If you love Everest, don't open this thread


Well-Known Member
Please lock this thread...this is ridiculous.
On what Basis? Because you disagree with this OP opionion? The only thing ridiculous is what you said. :hammer:
The reality of the situation is that Everest is a good ride, not great. The average guest (that eliminates everyone reading this thread) will get off the ride thinking it was fun. When asked about there trip do you think Everest will be the first thing out of there lips? Probably not, more than likely they will talk about Space Mountain, Splash Moutain, Tower of Terror, Pirtates, Haunted Mansion, etc... Because they are far superior rides. I equate Everest with BTMRR, fun ride but not necessarily the best ride at Disney. I would say the safari is better than Everest. I will say this, at least AK is getting some new attractions, it was in desperate need of more things to do for $70.00 a day. So in the end I am glad its there, I just wish it was little more intense.

Something else to keep in mind. We here at this website are Disney Freaks. We spend a good deal of time thinking about WDW because we love it. Most guests don't feel that way. They go a couple of times in their lifetime, so they don't scrutinize attractions and experiences like we all do. Truthfully, Disney is more interested in there opionions more than ours, because they know we are coming back no matter what. A good example is say a beer company, they don't market there product to alcoholics, but to the people who are on the fence or people who like to try different things. Politics the same way, they go after swing votes not their base. So in reality Disney is concerned more with Jon Doe, than us Disneyfreaks. Sad but true.:cry:


Well-Known Member
On what Basis? Because you disagree with this OP opionion? The only thing ridiculous is what you said. :hammer:

I think it's ridiculous because this is (correct me if I'm wrong) the second Everest-hate thread started in the past week or so.
One is enough.
I mean, I understand you don't like the attraction. I like it, I don't think it's the best thing Disney has ever done, and I definitely wouldn't wait more than 20 minutes for it.
But seriously, we just went through this.


Active Member
dont think of it as a rolelrcoaster

People make the mistake of thinking of everest as a roller coaster.

As a roller coaster its an OK one at most.

If you look at it in a disney sense then its a great ride.

If you want rollercoasters then you shouldnt be at disney in the first place you should be at Cedar Point or Great Adventure.

Everest is awesomely themed and for a disney ride is great.

PS I kdont go to disney for thrill rides I get enough of that where I live, I go for the theming and experience.


New Member
Original Poster
I think it's ridiculous because this is (correct me if I'm wrong) the second Everest-hate thread started in the past week or so.
One is enough.

I can appreciate what you're saying, but that thread was removed, so there is still only one...this one. I'm not sure why it was removed, but I can only assume that it's because people got defensive about their beloved Everest and so it started to turn into an argument rather than a discussion. I'd like to keep this thread going so that we can actually read some original and different opinions other than how "amazing" it is and how it's "the best Disney attraction ever". To that end, I intentionally titled this thread, "If you love Everest, don't open this thread". And yet, people are already choosing to open it anyway and are posting comments that are defensive.

This reminds me of a quote I read some years back (I can't recall who said it). The quote goes something to the effect of, "Do you consider your position so weak that it cannot stand up to debate?" I personally believe that posts such as, "please lock this thread" are very telling as to how weak some Everest lovers may consider their position to be. The bottom line is that if you truly love this attraction, that's great! I'm happy for you! But for those of us who feel it's overrated, a letdown, and a boring rollercoaster that is not well themed by Disney standards, please let us have our discussion too! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I don't really think it should be locked. I just think it's a little silly to start another thread on the same subject less than a week after the first one was deleted. This one probably won't go well either.


Well-Known Member
i like it, but i hate the wait times and the backwards part made my neck hurt even though i had my head back on the head rest. oh well that wont stop me from riding.


New Member
Original Poster
My only objection to the projected Yeti is it appears to be taller and skinnier that the AA at the end.

I've never thought about this until you mentioned it, but you're right! I've always thought there's something inconsistent about the Yeti we see in the projection and the AA Yeti (and not just the obvious fact that one is supposed to be merely a shadow). The other thing I've always noticed, and which is very distracting from a show standpoint, is that the shadow Yeti moves more like a cartoon character than how I'd expect an animal of that size to move.


User Terminated
The other thing I've always noticed, and which is very distracting from a show standpoint, is that the shadow Yeti moves more like a cartoon character than how I'd expect an animal of that size to move.

:ROFLOL: :ROFLOL: :ROFLOL: That is soooooooo true!!!! How funny!!!!


Well-Known Member
Look at it this way, how would you rate Everest if it weren't there? So I think it's better than no attraction on that location. :)


Well-Known Member
As a "Disney Thrill Ride" - it scores a 9.

As a "Disney Theme Ride" - it scores a 5.5.

I feel it is VERY under themed. Yeah, the line is neat. But once you get on the MT there isn't much more theme than Matterhorn. Monster bigger. There is actually even less them I think. Matterhorn has the Whisping Winds throughout. I was kinda underwhelmed. Give me Matterhorn.


