If you love Everest, don't open this thread


New Member
What I find confusing is this: If you don't like the ride all that much, why create two threads talking it? Just don't go on the stinkin' ride! For example, I'm not a fan of Rock N Roller Coaster. So I just don't ride it. I'm not about to start two "Fans of Rock N Roller Coaster, Don't Read This" threads.


Well-Known Member
I just read thru this entire thread (unfortunately:animwink: ) and I'll toss in my two cents. Mickster, the fact that you started a thread on this same topic that was closed should have been a hint when you started this one. Yes, you are entitled to an opinion of EE and all other things Disney, just like the rest of us. However, you CLEARLY have some sort of agenda to push, I'm just not sure if its that you really don't like EE, or that you just don't have a life and like to stir up trouble. Despite your repeated claims of not wanting to start an argument, the title of your thread was clearly designed to bait people into reading the thread and generating the expected posts. If you honestly thought that the only people who read this thread would be the ones who are not fans of EE (like you) and that you only wanted a nice quiet discussion on what's wrong with the ride, then I'd have to say you're incredibly naive. You don't strike me that way, so I'm sticking with my opinion that you just like seeing drama and conflict. With any luck, THIS thread will quietly die away or get deleted. I'm not sure which is the better option, since if it dies like it did before, I suspect you'll just bump it to get it back in play, and if it's deleted, I'm sure you'll start another one ("THIS time I REALLY REALLY don't want an argument...") or move on to the next attraction that dissapoints you.

I'm all for open discussion of any aspect of WDW, but threads like this never go well, they just end up like this one, dissolving into an agument over who's right and wrong. Honestly, if you don't like the ride, don't ride it. That's one less person I have to contend with in line. And just for the record, I think EE is a well done attraction on the whole. It's well themed and a great concept. The things most people seem to complain about are most likely never seen by the average rider. You want to get bent out of shape because you can see a few beams? IT'S A RIDE IN ORLANDO, not a real mountain. Anyway....just MY opinion. :D

I have a thought for you Mickster....How about starting a thread about an attraction you LIKE? Probably not as fun for you as this thread though....:lol:


Active Member
...With any luck, THIS thread will quietly die away or get deleted. I'm not sure which is the better option, since if it dies like it did before...
Not only did he bump the thread back to life after it was dead for about 72 hours, he brought it back to life by questioning something that was clearly sarcasm which he had already commented about several days before. I know that I fell for his trick, but this guy clearly likes an argument. He also has another thread about everybody's least favorite ride in Disney and why they dislike it. Now, that one is not as bad as this and it is an understandable thread, but who wants to discuss the thing that they would rather forget/ignore. He really likes to point out Disney's negative points.


Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: :ROFLOL: :ROFLOL:
This thread (or should I say debate) is so stupid its funny! Its fine when we go nuts over Disney stuff, but making a stupid argument like this over a ride like that just makes me start rolling on the floor dying of a heart attack because I'm laughing so hard! Some die-hard fans just take things waaaaay too seriously!:ROFLOL: I mean, what is this, World War Three on WDW magic?!


New Member
Original Poster
Examples of Everest Bashing:

^^(maybe not so much, but it is close)^^

Here are some examples from this thread where you bashed Everest or nearly did. And as for trying "prove anyone who has something good to say wrong", if your old thread was still viewable (closed, not deleted), then I would have MANY examples of you trying to prove all the postives wrong and all the negatives correct. I'm sure that anybody who can remember that thread can back me up on that one. So Mickster, face the truth. But here is about the only thing in this thread that I could fin in attemting to stop postives (or what they had to say).

You can't honestly be serious. :rolleyes: If you define these comments as "bashing" then I think you're really grabbing at straws here. You seem very obsessed with me, which I find a little creepy. You seem to devote a lot of time and effort to searching through all my posts, monitoring what other threads I've started and/or posted on, and even commiting details of previously deleted threads to memory (though inaccurately). What is that all about? What was it someone said earlier about having "no life"? :lol:

As far as my previously deleted post, how convenient that all the "examples of me trying to prove people wrong" are in a thread that no one can now verify one way or another. Makes it pretty easy for you to accuse me of saying things I didn't say. :rolleyes:

By the way, I noticed you bolded the word "grossly" in the first post of mine that you quoted. I assume that means that this one word is what meant I was supposedly "bashing" Everest??


New Member
Original Poster
I just read thru this entire thread (unfortunately:animwink: ) and I'll toss in my two cents. Mickster, the fact that you started a thread on this same topic that was closed should have been a hint when you started this one. Yes, you are entitled to an opinion of EE and all other things Disney, just like the rest of us. However, you CLEARLY have some sort of agenda to push, I'm just not sure if its that you really don't like EE, or that you just don't have a life and like to stir up trouble. Despite your repeated claims of not wanting to start an argument, the title of your thread was clearly designed to bait people into reading the thread and generating the expected posts. If you honestly thought that the only people who read this thread would be the ones who are not fans of EE (like you) and that you only wanted a nice quiet discussion on what's wrong with the ride, then I'd have to say you're incredibly naive. You don't strike me that way, so I'm sticking with my opinion that you just like seeing drama and conflict. With any luck, THIS thread will quietly die away or get deleted. I'm not sure which is the better option, since if it dies like it did before, I suspect you'll just bump it to get it back in play, and if it's deleted, I'm sure you'll start another one ("THIS time I REALLY REALLY don't want an argument...") or move on to the next attraction that dissapoints you.

