If you don't currently have X, then X is scarce to you. Where you stand is based on where you sit.
That's not true at all. The simple state of not having something does not make it scarce. It simply means that you do not currently have that thing. It says nothing about how difficult it is to attain. Now if something is difficult for you to attain, then that too does not make it scarce if lots of other people are able to attain it. It simply means that you personally are not able to attain it. That's not the definition of scarce.
What used to make a job at WDW special was that lots of people wanted it but few could actually get it. Why? Because Disney was incredibly selective in their hiring standards. That hasn't been the case for a very long time though. It's true that it is more difficult to find a job nowadays. But that's happening everywhere, and is not something that is unique to Disney. So applying that logic, one could say a job at all is a special thing (which it is). But even in the absence of a recession, getting a job at Disney used to be a special thing because they only hired the best. Not so anymore.