If genie grants you six wishes for WDW, what would they be?


Active Member
1) Permanently own a DVC villa or suite in all the deluxe and moderate resorts.

2) Prince Adam is real, loves me and is my husband....(that counts as one right? :p)

3) Free everything for my family and I.

4) Be a Disney Imagineer :inlove: and a very good one at that;)

5) Have perfect weather every time I visit WDW.

6) Be able to try every vacation, adventure, cruise, ride, etc Disney has to offer ;)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I have read James Barrie's "Peter Pan" (read it in high school, MOF) and I've seen the 2003 movie version of it, which was very good. The kid playing Peter was frickin' amazing. I wouldn't call it superior to the Disney version, although it handled Wendy a bit better, to my mind (not as sticky and stuffy as in the Disney version, although I blame the voice actress for that; Kathryn Beaumont was great at Alice, but her Wendy lacked warmth.)

Yes, George Lucas, Jim Henson and Stan Lee created memorable works. And yet their empires faded, and all three had to go to Disney to make sure their creations lived on. That's because all three men were great in their own limited niches, but hadn't the diverse creative talents to survive in the long run. Lucas created a unique sci-fi universe. Henson created a very successful unique form of puppetry. Stan Lee created a dynamic new way of telling a story in comics ("the Marvel way!"). But NONE of those things had the resonance that Disney possesses. Walt created the greatest cartoon character of all time - Mickey Mouse. He created the best 2D films in existence. He then went on to conquer television, live-action films, and created a new form of puppetry - Audio Animatronics. He invented the theme park. Walt's unlimited interests, and his courage in pursuing and mastering them, gave his company the strength and diversity to survive. He was the flip side of CEOs like Iger, who hates risk and loves purchasing "brands" to fill in perceived weaknesses in the company's lineup, rather than creating original product - whether homegrown or adaptations - to fill in those niches.

When I go to a Disney park, I want to see DISNEY magic - not Henson or Lucas or Marvel or especially Cameron magic. Screw those second-rate artistes. Let Universal or some other non-Disney park have them. I want a Lion King Land, not an Avatar Land. I want Cherry Tree Lane, not a Star Wars Cantina. I want a Fantasia Theater, not a Muppet Theater. There is no way a Disney park should turn to other studios for new attractions. Not when so much actual Disney product lies languishing, unrepresented, in the Disney vault.

imho, their empires faded because times changed.

George refused to keep going with Star Wars in many ways, he was never sure about his work, he kept going back and fort.. destroyed the originals by adding the new anakin in the older movies...let's not even talk about the expanded universe from the books and comics lol.
moved way into "super mainstream" that killed the movies compared to the older ones.

Marvel wasn't as bad as DC in terms of "the fall" of the comic industry.
But then, it was an entire crash of the comic industry, not just stanlee's "marvel".

For example, teenagers back then loved cartoons like HE-MAN.. now they all seem to suck on reality shows. o_O
Imean.. have you seen MTV, Discovery channel, and many other channels that moved almost 24/7 to realities instead of what they used to show?
Tastes change...\

Star Trek was fading as well, but then.. a good reboot saved the whole thing...


Well-Known Member
Marvel wasn't as bad as DC in terms of "the fall" of the comic industry.
But then, it was an entire crash of the comic industry, not just stanlee's "marvel".

Image Comics deserves a lot of... not necessarily "blame", but their actions really signaled the start of a downturn. Catering to the speculative market which eventually caused the market to crash, massive delays, lack of coherent editorial direction....


Well-Known Member
But NONE of those things had the resonance that Disney possesses.

Some comparisons.




Furthermore, Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes of all time, some might even put him higher than Superman or Batman. Star Wars continues to inspire people decades after it's initial release; it's a terrible movie, but in the film Reign of Fire, Christian Bale is telling some children a bedtime story in a post-apocalyptic setting, and that story is The Empire Strikes Back. Heck, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Star Wars reference somewhere. Are you REALLY trying to argue that Marvel or Star Wars somehow aren't as culturally relevant as anything Disney has produced?


Well-Known Member
1. Bring back Horizons
2. Bring back Imagination 1.0
3. Get rid of the BAH (I don't think much about it one way or the other but I can do something that would please a lot of others can't I?)
4. Get rid of Stitch.
5. Put FOTLK in it's new theater right now -- no wait until July 1.
6. And, for those who post about this and get relegated to the "Imagineering thread", why not, monorails everywhere including AK and HS. No worries about costs. A genie is doing this after all.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Some comparisons.




Furthermore, Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes of all time, some might even put him higher than Superman or Batman. Star Wars continues to inspire people decades after it's initial release; it's a terrible movie, but in the film Reign of Fire, Christian Bale is telling some children a bedtime story in a post-apocalyptic setting, and that story is The Empire Strikes Back. Heck, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Star Wars reference somewhere. Are you REALLY trying to argue that Marvel or Star Wars somehow aren't as culturally relevant as anything Disney has produced?

And yet they couldn't manage to survive on their own. Doesn't that tell you something?


Well-Known Member
Okay, I get you don't like the franchise, but to argue that Star Wars isn't culturally significant is disingenuous or delusional. I personally don't care for The Godfather, but I would never try to argue against it being one of the most important films of the 20th century, because it absolutely is.


Well-Known Member
1. Expand DHS by building over the unused portion of parking lot and clearing a little bit of forest, DHS's size would be nearly doubled. This would pave the way for

2. A new Star Wars themed land. Star Tours would be relocated here.

3. "Echo Lake" would become an Indiana Jones themed area and the old Star Tours building would be demolished to make way for a new Indy-based thrill ride, preferably the Duck Boats Watercoaster.

