If you love Everest, don't open this thread


Well-Known Member
Go back to my opening post of this thread, and also read the title of it. I've made it more than crystal clear that in no way is this thread intended to start an argument. Yet you and a couple of others have continually been trying to make it into one. I imagine you're doing this so that this thread will be closed too and then you can blame it all on me (for being some sort of "troublemaker" who's just trying to "start arguments"). I can certainly see why you and your buddy don't want this thread to exist (much less be near the top of the list as far as postings). After all, it's revealing the fact that I'm not alone in my criticisms of Everest. :lol:

Except your forgetting a few major details - when have I ever criticized anyone for criticizing Everest?

When have I ever stated that EE is the greatest?

I didn't make a few of your previous threads become arguments - you took care of that all on your own.


Well-Known Member
Yep, stated that on purpose - it's almost as absurd as starting two threads about the exact same thing to try and start an argument, don't ya think?

You realize Oscars pertain to movies and not theme park rides, right?? :hammer: :hammer:

Nope, never knew that.

Maybe you should realize you need to read things - I have already told you that an Oscar for EE is about as absurd as starting multiple threads on the EXACT same subject to try and incite an argument.


Active Member
:hammer: An OSCAR for best roller coaster?...

You realize Oscars pertain to movies and not theme park rides, right?? :hammer: :hammer:
Mickster, there was no need to bring a thread that was virtually dead back to life. The thread was quiet for a few days because nobody seemed to care about the topic. And now you bring it back to life by posting a response to something that you basically already said. And you brought it back in a way that could only be intended to start an argument.:brick:
...Maybe you should realize you need to read things - I have already told you that an Oscar for EE is about as absurd as starting multiple threads on the EXACT same subject to try and incite an argument.
An argument where the first one was blocked for starting an argument and the second one which was started to continue the argument. The second one was dead and he was the one to bring it back to life.:brick: (runs outside to find a a harder wall as the brick wall was hit too hard and broke)


New Member
I haven't acually gone on the ride before, But I saw every, last video online about it. So my awnsers would be: flawless?no. Over rated?yes.:goodnevil


New Member
Original Poster
I haven't acually gone on the ride before, But I saw every, last video online about it. So my awnsers would be: flawless?no. Over rated?yes.:goodnevil

When you do eventually ride it, you will most likely find your assessment to be the same as it is now. I know I did. I, too, saw videos of the attraction before I ever rode it. And judging from the videos, it looked like a letdown. People on these boards are often fond of saying, "don't judge something by a video alone", and to some degree I think there is some validity to that. However, in the case of Everest I and many others have found that the videos have done a pretty good job of capturing what the experience is like.


New Member
Go back to my opening post of this thread, and also read the title of it. I've made it more than crystal clear that in no way is this thread intended to start an argument. Yet you and a couple of others have continually been trying to make it into one. I imagine you're doing this so that this thread will be closed too and then you can blame it all on me (for being some sort of "troublemaker" who's just trying to "start arguments"). I can certainly see why you and your buddy don't want this thread to exist (much less be near the top of the list as far as postings). After all, it's revealing the fact that I'm not alone in my criticisms of Everest. :lol:

Lol. This thread alone will cause debate and you know that. You can't go to a Disney board and post a one sided thread against Disney and expect people not to defend it.

In fact, I got a great idea. I'm gonna go to a Hillary Clinton rally, bash her and expect her supporters to quietly listen as I rip her to shreds. O wait, that makes no sense. :hammer:

I'm not saying you're knowingly trying to start trouble, but anybody with half a brain can realize what this type of thread will result in.


New Member
Original Poster
Lol. This thread alone will cause debate and you know that. You can't go to a Disney board and post a one sided thread against Disney and expect people not to defend it.

In fact, I got a great idea. I'm gonna go to a Hillary Clinton rally, bash her and expect her supporters to quietly listen as I rip her to shreds. O wait, that makes no sense. :hammer:

I'm not saying you're knowingly trying to start trouble, but anybody with half a brain can realize what this type of thread will result in.

The title of this thread is, "If you love Everest, don't open this thread.", and yet many people have opened, read, and posted on it who are defensive of Everest. It would seem to me that anyone with "half a brain" would recognize that I was going to great lengths to avoid this turning into an argument thread. But in case the title wasn't enough, here were my opening comments:

I'll start out by acknowledging that I realize I'm in the minority on this one. And I'm sincerely not trying to start a disruptive thread. Just curious to read some alternative viewpoints about this (IMHO) grossly overrated attraction. I think it's been made obvious that about 99.9999% of the people who post on these boards think that Everest is "amazing" and essentially flawless in every regard.

