
I have been privy to the new parade design already and it fixes all of our previous length, concerns being down to three sections it is not nearly as long, it also has alot of very cool transitions, that even after numerous tries even I could not find holes in :lol:

I really like the storyline it is very cohesive and a wonderful progression it will be a true honor to Walt and all of this work and his legacy

It is very neat indeed, I hope WierdOne can post it soon for the rest of you to see


New Member
"One Man's Dream" - Black And White Section Outline...

Okay, here's my official parade outline with massive descriptions, script coming as soon as I have free time :zipit:. Same goes for pictures. Here we goooo...

As the parade starts, we hear a trumpeting fanfare blaze and the doors which hide backstage on the route are made to look like film strips. They are covered on the front in the white part by a really fast moving screen. After the fanfare, there is a explosion of smoke and sparks and the screen drops out of sight revealing a broken page and the Magic Kingdom Band dressed in fiber optic costumes that are in black and white literally step off the filmstrip and begin to march off of on the route. After they have all stepped out of the page, the first float comes along. THERE ARE NO VOICES IN THIS PORTION.

Float #1 - The doors swing open. The first float is Steamboat Willie's Steamboat. Guess who but Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, The Cow, and Pete are on this boat all in black and white with accompanying "movie music". The sides of the boat are screens and there are dropping and rotating panels hidden from the audience all over the place. The float moves off into the route.

Float #2 - After Float #1 has passed, the next float parades out. Out front are "chicken girls" also in fiber optic costumes and they march ahead with the giant barnyard float behind them also in black and white. Goofy as a Viking and Donald as chicken are on this float with its chickens in boxes and other gags on it. There are also many platforms, rotating panels, and other special effects that change this float to color later on. There are also scarecrow dancers in the barn. There is a composition of "Barnyard Cartoons movie music".

Float #3 - After Float #2 is off, the Silly Symphonies Float comes out. It is a foresty-ish setting with a bug on a swing and the three little pigs homes and flowers and the three little pigs along with the wolf will be on this float. All is again black and white with many many rotating panels; drop down panels and tapestries, and many trap doors, etc. The music is a composite from the "Silly Symphonies movie music". This float is double sided meaning the identical set in on both sides and character, except for the swinging bug which is perpendicular to the audience. The three little pigs are being chased and "mutedly" singing to the music.

Float #4 - As soon as Float #3 is off, the fourth float, the biggest float in this section, a forest with a house in the middle, also double sided, moves out into the route. There is even a foresty canopy over the float that changes color during show mode. There are trees in the background and the house is very cottage looking. Mickey and Minnie are on this float with Goofy, Pluto, Chip and Dale, and Donald. They are all in black and white including the float. Mickey and Minnie romance most of the time and they usually do some repetitive dance combo while the float moves into show mode position with the others. There are many many rotating props and many dropping panels, scenery and even trap doors and turning sets on this float. The music is just "movie music" from any combo of the old cartoons.

Float #5 - Next up, is the Film Reel float. First there are black and white girls wearing film reel costumes made of fiber optics and other various color change materials. This float is a giant film reel with some of the early characters inside the strip where it has flown out of the reel. On the other parts that are visible, there are actual movies being played. On the parts of the reel where there are characters inside the film, there is a really fast moving screen that makes it seem as if the character is in a movie. Kind of like a strobe light effect where you move and it looks blurred and really jerky. The music is your standard "movie music" from the old cartoons. The film reel features many creative color change props, panels, etc.

Float #6 - Right afterwards, there is the Plane Crazy float, which happens to be one of my favorites. This float is a float of Walt's studio with white clouds overhead. This part of the float is double sided. Then attached to the white clouds is a plane that is covered in screens that show plane texture, etc. The plane rotates from side to side with Mickey and Minnie inside of it and she's freaking out and Mickey is trying to steer the plane. Smoke is billowing from the back of the plane. On top of the building, it is a sign advertising Walt's Studio and there are palm trees which sway from side to side to the music and the whole set is in black and white. The music is from the "Plane Crazy movie music" and the set change features a very ingenious idea with many dropping panels and screens.

Float #7 - The last float in the section, Mickey's Choo Choo is a giant train. Mickey is in the conductor's cabin and the other cabins contain all of the other characters that are well known in the early shorts. I'd say this train is about 4 - 5 cars + the head with Mickey. All of the sides are panels and there are many many rotating and sliding color panels for the transformation including many dropping sets. The train will feature real rotating wheels and many trap doors for the color dancers inside. The music that goes along with this float is "Mickey's Choo Choo movie music".

