If genie grants you six wishes for WDW, what would they be?


Well-Known Member
1. Every attraction, effect, and detail was always in proper working order and would never fail, breakdown, fade, get dirty, etc. (Essentially pristine conditions all the time without any maintenance ever needed.)
2. Perfect cast members in all their hardworking magical glory (with better pay and benefits for them too)
3. More attractions at all 4 parks to make them full day parks. (MK to equal or exceed Disneyland's count, Epcot DHS & Studios more attractions to make full day parks. )
4. Plans announced for a South American Disneyland to help with WDW crowds.
5. All guests that step foot on WDW property were polite, patient, kind, and humble.
6. Focus more on experience and details again, not on numbers and profits.

Paul jr

Well-Known Member
1. Brign Walt and Roy back to life and healty (this will fix all management issue)
2. Redo all park, land and attraction as they were supose to be in inital concept, before budgets get cut.
3. Get me a house in Golden Oak (with annual pass)
4. Monorail and/or peoplemover to any park or resort
5. A 5th gate for all our Disney Geek mised attraction; Horizon, Imagination 1.0, WoM, Toat, etc
6. Free Genie

I change #6...

6. Open a TIM HORTON in Canada so I can get my morning FIX. I know my fellows Canadians Disney Fans will be with me on this one. I dont want to drink any Starbuck.
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Well-Known Member
1. No more tour or school groups.
2. Bring back River Country as an exclusive perk for people staying at Fort Wilderness (to prevent overcrowding).
3. More adults-only activities/areas/restaurants
4. Deep discounts and perks for local residents that visit at least once a month
5. No more scooters. Wheelchairs only.
6. Bring back all the classics- world of motion, horizons, wonders of life, backlot, mr toads.....


Well-Known Member
1. Expansion to Pixar Place, including a Monsters Inc door coaster and a new Toy Story ride...possibly going on an adventure with the toys when Andy/Bonnie leaves the room.
2. Beastly Kingdom.
3. Future world in EPCOT is made futuristic. The unused pavilions need to be reopened.
4. More ride specific merch rather than generic stuff that can be bought across the parks.
5. A Frozen ride
6. Some TLC...all rides given a lick of paint, modernised where possible with the animatronics and making sure that all features are in working order.


Well-Known Member
1.Those old rides back (I never got to go in them!!!!)

2.Infinete french fries

3.Allowed to go in for free

4.Go into any rides for no wait

5.20,000 because why not?


Well-Known Member
1. Have the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train completed immediately
2. Be able to go to WDW whenever we want (blink our eyes and we are there for 5 minutes or full vacation) I would love to take a mid day break from work for a snack at MK.
3. Stay at the castle as if royalty
4. Whenever we go to WDW, there is little to no lines/crowd....therefore no need to manage the day via FP+
5. Make DHS larger with more rides for smaller kids
6. Make all parks connect with the monorail.


Well-Known Member
1. Fix/repair SSE to highest level of entertainment ever in its history
2. Fix/repair JII to highest level of entertainment ever in its history
3. Fix/repair Yeti to highest level of entertainment ever in its history
4. Replant all trees removed from MSUSA and hub.
5. Monorails to all parks and DtD
6. Speed governor/limit on all scooters to 1/5 current speed. Leave them for people that really need them but save everyone else from the inevitable collisions.


1. Removal of the giant hat in front of the Chinese theater.
2. Fill in all of the empty plots in World Showcase with new countries.
3. New SSE with a themed decent like before
4. Corporate sponsors for attractions
5. New attractions for each park yearly
6. An easier way to get to the MK from the parking lot


Well-Known Member
are we wishing for ourselves or for the parks?
My wish for myself is to be able to stay at the new GF Villas for 2 weeks in a concierge room with a theme park view!:joyfull:
My wish for the parks is to add something to DHS and expand somewhat on EPCOT.;)

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Since acquiring Marvel, they've greenlit several new animated series which seem to be popular. The Marvel movies have been doing gangbusters. And the next feature in the Walt Disney Animation Studios canon is going to be an adaptation of a Marvel story. Star Wars appears to be going to follow a similar pattern. This looks like a case of both acquisition leading to artistry, little different than what Walt did with other properties he didn't own, such as Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, and Winnie the Pooh.

So, to you, Disney making another Star Wars movie is exactly the same as Walt's adaptation of Mary Poppins? And Snow White? And Fantasia?

Ah, there's none so blind as those who will not see...

There's a difference between taking characters that George Lucas and crew created, made movies out of, made TV shows out of, made cartoons out of, and Walt taking a children's book and adapting it to the big screen, taking characters that had once only existed on a printed page and giving them life and voice and soul, expanding on their personalities, often improving upon the original, adding memorable new characters and songs that will live forever. In fact, Walt's adaptations have made it so that the Walt Disney Company has never had to put itself up for sale (as did, OH YEAH Marvel, Muppets, Lucasfilm). The Magic Kingdom was built on the backs of Walt and his artists, NOT on buying old, already-developed, museum-worthy off-studio has-beens.

