my Mom ( Yia-Yia )and my youngest daughter Antonia ( Toni ) up and ready at 3 in the morning waiting for our ride. Yia-Yia ( grandmother in Greek ) is 77 years old and joining us for the first time on a Disney adventure. Toni is now almost 12 and the little Yorki-poo in the front is Prince. Prince is short for Prince Charming ( named by Toni ).


When the driver didn't show up by 3:15 I started to worry. I called the limo company at the same time he called me to tell me he was lost. I reeled him in and we were on our way by 3:30. The drive down was nerve wracking as I kept watching the clock and praying for no delays. That is until our driver eased my tension by telling us his son works for Disney and he goes down to the World 4 or 5 times a year. The resulting Disney conversation lasted until we hit the airport around 4:30.

More tension as we went through security. My carry on was stopped in the machine and I was pulled aside. I had put a container of Vitamin C powder in my bag that garnered some attention. Of course, my Mom came over as I was being held and my bag inspected.

"Why didn't you put that in your suitcase, Christo?" she said to me in her Greek accented voice.

"Mom, please go wait over there" I responded.

"No, I want to see what they are doing" Then she followed with this one for the TSA officer.

"It's not drugs, my son doesn't do cocaine!"

OK, I thought. I'm definitely going to be held in some prison cell for the next week.

After the chemical test proved my Mother correct, I was allowed to go on my way. We had time to grab coffee and some food and make it on the Southwest plane to Orlando. A plane full of smiling happy faces! Including these;

This is my wife Val ( not the biggest of Disney fans ), with Yia-Yia in the middle and Alex by the window.


On the other side was yours truly sporting a Hawaiian shirt ( since we were staying at the Poly ), Toni and Sterg.


Before we knew it we were up in the clouds...

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Well-Known Member
Needed to buy a new computer.

My 5 year old Dell just could no longer keep up. It was taking me forever to edit pictures on Lightroom and as I was doing so, the Dell sounded like it was ready to take off. It needed an extensive clean up that would have cost nearly $500 and I still would have been left with a 5 year old PC. So I bit the bullet and purchased an iMac desktop. I added more RAM to it and I am transferring files from the Dell. It should be ready in a couple days but until then I have to take a break from the trip report. I think all the pictures I downloaded and the editing I did was the nail in the coffin.

Wow, that doesn't sound like fun. Good luck with transferring all of your Lightroom files over from one computer to the other. I did a silly thing and had Lightroom on multiple computers and was editing on multiple computers. I realized my mistake and tried to transfer everything over with edits but could never get it quite done. I was at least able to transfer all of the originals RAW files to one computer. And all final edited versions were uploaded to Flicker so not all was lost. I'm curious to know how it goes for you.


Well-Known Member
Yay, I'm all caught up! That's what I get for not coming on for a few days and then trying to start my own trip report...haha! Great report and photos. Your storytelling is amazing. :)


Well-Known Member
Caught up now, and i have to say first and firstmost that I LOVE YOUR PICTURES. The ones of EVEREST have to be my favorite, both the fisheye and not. My jaw just dropped. honestly. And alot of the pictures at DHS too, just AMAZING. I LOVE IT ALL.

Glad you had a great time at Citricos. I have always thought about eating there, sometime I will get there!

Oh and I have to say I would be with Alex on the playground thing. I don't like bugs at all either. When I was younger I was in there alot (pictures to prove it!) but now, no waaaay BUGS are NASTY...even fake ones.

Can't wait to


Active Member
Can't wait to hear more! I am loving your photos. I wish I was that talented. The photos of Poly are getting me excited for my next visit since I plan to stay there. I love that your youngest is an early riser. Quality time with dad is awesome.


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you, a cruise has your family's name written all over it. :)
Your pictures inside the Great Movie Ride are amazing. I think that's a real test of both equipment and knowing how to use equipment - low light conditions. And you excelled! They're soooo good!
I love that you got to slow down and enjoy time with your mom too. So fun. :)


Well-Known Member
Needed to buy a new computer.