But what do the rest of you think?

I make a point of acknowledging that I'm in the minority on my opinion and I make it very clear that I'm expressing my opinion, rather than trying to imply that Everest being overrated is a fact (as some have accused me of trying to say).

If, after my thread title and the opening disclaimer, people still are completely unable to resist posting anyway, then who's fault is that? Mine?? :brick:


Active Member
Mickster, many people in this thread (and your other deleted one) have stated that you cannot create a thread and only expect one side of the argument/discussion to join in. Most people are quick to defend their own opinion before it gets completely annihilated by other people's comments. And to give you my side of the story. When i clicked the "New Posts" link at the top of the page on the first day the thread existed, I thought that it said, "If you love everest, open this thread". I read it quickly and then when I saw some of the posts I made sure that my opinion was supported rather than bashed. On a public forum you cannot expect to have a one sided discussion. Think of it like this for example:
"I hate everest"
"Me too"
"I think it is boring"

--There would be no change of pace in the discussion and there would be nothing to gain but more reasons to hate it. And if you didn't know those reasons before and you liked Disney overall, then you probably wouldn't want to hear them. In your other thread you said that the ride had no themeing and the first minute of the ride had nothing to look at. People replied with the trees, totems, temple, two waterfalls, the 199.5 ft mountain that seems much taller, & the track that you are about to ascend and the suspense that builds up as you approach it. Now, if this thread and the last thread were completely one-sided then you never would of realized that (even though you would have denied it to keep the argument going).


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to let you all know that I laughed the whole time I read this thread...Its called, If you love Everest, don't open this thread, but clearly many people weren't able to resist opening it anyway....including me. I love Everest...but thanks for the laughs everyone.:lol:

You know...if the lovers of Everest never opened this thread... it would probably consist of only a few posts.... most by the op :lol: .


New Member
The title of this thread is, "If you love Everest, don't open this thread.", and yet many people have opened, read, and posted on it who are defensive of Everest. It would seem to me that anyone with "half a brain" would recognize that I was going to great lengths to avoid this turning into an argument thread. But in case the title wasn't enough, here were my opening comments:

I make a point of acknowledging that I'm in the minority on my opinion and I make it very clear that I'm expressing my opinion, rather than trying to imply that Everest being overrated is a fact (as some have accused me of trying to say).

If, after my thread title and the opening disclaimer, people still are completely unable to resist posting anyway, then who's fault is that? Mine?? :brick:

To some degree yes! You can't have a one sided discussion about bashing something Disney on a Disney website and not expect people to respond.

I mean I agree with you to some extent that the ride could've been better, but when opening up a form you have to realize that people with different opinions are going to post.

I mean did you honestly believe that all your "disclaimers" would stop an argument from occurring when posting something so one sided?


Well-Known Member
If you know anything about human psycology, you would know that stating "Do not open this" will result in people doing the opposite, and I'm sure the title was specifically worded with that in mind.

I've read thru this thread and all it looks like to me is that the OP is poking and prodding trying to force people to agree with him. He also makes assumptions that all members of this board feel that Disney can do no wrong and everything they make is perfect, when in fact simply reading any number of posts on this site will prove this assumption inaccurate.

A number of people have stated in this thread that they agree that EE is not the best attraction in WDW, but they do state that they enjoyed it none the less, however since this does not 100% agree with the OPs views, he ignores the statements and tried to instigate argueing and/or prods these persons to try and force them to agree completely with his view on the attraction. Also any attempt to find a common ground such as someone saying "There is no right or wrong answer, everyone has their own opinion" was given a snide insulting reply by the OP to the nature of "Ya only if its pro Disney" or something to that effect.

Its clearly obvious to me that the OP is simply trying to anger fans of the attraction and force people to see things from his perspective. This thread was made only to bash EE and purposely upset those site members who are fans of the attraction.

Now before you even attempt to analyze me mickster, I'll have you know that I have not ridden EE nor have I seen videos of it, I have zero opinion on the attraction. I'm also not some overzealous Disney nut who worships all things Disney. I understand that Disney is a corporation and must make decisions with profit margins in mind, no point in loosing money simply to appease a few fanatical fans. However I know a good attraction when I see one, but I also know that there are people who may not agree with my opinions.

