If you love Everest, don't open this thread


New Member
^ Yeah, anyone remember the oh so lovely conversation of Country Bear Jamboree being innapropriate? :lol:

Anyway, Everest looks to be a very fun attraction none the less. Sure some people can't be pleased with it, but I'm not too fond of the people that look for any tiny detail to complain on...those are the true wackos.

But when it comes to the best attraction in AK, while Dinosaur may be fun..Kilimanjaro Safari's is the true winner.


New Member
I've read many post which state that inside EE you can see the buildings structure, beams and such. And I'm sure the imagineers were aware of this. But what is their valid reasoning for not finishing the interior? Not trying to start an arguement or an 'I hate..." post. Just seams to me that this an exception rather than the norm for their creative talents. Does it really take that much away from the Disney magic?


New Member
I've read many post which state that inside EE you can see the buildings structure, beams and such. And I'm sure the imagineers were aware of this. But what is their valid reasoning for not finishing the interior? Not trying to start an arguement or an 'I hate..." post. Just seams to me that this an exception rather than the norm for their creative talents. Does it really take that much away from the Disney magic?
Also last time I was at AK, the Dinosaur ride was called, Countdown to Extinction. Has there been a rehab to the theming and/or ride? I don't hear any mention of Martin Short anymore.


Well-Known Member
I've read many post which state that inside EE you can see the buildings structure, beams and such. And I'm sure the imagineers were aware of this. But what is their valid reasoning for not finishing the interior? Not trying to start an arguement or an 'I hate..." post. Just seams to me that this an exception rather than the norm for their creative talents. Does it really take that much away from the Disney magic?

What the posters in those threads never mention, is that they fixed that some time ago. Only back in the first two months could you see it. Now you can really only see it for a few seconds, and only then you have to be sitting in the front row. They also never mention how they actully put rockwork to the sides and above you, even though you're in the dark.

Pete C

Active Member
Everest is a great ride IMO, but it could have been a bit better. Saying that it is some sort of massive disappointment is insane...I loved it, and I have been on coasters far more exciting. I have no issue with the level of theming or show elements. The thing that would have put this attraction over the top would have been a small launch out of the Yeti projection room into the drop.

All that aside, I don't think you guys realize how much the general public loves this ride. To people that don't go out of their way to ride thrill rides on a regular basis, Everest is an amazing, thrilling coaster to them. Click through the pages of comments on YouTube for this ride and see just a sample of this.



Well-Known Member
There is no right or wrong when it comes to who likes EE - It's a matter of opinion.

As far as it being overrated though - how? Where is EE getting overrated, did it win an Oscar for Best Roller Coaster? Who is giving EE these lofty ratings that are not deserved? I personally haven't seen anything that states it's the best thing since sliced bread.


New Member
Original Poster
Where is EE getting overrated, did it win an Oscar for Best Roller Coaster? Who is giving EE these lofty ratings that are not deserved? I personally haven't seen anything that states it's the best thing since sliced bread.

:hammer: An OSCAR for best roller coaster?

Anyway, all you have to do is read comments on this website (including even this very thread) and you won't have trouble finding remarks that make Everest out to be the greatest attraction ever built.


Well-Known Member
Not even close to being true! :rolleyes: I was there this past December and you could see everything clear as day.
Oh, well that and a rollseye smiley changes everything then.
I was on Dinosaur last time and saw the robo-guts hanging out of one of the dinosaurs. Guess that makes Dinosaur "overhyped" as well, now don't it?

Oh no he didn't.


New Member
Original Poster
I was on Dinosaur last time and saw the robo-guts hanging out of one of the dinosaurs. Guess that makes Dinosaur "overhyped" as well, now don't it?

If you truly think that's the logic I'm using, then once again you have not been reading my posts. I was merely disputing this claim of yours...

What the posters in those threads never mention, is that they fixed that some time ago. Only back in the first two months could you see it.

You say that we "never mention" something, so as to imply that it's a fact that we're ignoring. You also claim that the steel beams could only be seen "back in the first two months", which is completely untrue. I'm curious to know how you make the connection between this aspect of our conversation and my claim of EE being overhyped.

btw, Dinosaur is not overhyped at all. Dinosaur rocks!!


Well-Known Member
You say that we "never mention" something, so as to imply that it's a fact that we're ignoring. You also claim that the steel beams could only be seen "back in the first two months", which is completely untrue. I'm curious to know how you make the connection between this aspect of our conversation and my claim of EE being overhyped.

btw, Dinosaur is not overhyped at all. Dinosaur rocks!!

First off, I was quoting another person's question about seeing the inside, not you. I guess you feel that way, because I wasn't even including you in that "we". I think you just jumped over that wall yourself.

And as for the connection, you yourself made it. Remember that? What with the complaining about hows you could sees the insides there?

I have to admit though, this is great...
You also claim that the steel beams could only be seen "back in the first two months", which is completely untrue.