My 5 year old Dell just could no longer keep up. It was taking me forever to edit pictures on Lightroom and as I was doing so, the Dell sounded like it was ready to take off. It needed an extensive clean up that would have cost nearly $500 and I still would have been left with a 5 year old PC. So I bit the bullet and purchased an iMac desktop. I added more RAM to it and I am transferring files from the Dell. It should be ready in a couple days but until then I have to take a break from the trip report. I think all the pictures I downloaded and the editing I did was the nail in the coffin.

Welcome to the Renaissance! All things happen for a reason! I love love love my MacBook Pro. Had her for like 3 years now. Worth every dime and then some! Soooooo...with the new-to-me DSLR (I acquired Chandler's Canon Rebel XS as a starter) I'm thinking I'll dowload Aperture after I return from all my travels next month. Are you going to be using Aperture on the new iMac? I'm interested to know what you think.

The report continues in all it's excellence. You're killin' it! Yia-Yia is adorable. I love that you're getting to have the time with her.

If only we'd had Walt for another 10 years. Indeed. Isn't the film at the end of One Man's Dream good? Not many people talk about it but I truly love it. The nostalgia and sentimental gush I get whenever I watch it always makes my eyes water a bit. I don't cry at weddings but that little film gets me every stinkin' time. I'm so weird.

Good luck with your transitioning! Hopefully I'll be getting Tracey a super iMac before too long...his 6 year old Dell is really struggling more and more to keep up with his flight sims.... :cautious:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't know about the "youse" because I know we guineas...I mean EYE-talian Americans tend use it, but "come with" has got to be a PA thing. I never heard that unitl I met my wife and her family (all from PA). Just like your buddy, I'd be waiting there to hear " with WHO!!???" hahaha...

lol! I drove my college roommate crazy saying that.
All 100 of us in North Dakota say "come with" as well.

See, widely accepted.
Just started your TR!! I know ... I am such a slacker
We were there when you were!!!
Your pictures are gorgeous.
Wish I had the $$$ to stay at Poly. again. My FIRST TRIP to WDW (1974) we stayed at the Poly & I was hooked!!
It was indeed HOT! I am so glad you didn't "pass out" ... we truly saw 3 people pass out on this trip!! The most I have ever seen in one trip & being a nurse I go to their rescue ;)
Can't wait to
You may have not started a report yet, but at the rate I'm going, you may finish one before I do.
I hope you had as much fun ( or more ) than we did! Yes, the Poly is not cheap. No way I would pay rack rates.
I almost needed a nurse that first day! Thanks for reading along!

Great photos...enjoying your family time together...special times creating lifetime memories.

Thanks much!

When DH & I returned from WDW we went to the Poconos for a few nights ...Temps in the 40's ... BRRRR!!!
We are not in Disney anymore - my husband thought he died & went to heaven :)
LOVING your awesome TR!!!
Finally caught up ...phew ;)

Thanks again! Right now this weather in PA perfect - cool nights and mornings and warm sunny days.

I just started it! Hope you like it!!

Looks great!

Enjoy the younger years huh? We were up twice last nigh with the lad... ugh. haa haa We actually do have a trip "planned" (in our books, just not on WDW's yet). We plan on going in Oct 2014. We will bring our son with us for his first trip there! He's brainwashed, he already knows what attraction he will go on first and knows all about the monorail, resorts and such. :) We also will be spending half of it with my older sister who has always wanted to go but has never been. It's going to be so much fun... I wish it was this Oct instead of next! Still loving the report - congrats on the imac!!!! You are sure playing with the big boys now!

Someday you will miss all that ( well, maybe not all ) :)

Sounds like a great trip being planned! I'll be very much looking forward to your report! There has been a few delays with the iMac, but hopefully we get it tomorrow.

Ohhh Epcot pictures next? I shall sit and wait.. not so patiently lol...

So sorry for the delay, Epcot pics coming soon!