Once all of the floats have arrived in their stopping positions, their musical all reaches their final notes and when it ends on a big DUN, everyone and everything freezes where it is at. The music starts off like that new day noise after the rooster crows. You know that soft, new day music and there are some lyrics before the music reaches a small instrumental medley and the characters come to life. NO WORDS BY THE CHARACTERS YET! Here's the break down by each float during this instrumental and afterwards.

Band - The band's hat's change to color almost instantly and do some little skit while they play to the music. Then, once the instrumental piece is over and the main piece starts, their costumes change to color, and they begin a full out dance routine playing the instrumental version of everything being sung.

Float #1 - When the instrumental starts Mickey and gang on Steamboat Willie come to life, Mickey pulls out Minnie’s sheet music IN COLOR. He hands it to her, and she kisses him with the kissing noise in the music. The music rapidly speeds up into the main medley and the side panels change to color, panels drop down from the room of the operator’s booth with Pete inside and everything basically changes into color. The characters, upon the appropriate part in the music, run into a covered room in the back of the ship and as quickly as they ran in, they come out in color. Then the main musical number commences. Near the end of the main number, maybe 10 seconds before the finale (see script), they run back into the box room and come out black and white and the panels roll up in time with the music, and everything changes back to black and white and at the end of the main number, everyone freezes and everything is in black and white, and they resume the float’s individual music and continue along the route.

Float #2 – When the instrumental starts, Goofy, Donald and the others come to life. The two sort of interact in what seems like an opera and Donald pulls out a colored rubber chicken and then the chicken girls come up to Goofy and kiss him at the appropriate time in the music. As the music speeds up, the chicken girls costumes change to regular chicken colors and the whole barn begins transforming with many many rotating and dropping panels on the sides of the supports and Goofy and Donald and the scarecrow dancers walk into a side house and shut the door and almost instantly later, they come out in color again, in time to the music. The main number commences and just like the Steamboat Willie float, about 10 seconds before the finale, they get back to the box room and shut the door and come back out in black and white, and the panels and other things roll up in time with the music and they freeze back in their starting positions as everything is in black and white again and then their individual music starts and they continue along the route.

Float #3 – When the instrumental starts, the Three Little Pigs come to life and run into their homes, but don’t shut the doors and the bug continues swinging. Then they each pull out their individual house makeup (straw, brick, and sticks) in color and throw it at the wolf, and when the music speeds up, the swing with the bug rises into the tree and another one comes down in color. The trees change to color via lighting. And everything else has drop down panels or screens with lights under them. The three little pigs close their doors and open them again appearing in color. The wolf sneaks into a tree and then reappears on the other side in color. Then the main number commences and at the end, just like the rest, 10 seconds before the finale, they all change back into black in white and panels and screens roll up or change back to black and white in time with the music and they freeze at the end in their starting positions and then their individual float music starts and they continue along the route.

Float #4 – The main float of this section will start during the instrumental with Mickey pulling out a pair of colored flowers and handing them to Minnie. She kisses him at the appropriate time when the kissing noise occurs and then the music speeds up. The trees have drop down panels and then from the top there is a tapestry that falls down and covers the black and white one and panels rotate on the doors and then on Mickey and Minnie stand in front of the colored house door and it spins around revealing colored versions of them. Everything is in color and Mickey clothed dancers guys and girls appear and a rainbow rises behind the house. NOTE – EACH NUMBER HAS DANCERS, I JUST FAILED TO MENTION THEM. THE COME ON WHEN THE MAIN PART STARTS AS EVERYTHING IS CHANGING. Then the main number commences after the rainbow has appeared. Then, after the main number is about over, everything slowly retracts to the music and Mickey and Minnie stand in the doorway and at the end, everyone is returned to black and white and they freeze. NOTE – ALL THE DANCERS THAT COME ON DURING THE TRANSFORM FOR THE MAIN NUMBER, THAT ARE NOT ORIGINALLY PART OF THE BLACK AND WHITE FLOAT, THEY LEAVE BACK WHERE THEY CAME FROM (THE INSIDE OF THE FLOAT). Finally, the float resumes its individual music and continues along the route with the rest.

