If you didn't go to Disney


We own a cruiser and are members of a yacht club so that takes a lot of money and that is why we have only been to WDW twice and will probably only go one more time. Don't you people get burned out going to WDW all the time? To me, visiting that much would take away the magic.


Well-Known Member
We own a cruiser and are members of a yacht club so that takes a lot of money and that is why we have only been to WDW twice and will probably only go one more time. Don't you people get burned out going to WDW all the time? To me, visiting that much would take away the magic.


Well-Known Member
In my travels, I have experienced my fair share of "rednecks", and I have also encountered individuals who look down their noses at other people / places for whatever reason; whether it be to fill a shortcoming in themselves, or just to have that feeling of superiority. In comparison of the two, I'd say give me the "rednecks" any day!
It's more fun to be a "redneck" anyway!;)


Active Member
Disney is in DHs and my blood. We simply cannot see ourselves going other places and experiencing the same happiness we feel when at Disney. That may change in time as there are other beautiful places in the world we would love to see, but for right now our GPS only points to Orlando! :inlove::happy::D


Well-Known Member
The funniest thing in my case is that I was the one who thought I had the "problem" of only wanting to vacation down in WDW after our first vacation back in 2005. The family has been 3 more times since and my wife and I are planning on heading back down in April 2015, just the two of us this time though. Although I can't wait for our next trip and am just as giddy about this one as our first, I mentioned something to my wife about wanting to try other destinations after this trip, like an island vacation at an all inclusive resort, only to be met by a sarcastic "That sounds boring!" from her. :jawdrop: I know she is more of an adventurer and would much rather be on a ride at an amusement park than on a beach sipping Mai Tai's, but it kinda caught me off guard. All this time I thought I was the one with the WDW obsession and here it turns out she would rather be down there even more than me!!


Active Member
The funniest thing in my case is that I was the one who thought I had the "problem" of only wanting to vacation down in WDW after our first vacation back in 2005. The family has been 3 more times since and my wife and I are planning on heading back down in April 2015, just the two of us this time though. Although I can't wait for our next trip and am just as giddy about this one as our first, I mentioned something to my wife about wanting to try other destinations after this trip, like an island vacation at an all inclusive resort, only to be met by a sarcastic "That sounds boring!" from her. :jawdrop: I know she is more of an adventurer and would much rather be on a ride at an amusement park than on a beach sipping Mai Tai's, but it kinda caught me off guard. All this time I thought I was the one with the WDW obsession and here it turns out she would rather be down there even more than me!!
It's a female thing. I have already threatened DH with a divorce if he ever outgrows his Disney obsession and wants to stop going. As a joke of course, but I doubt he ever will, as I have sprinkled him with enough pixie dust to get him hooked for life.:happy::happy::happy: You either get it or you don't. Those of us who get it are the lucky ones.:D:p


Well-Known Member
It's a female thing. I have already threatened DH with a divorce if he ever outgrows his Disney obsession and wants to stop going. As a joke of course, but I doubt he ever will, as I have sprinkled him with enough pixie dust to get him hooked for life.:happy::happy::happy: You either get it or you don't. Those of us who get it are the lucky ones.:D:p

:D Couldn't agree more! It's definitely nicer, or should I say easier, to book that next WDW trip when BOTH of you want to be there just as much as the other. :D


Well-Known Member
This year's trip to WDW is going to be our last for a very long time (possibly ever). We go because our girls are 9 and 7 but when they grow up and don't want to go anymore I can tell you with 99% certainty that my wife and I would not go with just the two of us. What WDW would cost we could go on another 10 day cruise somewhere. Our next trip will be to Uni which none of my family has been to.


Well-Known Member
....this year would have been the perfect year to go to WDW ...with our youngest going to be away at college ....it'd be a trip for just me and the wife.

....but ...the powers that be at WDW ticked me off so badly last year ....that I can't see myself going again.

....I think we'll do something along the lines of a "Jersey Shore" vacation ...even if it's just us two ...a few days after Labor Day, but before the cool weather sets in. There's some nice, but cheap motels ...the seafood is great ....and I may even hit the beach. I want to spread some of my money around in a place that really needs it, particularly after all the devastation cause by Hurricane Sandy.

...beside ...it might be a nice "memory lane" type trip ...because that's what we did before we were married.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The holiday budget has been spent visiting other parts of the US mainly California & Vegas, after this years family trip to Orlando we will return to expanding our experiences beyond the confines of Orlandos theme parks.
Once you break the habit its hard to justify returning repeatedly to something that has lost its shine. Though there is the possibility of just visiting with an Orlando Flex ticket and use the Disney days to tour Southern Florida.


Well-Known Member
I have a few destinations in my mind. London, Chicago, Los Angeles/Hollywood, Ireland, Australia, Paris, maybe the Netherlands or Germany plus I wouldn't mind visiting DC or Toronto again or taking a longer vacation in New York City (There are so many things on my bucket list I want to do in New York! I've done some but not all.)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
....this year would have been the perfect year to go to WDW ...with our youngest going to be away at college ....it'd be a trip for just me and the wife.

....but ...the powers that be at WDW ticked me off so badly last year ....that I can't see myself going again.

....I think we'll do something along the lines of a "Jersey Shore" vacation ...even if it's just us two ...a few days after Labor Day, but before the cool weather sets in. There's some nice, but cheap motels ...the seafood is great ....and I may even hit the beach. I want to spread some of my money around in a place that really needs it, particularly after all the devastation cause by Hurricane Sandy.

...beside ...it might be a nice "memory lane" type trip ...because that's what we did before we were married.
ooooooooo Is there a trip report??? :(


Well-Known Member
OK, I got that but was not sure if it was a serious post or not...still not too sure truth be told. Cannot tell if they are out of touch with the lower and/or middle class or not. Oh well..time to throw back a pint and not care anyway!
My feelings exactly. why try something you might hate. However I am being forced to an all inclusive this year. Since starting the planning and research I have become very excited however and can't wait to lay on a beach or sit in a pool for a week doing nothing. I am safe i the knowledge that 2015 isn't too far away from my next trip to WDW and UO. Can't wait for both.
My family has been going to a beach for a week each summer, and while I'm not a big beach goer I love being forced to sit and relax! We drive out on the beach, fish, boogie board, catch up on reading, jet ski, etc. it doesn't happen enough in our busy lives! I enjoy the planning part of any time away from work! It helps me get through the stress of work/life!

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