Active Member
I can appreciate what you're saying, but that thread was removed, so there is still only one...this one. I'm not sure why it was removed, but I can only assume that it's because people got defensive about their beloved Everest and so it started to turn into an argument rather than a discussion...
Your thread was removed not because people got defensive, but because you supported your side of the debate and other people supported theirs. Some people felt (including myself) that you were stating points that you were not backing up.
...I intentionally titled this thread, "If you love Everest, don't open this thread". And yet, people are already choosing to open it anyway and are posting comments that are defensive...
People chose to open this thread because otherwise this thread would be onesided and dedicated to only Everest bashing. If you are going to be "offesive(attacking)", then we are going to be "defensive". We have a right to speech and to take part in a conversation.
...This reminds me of a quote I read some years back. The quote goes something to the effect of, "Do you consider your position so weak that it cannot stand up to debate?" I personally believe that posts such as, "please lock this thread" are very telling as to how weak some Everest lovers may consider their position to be...
I'm not sure who said this, so I can't help you there (couldn't find it through several google searches) but it is a good quote, just said at the wrong time. The position that successfully stood up to debate was those who supported Everest, not those who hated it. You and the other Everest haters could not support your claims after others explained how they were wrong. The people who asked the thread to be closed were like a third party in the "problem". They were tired (and who would blame them) of having to see the "I hate (insert attraction name here) " threads being at the top of the recent post area. As I just stated, the position was able to stand up for debate, a debate that you started.
...But for those of us who feel it's overrated, a letdown, and a boring rollercoaster that is not well themed by Disney standards, please let us have our discussion too! :wave:
The fact that you have started another thread against one single ride, shows that you clearly have nothing better to do in your time. Many people stated that if you thought that it was an underthemed attraction, then you were riding it with your eyes closed. I agree with you that it might have been a small letdown after so much advertisement, but it most certantly was NOT a boring roller coaster. Please, stop trying to make a single point over, and over again that only leads to arguments. IT IS AGAINST FORUM RULES.


Well-Known Member
I'll start out by acknowledging that I realize I'm in the minority on this one. And I'm sincerely not trying to start a disruptive thread. Just curious to read some alternative viewpoints about this (IMHO) grossly overrated attraction. I think it's been made obvious that about 99.9999% of the people who post on these boards think that Everest is "amazing" and essentially flawless in every regard.

But what do the rest of you think?

Dude.... why are you starting up another hate everest thread??? c'mon... give it a break... or just repost to your original thread refuting the statments from those who have already spoken positively.


Active Member
Dude.... why are you starting up another hate everest thread??? c'mon... give it a break... or just repost to your original thread refuting the statments from those who have already spoken positively.
They deleted his thread because of too much argument.


Well-Known Member
As a "Disney Thrill Ride" - it scores a 9.

As a "Disney Theme Ride" - it scores a 5.5.

I feel it is VERY under themed. Yeah, the line is neat. But once you get on the MT there isn't much more theme than Matterhorn. Monster bigger. There is actually even less them I think. Matterhorn has the Whisping Winds throughout. I was kinda underwhelmed. Give me Matterhorn.

Actually... I will respectfully disagree with you on theming. When you talk about the attraction being underthemed... what are you basing it on? Are you basing it on the number of times the Carnosaurus appears in 'Dinosaur?' How about the ratio of scenes or AA's seen per minute when you go through a typical Disney ride?

After seeing the backround videos that Joe Rhode and his team did while researching this project overseas... I think he and the rest of imagineering stayed true to the legend and themed it very well. It was believe that there was only one, yeti creature. The creature was mysterious and seen rarely... but only in glympses. If you saw it... it was attacking. The inhabitants around its home had shrines to it. they lived simple lives, they had prayer flags, and they had reverence for the creature. The trip is not going to have AA scenes where locals are venturing to or up the mountain... because they just didn't do that. And as the ride concludes... you only get a brief look at the yeti.... narrowly escaping certain doom.

So I disagree about there being a lack of theming, based on the backround journeys of the imagineering team.


New Member
Original Poster
Your thread was removed not because people got defensive, but because you supported your side of the debate and other people supported theirs. Some people felt (including myself) that you were stating points that you were not backing up.

People chose to open this thread because otherwise this thread would be onesided and dedicated to only Everest bashing. If you are going to be "offesive(attacking)", then we are going to be "defensive". We have a right to speech and to take part in a conversation.

I'm not sure who said this, so I can't help you there (couldn't find it through several google searches) but it is a good quote, just said at the wrong time. The position that successfully stood up to debate was those who supported Everest, not those who hated it. You and the other Everest haters could not support your claims after others explained how they were wrong. The people who asked the thread to be closed were like a third party in the "problem". They were tired (and who would blame them) of having to see the "I hate (insert attraction name here) " threads being at the top of the recent post area. As I just stated, the position was able to stand up for debate, a debate that you started.

The fact that you have started another thread against one single ride, shows that you clearly have nothing better to do in your time. Many people stated that if you thought that it was an underthemed attraction, then you were riding it with your eyes closed. I agree with you that it might have been a small letdown after so much advertisement, but it most certantly was NOT a boring roller coaster. Please, stop trying to make a single point over, and over again that only leads to arguments. IT IS AGAINST FORUM RULES.

It is not against forum rules to start a discussion and specifically request that it not turn into an argument. What I've tried to do is create a discussion for those of us who would like to share our opinions of Everest that may differ from the "popular opinion" on these forums. What is wrong with that? Not only is no one forcing you to read this thread, but I've specifically titled it in such a way to let people know to not open it if they are put off by these opinions.

As far as I'm concerned, you are more than welcome to read this thread and post whatever opinions you have (for or against Everest). But please don't accuse me of trying to stir up an argument when I've actually gone to great lengths here to make it clear that's precisely what I'm trying to avoid. Additionally, there's no need to call for this thread to be locked or removed. If it offends you, don't read it, but you've been more than fairly informed as to the content.

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