Float #5 – When the instrumental portion is on the movie reel, the film effect begins again and Mickey pulls out a color dog bone for Pluto in the next part of the reel, then, there’s the kissing sound, which is actually going to be Pluto barking in this one. Then the fast music starts and at the appropriate point, Mickey suddenly disappears quickly from the reel and a colored one appears and the film effect stops and he walks out of the reel and there’s a big dance number. The movies playing on the real change from the tinted black and white tone to color and play in the background and some panels drop in places. When the song is nearly over, the reverse effects occur. Mickey and Pluto step back into the reel and everything slowly changes back to black and white, except the characters. The reel starts the movie effect again and then in a flash he’s black and white again and frozen. Then they resume along the route with the individual music.

Float #6 – When the instrumental portion plays here, Mickey ensures Minnie they are not going to crash. This is the exception when it comes to talking. They will have lines on THIS FLOAT ONLY! When the fast music starts, we’ll see smoke begin to billow out of the cabin engulfing Minnie and Mickey and using a actor changing system, the plane will change to color using the screens and the actors will change to color using this complicated system (see drawings provided). The rest of the set changes, the palms using lights inside and screen and the studio and clouds using drop down panels and lights for the clouds. The main number will commence and at the end, the opposite effects occur. Panels and lighting are slowly changed out back to black and white in tune with the music at those final 10 seconds and smoke will billow out of the cabin again with some commotion and using the same complicated system, the black and white actors will be back again in a frozen position at the end of the song. Then the individual float music will begin playing again and they’ll progress ahead.

Float #7 – This is perhaps the most complicated float in the whole black and white section. During the instrumental, Mickey will pick out a colored shovel and shovel coal and then turn to Minnie and hand her a diamond and she’ll kiss him and the whole set will turn change to color using very complicated effect. Smoke will billow out of the wheels engulfing the characters. They’ll slip under one pair of trap doors, while the colored ones slip under the other side of the trap door and then the smoke will stop all the while panels are dropping down the sides and the wheels are dropping down colored ones and whistles and other gadgets are changing color using lights and screens. Then the dance will commence in which it seems as if the train is moving and the characters will bounce to train rhythm and then at the end the whole complicated process will take place in reverse. The train will billow steam again covering the characters and they’ll switch and the panels will pull up and the lights return down to black and white. Then at the end of the song, the orchestra will let out a train stopping type 5 second music piece from The Music Man and the characters will throw themselves forward as if the train came to a stopping halt. In the end, after they freeze from their positions thrown forward, the individual music will start again and they’ll continue along the parade route.

This is basically the black and white section minus the lines and music lyrics, etc. What do you guys think? Anything I could change, anything needs to be added? Anything? Let me know and I’ll take it for consideration and reply back with an acceptance or refutation. I’ll continue with the next section, and then I’ll add pictures eventually, and finally a finalized script. – The WeirdOne :D

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
This sounds really good, although, there are some things to point out.

Mickey should only appear once in the parade like he does in the other ones. Tourists aren't stupid. They'll eventually think:

"Hey wasn't Mickey just on that other float? Why is he now on this float?"

See what I mean? The last thing I need to point out is the little kids aren't just wanting to see Mickey and the gang along with Silly Symphony characters etc. They'll also want to see the characters from the other movies. They want to see the princesses and stuff. I know you could get a chance to meet them around the park, but that's why they call it the parade of characters. Disney Parades need to have as many Disney characters as possible. The rest sounds good.
Originally posted by imagineer boy
This sounds really good, although, there are some things to point out.

Mickey should only appear once in the parade like he does in the other ones. Tourists aren't stupid. They'll eventually think:

"Hey wasn't Mickey just on that other float? Why is he now on this float?"

See what I mean? The last thing I need to point out is the little kids aren't just wanting to see Mickey and the gang along with Silly Symphony characters etc. They'll also want to see the characters from the other movies. They want to see the princesses and stuff. I know you could get a chance to meet them around the park, but that's why they call it the parade of characters. Disney Parades need to have as many Disney characters as possible. The rest sounds good.

I see what you mean, but as you said tourists are not stupid they will also figure out that they are viewing different films that Mickey has been in over the years and this is showcasing them. There could also perhaps be a voice overlay at the beginning to explain this, like Mickey saying, "boy, oh boy you know through out the years I've been in a lot of different movies, I'd like to take you back and take a look at them" this would only be part of it, but I do agree that there should be something to set up the premise


New Member
Well, first, incase you read my post title, this is one one section of the parade. The princesses and other characters on in the next section and the last section features even more. These are Mickey's early days. And as for him being on man floats at once, the intro spiel will clearly explain why. Here's the speil:

Mickey Mouse - HAHA! Hi everybody! Mickey Mouse here! And we're celebrating the achievements of one man and his dream! Time shure flies when you're having fun! HAHA! I hope you're ready to do some dreaming because we've got some big dreams heading your way. Now, let's all go back and look at how it all began, with all the movie's I've been in! Don't be surprised at all the movies I'm in! HAHA!

