If you hate the hat at DHS, now is the time to say something.


Well-Known Member
It's kind of funny that "mickeysaver" started this thread about killing Mickey's hat - kinda ironic.

Your definitely not a saver!


New Member
The site now has 104 comments. Most of which are negative towards the hat. I'd like to see this number go up even higher.

Why? What is up with your unhealthy obsession with the hat? It looks amazing at night, it fits the theme, and it blocks one of the worst rides at Disney. Why are you not as mad about the fact that WDW is slipping in standard? If i were you i would be ed about something important like the waste that is the FLE or should i call it, the borification of MK.


Well-Known Member
Hadnt you heard Im a troll. But if you dont like my posts put me on ignore, sort of like fgollowing your own advice really.

But for the benefit of numpties.

While fan boys are busy bumping their gums and keys on internet fan sites about poxy stuff the average guest doesnt give a fig about, and getting all excited, either positively or negatively, they are focussing debate away from the real and genuine issues that average guests encounter as a result of the poor operational management of the Florida based parks.

A big hat is a problem and worthy of fan boy fury but the main night time show (as featured heavily in marketing) operating on a two day cycle isn't? Only in fan boy land.

I take it the food comment is based on your own prejudices.

Very well said as always.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Hadnt you heard Im a troll. But if you dont like my posts put me on ignore, sort of like fgollowing your own advice really.

But for the benefit of numpties.

While fan boys are busy bumping their gums and keys on internet fan sites about poxy stuff the average guest doesnt give a fig about, and getting all excited, either positively or negatively, they are focussing debate away from the real and genuine issues that average guests encounter as a result of the poor operational management of the Florida based parks.

A big hat is a problem and worthy of fan boy fury but the main night time show (as featured heavily in marketing) operating on a two day cycle isn't? Only in fan boy land.

I take it the food comment is based on your own prejudices.

And my, isn't this hat discussion a great means of diverting attention away from that fact? :rolleyes:


Hadnt you heard Im a troll. But if you dont like my posts put me on ignore, sort of like fgollowing your own advice really.

Well, I typically like to read a wide range of opinion even if I don't agree, but if you're going to be nasty about it...

A big hat is a problem and worthy of fan boy fury but the main night time show (as featured heavily in marketing) operating on a two day cycle isn't? Only in fan boy land.
Fantasmic is a problem. But this is a thread about the Hat. If I were to go into a thread about Fantasmic, or the crappy backlot tour, or the crappy animation tour, and start trying to divert attention to the Hat you would have a point. As for me, I don't give a "fig" about Fantasmic because I don't like the show, but I do care about the Hat because I love the beauty of Hollywood Blvd. and the Chinese Theater. That's why I decided to read a thread about it. I just don't understand the point of going into such a thread and sniping snidely at people because of what they're interested in. Or mocking "fanboys" when you're in a place that, obviously, is going to consist mostly of fanboys. I hate Vinylmation but I'm not about to go into a collectibles forum and say that people who like Vinylmation are morons.

It's one thing to say that there are more pressing issues than the Hat and try to bring those to the fore, but it's another thing entirely to sit in the peanut gallery and mock people for having an opinion.

I take it the food comment is based on your own prejudices.
I have no idea what this means.


Active Member
Fantasmic kinda sucks but quite a few people still enjoy it. It's not hurting anything else lol

It's like- neutral. Y'know?


New Member
The basic long and short of the situation is that there is nothing wrong with the hat, the VAST majority of people who visit WDW like it or love it, you fanboys are in a very small minority. And out of the hundred reasons why DHS is s__________g right now, this is the least important issue and is actually a nonissue.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
This is an incredibly valid point! I'm curious why there hasn't been more of an outcry concerning this. I know for me it's a much larger issue. I would've thought the Disney interweb community would be grabbing their torches and pitchforks over it.
Personally, I don't dislike Fantasmic! enough to hate its existence, but I also don't like it enough to care how often it plays. So the hat is, in fact, a bigger deal to me.

Don't know about everyone else.


Well-Known Member
I think that post was just pointing out what (for a relative newcomer) seems to be wdwmagic's version of Godwin's Law:
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches"
In this case:
"As an wdwmagic discussion grows longer, the probability of a reference to The Hat, Nemo in the Living Seas, Eric Idle in JIIWF, The Yeti, Stollers, Use of Resort Cups, and other common complaints about WDW approaches"
True enough in general...but this is a thread about the hat. Godwin's Law isn't about discussions of Nazis, it's about discussions of things unrelated to Nazis that end up referencing Nazis.