I think we ALL know Where in The World Bob Saget is, now...! :D



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OMG - LOVE this!!!

Can't wait to hear about Kouzzina!

Thanks, and coming up!

Wow, that doesn't sound like fun. Good luck with transferring all of your Lightroom files over from one computer to the other. I did a silly thing and had Lightroom on multiple computers and was editing on multiple computers. I realized my mistake and tried to transfer everything over with edits but could never get it quite done. I was at least able to transfer all of the originals RAW files to one computer. And all final edited versions were uploaded to Flicker so not all was lost. I'm curious to know how it goes for you.

After I finish editing a file, I save it on my C Drive with my other photos. I could never really figure out if the file was also saving under Lightroom. What I am doing is moving over all my photo files and then download the Mac version of LR on my iMac. Does this make sense?

You may have heard this somewhere before but....your pictures are AMAZING. Like they should be purchased and hung on the wall amazing. I also love the commentary, your kids and mom are hilarious. Family vacations are the best.

Thanks Heaterbell! They are fun and we had a good time - but there were some "moments".

Yay, I'm all caught up! That's what I get for not coming on for a few days and then trying to start my own trip report...haha! Great report and photos. Your storytelling is amazing. :)

Thanks Lynn1030, I'm really enjoying your TR while I wait for my new computer ( right now on a laptop ). :)

Caught up now, and i have to say first and firstmost that I LOVE YOUR PICTURES. The ones of EVEREST have to be my favorite, both the fisheye and not. My jaw just dropped. honestly. And alot of the pictures at DHS too, just AMAZING. I LOVE IT ALL.

Glad you had a great time at Citricos. I have always thought about eating there, sometime I will get there!

Oh and I have to say I would be with Alex on the playground thing. I don't like bugs at all either. When I was younger I was in there alot (pictures to prove it!) but now, no waaaay BUGS are NASTY...even fake ones.

Can't wait to

Thanks Jess! Yeah, Alex is petrified of bees, actually any flying insect.

Can't wait to hear more! I am loving your photos. I wish I was that talented. The photos of Poly are getting me excited for my next visit since I plan to stay there. I love that your youngest is an early riser. Quality time with dad is awesome.

Thanks acrab3t! You should have seen some of the photos I took when I first started.:confused: I have a bunch of Poly pictures coming up. I spent an afternoon just walking around taking pictures while we were by the pool. Toni was a gamer!

I'm telling you, a cruise has your family's name written all over it. :)
Your pictures inside the Great Movie Ride are amazing. I think that's a real test of both equipment and knowing how to use equipment - low light conditions. And you excelled! They're soooo good!
I love that you got to slow down and enjoy time with your mom too. So fun. :)

Thanks Tammy!

I think you are right about a cruise, especially after reading your and @sweetpee_1993 reports! I appreciate the comments, especially from a talented photography as yourself.

She really enjoyed the attractions and I enjoyed pulling up on the gas pedal for a few hours. It was quality time together - something I wanted out of this trip. :)

Welcome to the Renaissance! All things happen for a reason! I love love love my MacBook Pro. Had her for like 3 years now. Worth every dime and then some! Soooooo...with the new-to-me DSLR (I acquired Chandler's Canon Rebel XS as a starter) I'm thinking I'll dowload Aperture after I return from all my travels next month. Are you going to be using Aperture on the new iMac? I'm interested to know what you think.

The report continues in all it's excellence. You're killin' it! Yia-Yia is adorable. I love that you're getting to have the time with her.

If only we'd had Walt for another 10 years. Indeed. Isn't the film at the end of One Man's Dream good? Not many people talk about it but I truly love it. The nostalgia and sentimental gush I get whenever I watch it always makes my eyes water a bit. I don't cry at weddings but that little film gets me every stinkin' time. I'm so weird.

