If this is not a blantant money grab, I don't know what is.....


Well-Known Member
If guests didn’t want to wait in line, they would not go to a Disney theme park without paying for a tour guide period.

People do not like waiting in line. They will do so out of necessity, but that does not equate to preferring standby over another means.

I actually think they should go VQ for the whole park.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Theme parks are not meant to be run that way. Universal doesn't do it. No park has enough capacity and other things to do for the majority not to be in a line. IMO it's partly why many say the parks feel busy. Many are are wandering around waiting for their return times.
It's such a frustrating system now- - - you hit the nail on the head - - - dating back to the original fast pass.

I originally thought it was created, paper FP, as a way to differentiate themselves from Uni. Make the guest feel special to get a "few" bump a ahead of the lines.
However, it was clearly designed to try to get guests to spend more money because they were not staying in lines as much.

Still - - We really appreciated the free "special" FP's........ It made the WDW experience just a little different.

Now everything is clogged up - even IF you use Genie+


Well-Known Member
It's such a frustrating system now- - - you hit the nail on the head - - - dating back to the original fast pass.

I originally thought it was created, paper FP, as a way to differentiate themselves from Uni. Make the guest feel special to get a "few" bump a ahead of the lines.
However, it was clearly designed to try to get guests to spend more money because they were not staying in lines as much.

Still - - We really appreciated the free "special" FP's........ It made the WDW experience just a little different.

Now everything is clogged up - even IF you use Genie+
I know they won't do it. I feel if they are going to charge for a system for shorter waits, then make it worthwhile for those who do buy it. When Genie+ first came out one poster here said it was intended for only 10 to 25% of guests per day.


Well-Known Member
Or you can pay more money in order to get something more than other people. That's how the world works.
Having that as an option is fine. But if I want to spend my own time waiting in a standby line to ride something, then get right back in the line again to ride, I have the freedom to do that-the admission I pay to any park at WDW gives me that freedom. But every guest should always have both options available. Restricting an attraction to reservations/paid reservations only does not give everyone those two options. If this is going to be commonplace going forward, they might as well go right back to the original A to E ticket system-but that would require a drop in admission price, and Disney will never do that.


Well-Known Member
Whatever the demand is now, it's still too much to offer standby without inconvenience to the majority of their guests. When the day comes that the demand is lower, they will move it to standby and Genie+.

It pretty clearly isn't, though. There have been long stretches where the 1 PM VQ drop was available for over an hour (and sometimes multiple hours). There are still days where the demand is higher, but it hasn't been an overwhelming rush (which is the only reason the VQ isn't functioning as a boon to locals).

More importantly, not offering standby is actually causing inconvenience to most guests.
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Well-Known Member
they might as well go right back to the original A to E ticket system-but that would require a drop in admission price, and Disney will never do that.

They absolutely should go back to the ticket system. Let economics sort out how long the lines should be. No need to reduce admission prices since the parks are still underpriced.

Won't stop people claiming they are greedy though.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
It's called complaining - - - - - you know when something does not agree with you - - you voice your opinion.
Lashing out , that's a laugh - - - Maybe you should not call people you don't know entitled.

It's the ONLY 2 year old attraction with a virtual que - - - - - - hmmmmm why?
The issue here is that the 1 and only other thrill ride is out - -yet the VQ is still in place.

Tianna's VQ will be gone in a few weeks.
That is a brand new ride - - - - things don't add up.
Right, so let me get this straight…it’s a conspiracy theory for a cash grab, right?

No. The bottom line here is you’re throwing a tantrum because you can’t get your own way.
We loved when FP came out and you had to go to the ride to get one...........a piece of paper.
We even kept some of the in a thing called a photo album............ya we still use those things.
Just had one done up for our last trip for us and our mother in law.....who came.
If it was gone - - Oh well at least we could wait in line if we WANTED to.

VQ - removes that entirely - Its such a scam...
Maybe you can book your next trip by writing a letter and mailing a check. *goosebumps*
Whatever the demand is now, it's still too much to offer standby without inconvenience to the majority of their guests. When the day comes that the demand is lower, they will move it to standby and Genie+.
You and your reasoned, adult explanations. They don’t want that. They’re mad because they couldn’t - no, wait - they did get in the queue and they did enjoy the ride. They just want to do it again regardless of who hasn’t made it into the queue yet that day. That’s not selfish or self-centered or childish at all.
Correct. I’ve done that many times. When radiator springs racers first opened it was a longggg line but it was so much fun I immediately jumped back in line. Selfish of me I know! Haha
Per usual, you’re arguing with no one and missing the point entirely. Have fun.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
It’s Anthony time.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Right, so let me get this straight…it’s a conspiracy theory for a cash grab, right?