The spiel will tell guest to really expect to see more than 1 Mickey. Plus, this parade really isn't your standard parade as you can tell. This is only Act 1 of 3. I hope to have the rest up soon. - The WeirdOne :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This is just my oppinion, but I think the parade seems to be running too long. Most afternoon parades have bwteen six and 15 floats, so this is really pushing it in length. I know most people wouldn't want to sit through a parade that is so long. I also think it is too long of a unit for a group of characters that are not very popular (Silly Symphonies, Barnyard Cartoons). I would recogmend cutting down the unit to 3-4 floats and also cut out any repetative characters. You can portray them as statues or such, but repeting characters just breaks the magic. Three year old kids don't understand that it's a tribute to Mickey over the years, but they'll freak out if they see Mickey in the parade multiple times.


New Member

...Okay, first, I wish people would stop complaining about length. It's a script, it's meant to be long to illustrate all the details. It's like looking at a book that's 300 pages and saying it'd make a really really long movie! No, that's not true. These 7 floats are in show mode for like 4 - 5 minutes before they move on. Likewise, most parades I use for comparison, have many more than 15 floats and have showmodes and last just as long as any other WDW parade. Even Fantillusion! who's format I was using was around 30 minutes, or somewhere a bit over that. Just because WDW has less than 15, doesn't mean I have to stick to it. MSEP is 30+ minutes, is that too long? It had like 25 floats? Whatever, sometimes I wonder why you guys make such comments before considering what's really there.

Second, this parade has a grand total of 7 + 6 + 7 = 20 floats. That's pretty average. There's no problem with that. There's 3 show modes about 5 minutes each. That's 15 minutes of show and around 20 minutes for the parade to pass. Add that up, around 35 minutes per area that it's performed on. It's not that bad people! Why must you people repeated insist on everythng being short, consise and so to the rules. Please, this isn't Eisner's kingdom of anti-Disney. Take a chill pill and comment reasonably. *stops venting and steps off soap box*. - The WeirdOne :D

Wannabe Walt

New Member
I am going to have to agree with WierdOne on this. Sorry guys he has just proven his point. The MSEP and alot of the other parades are or have been at least 30 mintues. So this one can be just the same. I like all of the ideas he as posted for it so far! Keep up the good work WierdOne!:D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok... it was just a though. No need to get mad. Just a little constructive critisism. The missing piece in this is how large are these floats? If they are many smaller floats I see no problem with it, but twenty big floats is just too large. I also really recogmend having no duplicate characters. It really takes away from the magic and is a tad cheesy. Please rethink it. Also, there's been no mention of the amount of performers for the show. For a dayttime parade, usually between 100-125 is about as high as it goes. I hope it's not over that amount.

Also, please be nice. I'm just trying to help and didn't say any irresponsible comments as you said. Maybe I'm not the one here that needs the "Chill Pill".


New Member
Okay, I will chill, it's just I hate it when people look at a script, don't read it and automatically say its long, or say its long just because of all the writing inside.

Second, I like constructive critism, but not when it's relaly irrelevant considering there's no though put into it (not saying yours didn't have thought).

Now, to the real material. There are mostly smaller floats in this section. The big ones are the Steamboat, the house one and probably the train. As for performers, I know many people in WDI and can tell you, most parades have between 150 to an excess of 250 (TDL recnt parade). I'll need around 200. LOLOL! The way I have this parade, it's what I'll need, but, when I think about it, a little less than 200 seems right.

Now, on duplicate characters, if you notice, only several floats have them and they're essential to the story. Now, I can space the floats enough so you get the effect that Mickey is evolving through the years. A parade is not tacky because it repeats characters, it just makes it harder to perform and all the more creative.