Good luck with your transitioning! Hopefully I'll be getting Tracey a super iMac before too long...his 6 year old Dell is really struggling more and more to keep up with his flight sims.... :cautious:

I can't wait for this to happen. I purchased the imac from a small local authorized dealer ( I try to support local business if I can ) and he had to order it from Apple. Well, I don't know if it's him or Apple, but it was supposed to be here last Wednesday and still hasn't shown up. I was told tomorrow for sure. Meanwhile, the rest of the family is in an uproar because the Dell is a this guy's shop awaiting the Apple. Right now I'm on a laptop. I know I'll enjoy the iMac, especially doing more with photography.

I'm excited to see you using the Canon! I have been using Adobe Lightroom and will download the Mac version ( since I already paid for it ). I really like LR and am amazed what it can do with a "RAW" file out of the camera. I have heard great things about Aperture, sounds like a good move.

Thanks Kelly! Much appreciated! Yes, it was great to hang out with my Mom at Disney World. She and my late Father took me when I was 9 and now I'm returning the favor. :happy:

As I was editing photos, my Dell sounded like a flight sim! Like a helicopter ready to take off.


Well-Known Member
After I finish editing a file, I save it on my C Drive with my other photos. I could never really figure out if the file was also saving under Lightroom. What I am doing is moving over all my photo files and then download the Mac version of LR on my iMac. Does this make sense?

Make sure you copy over the Lightroom catalog file. I think it asks when you first start it where you want to save it, if it's not in the Lightroom install file. The catalog file has the information on all your edits and organization. The file will be a .lrcat file extension.


Well-Known Member
Your pictures are brilliant and have me sooooo looking forward to my trip in two weeks! Without a doubt I won't be getting pictures anywhere near your standard but am now a bit inspired to snap away in the parks!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, looks like I'll have my new computer tomorrow! In the meantime, I have enough photos on my smugmug for an update.

Our reservations that evening was at Kouzzina - the Greek restaurant by Cat Cora. This was the meal I was nervous about the most. My mother is a great Greek cook. She learned from her Aunt who was taught by a chef to some big shots in Greece. My mother and father had a restaurant while I was growing up, then ran a successful Greek food stand at a local farmers market. With this background and her personality, Yia-Yia is prone to sometimes be a bit "vocal" when eating out. I was worried that the food at Kouzzina would not be up to her standards. But first we had to get there.

After we returned to the Poly, I had to spend some time with the concierge and make some calls for work. The rest of the gang hit the pool. Before long it was 6 o'clock and we had 7:15 reservations ( plenty of time to eat and then walk into EPCOT for Illuminations ). By the time I got everyone out of the pool and in the room to get ready it was almost 6:30. Uh oh. This was going to be close. The shower/ironing/dressing/doing hair frenzy was on and we walked out of our rooms a bit after 7pm. Now all we had to do was walk to the Transportation Center and grab the monorail to EPCOT. Ok - I was told the TC was only a 5 minute walk - but that was from the bus stop. The bus stop was a 5-10 minute walk from our longhouse. We huffed it as fast as we could with Yia-Yia and by the time we entered the monorail we were already late for dinner. As I began to play in my mind the walk we had left from the front of Epcot all the way to the back exit, then to the Boardwalk I was quite upset with myself for not calling for a taxi directly to the Boardwalk. I did not plan this well at all. We were going to be seriously late and there wasn't much I could do. As we approached Epcot, it got worse as Yia-Yia looked up from her purse and told me "Christo, I think I left my card in the room".

It was nearly 8pm as we approached the front of Epcot. Everybody was in a panic. We were late for dinner and Val kept telling me to call them. I knew this wasn't going to do much good. Yia-Yia was ready to just go back to the Poly because she forgot her card - she felt really bad. The kids were saying "Now, what are we going to do? Yia-Yia won't be able to get in the park."

"Don't worry" I said. "This is Disney World. Everything will be fine".

I took Yia-Yia right to client services and after waiting a few minutes we explained our predicament. The CM was great - she just gave her a new card ( after verifying my reservation ) and told her the old card would no longer work. I told her about our late reservation and she advised that we just go to the restaurant and they will seat you as soon as possible. Ok - now we just had to make the 1+ mile hike to Kouzzina. We certainly built up an appetite as we hustled through Epcot. I could tell Yia-Yia was starting to get tired. It was a warm muggy evening. I ended up carrying her purse most of the way.