4. Lights Motors Action and Catastrophe Canyon would be brought into Pixar Place. LMA's French Mediterranean city decor would be used to host "Le Restaurant de Ratatouille" (with L.C.I. Remy making appearances), and an Incredibles-themed dark ride, "Revenge of the Underminer". Incredibles meet and greets, as well as Cars 2 World Grand Prix characters for photo ops.

5. Full restoration of Epcot, bringing all rides back up to snuff.

6. Restoring Figment as the de facto mascot for Epcot. Figment will have a cameo or a reference in all Epcot attractions. (i.e. the kids in "Gran Fiesta Tour" will have a Figment pinata instead of Donald....Maelstrom Viking boats will still feature a dragon head...but will be purple, etc.)

The Magical Genie 123

Well-Known Member
1. Have the Yeti move again
2. Have more of the rare characters come out to meet (including Genie)
3. Get all Splash Mountain effects fully working permanently
4. Expand DHS at least a little bit
5. Bring back River Country
6. Get rid of the World Showcase (Yep, I'm a WS hater)

I know I'm WAYYY over 20,000, but I wish all these things could come true.
And Genie's reaction to all these extreme wishes is...



Well-Known Member
1. Enlarge World Showcase, add more countries, more attraction but still have it attached to the Future, 2nd entrance can be added for lesser of a walking distance.
2. Update and use all Epcot pavilions, some back to their former glory.
3. DHS working backlot
4. DHS redo in Pixarland and Streets of America.
5. Move the Hat
6. Get Walt and his crew back to restore the light Disney in all area's including movie's and animation.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Okay, I get you don't like the franchise, but to argue that Star Wars isn't culturally significant is disingenuous or delusional. I personally don't care for The Godfather, but I would never try to argue against it being one of the most important films of the 20th century, because it absolutely is.

The Godfather was a movie about a bunch of murderous parasites. I guess a lot of people are fascinated by it. I'm not one of them, I must admit.

Certainly Star Wars has had a great cultural impact. And since it's set in the future, "in a galaxy far far away", it resists, to some extent, the effects of cultural aging. And I like the original trilogy, especially the first 2 movies, FWIW. (The second three were garbage). But what's that got to do with Disney? It was Disney's ability to adapt stories in memorable ways, and create new, inventive characters and mediums, that built the company and the parks. In buying a known quantity like Star Wars, Iger took the lazy, uninspired way out. His purchases of SW and Marvel, even more so than Eisner's ridiculous purchase of the Muppets, made it pretty clear that the Disney company isn't Walt's company any more. CEOs don't like taking creative risks, and creative risk is what Walt was all about. His attitude would undoubtedly be: "I don't want to do Star Wars, because George Lucas already did Star Wars. We don't follow trends, we create them". I really don't understand how people who call themselves Disney fans don't get that. Are you so nostalgic for the stuff you grew up with that you want them to continue under any circumstances, even when - such as the case with the Muppets - they really aren't very good anymore?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
1. Have the Yeti move again
2. Have more of the rare characters come out to meet (including Genie)
3. Get all Splash Mountain effects fully working permanently
4. Expand DHS at least a little bit
5. Bring back River Country
6. Get rid of the World Showcase (Yep, I'm a WS hater)

I know I'm WAYYY over 20,000, but I wish all these things could come true.
And Genie's reaction to all these extreme wishes is...

his answer would be "I'm a genie, not a miracle worker"


Well-Known Member
1) Lower the prices on practically everything (Tickets, hotels, food)
2) Revert back to original FP
3) Star Wars area at HS
4) Add some new rides for Epcot to help disperse the long lines at Soarin!
5) More ride and resort specific merchandise
6) Take the $20,000


Well-Known Member
1. Bulldoze all the pavilions in Future World and build six new pavilions with themes that are optimistic and futuristic relative to today's technology. It's hard for me to part with two or three pavilions that I think are still great, but we can't cling to the past when rebuilding Future World.

2. In Avatar land, disabled guests transfer from their wheelchair to an avatar body via neural link (my philanthropic wish).

3. I wish Genie free.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
1) Change back to legacy FP and do away with stupid 180 day ADRs
2) Take ticket prices back a few decades
3) All rides have less than a 30 minute wait time, all the time
4) Re open WoL because it looks awesome and I don't remember ever going in there
5) Give Spaceship Earth the Jeremy Irons narration and ending back
6) Give us back the magic!

I'm sure I could list more like the yeti, giving the Backlot Tour its live narration and just changing it back to its glorious former self, the talking skull in Pirates, cheaper room rates and restsurants, more meet and greets with shorter lines, giving guests that true Disney experiencem bring Walt back to sort out the current messes, update Epcot and HS, make it so you don't have to be attached to your phone at all times, free parking for all, refurbed Monorails, riding at the front of the monorail... list goes on and on.


Well-Known Member
1) Taking the $20,000 :greedy:
2) DHS Expansion - Pixar Place and Star Wars Land each with 6 new rides.
3) Future World Redo - I would love to see Horizons back but it would not live up to my memories. :jawdrop: Maybe a Stark Industries theme
4) New counties to World Showcase to represent South America and the South Pacific (New Zealand)
5) Animal Kingdom Overhaul - good bye Avatarland, Hello Beastly Kingdom & Australia
6) Bring back the magic- maybe they need to pump in more oxygen. :angelic:

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