I'm surprised that ANYONE is defending Walt Disney World getting turned into a lesser Universal. Or Disney becoming a holding company built out of "brands", instead of being the innovative, inspirational, creative company it once was. Sad...


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised that ANYONE is defending Walt Disney World getting turned into a lesser Universal. Or Disney becoming a holding company built out of "brands", instead of being the innovative, inspirational, creative company it once was. Sad...

You're right. Anyone who thinks that stuff like that belongs with Disney or in the Disney Parks is an absolute cretin devoid of any true creative genius or spirit of innovation.


"We really need to do this because Disneyland needs to have an attraction based on characters that children today are growing up with. We need a mythology that really touches people's heart, like Walt used to do."

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
You're right. Anyone who thinks that stuff like that belongs with Disney or in the Disney Parks is an absolute cretin devoid of any true creative genius or spirit of innovation.


"We really need to do this because Disneyland needs to have an attraction based on characters that children today are growing up with. We need a mythology that really touches people's heart, like Walt used to do."

Yeah, and like his company used to do. By CREATING that "mythology" itself. Sounds to me like Baxter's thrown in the towel. "Like Walt used to do," is all too accurate.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Just curious, which adaptations do you think Disney improved?

Just about every story he adapted, with the possible exceptions of "Alice in Wonderland" (and to be fair, nobody's done a really good film adaptation of that book) and "The Jungle Book" (I loved the book as a child, and I"m not too crazy about Walt's adaptation of it, although I do prefer his version to Bill Peet's; I think Walt was right - Peet's version was way too gloomy and depressing).

Speaking of Disney's "Alice", I once read that Walt was aware of the inherent problems with adapting such a goofy book, and originally planned to expand upon the White Knight's role in the movie, by having him play guide and defender to Alice. I really wish I could see some of the art and scripting from that version. Sounds intriguing...

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Just about every story he adapted, with the possible exceptions of "Alice in Wonderland" (and to be fair, nobody's done a really good film adaptation of that book) and "The Jungle Book" (I loved the book as a child, and I"m not too crazy about Walt's adaptation of it, although I do prefer his version to Bill Peet's; I think Walt was right - Peet's version was way too gloomy and depressing).

Speaking of Disney's "Alice", I once read that Walt was aware of the inherent problems with adapting such a goofy book, and originally planned to expand upon the White Knight's role in the movie, by having him play guide and defender to Alice. I really wish I could see some of the art and scripting from that version. Sounds intriguing...

Disney's version of Peter Pan lost the essence and point of the story, in my opinion. As far as the others, I'd say they're solid adaptations, but no better than their original literary forms.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Disney's version of Peter Pan lost the essence and point of the story, in my opinion. As far as the others, I'd say they're solid adaptations, but no better than their original literary forms.

Well, Walt dropped the part about Peter visiting Wendy when she grew up and so he considered her a traitor, then spirited away her daughter...is that the "point" you're talking about?

Oh, please, Walt plussed "Snow White" and "Cinderella" and "Bambi" and "Pinocchio" and "101 Dalmatians" a million times (Dodie Smith, the "Dalmatians" author, even told Walt that she thought the movie version of "Dalmatians" was better than her book!!!!) So I guess it's a matter of opinion. But bear in mind that WDW and Disneyland wouldn't STILL BE HERE if it weren't for the public's love of what WALT DID..not what JIM HENSON did, or GEORGE LUCAS did, or STAN LEE did...they're all pretenders compared to him. If their creations can't stand on their own WITHOUT DISNEY SUPPORT...then they deserve to be relegated to oblivion. Hilariously enough, THEY knew their creations couldn't survive without Disney...which is why they showed up on Disney's doorstep, begging to be taken into the Kingdom...really ironic in Henson's case, since he used to denigrate Disney, calling it "saccharine" and so forth...nuts to all of them. Disney doesn't need them. Iger looks at brands and is stupid enough to think Disney needs junk like Avatar. I guess you agree with him. Which makes me wonder why you're on a Disney discussion board at all. :p

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Well, Walt dropped the part about Peter visiting Wendy when she grew up and so he considered her a traitor, then spirited away her daughter...is that the "point" you're talking about?