No. The bottom line here is you’re throwing a tantrum because you can’t get your own way.

Maybe you can book your next trip by writing a letter and mailing a check. *goosebumps*

You and your reasoned, adult explanations. They don’t want that. They’re mad because they couldn’t - no, wait - they did get in the queue and they did enjoy the ride. They just want to do it again regardless of who hasn’t made it into the queue yet that day. That’s not selfish or self-centered or childish at all.

Per usual, you’re arguing with no one and missing the point entirely. Have fun.
I get it - - - - It can be hard sometimes.
That's ok.

Don't address any of the "actual" issues in this thread.
A 2 year old ride still having a VQ-----
This ride keeping its VQ when another main ride is down.
The VQ being available for hours after the 1pm drop - signifying that its popularity it waning. Thus requiring a drop to stand-by.
Another NEW ride dropping its VQ within weeks, back to the 2 year point.

Conspiracy indeed - - - - That sand must be pretty deep to fit your disenchanted head into it.

Rather calling people entitled, selfish, or childish for wanting to ride something multiple times in a row. Claiming it is an inconvenience to others. Logic indeed......

I thought you were a WDW apologist at first but now it is obvious you are trolling for reactions.
This is my last post to you- - - I honestly don't care what you post next.
Tantrum 😆


Well-Known Member
You and your reasoned, adult explanations. They don’t want that. They’re mad because they couldn’t - no, wait - they did get in the queue and they did enjoy the ride. They just want to do it again regardless of who hasn’t made it into the queue yet that day. That’s not selfish or self-centered or childish at all.

The VQ does more harm than good here, though. It's better for locals and repeat visitors who have already been on CR at the expense of people who are visiting for the first time, or only visit rarely. There are locals/AP holders who have been on it 25 times and are still taking VQ spots that could go to a first time rider who may not be back for years.

The existence of ILL helps with this since they can purchase a spot if they don't get the VQ (as does the somewhat regular availability of the 1 PM drop, but that's not true every day), but that's a significant added expense for a family.

No system is perfect, but the VQ is definitely skewed against the average visitor.


Well-Known Member
It pretty clearly isn't, though. There have been long stretches where the 1 PM VQ drop was available for over an hour (and sometimes multiple hours).

More importantly, not offering standby is actually causing inconvenience to most guests.
How can you make both those statements?

I haven't checked VQ drops for 1PM so I have no data to say your right/wrong, or what long stretches are, but lets just say your right. If that's true, how is the VQ causing inconvience to most guests?

If the demand is low, and VQ spots are readily available, then its easy to snatch one up and go on the ride.

If there aren't VQ spots available, it means enough people wanted to ride the ride that they got into the virtual line (something that is open to anyone/everyone.) If someone is walking around the park and didn't join the VQ, and just decided on a whim to try and ride guardians as a walk up, if there was no VQ they would have to walk up and wait behind all the people who got there before them, waiting in a real line vs a virtual one.

On a personal level, all things being equal, I don't want to be waiting in a line, full stop. I can go and do shopping, I can go and take photographs, I can go take photopass photos, I can go eat food, or get drinks. Any combination of which is a better use of my time than just sitting in a line.

From a business perspective, Disney wants me, and all its other customers doing the exact same thing.

The way things were done 50 year, 20 years, hell 10 years ago is best left for history class. Things change, societal norms change, and what people want change. People do not find it acceptable to wait in lines. People won't do if for their $3 coffee, they aren't going to do it during their multiple thousand dollar vacations. There will be growing pains and the transition won't always be smooth. But no one is getting rid of smart phones, apps, or VQ's.


Well-Known Member
No system is perfect, but the VQ is definitely skewed against the average visitor.
What I like the most about traditional standby is everyone has a choice to prioritize however they see fit.

Rope drop and be first in line? Go for it.

Wait until 8:59 pm to jump in line? Smart move but you’ll miss the fireworks!