"My Gosh Mom, this thing weighs a ton! What do you have in here?" I said while thinking I know what she didn't have in there.

Finally we were out the International Exit and now it felt like we were back staying at the Beach Club. Then we saw the resort of our previous two trips.

"Hi Beach Club! We miss you!" Was the sentiment of the kids.

I always loved the atmosphere on the Boardwalk.


And we finally made it.


Nerves were a bit frayed as we entered the restaurant, but things started to settle down as we checked in. We did have to wait another 15-20 minutes until we were seated. First thing we ordered was a bottle of wine for Val and Yia-Yia and a Greek beer (Mythos) for me.

I like how they displayed the olive oil as if they were a collection of vintage wines.



The open kitchen was busy - even at nearly 9pm.

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Well-Known Member
I took Yia-Yia right to client services and after waiting a few minutes we explained our predicament. The CM was great - she just gave her a new card ( after verifying my reservation ) and told her the old card would no longer work. I told her about our late reservation and she advised that we just go to the restaurant and they will seat you as soon as possible. Ok - now we just had to make the 1+ mile hike to Kouzzina. We certainly built up an appetite as we hustled through Epcot. I could tell Yia-Yia was starting to get tired. It was a warm muggy evening. I ended up carrying her purse most of the way.

"My Gosh Mom, this thing weighs a ton! What do you have in here?" I said while thinking I know what she didn't have in there.

What, no photo of you carrying the purse? :p


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We ordered Calamari as an appetizer and upon my Mother's insistence, we also ordered the Saganaki ( seared and flamed Haloumi cheese ). My mom was disappointed that they did not flame the cheese at the table. Due to fire codes, they had to flame it on the counter of the open kitchen. We did yell "OPA!". Both appetizer were great and really hit the spot. My Mom also enjoyed the bread they served with olives and olive oil.

Sterg and Toni ordered the Avgolemono Soup. This is a staple in our lives and the kids love it. We call it "Yia-Yia's soup". Val and I can make it, but not like Yia-Yia. She makes her own chicken stock ( would not think of opening a can ) and whips it up perfect. When the kids are sick they will call Yia-Yia for her Avgolemono and she would always come through. I really didn't expect Kouzzina's version to stand a chance. I was pleasantly surprised. Even Yia-Yia gave her approval. Was it as good as my Mom's? No, but it was close. Major points scored by Cat Cora.

We were having a good time making fun of ourselves and the "dash to Kouzzina". Having been fed, Alex was in a great mode!


For her meal, Yia-Yia ordered the Greek Trio. Chicken with orzo, Pastitsio ( greek lasagna ) and a lamb burger. I watched intently for her reaction.


Yia-Yia approved! I tried some of the Pastitsio and for me it was very good but with a bit too much cinnamon. Mom's is better.

Val and Sterg enjoyed their steaks ( it was good ).


Alex and I ordered the lamb shank. We made a comment that it seemed every restaurant had shank on the menu. This started a running joke about Disney must have got a special on shank. The shank was served with gigantes beans in a tomato sauce. As I ate the beans I felt a bit like the food critic in Ratatouille when he bit into the ratatouille and it took him back to his childhood. My mother used to make those beans exactly the same way but it has been a while since she last made it. It did remind me of being in her kitchen in a different time. I was excited to share some of my meal with her.


For dessert, we had galaktobouriko which was passable but not comparable to Yia-Yia (especially when it comes right out of the oven).


Yia-Yia ordered the Loukomades which were surprisingly good. Overall, Kouzzina hit it out of the park. It was no surprise that the restaurant was still packed that late in the evening. Yia-Yia gave her approval and that was a big compliment and a relief for me. The mad dash was worth this meal.

Alex was still smiling...


then contemplating.