I'll try to be nicer, it's just I have a really short temper and strong leanings toward one side of an issue. PLus, I'm very frustrated with stuff and so I'm easily swung. Again, I appologize, plus, what's a project without some conflict ;). - The WeirdOne :D
Well, I can see both sides of the "multi-character debate"

And as long as they are spaced out far enough and have different costumes on, I think there won't really be a problem

Keep up the good work WierdOne :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Here's a concept for the nighttime parade. Hope you like it:

As the lights dim, a nairrator begins with a "Once Upon A Time" type spiel about dreams comming true. As the music starts, a giant closed storybook. The book slowly opens as the float continues down the route to reviel the Parade's Title. Behind the book are a number of other books prooped up against eachother or lying on their sides where Minnie, Goofy, Donald, and Pluto wave to the crowds. After the book float, a group of walking brooms carrying water buckets march down the street in front of a float where Mickey stands on a giant mountain as the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Behind him is a giant storybook that has a picture of the Sorcerer's workshop. As Mickey raises his hands, his hat lights up and the entire float sparkles with fiber optics.

The Little Mermaid unit comes next with a float that resembles King Triton's palace. Around the Castle, a variety of illuminated figures of fish and an animatronic Sabastian directing the band in the theater inside the Castle. Around the float, girls in illuminated water-inspired costumes. The next float features Ariel in her Grotto Ariel sits atop the float with her treasures on the human world around her. At the float's bottom, Flounder bobs up and down as he makes his way around the float. at the end of the float is a giant waterfall that seculdes the grotto from the outside world.

The water theme of the Little Mermaid segues into Peter Pan. The first float features Captain Hook's ship jetting out from a giant storybook on a wave. Onboard are Hook, Smee, and a couple of pirates shooting cannons. Behind the float sit a couple of pixies sitting on stars. The floats move indivicually like the bugs in the MSEP. Behind them is a float that resembles the London skyline, complete with the Tower Bridge and Parliment Building (aka Big Ben). In the ceneter is a large dome where Tinker Bell sits inside. Peter Pan and Wendy stand on a rooftop on the front of the float. As Tink moves, the float begins to sparkel with fiber optic pixie dust.

The theme switches to the Jungle with a storybook in which Rafiki's tree emerges. Rafiki stands on a ledge on the float holding his walking stick speaking to the crowds. Individual jungle animal floats and performers in styalized African costumes, as well as Baloo, King Louie, and Terk, walk and roll along the route. Behind them is a float based on the "Just Can't Wait To Be King" segment. Simba sits on the float surounded my more illuminated jungle animals.

The stories of the Arabian Nights plays out next as the Cave of Wonders emerges from the giant storybook, complete with . The float is followed by a float based on the insides of the Cave in which Genine is performing "Friend Like Me". Aladdin stands by holding Abu while a variety of dancing Harem girls, elephants, and camels surround the float and perform along the route.

An Illuminated Fantsy Castle emerges from the next storybook, complete with a courtyard and fountain. Cinderella's Mice friends Suzy and Perla in grand ball gowns wave from this float. Behind them is a grand domed ballroom where Belle and the Beast, Cinderella and Prince Charming, and Snow White dand her Prince dance. A number of other court dancers also dance around the float. Behind then march the seven dwarfs.

The last float is a long float with a variety of opened storybooks. Each book shows a different character seen earlier in the parade. As the parade goes by, the storybok changes and shows the characters dream coming true (Ariel becomes a human, Peter Pan and Wendy fly to Neverland, Simba becomes King, etc.). At the end of the float stands a giant Blue Fairy with a sparkeling costums of lights. Pinocchio, Winnie the Pooh, Chip and Dale, Alice, Mary Poppins, and a variety of other characters march along side the float.

That's a rough outline, but hopefully it should give you some idea. I think some of the scenes should probably be rearanged and some changes probably should be made, but I thought I would post it to see what you all think. Thanks in advance.


New Member
Sounds okay to me, it's really missing pizazz in my opinion and real show. I think you should definately add some sections like Hunchback, Alice, etc and then expand on each section and add a stop mode to tell a storyline with a dream coming true and Tinkerbell flys down Main Street (pyro) and then the whole area lights up (ALA Light Magic) signifying dreams come true and since this parade presumably spans the whole route like MSEP or Fantillusion!, we can decorate the rotue with fiber optics and have one show stop for everyone and it'll be over. Just my suggestion. Take anything you wish, just constructive suggestions. - The WeirdOne :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WeirdOne
Sounds okay to me, it's really missing pizazz in my opinion and real show. I think you should definately add some sections like Hunchback, Alice, etc and then expand on each section and add a stop mode to tell a storyline with a dream coming true and Tinkerbell flys down Main Street (pyro) and then the whole area lights up (ALA Light Magic) signifying dreams come true and since this parade presumably spans the whole route like MSEP or Fantillusion!, we can decorate the rotue with fiber optics and have one show stop for everyone and it'll be over. Just my suggestion. Take anything you wish, just constructive suggestions. - The WeirdOne :D

