Just a hypothetical question.
If a researcher found a safe, effective treatment that cured all cancers, would you refuse to use it, or allow anyone in your family to use it, because that person was also a member of the KKK? Or would you celebrate the discovery but despise the discoverer?
As mentioned a gazillion times, it's wrong to try to judge past behavior based on today's standards. That doesn't mean that we should allow certain actions to continue just because "that's the way it's always been done" but we also should look at the INTENT of the actions.
People of Walt's era (which includes my parents) truly had no idea that their words and view of others was offensive to certain groups. It was so ingrained in them, that they had no conscious thought about it, nor any logical reason to support it. Trust me, I've been down that road, and hit a dead end.
It's hard for the younger generation to understand and appreciate how much things have changed in MY lifetime alone. My daughter will never be able to understand how I felt growing up in a world where so many doors were closed to me because I was a woman, nevermind how many MORE doors were closed to others because they were of a different race, religion, nationality, etc.
That doesn't mean that all of those doors are open today; it's just not as obvious that they're still locked. Nor should we stop striving to open them all. BUT, others of Walt's generation DID finally realize that their views were hateful and hurtful, and DID make changes. I would like to think that Walt would have realized this also, and changed his way of looking at and treating people.