At some point that evening I realized that we were going to miss Illuminations. I had brought my tripod and remote and was looking forward to shooting the fireworks. Alas, just like for Wishes, things didn't work out for me. But the tripod did come in handy that night;

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Well-Known Member
I know this is too little too late, but might I suggest the next time you stay at Poly and have to get to the Boardwalk ~
Ride the monorail (or take the boat) to the MK, walk to the bus stop at the MK and board the Boardwalk bus. Saves a TON of walking and will get you there faster (and no worry that Yia-Yia didn't have her card, since you would not be entering a park.)


Well-Known Member
Front row, fish-eye EE photos. You either love them or hate them. I enjoy the different perspective. The lens I used was a Rokinon 8mm fish-eye.
Pretty dramatic angle. In fact in more than a few shots I had to crop out part of my hairy arm that showed up at the edges. You may also notice that the edges of my fish-eye pics have some discoloration. Purple begins to show up. This is one issue with the NEX-7. The NEX-3,5 and 6 have 16mp sensors vs. the 24mp same sized sensor on the NEX-7. The overall resolution is superior on the 7, but in this case all that resolution is picking up the distortion of the lens at extremes. I was able to clean most of it up in Lightroom but some of it's is still visible. The sharpness at the corners, however, was very good - at least I thought. Enough of the camera geek talk and on with the pics...





I like how you can see the track and tunnel here. The way out!



In the gift shop;

Not even kidding, I gasped at these. STUNNING!!!


Premium Member
We ordered Calamari as an appetizer and upon my Mother's insistence, we also ordered the Saganaki ( seared and flamed Haloumi cheese ). My mom was disappointed that they did not flame the cheese at the table. Due to fire codes, they had to flame it on the counter of the open kitchen. We did yell "OPA!". Both appetizer were great and really hit the spot. My Mom also enjoyed the bread they served with olives and olive oil.

Sterg and Toni ordered the Avgolemono Soup. This is a staple in our lives and the kids love it. We call it "Yia-Yia's soup". Val and I can make it, but not like Yia-Yia. She makes her own chicken stock ( would not think of opening a can ) and whips it up perfect. When the kids are sick they will call Yia-Yia for her Avgolemono and she would always come through. I really didn't expect Kouzzina's version to stand a chance. I was pleasantly surprised. Even Yia-Yia gave her approval. Was it as good as my Mom's? No, but it was close. Major points scored by Cat Cora.

We were having a good time making fun of ourselves and the "dash to Kouzzina". Having been fed, Alex was in a great mode!


For her meal, Yia-Yia ordered the Greek Trio. Chicken with orzo, Pastitsio ( greek lasagna ) and a lamb burger. I watched intently for her reaction.


Yia-Yia approved! I tried some of the Pastitsio and for me it was very good but with a bit too much cinnamon. Mom's is better.

Val and Sterg enjoyed their steaks ( it was good ).


Alex and I ordered the lamb shank. We made a comment that it seemed every restaurant had shank on the menu. This started a running joke about Disney must have got a special on shank. The shank was served with gigantes beans in a tomato sauce. As I ate the beans I felt a bit like the food critic in Ratatouille when he bit into the ratatouille and it took him back to his childhood. My mother used to make those beans exactly the same way but it has been a while since she last made it. It did remind me of being in her kitchen in a different time. I was excited to share some of my meal with her.


For dessert, we had galaktobouriko which was passable but not comparable to Yia-Yia (especially when it comes right out of the oven).


Yia-Yia ordered the Loukomades which were surprisingly good. Overall, Kouzzina hit it out of the park. It was no surprise that the restaurant was still packed that late in the evening. Yia-Yia gave her approval and that was a big compliment and a relief for me. The mad dash was worth this meal.

Alex was still smiling...


then contemplating.


At some point that evening I realized that we were going to miss Illuminations. I had brought my tripod and remote and was looking forward to shooting the fireworks. Alas, just like for Wishes, things didn't work out for me. But the tripod did come in handy that night;


That photo of SSE is stunning!!!

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