To me this thread is simply a desperate attempt to seek confirmation that people agree with you, and gives you an opportunity to bash those who don't agree. The simple fact is, everyone is infact entitled to their own opinion and this being a public message board, they are allowed to state said opinion. Bashing others for their views and opinons is childish and selfish, and this thread is obviously soley designed for that purpose and for that reason I feel it should be locked or deleted.


New Member
If you know anything about human psycology, you would know that stating "Do not open this" will result in people doing the opposite, and I'm sure the title was specifically worded with that in mind.

I've read thru this thread and all it looks like to me is that the OP is poking and prodding trying to force people to agree with him. He also makes assumptions that all members of this board feel that Disney can do no wrong and everything they make is perfect, when in fact simply reading any number of posts on this site will prove this assumption inaccurate.

A number of people have stated in this thread that they agree that EE is not the best attraction in WDW, but they do state that they enjoyed it none the less, however since this does not 100% agree with the OPs views, he ignores the statements and tried to instigate argueing and/or prods these persons to try and force them to agree completely with his view on the attraction. Also any attempt to find a common ground such as someone saying "There is no right or wrong answer, everyone has their own opinion" was given a snide insulting reply by the OP to the nature of "Ya only if its pro Disney" or something to that effect.

Its clearly obvious to me that the OP is simply trying to anger fans of the attraction and force people to see things from his perspective. This thread was made only to bash EE and purposely upset those site members who are fans of the attraction.

Now before you even attempt to analyze me mickster, I'll have you know that I have not ridden EE nor have I seen videos of it, I have zero opinion on the attraction. I'm also not some overzealous Disney nut who worships all things Disney. I understand that Disney is a corporation and must make decisions with profit margins in mind, no point in loosing money simply to appease a few fanatical fans. However I know a good attraction when I see one, but I also know that there are people who may not agree with my opinions.

To me this thread is simply a desperate attempt to seek confirmation that people agree with you, and gives you an opportunity to bash those who don't agree. The simple fact is, everyone is infact entitled to their own opinion and this being a public message board, they are allowed to state said opinion. Bashing others for their views and opinons is childish and selfish, and this thread is obviously soley designed for that purpose and for that reason I feel it should be locked or deleted.

Great post. This thread is clearly designed to create some sort of debate. I cannot say whether or not mickster was trying to stir the pot. But i can say one thing, either they're a trouble maker or very naive for believing this thread wouldn't lead to arguments.


Active Member
If you know anything about human psycology, you would know that stating "Do not open this" will result in people doing the opposite, and I'm sure the title was specifically worded with that in mind.

I've read thru this thread and all it looks like to me is that the OP is poking and prodding trying to force people to agree with him. He also makes assumptions that all members of this board feel that Disney can do no wrong and everything they make is perfect, when in fact simply reading any number of posts on this site will prove this assumption inaccurate.

A number of people have stated in this thread that they agree that EE is not the best attraction in WDW, but they do state that they enjoyed it none the less, however since this does not 100% agree with the OPs views, he ignores the statements and tried to instigate argueing and/or prods these persons to try and force them to agree completely with his view on the attraction. Also any attempt to find a common ground such as someone saying "There is no right or wrong answer, everyone has their own opinion" was given a snide insulting reply by the OP to the nature of "Ya only if its pro Disney" or something to that effect.

Its clearly obvious to me that the OP is simply trying to anger fans of the attraction and force people to see things from his perspective. This thread was made only to bash EE and purposely upset those site members who are fans of the attraction.

Now before you even attempt to analyze me mickster, I'll have you know that I have not ridden EE nor have I seen videos of it, I have zero opinion on the attraction. I'm also not some overzealous Disney nut who worships all things Disney. I understand that Disney is a corporation and must make decisions with profit margins in mind, no point in loosing money simply to appease a few fanatical fans. However I know a good attraction when I see one, but I also know that there are people who may not agree with my opinions.

To me this thread is simply a desperate attempt to seek confirmation that people agree with you, and gives you an opportunity to bash those who don't agree. The simple fact is, everyone is infact entitled to their own opinion and this being a public message board, they are allowed to state said opinion. Bashing others for their views and opinons is childish and selfish, and this thread is obviously soley designed for that purpose and for that reason I feel it should be locked or deleted.
And that this thread was the second part of a two part series, only after the first part got cancelled (deleted).