How do you know? Were you there that whole month? I was. It's much darker now than it was when it opened. You can only see it now for a few seconds, and you've got to be in the first three rows.

What else?


New Member
Original Poster
First off, I was quoting another person's question about seeing the inside, not you.

Ummmm....okay. But doesn't this very next statement by you sort of contradict what you just said...

And as for the connection, you yourself made it. Remember that? What with the complaining about hows you could sees the insides there?

Either way, if it was not directed at me, then clearly you are acknowledging that there are others who are being critical of Everest. Funny, you were so confident that I'd be alone in this thread with my complaints of Everest. :lol:

How do you know? Were you there that whole month? I was. It's much darker now than it was when it opened. You can only see it now for a few seconds, and you've got to be in the first three rows.

I'm not disputing how it was during the first two months. I'm disputing your claim that the steel beams aren't clearly visible now. Maybe they were even worse during those first two months for all I know. If it ran that way for two whole months, then I would have to say that is very bad show. But the fact that you can still see them as clear as day is still very bad show.


Well-Known Member
Ummmm....okay. But doesn't this very next statement by you sort of contradict what you just said...
I know! It's fun to contradict yourself!

Either way, if it was not directed at me, then clearly you are acknowledging that there are others who are being critical of Everest. Funny, you were so confident that I'd be alone in this thread with my complaints of Everest. :lol:
I wasn't talking about THIS thread. But is hard to tell them apart isn't? They all sound the same as yours. Or am I thinking about that "I hate everest" thread I saw a week ago?

I'm not disputing how it was during the first two months. I'm disputing your claim that the steel beams aren't clearly visible now. Maybe they were even worse during those first two months for all I know. If it ran that way for two whole months, then I would have to say that is very bad show. But the fact that you can still see them as clear as day is still very bad show.

Well, if you say that you can see them, that makes it true dosen't it? It's not like your argument against Everest would be looking for, and nitpicking about these things. That's just silly!

Contradicting? You, the viewers at home decide.


New Member
Original Poster
Also last time I was at AK, the Dinosaur ride was called, Countdown to Extinction. Has there been a rehab to the theming and/or ride? I don't hear any mention of Martin Short anymore.

They changed the name to Dinosaur when the digital animated movie of the same name came out. Personally, I liked the name Countdown to Extinction better.

Martin Short? I don't recall Martin Short having anything to do with this attraction. He was in "The Making of Me" at Epcot and the old "Monster Sound Show" at MGM. I think he also plays a character in a simulation ride at Busch Gardens in Tampa (it's either him or Dana Carvey, I can't remember now). Are you maybe thinking of one of those attractions?


New Member
Original Poster
Yep, stated that on purpose - it's almost as absurd as starting two threads about the exact same thing to try and start an argument, don't ya think?

Go back to my opening post of this thread, and also read the title of it. I've made it more than crystal clear that in no way is this thread intended to start an argument. Yet you and a couple of others have continually been trying to make it into one. I imagine you're doing this so that this thread will be closed too and then you can blame it all on me (for being some sort of "troublemaker" who's just trying to "start arguments"). I can certainly see why you and your buddy don't want this thread to exist (much less be near the top of the list as far as postings). After all, it's revealing the fact that I'm not alone in my criticisms of Everest. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Go back to my opening post of this thread, and also read the title of it. I've made it more than crystal clear that in no way is this thread intended to start an argument. Yet you and a couple of others have continually been trying to make it into one.
Yea, how could this not have happened....

Perhaps you shouldn't have made the exact same thread that was closed for a reason?

Well there's yer problem!

I imagine you're doing this so that this thread will be closed too and then you can blame it all on me (for being some sort of "troublemaker" who's just trying to "start arguments"). I can certainly see why you and your buddy don't want this thread to exist (much less be near the top of the list as far as postings).
EpcotServo: Drats! You've foiled our secret plot! And we would've gotten away with it too, hadn't it been for the power of Rock 'N' Roll!

Jmvd20: Quick! To the Escape pod!
-building starts to crumble-

Fu Manchu: CURSE YOUUUU!!!!!!!
-building falls to the ground-

THE END....?


Active Member
Yea, how could this not have happened....

Perhaps you shouldn't have made the exact same thread that was closed for a reason?

Well there's yer problem!

EpcotServo: Drats! You've foiled our secret plot! And we would've gotten away with it too, hadn't it been for the power of Rock 'N' Roll!

Jmvd20: Quick! To the Escape pod!
-building starts to crumble-

Fu Manchu: CURSE YOUUUU!!!!!!!
-building falls to the ground-

THE END....?
WAAIIITTT....You forgot me:eek: ...my computer was down all day:ROFLOL: :ROFLOL:


New Member
...Unfortunately, that usually leads to attacks by people who don't want to hear it. So they start arguments which they later blame on the person who was just being honest.

Don't you think by posting things like this, you're kind of opening the door up for arguments and attacks? I mean, I'm all about a good debate, and I have yet to ride EE, but things like this aren't helping you in your cause to be civil.

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