I'm all for open discussion of any aspect of WDW, but threads like this never go well, they just end up like this one, dissolving into an agument over who's right and wrong. Honestly, if you don't like the ride, don't ride it. That's one less person I have to contend with in line. And just for the record, I think EE is a well done attraction on the whole. It's well themed and a great concept. The things most people seem to complain about are most likely never seen by the average rider. You want to get bent out of shape because you can see a few beams? IT'S A RIDE IN ORLANDO, not a real mountain. Anyway....just MY opinion. :D

I have a thought for you Mickster....How about starting a thread about an attraction you LIKE? Probably not as fun for you as this thread though....:lol:

If you want the thread to "die out", just don't post on it. That's what keeps it alive. I haven't done anything to "bump" the thread. The only time I post on it is to respond to other posts (particularly ones that are directed at me).:rolleyes:


Active Member
...I haven't done anything to "bump" the thread...
I believe that you have, the next quote is your response to something that jmvd20 said, the quote following that is irrelevent to what you said but I only included it to show the gap between what the person said on the 16th and when you jumped (bumped) the thread on the 19th:
:hammer: An OSCAR for best roller coaster?...
--15th April 2007, 14:29 by mickster
Don't you think by posting things like this, you're kind of opening the door up for arguments and attacks? I mean, I'm all about a good debate, and I have yet to ride EE, but things like this aren't helping you in your cause to be civil.
--16th April 2007, 01:40 by brainpile3000
72 hours and 51 minutes later->
You realize Oscars pertain to movies and not theme park rides, right?? :hammer: :hammer:
--19th April 2007, 02:31 by mickster
You jumped (bumped) the topic by responding basically repeating what you had said 4 days earlier.

{the dates and times might be off by several hours depending on the time zone that your account is listed to}
As far as my previously deleted post, how convenient that all the "examples of me trying to prove people wrong" are in a thread that no one can now verify one way or another.
I know, it is very convenient on you part.


Well-Known Member
As far as my previously deleted post, how convenient that all the "examples of me trying to prove people wrong" are in a thread that no one can now verify one way or another. Makes it pretty easy for you to accuse me of saying things I didn't say. :rolleyes:

What? You said every word!

And tip: rollseye smiles don't make things true!



New Member
Original Poster
I believe that you have, the next quote is your response to something that jmvd20 said, the quote following that is irrelevent to what you said but I only included it to show the gap between what the person said on the 16th and when you jumped (bumped) the thread on the 19th:

You jumped (bumped) the topic by responding basically repeating what you had said 4 days earlier.

{the dates and times might be off by several hours depending on the time zone that your account is listed to}

I know, it is very convenient on you part.

(see earlier post about you being obsessed with me) :rolleyes:

Kristi Kay

New Member
Heres the deal folks, plain and simple. EE is a really good ride, they took time and made the line time more entertaining and there are several good visual aspects to the ride itself. However, looking into the EE project, as an artist and designer....I see flaws. No doubt. The Yeti shadow is too cartoony looking, among other things.

I don't know anything about the OP of this thread, but I know from my own personal experience with many many years in art school, we are trained to intently dissect new projects. You look at your strong points and discuss in length your weak points. How they can be improved, why were shortcuts taken- budget, time etc etc. I feel that that is all the OP is wanting to do. It’s absolutely nothing to get yappy with each other over

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
(see earlier post about you being obsessed with me) :rolleyes:

So when someone accuses you of being inconsistent without providing examples, they're making it up. When they do provide examples, they're obsessed with you.

That works out pretty well for you either way, doesn't it? :wave:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
When I was at feng shui academy they always said never build your fibre glass mountains too high and certainly never position them next to cheap roadside fun fairs, oh how that debate used to get heated. But we always kept focussed to the important issues, like is brown the new black and would a himilayan yak breeder realy wear bright pastles in autumn. I know what your thinking..but pretentious? ....Moi?

Kristi Kay

New Member
When I was at feng shui academy they always said never build your fibre glass mountains too high and certainly never position them next to cheap roadside fun fairs, oh how that debate used to get heated. But we always kept focussed to the important issues, like is brown the new black and would a himilayan yak breeder realy wear bright pastles in autumn. I know what your thinking..but pretentious? ....Moi?

Off Topic, but where did you go to feng shui academy?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Off Topic, but where did you go to feng shui academy?

In the East of the city of Wy Mi, Bollix province, Our Lady’s College for Susceptible Trendies, the courses were ran buy Tu Hungh Lohh. Wacky guy, very keen on handling his crystals and crown jewels. I originally was there to study painting with light, but to be honest I couldn’t handle the bulbs.


Active Member
In the East of the city of Wy Mi, Bollix province, Our Lady’s College for Susceptible Trendies, the courses were ran buy Tu Hungh Lohh. Wacky guy, very keen on handling his crystals and crown jewels. I originally was there to study painting with light, but to be honest I couldn’t handle the bulbs.

I'm weak :ROFLOL:

Kristi Kay

New Member
In the East of the city of Wy Mi, Bollix province, Our Lady’s College for Susceptible Trendies, the courses were ran buy Tu Hungh Lohh. Wacky guy, very keen on handling his crystals and crown jewels. I originally was there to study painting with light, but to be honest I couldn’t handle the bulbs.

ha-ha....i had hoped you were serious about having studies feng shui. it's something I want to study more in depth.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
ha-ha....i had hoped you were serious about having studies feng shui. it's something I want to study more in depth.

No too much of a cynical old fhart for that. I blame the designer Ive been working with on some project set ups. I dont know much about art, but I knows what I likes, same goes for design. In the UK, surprise surprise after years of one style hey presto its a 180 change to whats in. However feng shui and all the other stuff does help some people, so who am I to knock its worth, especially at the rates you can charge as a practisioner.:drevil:

But joking aside I do know how to paint with light.:) But its funny how students always want to use swear words as rheir first attempt

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