Very well put PurpleDragon, even though I am one of the people who fell for the title of the thread. And he is also a person who cannot face the truth on some parts. As I stated on an earlier page in this thread, whenever he is proven wrong, or if it is clear that nobody is going to support him in what he has to say in Everest bashing, he changes the subject of the conversation extremely quickly. If you look at some of the other threads/discussions that he started, you can see that he wants to point out Disney's negatives. Now, I am not one of those people who worships Disney like it is my life, but when all he has to say/point out is the faults/negatives that Disney has, then he has a problem.


New Member
Original Poster
Great post. This thread is clearly designed to create some sort of debate. I cannot say whether or not mickster was trying to stir the pot. But i can say one thing, either they're a trouble maker or very naive for believing this thread wouldn't lead to arguments.

Not true. Tell me something, after reading through this thread, do you honestly think anyone on here has been arguing about Everest? There've been no arguments or heated discussions about Everest on this thread, and it was never my intention for there to be. The heated discussions have all been centered around speculation as to my intentions in starting this thread. Ironically, the very thing I was hoping to avoid (by my thread title and also my opening remarks) is unfortunately exactly what has been happening. I thought that by making it crystal clear that this was not an "Everest bashing" thread, nor was it intended to start any arguments, or that anyone who might take offense to statements critical of Everest were encouraged not to participate in the thread, that maybe we could successfully have an intelligent and mature discussion on the topic. If that makes me "naive" then I guess I am naive.


New Member
Not true. Tell me something, after reading through this thread, do you honestly think anyone on here has been arguing about Everest? There've been no arguments or heated discussions about Everest on this thread, and it was never my intention for there to be. The heated discussions have all been centered around speculation as to my intentions in starting this thread. Ironically, the very thing I was hoping to avoid (by my thread title and also my opening remarks) is unfortunately exactly what has been happening. I thought that by making it crystal clear that this was not an "Everest bashing" thread, nor was it intended to start any arguments, or that anyone who might take offense to statements critical of Everest were encouraged not to participate in the thread, that maybe we could successfully have an intelligent and mature discussion on the topic. If that makes me "naive" then I guess I am naive.

Finally, we can agree on something. :D

Although this clearly is, to some degree, an everest bashing thread. Just because you said it wasn't doesn't mean that it didn't turn out that way. Sometimes showing with your actions is more powerful than using your words. Based on your posts here, I'd say that you've had pretty much nothing good to say about everest and try to prove anyone who has something positive to say wrong. If that's not bashing, then I'm not exactly sure what is.


New Member
Original Poster
Finally, we can agree on something. :D

Although this clearly is, to some degree, an everest bashing thread. Just because you said it wasn't doesn't mean that it didn't turn out that way. Sometimes showing with your actions is more powerful than using your words. Based on your posts here, I'd say that you've had pretty much nothing good to say about everest and try to prove anyone who has something positive to say wrong. If that's not bashing, then I'm not exactly sure what is.

Where in this thread have I "bashed" Everest and/or tried to "prove anyone who has something good to say wrong"? :rolleyes:


Active Member
Examples of Everest Bashing:
...about this (IMHO) grossly overrated attraction...

I've never thought about this until you mentioned it, but you're right! I've always thought there's something inconsistent about the Yeti we see in the projection and the AA Yeti (and not just the obvious fact that one is supposed to be merely a shadow). The other thing I've always noticed, and which is very distracting from a show standpoint, is that the shadow Yeti moves more like a cartoon character than how I'd expect an animal of that size to move.
^^(maybe not so much, but it is close)^^
:lol: You know, people say the same thing sometimes about California Adventure! I'm trying to picture the billboards....

"Expedition Everest...better than...no attraction at all!" :lol:

Having said that, I agree that Everest is better than Stitch...but that's not saying much.

Everest = most overrated ride on the planet
Agreed! :D
Here are some examples from this thread where you bashed Everest or nearly did. And as for trying "prove anyone who has something good to say wrong", if your old thread was still viewable (closed, not deleted), then I would have MANY examples of you trying to prove all the postives wrong and all the negatives correct. I'm sure that anybody who can remember that thread can back me up on that one. So Mickster, face the truth. But here is about the only thing in this thread that I could fin in attemting to stop postives (or what they had to say).

...I'm not sure why it[the old thread] was removed, but I can only assume that it's because people got defensive about their beloved Everest and so it started to turn into an argument rather than a discussion...

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