Thanks. I agree some sort of special effects on the streets would be good, some sort of fiber optics built into the buildings. The floats do stop and perform like I mentioned in an earlier post and do a transformation. I'm going to leave off Alice because it clashes with the theme. Alice doesn't really have a dream come true (it's sort of a nightmare when you think about it). And I think any Hunchback segment would clash with the segment from Blazin Rythms.

As for the pizazz, it's there, but it's hard to explain in this form. I'll try to work out a script that might be able to explain it beter.
Seems pretty good, but I would focus more on the Storybook theme other places where you don't just come off to similar to MESP or Spectro, not that that's bad, but personally I would like it to be different


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by FigmentDream
Seems pretty good, but I would focus more on the Storybook theme other places where you don't just come off to similar to MESP or Spectro, not that that's bad, but personally I would like it to be different

I think I see what you mean. I think I'll work the storybook theme into all of the floats with each scene popping out of a storybook, some of the books standing up and some lying on their side. I think also a couple of floats that are just closed storybooks stacked up on top of eachother between the units would work as well to kind of introduce the next story. As for you liking to see it be different, I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean different from Spectro or MSEP or different from the version I said? What kind of things would you change? Just curious since I don't quite comprehend what exactly you think is missing.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Ooh, Meeko, I really like your idea!:D Maybe a different order and a couple more floats would make it perfect.

Weird One, I kind of think that there shouldn't be multi characters on each float. Tourists are eventually going look at the other floats to see what's going on and see another Mickey. They will say among them selves "Mickey cloned :lol:" Tourists won't expect a story out of a parade and they probably won't follow it. Parades really don't need stories. They're pure spectacle. I kind of like your idea, but not the multi Mickey thing.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Well, as we continue the parade debate, we need to decide on the new land that we're going to have. I vote on "Laclede's Landing" It could take place when settlers first settled in St. Louis along the Mississippi. I'm not sure, but we still have other ideas on what to put.


New Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
Tourists won't expect a story out of a parade and they probably won't follow it. Parades really don't need stories. They're pure spectacle. I kind of like your idea, but not the multi Mickey thing.

You're 100% wrong here in every aspect. Every parade has a stroy, every restaurant and shop and ride has a story. Everything at Disney has a story (except DCA mostly). SpectroMagic!, Fantillusion!, Share A Dream Come True, and even Mickey Mania! had stories. Please don't ever say that again as it completely goes against WDI's principles and it not Disney. This parade does have a story and this is only Act 1 of 3.

Second, about the multi-characters, it works if you've been reading what I wrote. I said the floats would be evenly spaced enough to where the guests won't see two Mickeys or other characters at the same time, but you'll still be able to experience the show. Plus, I could change out some characters in the beginning now that I look at it, just to be able to keep Mickey on some other floats. - The WeirdOne :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Concerning the multiple characters in the parade, let my two cents in. To the children who are watching this parade, the characters are real. To them, Mickey and Minnie are just as real as you or I am. Therefore, they would get very confused if Mickey was on the float at the begining of the parade and then wind up in the middle or the end. If you look at any other Disney parade, you'll find it's just not done in order to reduce such confusion. Mickey could easily be dipicted in multiple floats through the use of statues, figures, murals, or other themes, but it would be for the best if the character appeared only once per parade. Also, you may want to add in different characters to the areas where you had multiple Mickeys or Minnie and have Horase Horsecollar, Clarabell Cow, Clara Cluck, ect. be on the float insteed of Mickey and Minnie. (And also, the costume they created for Pete is never used in the parks; from what I've heard, it apparently isn't a very attractive costume, so you might want to leave him out). I really do like what I've seen of the parade thus far, but I do feel very strongly in having only one of each character in the parade from begining to end.

As for the night parade, I think it does need another unit. I'm trying to think of a good film that could work with a "Dreams Come True" theme. I was thinking maybe Dumbo, but it might 1) seem too much like MSEP and 2) it would be difficult to portray his dream of flying comming true. I aslo would like it to be an classic film and not a more contemporary one (ie- no Hunchback, Hercules, Mulan, ect.) Any thoughts?

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