Only have 3 hours in the park but you’ve never been on rewind and it’s your 1 priority, jump right in and hopefully you’ll still have an hour to see the new Moana water and get your picture with Walt being inspired.


Well-Known Member
The VQ being available for hours after the 1pm drop - signifying that its popularity it waning. Thus requiring a drop to stand-by.

So now instead of a blatant money grab it's just an appeal to be quicker at doing the thing they are going to do anyway?

They will eventually drop it to standby. But there is nothing all that wrong with ensuring as much capacity goes to first time riders as possible first.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
How can you make both those statements?

I haven't checked VQ drops for 1PM so I have no data to say your right/wrong, or what long stretches are, but lets just say your right. If that's true, how is the VQ causing inconvience to most guests?

If the demand is low, and VQ spots are readily available, then its easy to snatch one up and go on the ride.

If there aren't VQ spots available, it means enough people wanted to ride the ride that they got into the virtual line (something that is open to anyone/everyone.) If someone is walking around the park and didn't join the VQ, and just decided on a whim to try and ride guardians as a walk up, if there was no VQ they would have to walk up and wait behind all the people who got there before them, waiting in a real line vs a virtual one.

On a personal level, all things being equal, I don't want to be waiting in a line, full stop. I can go and do shopping, I can go and take photographs, I can go take photopass photos, I can go eat food, or get drinks. Any combination of which is a better use of my time than just sitting in a line.

From a business perspective, Disney wants me, and all its other customers doing the exact same thing.

The way things were done 50 year, 20 years, hell 10 years ago is best left for history class. Things change, societal norms change, and what people want change. People do not find it acceptable to wait in lines. People won't do if for their $3 coffee, they aren't going to do it during their multiple thousand dollar vacations. There will be growing pains and the transition won't always be smooth. But no one is getting rid of smart phones, apps, or VQ's.
how is the VQ causing inconvience to most guests?

You can only ride it once - - - that is, even if you get into the VQ in the first place.
Or you pay - - - which I think is wild given the price of admission.

It's a 2 year old ride - - - - most of the VQ's were gone in 6 months to a year.
Tron is going on a little over a year......
There is another greasy reason why Tiana will not keep its VQ - - because TRON is still very popular and can net them more money in ILL's.
So they will keep Tron instead.


Well-Known Member
How can you make both those statements?

I haven't checked VQ drops for 1PM so I have no data to say your right/wrong, or what long stretches are, but lets just say your right. If that's true, how is the VQ causing inconvience to most guests?

If the demand is low, and VQ spots are readily available, then its easy to snatch one up and go on the ride.

If there aren't VQ spots available, it means enough people wanted to ride the ride that they got into the virtual line (something that is open to anyone/everyone.) If someone is walking around the park and didn't join the VQ, and just decided on a whim to try and ride guardians as a walk up, if there was no VQ they would have to walk up and wait behind all the people who got there before them, waiting in a real line vs a virtual one.

On a personal level, all things being equal, I don't want to be waiting in a line, full stop. I can go and do shopping, I can go and take photographs, I can go take photopass photos, I can go eat food, or get drinks. Any combination of which is a better use of my time than just sitting in a line.

From a business perspective, Disney wants me, and all its other customers doing the exact same thing.

The way things were done 50 year, 20 years, hell 10 years ago is best left for history class. Things change, societal norms change, and what people want change. People do not find it acceptable to wait in lines. People won't do if for their $3 coffee, they aren't going to do it during their multiple thousand dollar vacations. There will be growing pains and the transition won't always be smooth. But no one is getting rid of smart phones, apps, or VQ's.

I don't like waiting in line either (FP+ was perfect for me, even though I understand that it was an operational nightmare), but I understand that it's the only way to make a theme park work -- unless you build one that's 5x larger than any existing park (and with staffing levels so high they'd probably lose profits over the existing model).

In any existing park, an all VQ model would create a miserable nightmare with insane crowding and 45 minute long lines to order QS food (you'd trade lines at rides into lines for food, merchandise, etc.). It's impossible to just eliminate the lines.

Regardless, I said something similar about the 1 PM drop. On days where the 1 PM drop is available for a long time, it's not really an issue for guests in terms of being able to ride, although it does cascade out into longer lines elsewhere in the park.

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