Oh, please, Walt plussed "Snow White" and "Cinderella" and "Bambi" and "Pinocchio" and "101 Dalmatians" a million times (Dodie Smith, the "Dalmatians" author, even told Walt that she thought the movie version of "Dalmatians" was better than her book!!!!) So I guess it's a matter of opinion. But bear in mind that WDW and Disneyland wouldn't STILL BE HERE if it weren't for the public's love of what WALT DID..not what JIM HENSON did, or GEORGE LUCAS did, or STAN LEE did...they're all pretenders compared to him. If their creations can't stand on their own WITHOUT DISNEY SUPPORT...then they deserve to be relegated to oblivion. Hilariously enough, THEY knew their creations couldn't survive without Disney...which is why they showed up on Disney's doorstep, begging to be taken into the Kingdom...really ironic in Henson's case, since he used to denigrate Disney, calling it "saccharine" and so forth...nuts to all of them. Disney doesn't need them. Iger looks at brands and is stupid enough to think Disney needs junk like Avatar. I guess you agree with him. Which makes me wonder why you're on a Disney discussion board at all. :p

No, you are way off. Peter Pan is not only about the fear of getting older, but also the fear of responsibility. It's about the importance of a mother (Disney touched on this slightly, but not enough), the loss of innocence and the abandonment of childhood. Disney sort of touches on these, but not to the extent of the book. Too much pixie dust. The book is much darker and is really meant for adults, unlike the very kiddie nature of the Disney film. The 2003 major motion picture version is much closer to the book. I suggest watching that movie and reading the book, as the book is superior to that version as well. The story J.M. Barrie wrote is very deep.

You think he plussed most of them, I don't. Pretenders? You are so ridiculous, it's funny. At least Jim Henson, George Lucas and Stan Lee created original stories and characters. They are in leagues of their own, as well as Walt Disney. Their work is phenomenal and has stood the test of time. Quit pretending their work hasn't made an impact in the entertainment business. It has, and you know it has. Stop lying to yourself. You don't like it, fine, but don't be ignorant. Standing on their own? Count the number of truly original Disney films and let me know what you come up with. You are a trip.
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Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
No, you are way off. Peter Pan is not only about the fear of getting older, but also the fear of responsibility. It's about the importance of a mother (Disney touched on this slightly, but not enough), the loss of innocence and the abandonment of childhood. Disney sort of touches on these, but not to the extent of the book. Too much pixie dust. The book is much darker and is really meant for adults, unlike the very kiddie nature of the Disney film. The 2003 major motion picture version is much closer to the book. I suggest watching that movie and reading the book, as the book is superior to that version as well.

You think he plussed most of them, I don't. Pretenders? You are so ridiculous, it's funny. At least Jim Henson, George Lucas and Stan Lee created original stories and characters. They are in leagues of their own, as well as Walt Disney. Their work is phenomenal and has stood the test of time. Quit pretending their work hasn't made an impact in the entertainment business. It has, and you know it has. Stop lying to yourself. You don't like it, fine, but don't be ignorant. Standing on their own? Count the number of truly original Disney films and let me know what you come up with. You are a trip.

I have read James Barrie's "Peter Pan" (read it in high school, MOF) and I've seen the 2003 movie version of it, which was very good. The kid playing Peter was frickin' amazing. I wouldn't call it superior to the Disney version, although it handled Wendy a bit better, to my mind (not as sticky and stuffy as in the Disney version, although I blame the voice actress for that; Kathryn Beaumont was great at Alice, but her Wendy lacked warmth.)

Yes, George Lucas, Jim Henson and Stan Lee created memorable works. And yet their empires faded, and all three had to go to Disney to make sure their creations lived on. That's because all three men were great in their own limited niches, but hadn't the diverse creative talents to survive in the long run. Lucas created a unique sci-fi universe. Henson created a very successful unique form of puppetry. Stan Lee created a dynamic new way of telling a story in comics ("the Marvel way!"). But NONE of those things had the resonance that Disney possesses. Walt created the greatest cartoon character of all time - Mickey Mouse. He created the best 2D films in existence. He then went on to conquer television, live-action films, and created a new form of puppetry - Audio Animatronics. He invented the theme park. Walt's unlimited interests, and his courage in pursuing and mastering them, gave his company the strength and diversity to survive. He was the flip side of CEOs like Iger, who hates risk and loves purchasing "brands" to fill in perceived weaknesses in the company's lineup, rather than creating original product - whether homegrown or adaptations - to fill in those niches.

When I go to a Disney park, I want to see DISNEY magic - not Henson or Lucas or Marvel or especially Cameron magic. Screw those second-rate artistes. Let Universal or some other non-Disney park have them. I want a Lion King Land, not an Avatar Land. I want Cherry Tree Lane, not a Star Wars Cantina. I want a Fantasia Theater, not a Muppet Theater. There is no way a Disney park should turn to other studios for new attractions. Not when so much actual Disney product lies languishing, unrepresented, in the Disney vault.


Well-Known Member
1. Reopen river country
2. New attractions, monsters, cars, and Star Wars for HS.. Frozen, tangled, 101 Dalmatians, and maleficent rides in MK, add rides to the country's in WS such as the ratatouille ride in France, a gondola ride in Italy, etc.. And more dark rides/ "beastly" kingdom esque rides. I want unicorns... Add more animals such as kangaroo
3. A frozen resort where is looks like winter all the time
4. Year of a million dreams again where the cms handed out freebies all the time
5. Allow 3 snacks a day on the dining plan haha
6. Make me a princess

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