Also, the length of your list kind of undermines it. You are essentially saying that the longer a discussion continues on WDWMagic, the greater the chance that we will talk about one of the many things that we commonly talk about. True enough, but true enough everywhere.


Active Member
Fantasmic kinda sucks but quite a few people still enjoy it. It's not hurting anything else lol

It's like- neutral. Y'know?

In that case, the hat is hurting our beutiful view of the theater.

I wouldn't say Fantasmic sucks, but it is certainly not nearly as good as Wishes or Illuminations. :lookaroun


Fantasmic kinda sucks but quite a few people still enjoy it. It's not hurting anything else lol

It's like- neutral. Y'know?

Haha don't get me wrong - I wasn't bagging on people for liking Fantasmic. I really don't like it, and I always skip it, but for me it's out of sight and out of mind. It's not like they bulldozed my favorite ride to install it. And I know some people really like it and that's fine. Like you said - neutral! :)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Well, I typically like to read a wide range of opinion even if I don't agree, but if you're going to be nasty about it...

Fantasmic is a problem. But this is a thread about the Hat. If I were to go into a thread about Fantasmic, or the crappy backlot tour, or the crappy animation tour, and start trying to divert attention to the Hat you would have a point. As for me, I don't give a "fig" about Fantasmic because I don't like the show, but I do care about the Hat because I love the beauty of Hollywood Blvd. and the Chinese Theater. That's why I decided to read a thread about it. I just don't understand the point of going into such a thread and sniping snidely at people because of what they're interested in. Or mocking "fanboys" when you're in a place that, obviously, is going to consist mostly of fanboys. I hate Vinylmation but I'm not about to go into a collectibles forum and say that people who like Vinylmation are morons.

It's one thing to say that there are more pressing issues than the Hat and try to bring those to the fore, but it's another thing entirely to sit in the peanut gallery and mock people for having an opinion.

I have no idea what this means.

The idea of what can be termed sniping and mocking are surely subjective. I have noticed the troll reference tends to get trotted out when posters make comments that they then substantiate, but go against some others opinions. Its the sort of last resort of school yard discussion.

But I suggest (as it is only my opinion) that your response about making comments in a thread that arent entirely 100% on topic indicate some naivety about message boards in general. However I suspect its because you cant really defend your comments against my entirely feasible suggestion that debate is being stifled by fan boy obsessions it keeps more meaningful issues away from main stream media looking on sites for a story, or that what is termed aesthetically pleasing is totally subjective and that different people like different things, especially when fan communities are so unrepresentative of general opinion and trends. Have you even considered that some of these debates may being engineered?

As for the choice of words I deploy and terminology I use, I was under the impression that many of these phrases and tones were common parlance within the community.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
And looking at the Disney Parks blog, nowhere does it say "Post your ire towards the hat and we'll take moving it under consideration." Indeed, the blog is a veritable "Where's Waldo?" game. The fanboy community just took it upon themselves to pile on their pratter about the hat.....


Active Member
While fan boys are busy bumping their gums and keys on internet fan sites about poxy stuff the average guest doesnt give a fig about, and getting all excited, either positively or negatively, they are focussing debate away from the real and genuine issues that average guests encounter as a result of the poor operational management of the Florida based parks.

A big hat is a problem and worthy of fan boy fury but the main night time show (as featured heavily in marketing) operating on a two day cycle isn't? Only in fan boy land.

Ah yes, the "If you want to complain about something you find disagreeable, you must simultaneously complain about everything that anyone might find disagreeable" fan boy slam. It's typically followed up with the "All fan boys do is complain" and "Is there anything fan boys like about the parks?" slams. Everyone is welcome to learn more about it here.



Well-Known Member
And looking at the Disney Parks blog, nowhere does it say "Post your ire towards the hat and we'll take moving it under consideration." Indeed, the blog is a veritable "Where's Waldo?" game. The fanboy community just took it upon themselves to pile on their pratter about the hat.....

Funniest thing is that some people think their whiny comments and general over dramatics in that Disney Blog post will change anything. More than likely the person reading/moderating the comments is having a laugh over them, instead of passing them along to higher ups. Might as well yell at a brick wall, it'll have the same effect.

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